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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. observers work at the sites, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of all ballots in redemption packages. voting boxes and places for counting ballots, and completed ballots are all sealed in bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who's watching these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. news in the middle of the hour, briefly: in
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tuva, after a major fire in the tets city of shaganar, 18 people were hospitalized. according to preliminary information, these are employees of the enterprise. the heating has been temporarily turned off, but they promise to return it in the coming hours. residents of russia will hear sirens and announcements from loudspeakers today. the ministry of emergency situations checks the system alerts. this will happen between 10 and 11 am local time. the announcement will also be made on tv channels and radio. vladimir putin demanded that farmers' fuel needs for the spring sowing season be fully met. the president announced this at a meeting with industry representatives in the stavropol territory and instructed the medical agricultural sector to keep the issue under control. the united states is summing up the results of the so-called super tuesday. this is the day when presidential candidates compete for delegate votes in 15 states and one overseas territory. trump wins in all regions except one. biden unexpectedly lost the meeting.
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a large-scale failure in the american segment of the internet was reported about problems with access to youtube, discord, google services and some telecom operators, but the epicenter was in the social network empire of mark zuckerberg, these resources were most seriously affected, a total of more than 3 billion users, and even zuckerberg’s subordinates complained on other social networks about problems with access to the corporation’s internal network, which forced many of them at first, they believed that they were simply fired, the problem was, as it were, of a technical nature,
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it had been solved, they didn’t say what it was yet. it should be noted that the last time, 2 and a half years ago , zuckerberg’s engineers mistakenly removed their corporation from the internet for 6 hours, it turned out to be a complete global catastrophe; due to the redistribution of traffic from billions of users, other social resources collapsed; it did not work on other sites , for example, authorization using an account on the main social network on the planet, this times the scale is smaller, but for... the moment turned out to be special, the so-called super tuesday, one of the key days of the american electoral tradition. this year, there are a dozen and a half states in which primaries are being held simultaneously, and non-functioning main social networks are a problem for party communication with voters. well, of course, the two brightest people in the technological world could not ignore what happened, but at least in terms of pr and self-pr, elon musk and pavel dorov, they both noted.
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this year in which we have already celebrated a couple telegram was unavailable for only 9 minutes, about less times he recalled that last year there were telegram failures, durov did not say anything. two large global agreements on cross- licensing of patents, and one of them is quite remarkable, the chinese huuhaika announced the cessation of any disputes and, in fact, cooperation.
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which are under american sanctions, and online retailer amazon, one of the largest american technology corporations. there are few official details, but at least they are stopping patents disputes, we are primarily talking about 'where huawei initiated a whole set of legal proceedings against amazon related to the use of video playback algorithms and the main wi-fi technology of the last two generations. as a result of one of these processes, the court banned the sale of internet routers in germany, the production of amazon and its partners, and even amazon’s own fire tv stick 4k, through which amazon prime video content is delivered to users, and subscriptions are about 7%. cents of the entire business corporations with revenues of about a third of a trillion dollars a year. strictly speaking, the amazon prime subscription is not only a video service ; the restrictions did not affect the largest market, but in any case, it’s all about the fact that patents and intellectual property are one of the most important assets in
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today’s world, as stated by the head of the patent department of a chinese company, usa introduced restrictions against huawei, banning the supply of processors and other components for the production of smartphones, however... the current agreement shows that the american and chinese companies, as well as their partners from other countries, continue to cooperate in terms of standardization and licensing of technologies. huawei's second patent agreement is not so large-scale, but it also signified an agreement on mutual licensing of cellular communication and 5g technologies, in particular with the chinese smartphone manufacturer vivo; huawei already has a similar agreement with xiaomi and oppo. it should be noted here that until 2019... it was huawei that was the global leader in the field of 5g development, the company became the largest equipment supplier, overtaking nokia and ericsson. one in five 5g patents belonged to huawei. now this share could probably be reduced, but in any case this is a colossal package of patents. this is all about
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technology for now, roman. philip, thank you, we will continue, after the advertisement, we will tell you how gazprom is protected from western sanctions, about this. and not only in the economic news block, open a deposit with the best percentage of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you gave shopping worth a million and even 101 poodles every second ticket wins, buy on the website in company stores. previously, the temperature in the plow was like outside,
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in winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity improves, but now these are where, as a memory, for gifts. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret about...
