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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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why did the french president change his mind about sending a contingent to ukraine? why is the german opposition demanding the resignation of the minister of defense after the leak of negotiations. early voting for the presidential election has begun in the northern military district zone. how the process is going in hard-to-reach areas throughout russia. domestic companies are changing their registration from foreign to russian. who else is leaving? cyprus for russian island? when the bus arrives, how long will the journey take? mentrans glanas launched a unified monitoring platform throughout the country. severe natural fires in primorye, their area has grown one and a half times in hundreds of hundreds, almost 7,500 hectares are on fire. experts say the geography and density of fires is abnormal for the beginning of spring. in large cities
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, including in you, the fire reached residential buildings here, two buildings burned down, this is an uninhabited barracks and a two-story residential building on the ashes of which we are now, fortunately, people live here only in warm weather, in the summer, mainly in it's mainly summer time of the year, so there was no one inside the house, no one was hurt, the neighbors say that yesterday there was very strong wind, fire, the hills descended , literally in a matter of minutes, the wall of fire was 2-3 meters high, according to...
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a strong fire raged near andreevka - this is a neighboring settlement, the streets of the village were dragged by thick smoke on local social networks residents posted dozens of action videos of how the grass and vegetation were burning very badly, literally next to their houses, now the situation in the south of the region has stabilized, the consequences of fires near populated areas have been extinguished, there are literally several thermal points near the southernmost settlement of khasan, but everything is under control, now specialists are in the process of extinguishing, let me remind you that in the south of primorye they introduced a special fire regime, they strengthened groups of firefighters here, transferring here specialists from other regions of the region to join them in extinguishing the fires. now about 300 specialists are working here, they brought in special equipment, bulldozers, they are laying special strips so that the fire in the future does not come close to houses, also on the instructions of the governor of the primorsky territory oleg nikolaevich kazhimyak, these days rescuers are not leaving dangerous places, they spend the night.
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here, so that if the fire intensifies , the situation will become complicated, and we can start extinguishing it at any time of the day or night. also, according to the press service of the ministry of emergency situations, a group of unmanned aerial vehicles is working in the khatansky district, monitoring from the air. i note that yesterday from - due to strong winds, the fire spread across a highway on the territory of the land-leopard national park, a small area was damaged, but specialists quickly localized and extinguished the fire, so fortunately... there is no threat our red book cats do not, by this hour i have all the information, thank you, the situation in primorye, where they are fighting natural fires, was told by our correspondent, victoria shandybina, over the phone. in the severodonetsk direction, the crew of russian helicopters hit new enemy targets. our pilots received coordinates from the ground and set out on a combat course, operating as a group, which included k-52 attack aircraft and a transport and combat mitri.
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the forward air controller on the ground confirmed that the targets had been destroyed. immediately after this the helicopters took the opposite course. and after receiving the combat mission, the crews from... the group took off at the appointed time , formed a battle formation and flew to the combat mission area, all targets were hit and destroyed, which contributed to the support of our ground forces. in the belgorod region, thousands of residents became volunteers to help fighters in the special operation zone. people do everything they can with their own hands, for example, weave and send camouflage nets that will save the lives of military personnel. our special correspondent.
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is preparing material for the production of camouflage nets, the snow is melting from the fields, so when making shelters the craftswoman tries to use not only white color, they also use fabrics of yellow, brown and black shades, when using the nets they should blend in with the terrain, i want to do good for our soldiers , who protect ours, who in such difficult times, especially since my grandson is also there, but he serves in the army, such sewing shops have opened in all populated areas... in the region bordering ukraine thousands of residents of the belgorod region joined the ranks of volunteers, for everyone such work is a contribution to the cause of victory, since the belgorod region, unfortunately, is very much under fire, we rallied among ourselves and pass on knowledge
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to each other, someone learned something new , they taught us, we learned ourselves, we passed this knowledge on to others, ukrainian militants shell the region almost every day, hitting civilians from... close to combat positions, camouflage nets are very effective, they help hide equipment from enemy drones, this is sanitary machine, it is ready to work 24 hours a day, for example, such a shelter can be made in just half an hour, volunteers also organized the production of trench candles,
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they can be used for heating and lighting, in addition, you can heat up lunch on it, volunteers say they asked to the front, but because of their age they are not taken there, i believe that this candle... is regularly given to soldiers on the front line. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, conduct the belgorod region. the uk calls on germany to transfer long-range taurus missiles to kiev, despite... a leak of a conversation between german officers - writes the british newspaper guardian, citing official representatives. meanwhile, in germany itself, the opposition is calling for the resignation of the defense minister, and france has changed its mind about sending a contingent to ukraine. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. from
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bundeswehr officers to the defense minister, the german opposition has made new demands, calling for boris pistorius to be fired and for chancellor olaf scholz to call an urgent meeting of the parliamentary defense committee. scandal after publication. and allies alliance, and for good reason, the british authorities call the incompetence of their german colleagues just the tip of the iceberg, what is even more worrying is that russia has identified germany as the weakest link in the north atlantic alliance, and chancellors forg olaf and scholz as a useful idiot, they can be right, given the position scholz and his party take on this. question , scholz once again stated that he is not going to provide long-range missiles out of fear that the ukrainian armed forces will try to attack the crimean bridge with them, and now to german deputies, such a solution seems adequate, because in the event of a terrorist attack , the officers’ conversation made public will cease to be just one of the possible scenarios.
