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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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russia has strengthened its troop concentrations in the west and north-west amid nato's military build-up and alliance expansion. sergei shaigu announced this today at a conference call at the ministry of defense. according to the minister, the creation of new military districts will significantly increase the efficiency of command and control.
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branch of russia. the corresponding territories are reserved for the military districts, including new regions of the country. the measures taken will significantly increase the efficiency of command and control of troops and forces. continues to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, commensurate with emerging threats to the military security of the russian federation. sergei shaigu also spoke about the progress of the special military operation. according to him, after the capture
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of avdeevka, russian troops did not allow the ukrainian armed forces to gain a foothold on a new line and are conducting further offensives. after the flight of ukrainian militants from the avdeya defense center, the russian group of troops did not allow them to gain a foothold on the petrovskaya lastochka line to the north and continues to push the enemy in a westerly direction. our military personnel demonstrate courage, bravery and heroism. successfully decides. special attention was paid to aviation at the meeting. sergei shaigu noted that thanks to repairs and modernization, the service life of the an-124 ruslan aircraft will more than double. in addition, it is planned to establish serial production of engines for ruslans by the end of the twenty-seventh year. the minister of defense also spoke about projects for new aircraft. making it easy. military transport
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aircraft ill-212 with a pd-8 turbojet engine. these machines will replace the outdated an-26 and an-72 fleet. the new transport aircraft will be distinguished by increased payload capacity and flight range, ease of refueling and maintenance. in addition, it will be able to use unpaved, unequipped runways, as well. operated in arctic latitudes. the united construction corporation has already begun developing a technical design for the aircraft. production of the prototype is scheduled for the end of 2026. berlin is strengthening confidentiality measures after intercepting a military conversation in which plans to attack the crimean bridge were discussed. some of the officers involved will be investigated. at the same time, the minister of defense. in germany, boris pistorius ruled out
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the possibility of hacking from outside. according to him, most of the information was already available to the public. the cause of the leak, according to the minister, was an error by one of the military while using technical means. the reason why an air force call could still be recorded was due to an individual error in the application. not all participants followed the prescribed safe procedure. another leak was recorded in the kiev metro, this time it was unlucky for the vydubychi station, the green line, water drips from the ceiling, flows along the walls, destroying the finish and plaster, the metro explained this as a water supply failure. near the station, this is not the first emergency
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in the kiev metro, the infrastructure of which is falling into disrepair, the metro station is regularly flooded, at the end of last year due to depressurization... a new road bridge across the volkhov river was opened in leningrad region, construction took place within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, completed 2 years earlier than planned. dmitry akimov will tell you more. a rare opportunity to walk so quickly like this. along the automobile part of the new bridge, which connects the city of kirishi with other regional and federal highways. four concrete supports rise 13.5 m out of the water and go almost 40 m deep. the supports were specially designed
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at the same level as the old ones so as not to interfere with navigation. the builders thought about comfort residents of the city of kirishi. the bridge crosses the wolf river. there is a city beach below, so that the noise of the road does not interfere with people’s rest, in the summer, special protective screens were installed near the river here, we have been waiting for it for 30 years , you see, it is very necessary, well, one bridge, of course, such intense traffic, it’s even more the old, old bridge was built back in the sixties of the last century without repairs it would have become unsafe, so they tried to start traffic in a new way as... as quickly as possible and in the end the builders coped with the task with 2 years ahead of schedule. of course, this would not have happened if not for the support of the federal budget, not for the personal order of vladimirovich putin, our president, because the 1.5 km bridge costs 4.7 billion rubles.
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3.3 billion was allocated by the government of the russian federation, the ministry of transport, rosavtodor and 1.4 billion by the government of the leningrad region. well, there are no plans to dismantle the old bridge; in the near future it will be closed for reconstruction in order to allow traffic to cross it again in a few years. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, lead leningrad region. employees of the russian guard detained drone operators in st. petersburg who were filming the avtovo thermal power plant. the press service of the department reports this. suspicious persons were noticed by company employees who
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used the alarm. as it turned out, these people arrived by taxi. they did not have permission to film. three people, including a taxi driver, were detained by the russian guard to... understand the circumstances. women from different regions of the country gathered at vdnkh to share their success and experience in a variety of areas. these are science and education, healthcare, ecology and industry, social and cultural spheres. a lot of attention is paid to family values. the all-russian women's forum is taking place in moscow today. works there. our correspondent, anna voronina, she is in direct contact with us again, anna, hello, once again, what is happening on the forum now. hello, colleagues, but if you are listening now, then the forum is really fun, at the next stand next to me, they are handing out
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flowers, and apparently some kind of edible, very to be honest, i want to run over there and have something to eat, it’s very noisy here, there’s fun, there’s dancing. culture, one cannot fail to mention mercy, compassion, responsiveness; this is what has always distinguished russian women. today, these deep-seated qualities are more important than ever to support participants in a special military
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operation. we also have women with us who send packages, warm clothes, and sewn camouflage nets to the guys at the front. with our own hands, we are proud of you, low bow to you, you are the real soul of russia, with such a rear, our fighters can handle anything. well, today at the exhibition special attention is still paid to women who preserve traditions in their regions and continue to develop them. here i am now at the stand of the odegea republic next to angela. angela, please tell me what traditions you preserve in your region? well, in this case, i am doing basonic weaving, one of the types of gold embroidery, and i represent basonic weaving, like this.
