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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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for animal feed today , a highly effective, highly liquid product that competes with world analogues, this enterprise does not stop, with the help of the government of the russian federation, the ministry of agriculture, which allocated a grant of a billion rubles for the construction of an enzyme production plant, which will be built in the near future, here is the further deep... that is , the enterprise does not stop, the future is moving, that is, in fact, we now have, if 200 years ago we took a seed, beat the oil and produced the product, then today it is an absolutely waste-free production, highly efficient, and we hope that our company will become not only a leader in domestic oil and fat products, but will be one of the leaders in the world, because that is what is being laid.
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and the enterprise fully complies with all the best environmental requirements, all permitting documentation for the work of semi-detached areas . our new plant in volkhov is our crowning achievement, say, ten years of investment activity at our enterprises murmansk region, vologotsk region, leningrad, saratov regions, during this period production volumes doubled, that is, in fact, we built a second new phosagro. as a result , we can now note that all 11 million tons of apatite concentrate that we produce in the murmansk region are currently processed within our country into products with high added value, of course, volkhov is no exception, here we will also produce and innovative our most environmentally friendly in the world mineral fertilizer, which we call green fertilizers, during this period we... are proud that over 10 years
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our labor productivity has increased by 2.7 times, wages have increased three times, and wage growth has... over the last 3 years, our 23 thousand specialists who work for us amounted to 60%, and literally in february of this year we managed to index wages by another 15%. here i would like to say that charitable and social programs are... annually the company for investment purposes will allocate 70 billion rubles. separately, i would like to say a word of gratitude to you.
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the government of the russian federation, the leadership of the leningrad region, for the attention and support that was provided in the implementation of our project in volkhov, and it can be noted that here it was a pilot project in the szpk mechanism. we are really very comfortable working in the leningrad region, there is effective interaction with the leadership of the region, so i would like, if you allow... to give the floor to the governor of the leningrad region sanuevich, especially since he participated in the foundation of our plant several years ago, and today we all put it into commercial operation together, please, please, dear colleagues, for us the pilot agreement with phosagro is important not only in terms of the amount of investment, it is 34 billion rubles in terms of tax benefits, preferences that we gave for the protection of investment capital, but... of course, it is very
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important that we signed a social agreement, and 700 new jobs were created here, vladimirovich, half of which are highly qualified engineering ones. workers places, this is why it is important, because today volkhov children, young people, with a guarantee of receiving a special education, can find a job for a very good, high salary, it is no coincidence that within the framework of our social agreement, we have already opened engineering classes in volkhov schools, we have built a program special education, we are implementing joint projects for the development of the city, by the way, right here in the city today. where we opened a new ice arena, we are building housing together with a preferential mortgage, including for phosagro employees, they are great, they are actively participating in this. we are implementing joint environmental projects, and of course, special thanks to phosagro for supporting our farmers.
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vladimirovich, thank you very much for your support of infrastructure and investment projects. just this morning , as part of the execution of your instructions, we opened a new bridge across. from volkhov kirisha, which means that when we talk about investments, it’s not only about money, it’s also about the quality of life, this means there are guarantees for the development of the country and the development of the leningrad region region, thank you very much for this, thank you, thank you very much for this, thank you, the average is the salary for the enterprise, what do you get? i won’t reveal the secret, let me answer, 125,000 rubles, this is a very decent salary, of course, of course, well, phosagra is one of the leaders. this industry is actively developing, really the specialty of the enterprise, is in the product that was just mentioned, namely in an environmentally friendly product, this is an environmentally friendly fertilizer, there are probably few such productions in the world, i tell you
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i sincerely congratulate you and of course wish you success, thank you, please, mordovia, dear vladimir vladimirovich, with the team today. agroholdingilina holiday: there are more than 7,000 of us and we are launching unique production of high-protein products, meat snacks, these are chips, whips, menisausages. we created meat chips as an alternative to all known potato chips. we believe that the product produced at our plant will change the culture of consumption towards a healthy meat bias. my team is next to me, we have been together for 20 years, for this time, we are all immigrants from moldova; during this time we invested more than 50 billion rubles in the economy of the republic. our next task
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is to create a food cluster, which we have already begun to implement. his team, with his arrival.