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meanwhile, the american press doubts that the taurus will have any impact on the position of the ukrainian troops. the new york times notes that even american f-16 fighters are unlikely to provide a military advantage. the head of the singapore ministry of defense previously reported that washington is using other f-35 fighters to search for air defense systems of russian troops. in the pentagon denied this information; the white house habitually accused russia of causing discord between the allies due to information leaks. this is a blatant attempt by the russians to sow discord and try to create the impression that the west is not united. heck, even the german government isn't united in what they're doing, but we're not going to, we're not going to just bow down to this brat. this is what the russians want. and all this against the backdrop of a scandal in the states themselves. us national guard soldier jack teixeira published secret documents in a discord with february 2022, considering the conflict in ukraine depressing. now he admits guilt. he faces 16 years in prison for violating
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us national security. and under general pressure, emmanuel macron gave in. western countries did not support the idea of ​​the french president to send military forces to ukraine. and he abandoned his loud statements. support for ukraine, especially on ukrainian territory. meanwhile, nato troops are conducting training battles with armored vehicles at a training ground in poland. even the fact that she’s like this doesn’t stop them activity, as the press notes, further weakens european security and creates additional risks. this flexing of muscles does not affect russia in any way; here they are busy fulfilling the assigned tasks. american military experts paid attention to our hypersonic missile. they say russian gliders have become more accurate and are now much more difficult to intercept. victoria koroleva, vesti. the brix countries will strive to create an independent payment system
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based on digital currencies and blockchain. about this in presidential aide yuri ushakov told tasce in an interview. he noted: russia, within the framework of the unification, will look for ways for uninterrupted economic cooperation despite western sanctions. we are talking, among other things, about the development of mutual trade and investment, as well as strengthening strategic partnerships in innovation in the field of technology and the social sphere. this year, russia is presiding over brix, more than 200 events will be held over the year, new applications have been received from countries to join, but talk about a second wave of expansion, ushakov said, is still early. the presidential aide emphasized that brix does not plan to conduct military exercises or develop military-technical cooperation. at the same time, information exchange has been established to neutralize threats. donald trump won the republican vote in north dakota. he received support.
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supported trump ruled that a particular state does not have the right to remove a politician from elections.