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well, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. stress keeps you up without strength? elcar contains elcarnitine, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together and everyone who wants to sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo. smiled, it means they recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, love, remember,
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they really appreciate psb - a bank for real constipation weak can help in the morning. tupine in a large, advantageous package with labile, i know what will happen tomorrow, order from zdrav city. alyon, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25% cashback. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, a new yandex browser, give me neurosil, to make any text better. download the new yandex browser and be amazed.
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determine what information to disclose and what not. roman mira must protect data from masha. gazprom will be allowed to independently by unfriendly countries. gazprom and the majority of group companies were allowed to independently determine what information to disclose. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin, the document was published on the legal portal. in total, there are now 94 organizations on the list, including gazpromneft, gazprombank, refineries, gas transportation and logistics enterprises, the company has the right to take advantage of the opportunity specified in the law if disclosure of information could lead to the imposition of sanctions against russian business entities of other persons. the head of european diplomacy reiterated that there is no consensus in the eu on the use of proceeds from frozen russian assets. joseph barel noted that he would voice his proposal to the bloc countries when they are ready to support it. the diplomat once again recalled the main achievement of the eu in this
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field. it was possible to agree on separate storage of interest on russian capital. there really is no single point of view in brussels, but there are optimists in paradigm c. for example, the european commissioner for justice believes that it will be possible to appropriate property from russia soon. according to frozen russian state assets, and theirs according to the ecb 208. billion euros. we have already calculated that by 2027, an income of about 15 billion can be obtained from them. but this will depend on the interest rate and dividends that will be paid on these amounts. we hope to reach agreement on the use of these funds in the coming weeks. the president of france unexpectedly spoke out against the seizure of frozen russian assets. emmanuel macron stressed that such actions are contrary to international law. and even the discussions themselves on this. issue weaken europe, where these assets are located. the moscow exchange supervisory board recommended
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paying dividends for the twenty-third year in the amount of 17 rubles. 35 kopecks per share, the press service of the trading platform reports. in total, 39.5 billion or 65% of last year’s net profit can be used for payment. by the way, the day before the moscow exchange index exceeded 3,300 points for the first time since february of twenty- two. analysts attribute this to stabilization. the us remains vulnerable, especially among small-medium institutions, the international monetary fund warns in its new research for the anniversary of the events of march twenty-third. then silicon wellibank, one of the top 20 in the united states, went bankrupt, followed within a few days by signach bank and fez republic. a repeat of the collapse of the financial giants in 2008 was narrowly avoided. the imf emphasizes the risks.
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carp - first of all - is a symbol of
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freshwater fish, and if we do not take care of the cleanliness of our press reservoirs , our rivers, lakes and reservoirs, then we, unfortunately, can lose the main, one of the main resources that ensures life us on our planet. andrey has been conducting eco-lessons, cleanup days, planting trees for 12 years, now he decided to engage in education through art, and took part in the green square. competition of art objects from a russian environmental operator. participants created projects from waste of old things. the best works are here at the world youth festival. all these works remind us. waste is not just garbage, it is raw material that can still be used, given a second life, or even become part of a museum. it all just depends on exactly how to look at these things. the finalists of the international competition of art objects green square went to crimea, where they made 30 installations at the tavrida art cluster. 16 of them, which best reflected such important topics as economics,
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circularity and environmental care , won the competition. and the main task. all of us for more active participation in all areas of environmental education and improving the situation with anthropogenic reduction
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of anthropogenic impact on the environment. evaluate the work. people from any country in the world will be able to join in on environmental issues through art, from waste, and thereby attract attention, they just need to submit an application on the official website of the green square. midrik touray from morocco was one of the first artists to join the art group; he made a totem out of bottles. this is the personification of the environmental problem in africa, the lack of clean drinking water. art has the ability
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to touch the hearts of people, with its help you can understand what kind of character and habits a person has. it influences our inner world and makes us better. i believe that art truly enriches a person. next to the exhibit of an african artist on the medal square of the world youth festival green van. this is a recycling workshop. the guys go to the beaches here in sirius, bring us these caps, we then wash them, sort them and process them using our specialized equipment. the festival participants themselves recycle, simply by pedaling. this is very cool, this is very cool to say. let the caps not just lie there and infuse somewhere, but, to give, so to speak, a second life, after the closing of the world youth festival, art objects, 30 finalists of the green square, will go on a real educational tour, the works will be seen by residents of seven russian cities. anastasia ponko, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, tatyana klepcha and victoria dadayan, news from the federal territory of sirius.