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on school nutrition, we collect feedback from parents, this is a matter with the ministry of education of the russian federation, and i believe that this is a project about healthy, proper nutrition, and this is culture, nutrition for children, too, this is the first, second, of course, this the enterprise will enter the enterprise system a full cycle, if the enterprise is deeply developed, it will generate more income, accordingly there will be more taxes, and social contributions and 800 new jobs, this is also very important for us, this is the second largest city in mordovia. dear vladimir vladimirovich, it is important for us that the enterprise is developing, there are still five new projects worth 13.5 billion ahead, you then allowed us to engage in a new investment niche, we entered it, if i remind you, feeding our pets,
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it seems to be a niche it was so incomprehensible, but we now we confidently entered into it, opened the plant on february 9 with dmitry nikolaevich patrushev, many thanks to the russian agricultural bank and the ministry of agriculture. next up we have a wet food plant, a selection and genetic center, one of the largest factories in the volga region will be a feed mill, so let’s move forward, i want to express. ourselves on our sites and feed it with our grain, which we grew ourselves, on
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our mordovian lands. these chips contain 100% only meat, russians need to eat meat, of course, because our climate is not like that hot, a lot of vitamins in meat, replacing chips - well, what are chips, chips are potatoes, they are starch, but you know from starch,
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this is only half, the second part is already under construction, we are building neighboring buildings in order to increase production , to increase this niche, thank you very much, thank you very much , i congratulate you, i congratulate you, all the best to you, the minister is here, so he also hears, he is probably pleased to hear that the results are from investments of support from the ministry, from investments from outside jar ( banks give such a result, i heartily congratulate you all and wish you all the best,
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the best, success to you, thank you, thank you, after the opening of new production facilities, the president began a meeting with representatives of the agro-industrial complex, these are the shots on your screens, good afternoon, dear , friends, colleagues, in the old days we somehow... more often discussed the problems of the industry, but the impression is that we can’t even discuss it, the industry is developing so much, at such a good pace, that this cannot but rejoice, but nevertheless, certainly questions there is always, so we agreed with our colleagues, with the ministers, that here on stavropol land, which is one of the centers of agricultural production in our country, we will talk about how... the work is going and that we all together, and the government, of course, this includes
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what the regional authorities need to do to support you. over the past years , a lot has changed in the agricultural sector. well, let’s be honest, you know, in 2000 we were dependent on almost all the main components in... providing the country with food, now such dependence practically does not exist, last year we received $43.5 billion in export income, that’s another thing, well, you know, but nevertheless, since the cameras are working, i will say an increase for our citizens amounted to 30 times, not by some percentage, export revenues increased 30 times, this just recently turned out to be
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absolutely unrealistic, you said in 2000 that there would be 43.5 billion in export revenues, no one would have believed it, this it would seem like some kind of fantasy, no, this is reality today such 140, 157 million tons of grain. that means in the previous year in the year before last in the past already past 147 well, no one has ever seen such harvests either, we began. but in the world of meat production, it’s also incredible, we remember all these jokes from the soviet period, long and green, it smells like sausage, what is it, electric from moscow, everyone is bringing sausage, in saratov they caught a group of drug addicts, what were they doing, sniffing smoked sausage , that’s all, thank god it’s a thing of
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the past and the situation is now. after all, the quality of russian products nutrition remains very high, and not because our chemistry is poorly developed today, no, just now we were present at the opening of another fertilizer production enterprise, but our fertilizers are highly highly clean from an environmental point
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of view, such there are practically no fertilizers in the world, all this together, well, plus of course, and above all this is the talent of the organizers of agricultural production, these are the labor achievements of our workers’ collectives, the enthusiasm of our agricultural producers, their pride in what they do, today we were at one of the enterprises, yes, which produces tomatoes, of course, i met people, they are just... proud of what and how they do, this can be seen right from individuals, by what and how they say, this concerns to a large extent, to a large extent, those who work in the industry as a whole, well, i repeat, there are probably still enough questions and many problems, we have significantly increased