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residents of hard-to-reach areas throughout the country, the northernmost territory of the land of afran joseph, vote early, their choice 100% of voters have already done so. in chukotka , election commission employees fly by helicopter to the most remote points where reindeer herders live and work, and mobile sites are deployed right in the snow near the camps. members of election commissions have to travel to remote places in the irkutsk region using hovercraft, so in one of the villages where 42 people live, a polling station was opened in the library; voting at home is organized for citizens who cannot come in person. economic news now, maria joins me filippova. masha, good morning, a list of economic conditions has been approved in russia. significant organizations, what does this give the company? roman, good morning, this is also an opportunity
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to bypass sanctions, i’ll tell you in more detail now. the first six russian companies are included in the list of economically significant organizations. the government order is posted on the official website for the publication of legal acts. the list includes legal entities associated with alfabank, alfastrakhovanie, the x5 and azbuka vkusa networks, and the fertilizer manufacturer okron. it also includes mining razrez arshanovsky company. scroll. economically significant organizations was created so that their beneficiaries, through the court, could receive shares in direct ownership, bypassing foreign structures; in other words, this is an effective way to combat sanctions, and companies from this list may not disclose data on their activities. the european union will refuse the transit of russian gas through ukraine from next year, said european commissioner for energy kadri simpson. according to her, options for storing fuel in ukraine are being discussed, but not for supplies through. some european officials, although they dream of completely abandoning russian gas, admit that this is not so easy to do,
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including lng. of course, the most effective method to get rid of russian gas would be to extend sanctions to lng supplies of all pipeline gas from russia, but so far there is no unanimous support for this from the heads of eu states, so the ministers cannot yet discuss this option, but the european commission has already developed it. career on anti-russian statements. by according to the magazine politics, european purchases of liquefied natural gas from russia have only increased since 2022, by as much as 40%. the european union and the united states will become competitors if they decide to ban the import of russian aluminum, reuters warns, because then a real race will begin for this metal produced in the middle east, which
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will provoke inflation for western companies in the transport packaging and construction industries, as well. leads to a global rise in prices, as was the case in 2018, when the us imposed sanctions against rusal. according to preliminary estimates , the abandonment of russian aluminum will lead to a deficit in europe of 500,000 tons. this is unlikely to be quickly compensated for by products by reorienting to the middle eastern market. the european union has been discussing a possible ban on russian aluminum for several months. the recent thirteenth package of sanctions did not affect this sector, but the next package there is already on the horizon. they may well try to turn it on. the arbitration court of the moscow district approved the recovery from airbus more than 5 million rubles. in favor of a subsidiary of rostec. this follows from the authority file. aviacapital service filed a claim back in december of twenty-two. the company transferred funds to a european aircraft manufacturer to pay for future deliveries of seventeen aircraft. however, airbus
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did not fulfill its obligations and appropriated the advance payment under the pretext of sanctions. last may. the court sided with rostec's daughter and prohibited the dispute from being considered abroad. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 35 kopecks. euro 99 rub. 10 kopecks novel. masha, thank you. we continue. when will the bus arrive, how long will the journey take and what is the traffic situation? the ministry of transport and glanas have launched a unified state platform for transport monitoring. now online services that were available only to residents. megacities will be able to be used by passengers throughout russia. the topic will be continued by sofya sergieva. spring has arrived, and with it the rise of cloud technologies. the ministry of transport and the joint stock company glonas launched a unified state digital platform for transport monitoring, thanks to which planning your travel throughout the country will soon become easier and faster.
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see how long it will take for the bus to arrive, assess the situation on the roads and understand how long the journey will take. and all this with... using telephones, now passengers in all settlements of russia will be able to use online services available only to residents of large cities. the platform will be localized on statetech in accordance with the government decision, which means that its creation will be free for subjects. we we will localize the development that exists, then we will replicate it for all subjects, that is , there will be no more additional expenses that would be included in the fare. of course, that’s not why you downloaded it. you don’t have to pay, it’s affordable, i drive myself, i’m also a driver, well, it shows traffic jams, it saves time, it’s time oriented , everyone benefits from this initiative, carriers and passengers, regions and states, increasing the efficiency of transport management will reduce logistics costs, saving regions up to 4 billion rubles, but the main thing is ensure the safety of citizens and
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save more lives in critical situations. ambulance management systems are being implemented throughout the country . centralized dispatch services are being created in all regions, information from ambulances is transferred to the information system, and the dispatcher sees on the screen where the ambulance is and how long it takes to get to the patient. very soon , electric scooters will return to the streets and those who want to ride with the breeze, often without knowing the rules. according to the ministry of internal affairs for the last 3 years number of accidents involving electric scooters and hoverboards. the number of electric mopeds has increased sevenfold; to reduce the accident rate , zones with safe speed limits will appear in all populated areas of russia, upon entry into which scooters, as in large cities, will automatically slow down. joint-stock company glanas has already tested a smart algorithm on cargo, unmanned helicopters and agricultural drones. the plans include taxis, car sharing, sea vessels and civilian drones.