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teach girls, several people, she taught it, and i really liked it, and i started doing it, but why, why did you need this golden weaving, what did it represent, what did it characterize? and before, adykh’s golden weaving, these little knots of happiness, one might say, they had a sacred meaning for the owner who wears them, and they symbolized wealth.
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we look carefully, peer into our history, into our national way of life, into our right to comprehend it all, feeling like a single space of a union state from brest to vladivostok. bilateral agreements were also established here, a number of bilateral agreements were signed, and sister-city relations were also established between the volkyssky district of belarus and the vyazimsky district of the smolensk region. colleagues, thank you, anna,
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our correspondent anna voronina is following the work of the all-russian women’s forum in moscow. the government has approved a list of economically significant russian companies in which the rights of foreign owners should be limited. the list included, in particular , x5 retail group and five other large ones. which includes the perekrestok and pyaterochka chains, the city supermarket,
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abc of taste, which manages hypermarkets, ab holding, which owns alphabank, uns holding is the beneficiary of alpha insurance, as well as the mineral fertilizer manufacturer akron group and the coal mining company razrez arshanovsky. all these organizations have foreign participation; now the state will be able to file lawsuits to suspend the rights of foreign shareholders. now, due to the fact that we are actively introducing new and new packages of sanctions against russia, and accordingly, the presence of foreign capital in our companies leads to the fact that, accordingly , large companies that operate in russia may be influenced; it may be that the company makes some decision on the development of its activities, on trade, but despite the fact that there are foreigners. in the general meeting of shareholders, but accordingly they can, for example, challenge these decisions.
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thus, the government is going to limit foreign influence on russian companies that are important for the economy and return them to control. previously in their work problems have repeatedly arisen due to sanctions. foreign registration interfered with the payment of dividends and slowed down the process of transition to russian jurisdiction. now foreigners will lose the right to vote at shareholder meetings, receive dividends and dispose of shares. at the same time, the list of economically significant companies may be supplemented in the future. in order to be included in it, you must have a revenue indicator of more than 75 billion rubles or a volume of assets exceeding. 50 billion. operate in a critical industry. and in addition, the share of participation of russian beneficiaries through foreign holdings must exceed 50%. more than two dozen companies meet these criteria, in particular rusagra, ocean, azon and head hunter. the first criterion concerns finance, that is, the volume of revenue must be over 75 billion
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rubles or the volume of assets must exceed 150 billion rubles. secondly, of course, they must relate to critical areas and industries, that is, things that directly affect national security issues. according to the law , foreign holdings whose rights in russian companies will be suspended, will offer a choice of two options: either demand compensation in the amount of the market value of undistributed assets, or wait for the return of their rights, which in turn may drag on indefinitely. the process of defrosting... it can last for a very long indefinite period, so it seems to me that they will still think and think in terms of what is better to get blue in your hands, because apparently, in the near future the issue of defrosting is unlikely for they will be resolved, it is noted that the measures taken
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government serve as a response to unfriendly actions against russian assets abroad, to date the amount of funds frozen for... candidates in the presidential elections. russia today hosted a round table of the expert institute for social research, its topic was analysis of programs . here's what the experts said about representatives of the ldpr, new people and the communist party of the russian federation. among the significant
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sections, naturally, are people’s money in various forms, taxes for... the poor, abolishing, controlling food prices, large families to support, to protect the russian world , and to support small businesses, and a fairly classic set of initiatives that generally works for the ldpr, although there is not always an answer to where the money will come from for all this, in the program of new people who even keep the word new in the title, yes it’s all about the future, everything about youth, i’ll say more, when i was figuring out who actually wrote the program, i was surprised to learn that many... the authors of the program of these 170 points are under 30 years old. i didn't see the word youth. i didn't see the words "future". the whole pathos of the program is that we must return to the soviet union, it was ideal - to socialism, to abolish capitalist society.