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support for agriculture in recent years industry as a whole, but probably something else for something else we need... to pay special attention to something, we need to focus it on something, to hone the mechanisms that we propose have been used in recent years, maybe we can add something, in fact, the purpose of our meeting is precisely this, to listen to you, here i am and where is the minister, where is he , yes, yes, the minister is here he is so modestly behind. got settled, but nevertheless, both he and i hear, and we will listen, we will try to respond to what you say, and the heads of regions in the country will also, of course, hear us, see us, but results, as we usually do, in such cases we will issue the appropriate instructions so that nothing is forgotten and the guilt does not lie deep somewhere, on the contrary,
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it is implemented for the benefit of development, that industry, which is certainly one of the key ones today in... the country's economy, please, come on, who will start? dear, thank you very much for such kind words about the bug-industrial complex: the industry has really made an absolutely fantastic leap forward in recent years , as you absolutely rightly said, we, from a country that significantly imported a huge volume of food from abroad, have become a country that has not only solved the problems of internal food security, but is now actively... connecting to solving the problems of global food security, providing quality food products to demand not only domestically, but on the world market , you know, you said that - who would have thought 20 years ago that we would export so much, i can say, today there are many colleagues in the room with whom we export discussed 6 years ago, when we launched the international export cooperation project, when we
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fantasized about volumes of 40 there were 45 billion dollars, i remember how much skepticism there was from the outside. these are entrepreneurs, these are ordinary employees of farms, processing companies, who put their hearts and souls into the industry. but of course, government support measures played an equally important role. and here i want to say that these are the measures that were formulated 10-15 years ago, ah, first of all, measures related to preferential lending, for entrepreneurs
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, investors, it is very important to have affordable lending in order to develop the sector, and here i can say that agriculture is probably one of the few industries, i would even say that there are no industries that can boast such conditions are precisely lending in agriculture, and for us, probably for all of us, one of the key tasks for the future, yes, this is what we are discussing now, especially in the situation of just a key rate, of course, maintaining affordable loans is a key story, which will allow sustainable development of all sectors, all sub-sectors of agriculture, although it is clear that each sector has its own opportunities, people and state support are probably the two key cornerstone factors that made it possible to create the agriculture in which we see it now , this is a modern and innovative sector of the economy, which is indeed one of its drivers, this does not mean that we do not have challenges, but for the last few years. were really quite complex, and we had challenges related to covid, now with the geopolitical situation, of course, everyone understands perfectly well that we have a lot of challenges related to personnel,
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yes, with staffing, and inflation affects the key rate on the availability of financing, and there are challenges related to logistics, with the gap in supply chains, infrastructure and so on, but i would suggest treating these challenges not just as challenges, as tasks that need to be solved, there are tasks that can be... solved in the short term, there are tasks that require a little more time, for example, tasks related to selection and genetics are now very actively being prioritized there, but these are always long-term stories, the results of which are very difficult to obtain in the short term, and today, probably, we will also talk about this, but in in general, understanding the challenges as tasks, through the joint efforts of business and the state, we can probably solve these problems, what is the potential for... agriculture, i think that we have enormous potential in terms of in terms of the development of the domestic market, consumption, in terms of solving, as i already said, the problems of global food security. the last
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2 years have shown that the growth of household incomes creates a very serious additional demand for agricultural products, and as it turned out, the growth that we provided in a number of industries by two to 3% is not enough to satisfy the growth in demand in the domestic market, in connection with this there were some imbalances, including in prices. parameters, but in general the domestic market and the development of export potential are the two cornerstones that will probably allow agriculture to develop sustainably in the near and medium term. our task, the task of the industry, is probably to maximize the potential that we have, first of all resource, we have absolutely fantastic human resources, we have excellent human potential, land resources, water resources, this is what is needed for the development of the industry and we should use this, the only thing i think i would like to draw your attention to one very important story, which i think is seriously influenced by agriculture, this is a story related to the green agenda, carbon neutrality and so on, we have been walking in the wake of, let’s say,