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testion is allowed by geography, and a clearly planned route, practically or how does the carlin system weigh? now, in order to operate a drone, where it can be operated, it is necessary to agree on a route assignment, a flight assignment, a monitoring system, it will naturally make sure that the drone adhered to the agreed route assignment and did not fly into any restricted areas. in short, the launch of the project was successful, by the end of the year the smart system will be introduced in five regions, and in the next twenty. sofia sergieva, alek sakalchuk, alexander kutataladze. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr , i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, the great people, great russia, don’t
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lie and don’t be afraid, shirinovsky or it will be worse, get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky and the ldpr fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for the ldpr. vote for slutsky. today on the london stock exchange oil prices rose by 3%. inflation is higher than ever. the market will regulate everything itself. we will turn off this chatter forever. we played at capitalism and that's enough. behind nikolai kharitonov. for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be
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happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. now sports news, in the studio alexander abramov, sash, spartak quincy striker
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promes, close to returning to russia. roman, good morning, yes, it is expected that today the promes will have a trial in dubai, most likely the dutchman will pay the fine and will be able to leave the country. let's start with hockey, yaroslavl lokomotiv took the lead in the first round series of the gagarin cup playoffs against cska moscow. in the third match of the series, lokomotiv scored twice within a few minutes in the second period, daniil bud and georgy ivanov scored. 2:0 in such a game seemed like a comfortable advantage, but cska managed to get out of a difficult situation. team sergei fedorov played two goals, pavel kornoukhov and mikhail grigorenko scored in the third period. the result is 2:2. for the first time, this series went into overtime, which did not last long. lokomotiv needed just under 6 minutes to score the winning goal. the fourth match between these rivals will take place in moscow tomorrow. in other matches
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yesterday, tractor beat silovat yulaev on its own ice and took the lead in the series. the main sensation of the first round of the playoffs is currently unfolding in a pair of motorists akbars. the day before, the ekaterinburg team took the third match of the series 3:0, with only one victory left before advancing to the next round. dynamo moscow beat minsk again, the teams are now moving to the capital of belarus for two games, and spartak staged a scoring frenzy in cherepavets. the red and whites beat severstal 7:3 and also took the lead in the series. washington forward evgeny kuzentsov will soon play in the washington farm club in the hershey bears team, which plays in the american hockey league. today kuzentsov will hold his first training. let me remind you that the russian has not appeared on the ice since january 27. since the beginning of february, he has been undergoing a psychological assistance program for hockey players. at the end of last week, washington placed kuzentsov in the so-called waiver draft, but not a single nhl team
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wanted to take the russian. according to the head coach of washington, the club continues to consider other options, including a trade for kuznetsov, the deadline is friday. in the meantime, the russian was relegated to the minor league by farmclub. the story of vince promes not leaving the united arab emirates for russia is close. to my completion. according to insiders, it is expected that today quinte promenes will appear before the uea court on the case of fleeing the scene of an accident; instead of any prison term, the spartak striker will most likely pay a large fine. after this, the dutchman will be able to leave the country and fly to russia. quinte promes should return to spartak's location in the very near future. the russian premier league returned last weekend after an almost three-month winter break. matches of the nineteenth round took place on our channel, the russian football program also resumed the day before. the first guest after the winter break was the former head coach of the russian national team stanislav cherchesov.
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chesov also expressed his opinion on the situation with quincy promes. for me , it would be better if there was a specific, calm answer, which , in my opinion, would suit everyone correctly, in my understanding that there are trials that should not reach the end, in the end we will understand what it is, in the end we cannot cancel some court that added something or did not order something, there is presumption of innocence, in my understanding, today he is not guilty, because... the appeal has not yet been completed , that’s it, i would say this, because experience tells us, we know so much history that sometimes we convicted a person who was later acquitted, so here, novel, that’s all about sports for now, alexander, thank you, we continue, well, now a message from telegram channels, the glushkova railway station in the kursk region was shelled from ukraine, a fire occurred, the governor reports about this in his telegram channel region roman starovoyd, according to his data
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there were nine. arrivals, the fire has now been extinguished , there are no casualties, but power lines are damaged , the glushkovaya station and the village of kulbaki are left without power supply, as the governor writes, as soon as it is safe, emergency crews will begin restoration. flowers, money and fire, deadly fireman. in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20 , 2022, the flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, i heard calls for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out , the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed by fire, seven people were trapped and burned alive, everything was burned, well, even the bones, there was nothing
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to know there, which means...
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mobile voting point, pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile unit that will come to places where there is no polling station
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and rarely goes. news mid-hour short: forest fires are engulfing primorye, the area has grown one and a half times in a day, exceeding 7. in some in some places the fire came close to houses. experts call this intensity of fires abnormal. in germany, they demanded the resignation of the head of the ministry of defense, pistorius; the relevant bundestag committee believes that the minister is guilty of leaking secret negotiations.


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