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a ukrainian citizen was detained in lugansk for financing the terrorist organization azo, banned in russia. according to investigators, last year the man made at least eight money transfers using a mobile platform, a criminal case has been opened, and the investigation will petition the court to take him into custody. we are detainees. investigative the authorities of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the lugansk people's republic have initiated a criminal case against a citizen of ukraine. he is suspected of financing terrorism. correctly knows that the ukrainian paramilitary nationalist association azov is recognized as terrorist, and its activities are prohibited on the territory of the russian federation from february to november 2023, at least eight transfers of funds were made using the mobile platform by a member of this organization.
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contract servicemen receive regional support measures. combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract. our country, our president, our choice on march 15, 16, 17, we vote for our president. in the 2000s, i built my first enterprise with a love for
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people and a reliance on technology, and today the whole country needs modernization. russia must become a leader in robotization and artificial intelligence. only new people can do this. we know how to build the economy of the future for people. it’s time for new, now it’s time for economic news: the price of sberbank shares for the first time in 2 years exceeded 300 rubles per share, over the year their price has already increased by 75%. now the quotes are being pushed up by ifrs reporting. in the twenty-third year, the bank earned a record net profit of more than one and a half trillion rubles. it is reported that there are already several shares of sberbank.
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the next positions in the ranking are also occupied by chinese brands; the top 10 is completed by japanese toyota. and india maintained the volume of purchases of russian oil. this year the republic. receives up to 1,400 thousand barrels per day, this is comparable to last year’s supplies, tas said in the indian ministry of petroleum and natural gas. our country accounts for
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about a quarter of all indian oil imports. at the same time , the department called the information about a decrease in the volume of supplies from russia unreliable. it was economic news. short. a record-breakingly expensive pre-wedding party took place in india. 2 days before... the start of the holiday, the couple hosted a dinner for 50 thousands of villagers near the event, well, the party itself was attended by more than a thousand guests, including mark zuckerberg, bill gates and ivanka trump. well, rihanna and beyoncé, the newlywed heirs of indian billionaires themselves, also sang for them. our correspondent evgeniy davidov will tell you the details. in perhaps the most expensive pre-wedding party of the year, india's richest man, force number nine, marries his son to the daughter of a pharmaceutical company owner. the newlyweds will officially enter into
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the wedding was only in the summer, but at the very beginning of spring they decided to organize a magnificent celebration, to which 1,200 guests were invited. the event takes place in the state of gujarat, among those who were honored to attend the wedding of the year for 3 days, celebrity guests: bill gates, mark zuckerberg, ivanka trump and hillary clinton. ariana performed on stage all around. the reward is about $7 million. for the concert, the singer chose a bright green translucent dress, a little reminiscent of a sari. riana wore a cape with a hood on top, but during active dancing took it off. the next day , the star appeared in a new image, reminiscent of the previous one, but this time the fabric was not so transparent. the event lasts 3 days, each of them is dedicated to their own. guests could change several outfits. on the first day they were treated to a cocktail party dressed in european style. on the second day, the guests went on an excursion to the reserve, where animals affected by poaching live.
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in the evening, a grand feast was organized with cuisine from all over the world. on the third day the guests dressed in costumes in the national indian style; it was on this day that the stars appeared in the most unusual, bright images. mark zuckerberg and his wife were most surprised by their images on the day when. cattle meant luxurious style, the american media mogul wore a black suit with rhinestones embroidered with rhinestones. his companion's black dress was decorated in an unusual way in the shape of flowers made of stones. ivanka trump put a lot of effort into her costumes for the european-themed party, and she appeared in a sparkling dress with asymmetrical sleeves. the outfit was embroidered with thousands of sequins, and her hair pulled back into a ponytail revealed large earrings. her husband, jared kushner, donned a black indian-style twelve-year-old suit. daughter arabella preferred an evening blue dress embroidered with rhinestones, on the third day the images of the family were as
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close as possible to national indian costumes, it seems as if ivanka, her husband and daughter received the main roles in a bollywood blockbuster, only bill gates, as one of the richest people in the world, decided don't stick to dress code, he appeared at the wedding in his usual image, looking rather modest compared to the rest of the guests. the guests were offered a wide selection of dishes. 2,500 different options of indian, mexican, japanese and pan-asian dishes were presented on the tables, and not a single one of them was repeated. the ambani family covered all the guests' expenses for travel and accommodation . they were delivered to the celebration site on special charter flights, the official wedding ceremony will take place on july 12, what will be the scope of the celebrations on this day, difficult to imagine. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india. open a deposit with the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in savings.
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