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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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who loves to make small surprises and give great joy to those who are far away, but are ready to overcome any distance to be close to their closest ones. we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, and sberbank can realize everything we have planned. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, there is a clear and clear signal to russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready? russia to change?
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the state is constantly expanding measures to support participants in a special military operation about a number of social benefits and benefits that they can receive now, stanislav bernwalt will tell you in the “instructions” program. special military operation have the right to state assistance, what social payments and benefits they are entitled to at the federal level, where to apply and how to get them, in 5 minutes we will tell you the instructions in this issue of the program. well, let's start with the monthly cash payment of edv. it applies to contract soldiers, mobilized soldiers, and volunteers. the social fund of russia formalizes it upon assignment of the status of a combat veteran, and this is done proactively, that is, a statement.
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actions required information about which the fund received from military commissariats military units that are granted the right to issue certificates. in these cases, the edv is established from the date of receipt of the necessary information by the territorial body of the financial markets service. in the twenty-fourth year, without declarative establishment of edv will also be carried out on the basis of information received from the federal security forces. departments or their territorial bodies. the edv will be established from the date of issue of the certificate. if the facts of appointment of edv are established before the fis authorities receive the specified information, the period from which assigned assigned edv will be reviewed and the necessary payments will be made before the amounts of edv are calculated from the date of issuance of the certificate. the amount of edv is 4,184 rubles per month for those who, during a special operation, received a military injury and, accordingly, disability. they assign
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an increased payment - 7,605 rubles. disabled people from the svo are also provided with other financial assistance. also, for disabled people due to military injury , a demo of 1. rub. from the date of establishment of disability. a dema is appointed upon the application of a citizen or with his consent, received by fund specialists by telephone. currently, the issue of establishing a normative basis without a declarative procedure for establishing this payment is being considered. in addition, there is monthly monetary compensation for disabled people due to military injuries. for the first group 22,908 rubles. for the second - 11.454 rubles and for the third - 4.58. 81 rub. volunteer military personnel who have received disabled status are paid a state disability pension by the social fund. first group 21,459 rub. second - 17,883 rubles. for disabled people of the third group 12,518 rubles. well
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it is important that the state provides disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation free of charge. all citizens who have the right to receive an electronic certificate have the right to receive an electronic certificate . and for svo participants, such a certificate is issued by the fund proactively, that is, the person is not required to submit an application, the fund, receiving information from the medical and social examination, does all this independently, notifies that the person has been issued a certificate for certain products, well with the appropriate denomination, and the person can only take advantage of the right to its acquisition, in the social fund each svo participant is assigned a personal curator who... will call if necessary, clarify some information and inform, and the svo participant has the right to refuse the electronic certificate and use another method, all notifications and statuses, including number come to the government services portal. an electronic certificate works like a regular bank card. funds for the goods
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are transferred directly to the seller. when issuing a certificate , a certain amount is tied to the mir card, it can be spend on a specific type of tsr. at the same time , the citizen chooses the brand and... model independently. now about the benefits, the period of participation in a special operation is counted as double the length of service, plus 3.6 coefficients per year are awarded for it, and they are also taken into account when assigning an early pension 2 years before the retirement age. there are benefits for employment, the law provides guarantees for the preservation of jobs for svo participants. there is an opportunity to undergo free professional retraining for special operation participants. subsidizing hiring. in addition, a separate standard of assistance has been developed for employment centers. employment service specialists must individually accompany each veteran who applies. what benefits are there for the families of special operation participants? a single benefit for children under 17 years of age is issued in a simplified
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manner: in one visit. a personal consultant is assigned who should help you obtain all the documents. in addition, one-time payments to volunteers and income of those mobilized. taken into account when assessing the needs of their families to receive a single benefits. if a participant in a special operation died while fulfilling his duty, the state will help his family. an additional pension for the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to widows, widowers or parents of a deceased or missing serviceman or volunteer. monthly cash compensation rub 22,908. to the family of a serviceman who died or went missing during the svo. monthly allowance for children. 1,942 rubles for each child. in addition, compensation for housing and communal services is provided; 60% of expenses will be reimbursed. let's repeat the most important thing. participants in the special operation are entitled to financial assistance. veterans receive monthly cash payments. those who have received disability
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are also entitled to additional monthly financial support and monthly monetary compensation. volunteers are paid a state disability pension, except. disabled military personnel are proactively given a free certificate for the purchase of technical rehabilitation equipment, and svo participants receive pension benefits and employment benefits. you still have questions, want to know how else the government can help? svo participants and their families, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will contact the relevant departments and tell you about everything in one of the next editions of the instructions. pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, get super cashback every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it’s the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice,
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download the new yandex browser, be amazed to your neural powers. two beghits at a bargain price, only delicious, period. open a deposit with the best interest rate up to 16% per annum in savings. russia plans to introduce technology that will help rid russia of landfills. sebur is working to create closed-loop production and has introduced an innovative material made from recycled plastic. there is a special report by taras kucharenko about how they intend to give polymers an endless life. such
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a number of young, talented and ambitious people can only be met here in sirius, where the world youth festival is taking place these days. it brought together 20,000 participants from different countries, and the environmental agenda became one of the main ones at the forum. we have taken a comprehensive approach to the entire environmental agenda. i think you have already noticed that there are a number of special banners that we use for environmental education, they are hung here throughout the festival, which talk about the process of recycling waste, talks about the process of its separate collection, and about some eco-habits, the environmental agenda , very tight integrated into the educational program, there are a number of lectures, master classes, one of these really key services for participants is the pitio mode, more than 20 thousand people need to be given water, so we use water with our partner sibur. which is bottled in containers created with the addition of recycled plastic, and
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all this, of course, affects the carbon footprint that the event leaves behind as a whole, and we strive to make it as low as possible. all festival participants, as a rule, were able to achieve noticeable success in business, media, science, education, sports. tatyana zvozdyak came from neft yugansk. she says that the issue of reasonable consumption has become a priority for many in everyday life. tatyana is a teacher, that’s why it’s like this. he also educates his students, now the problem is precisely pollution, well , environmental problems, it’s still that we are distributing our resources incorrectly, when we went to the festival, we had a clear list.