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the next 24 hours in moscow could become the coldest in the entire month of march. what will happen on the thermometers during the day and the coming night, when spring warmth returns, we’ll tell you right after the advertisement, this is the same vacuum cleaner, that the best vacuum cleaner, the best headphones, and also the top choice, top quality cashback 20% on everything, robot vacuum cleaner, support for only 14.999 in infidio and eldorado, take to dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret on azon cashback 3 % on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts on azon psbp at a profit, register on
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auto, avita will pick up everything for that, hurray , we’ve finally arrived, how you grew up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where is it all from, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t
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a new soldier, ribinin nikolai sergeevich, you love books, yes, i write books, the classics have arrived, take it, thank you, you would help, i'm not helping you that much, but... winter frosts are returning to the russian plain, in moscow the coming night the temperature will drop below the january norm,
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how long will the cold period last, what is the reason for the cold snap. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and centrifus. i'm olga mikhailova. hello, the russian plain is covered in winter cold. it seemed that spring had finally come into its own in the region. has the income started? flood processes, rescuers began to eliminate congestion on the rivers. from the point of view of flood conditions, the most difficult situation still in the skov region. this video, for example, is from the village of babaev. it began to flood a few days ago due to the flood of the velikaya river. the rise in level was facilitated by the ice jam. after a series of explosions, the water began to recede. so. our river flows here throughout the entire area, we barely got here, everything is in the water, this is babaeva, one beyond the river, this is such a
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beautiful morning for us, of course, the very warm weather contributed to the sudden development of the flood, but already the day before it began to change, for example, in the regions of european russia in the sky began to appear bare, and the brightest in the west of the country, and this effect usually accompanies a cold snap for a long time... for a time, the russian plain remained divided into two zones: atlantic cyclones threw heat to the north, in the south the air was heated thanks to the anticyclone, but now in another source of high pressure has entered the picture, which is heading to european russia from scandinavia. it was because of him that bare air appeared in the sky; now the influx of northern air contained in the area of ​​the anticyclone began to be felt; due to the absence of clouds, it will cool down further at night. and already the coming night. will also reach its peak, in the center of russia the thermometers will drop to 10-20°, which is below the mid-winter norm, in the urals and ugra it will be colder than 20-25. they
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will break through to the zamoros only in the lower reaches of the volga, don, along the black sea coast and the caucasus. frosts will persist in the european part of the country until the end of the week. the icy air will begin to warm up during the daytime, so the degree of temperature anomaly will gradually decrease. but we can’t expect the return of powerful thaws yet costs. in the epicenter of the stuzha southeast, the russian plain and the urals in ufa, for example, today it is still -4, but tomorrow the day after tomorrow it will no longer be higher than -6-7°. at night -20-22. then. atmospheric fronts will cover, it will snow and the frosts will weaken. in moscow today , for the first time in several weeks, the temperature will not exceed zero, but by tomorrow morning the air in the capital will cool to -12°. then until sunday in megalopolis it will be 0 +1, and at night -9-10, without significant precipitation. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit and we will briefly move to primorye, where we also
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very active. spring processes are taking place in the image of the khasansky district, a black spot is clearly visible in the coastal zone, from which smoke plumes spread towards the ocean, this is how the consequences of a landscape fire look from the surrounding space: in the south of the primorsky territory little snow fell this year and it quickly evaporated under bright sun, but the grass was dry. by tuesday , the total area of ​​fires in the region approached 7,500 hectares, of which 400 were extinguished during the day. that's all for me, goodbye.
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don't panic and stay calm. today at 10:40 local time, a routine test of emergency warning systems is taking place across the country. what should you do when the sirens sound? how many subsidies will he receive? results of super tuesday in the united states, voting for the primary in 15 states has ended, how many victories does trump have and where biden unexpectedly suffers defeat. not only millions of views, but also valuable information and practical benefits. on the sidelines of the world youth festival
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, the national internet prize was awarded. we'll tell you who became the winner. powerful explosions occurred this night in ukraine; local media reports came from five regions of the country. so, in odessa in recent hours several series of impacts have occurred, and the roar of detonation was heard in the sums. similar messages come from the khmelnitsky, kharkov and kiev regions. the air raid siren was heard overnight. residents of 13 regions of ukraine, as well as parts of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime. in the kupinsky direction , russian artillerymen thwarted the plans of the ukrainian armed forces occupy a strategic height. having received coordinates from the drone operators, the combat crews of the mstab guns fired precise salvos, destroying the enemy’s military equipment. our war correspondent will tell you what is the secret of such successful shooting at a distance of tens of kilometers.


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