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ideology for a very long time , yes, which came to us from the outside, understanding on the one hand that carbon neutrality is indeed an extremely important task, on the other hand, we must here form our own approaches that would allow us to create and ensure competitiveness and competitive advantage for... agriculture, there must be a very rational, reasonable approach that would allow us to solve the problems of carbon neutrality and, on the other hand, the competitiveness of our products and the economic accessibility of these products, food products for the population, today we will discuss with colleagues from different industries, their agenda, i probably outlined some general theses, and then i would like to move on to specific sub-sectors and start with the sector that, to me, seems to most clearly show the path russian agriculture has taken over the past decades, this industry for another 20 years was perceived as the industry from which bush’s legs were associated, but over the past
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20 years, from bush’s legs we have come to a situation where meat production in russia, we not only provide for ourselves, as you correctly said, not only are we among the four largest producers of this product in the world, not only do we actually consume twice as much of this product as the average... in the results, fourth place in the world, i can only confirm that, indeed, in 20 years, we actually created a modern, competitive industry from scratch, from 5 million tons, in
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the fourth year we reached 12 million. this is a record result last year, that is an increase of 140%. well, for comparison , meat production in the world during the same time increased by only 50%, that is, we grew at a rate almost three times higher than the world average, and of course, this would not have been possible without the huge investments that were made in the industry , and this is almost one and a half trillion rubles, and of course, how could we count on such investments if it weren’t for what artyom spoke about, preferential... investment loans, the availability of revolving credit and many other support mechanisms and tools, i repeat, without this we would did not achieve these high results. consumption in russia consumption in russia that year really set a record again: we exceeded the bar of 80 kg per person, the world average is 42-43, we are at the level of the richest countries, that is , meat is an affordable product for us, and that is important. we
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we understand that consumption within the country will indeed grow, by the way, we were a little afraid whether we need to produce more at an already high level, now we see, reading your message to the federal assembly, those huge projects in the field of economics to support citizens, which are exactly meat will eat more, so we have a very serious task to give a new wave of investment in our industry, and in general in the production of other food products, of course we need... we will introduce a new million hectares into agricultural circulation, create cultivated pastures, very seriously engage in genetics, and by the way, russia is already exporting genetic material, seed production, seed production in general, processing products, that is , huge new multi-billion dollar investments are needed, so the first question from business is the following: given that already we have set very ambitious goals for the budget, among other
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things. will the level of support for agriculture be limited? will it be adjusted if the tasks themselves become even more ambitious? second topic, oh which artyom said is the topic of export. it is indeed very pleasant to realize that russia has been a net exporter of meat for the third year in a row. well, i remember how in the ninth year, we actually discussed the future export of meat at one of the meetings, and then we imported 3 million tons. from all over the world, well, some thought that this was some kind of mischief, but everything worked out, we sat down and did the math, and because we export not only meat and meat products, canned food, sausages, but we export live cattle, including genetic breeding material breeding material, we export non-food products, including for production, for example, technical fats for the production of biofuel, biodiesel in europe is produced from our technical fat, so this is the total volume... export of meat,
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meat products from all that, what livestock farming provides, last year exceeded 1 million tons, worth more than 2 billion dollars , these are the numbers, but the end of summer is not, according to forecasts of the un food organization, another 40 million tons are needed in the world in the next 10 years increase production, today 360 million , 400 will be needed, here are the countries that can actually participate in solving these problems, well, there are very few, russia is one of the few, but of course for this we need...
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i would like to thank you for opening the chinese market regarding pork, i know that not only the government, not only the ministry of agriculture, not only the russian agricultural supervision, a huge amount of work, you personally participated in this, promoted it, and i can assure you, the journalist is asking if you will still export pork to china, we will not export it , we will produce much more new volumes than we will supply in the near future, thank you very much, look here -


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