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plastic surgery is generally an absolute evil, in itself in fact, everything is completely different: there are no bad materials, there is incorrect use of these materials, the same plastic can be specially selected and recycled, for example, this bottle is made from 25% recycled plastic. georgy, from the environmental team, travels by bus all over russia; he is confident that talking about environmental problems can be done in an entertaining way, so he offers all festival participants to take a thematic quiz. which material is more environmentally friendly, the one that decomposes quickly in the environment, or which takes a long time to decompose? well, probably the one that is fast. actually, one that lasts a long time. those that decompose quickly enough are close to disposable goods, and therefore they constantly need to be produced more and more, and this is a waste of resources and emissions from
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enterprises. in addition, the carbon footprint of their transportation is constantly growing. and those who decompose long enough are... into the environment, we can remove them from there and recycle them. made from recycled materials reuse and even if they are usually reusable goods, which we can present at the festival, many art objects are presented, for example, an installation called the sirius ecoverse. the eco-universe sirius is made of plastic, which has been given a second life. at its center is a star. according to the author, it symbolizes the insight that plastic no longer needs to be thrown away, various objects can be made from it, including. a work of art complemented the dance installation, it is a continuation of the story of how you can change the world for the better if plastic is given an endless life through recycling. in an endless cycle of recycling , insight becomes movement, and movement becomes inspiration that starts the cycle. it took about
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a month to create the installation of costumes and for the author anna mkrchan, this project became a new experience in which she had to thoroughly study. this is the first time i have come across recyclable plastic and this type of material and it was such an interesting experience for me as an artist, how can you rethink this and turn it into a beautiful one? the image, the artistic one, the entire installation, it is not only beautiful, but it is modern in terms of recycling, and subsequently it can be completely recycled without harming the environment. decided to use recycled plastic in clothing decor to make the costumes not only futuristic, but also as close as possible to the main idea of ​​the concept. in our images we used different materials, both classic materials that are used in stage and dance costumes, and certainly different recycled materials. for example, in
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headdress, we turned recycled plastic bottles into these fantasy flowers, and here... we got a very beautiful headdress, a whole meadow of fantasy flowers, which are also made entirely from recyclable plastic bottles. even the festival’s sports program is environmentally friendly. russia is represented at the international student basketball cup 3.3 by the buzzing team, three-time national champions. traditional training before the match. that's just it. the basketball is not quite ordinary, it is made from recycled materials plastic. the ball was made in collaboration with the vtb united league, the sibur company and the russian manufacturer of sporting goods. since last year , it has become the official ball of the vtb united league. listen, i didn’t notice any super
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difference, it seems to me that it’s about the same. convenient, inconvenient, convenient. for the production of the ball. only eight half-liter plastic bottles were needed, a master class will be held with this sword, anyone can take part in the master class, a festival participant with absolutely zero preparation, come and try for the first time in his life, maybe, hold a ball, knock, score, meet olympic champions, meet famous athletes, perhaps after our master class, he will enroll in the basketball section and become a basketball player, today plastic is used... everywhere in construction, medicine, the it industry, some parts of cars, airplanes, and spacecraft are created from polymers instead of metal, which has significantly reduced the weight of objects in order to not only economically, but... also environmentally use resources in the country waste recycling is growing, and on a huge industrial scale. the key task in the waste block is the construction of the necessary
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infrastructure to launch a circular economy . over the years of reform, 249 facilities have been created with a total capacity of more than 20 million tons per year for sorting and 6 million tons per year for recycling. now 53% msw. sent for processing, and the recycling rate exceeded 12%. it is thanks to recycling that a circular economy develops, waste is returned back into the production of new goods. recycling waste, the reuse of secondary raw materials is not only promising, but there is no alternative for humanity. the world's population has already reached 8 billion people; we cannot, as before, use some object to satisfy our needs. and then throw it into a landfill to rot, even if this item decomposes perfectly in nature, for one simple reason, and
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there may simply not be enough primary raw materials for a rapidly increasing population, even if these raw materials are renewed in nature, so modern pattern, it is different, after use the item must be recycled and the raw materials must be promptly returned to secondary circulation, ideally this cycle should be closed, more than 7 tons of recycled plastic were used to make bottles for the festival, thanks to the infrastructure for separate collection organized by seabor, they will once again become material for the manufacture of new packaging, and this process can be endless. 1 million bottles of water will be supplied to the festival ; separate waste collection will be introduced at the festival, and due to this it will be possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by another 15%, because the energy... intensity of the production of secondary pellets, where recycled plastic is used, is lower than the production of primary pellets, due to the collection,
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separate collection of waste, plastic, it will be possible to collect about 25 tons of plastic , if you look at this from the point of view of the effects of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, then this is equivalent to ten air flights from moscow to sochi. this experience for sibora is not the first time the company has provided water in bottles made from recycled plastic. participants of business programs at the exhibition at the russian forum at vdnkh. we have already made the eastern economic forum carbon neutral. we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of reaching at least one carbon-neutral enterprise by the end of this year. this means that our portfolio should include projects not only to reduce emissions, but to compensate for emitted co2, and therefore the second important area for us is forest climate projects, within the framework of this project we
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focused on the mass planting of trees, by the end of this year, we will have planted more than 5 million trees. the carbon footprint also depends on what the company produces, according to international research by makindye, when producing a glass bottle, greenhouse gas emissions.
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from other colors, it should be noted that we only use transparent bottles, blue in color. a special installation in automatic mode allows you to remove the remains of bottles of other colors; the quality of the product is practically no different from that made only using primary raw materials. this is monitored by laboratories that work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. each test is aimed at a certain indicator. we check moisture, we check carboxyl groups, melting, all this is important to take into account; if you take bottles straight away for recycling and take them to special designated places, then
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the plastic will remain clean. which means it will be possible to make a new one out of it without deteriorating in quality, but for this it is necessary to promote the culture of separate collection. i can give you an example based on cardboard, if you threw the cardboard into a wet tank, let’s say so, the presentation is lost, it has already been removed from there, for the purposes of effective recycling it cannot be if plastic got in there. then its processing efficiency decreases many times over; if it is in a dry tank, the probability of processing is above 90%; if it is in a wet tank, it is about 50 percent or less . and the more people take part in separate collection, the cheaper and easier it will become to make products from recycled plastic, and the more business representatives will be involved in such projects. today in russia 249 waste treatment plants have been built,
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350,000 containers are used in cities and villages for separate waste collection, including plastic, which is recycled. polymers are generally a valuable material that can be reused. with the creation of its own technology, vivilen sibur does not stop at issues of plastic recycling. the company is working on a future project that could provide endless opportunities for developing a circular economy. and already this year we will consider adopting investment decision. and for the construction of a thermolysis plant for chemical recycling, this is a completely new technology for the whole world, which can make the waste recycling cycle, including polymer waste, almost endless, and this method allows you to completely decompose plastic waste, regardless of its type, the level of pollution, and decompose back into hydrocarbons to actually reassemble the materials.
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imagine a world without waste. landfills, where all products are immediately processed, this is possible with the introduction of such technology and its development and use throughout the country. the first step in sibur has already been taken; it is planned that the project will start operating in the next few years. new military districts, new aircraft, successes in the northern military district zone, the head of the ministry of defense held a conference call. according to sergei shaigu, russia has strengthened troop groups in the west and north-west against the backdrop of building up nato's military potential and expanding the alliance. we are talking about the moscow and leningrad military districts created according to the presidential decree. and
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as sergei shaigu stated, this will significantly increase the efficiency of command and control, and russia will continue to improve the structure of the army in proportion to all external threats. against the backdrop of the buildup of nato’s military potential near the russian borders, the expansion of the alliance due to the entry of finland into it, and in the future of sweden, we have taken steps to strengthen troop groups in the northwestern and western strategic directions. two interdepartmental strategic territorial associations of the armed forces were created, leningrad and moscow military district. by presidential decree of february 26 , a military-administrative branch of russia was established. the military districts contain the corresponding territories, including new regions of the country. and also, according to the statement of the minister of defense, the troops in the zone are provided with the necessary level.
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airworthiness of the aerospace forces group , as for the aircraft themselves, according to shaigu, repairs and modernization will extend the service life of the an-124 ruslan heavy military transport aircraft, more than doubling from 20 years to 45. in addition, shaigu named the period the appearance of a new light military transport aircraft in the troops, this is the il-212, a prototype is expected by the end of 2026. il-212. should replace the an-26 and an-72, and it is being developed by the united aircraft corporation. the creation of a light military transport aircraft il-212 with a pd-8 turbojet engine is underway. these aircraft will replace the outdated fleet of an-26 and an-72. the new transport aircraft will be different.


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