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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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as one, they responded to the need for help, sent material assistance, assistance with educational aids, now these educational institutions are already in our large transport family. it is very important to monitor how the railway tracks are being overhauled, how well the rolling stock is being updated, modern infrastructure is being built, all of this, of course, should be in the constant attention of you and those involved in the development of our... these were shots from mikhail mishustin’s meeting with head of the federal railway agency transport by alexey druzhinin. meet!
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that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago , i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there’s still hope, there’s always hope, soon , shooting!
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afternoon, faiths, good afternoon, dear listeners. oleg yulievich, according to un data for 2022, the number of hungry people in the world is almost 750 million and 2.5 were deprived of stable access to food. to date, how much has this figure changed, and how do you generally assess the situation with food security in the world? the data you are talking about comes from a flagship report that fao and its partner organizations, the world food programme, the world health organization, the world bank and the united nations children's fund release annually. and accordingly, the data there from last year, we expect the next report in june and we expect, we expect that this figure will decrease, but, unfortunately, it will not decrease by much. in the twenty-first year the number of hungry people was 828 million, which
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is almost 120 million more than in the last pre-covid year (1000 2019), it is obvious that the task is complete. weight and obesity, which in turn starts a chain of non-infectious diseases that significantly reduce the duration of a full life, life in general, and finally,
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3 billion of the world’s inhabitants cannot economically afford a nutritious, healthy and varied diet, that’s what they’re talking about... from everyone pages of newspapers, screens, televisions, a diet where not only main macronutrients, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vegetables, fruits, dairy. you , berries, nuts, finally, the diet was tasty , not only, not only affordable, precisely in order to reverse this trend, at the initiative of the fao, the greater un held in 2022 the world summit of food systems, on the sidelines of the high-level week un general assembly, where over a hundred heads of state, government, ministers of agriculture and ministers spoke. foreign affairs, and reports were heard on the state of food security in
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individual countries, there was an exchange of experience, and most importantly, the declaration of this summit identified the main directions in which we should work in order to reverse this unfavorable trend. oleg yulievich, armed conflicts are now seriously disrupting logistics chains, including... food delivery, we have already said that the crisis in the red sea has already led to the fact that most carriers send their cargo bypassing via ur, but what about you? do you think how much impact this has on world food market? the causes of hunger and food security risks have not essentially changed over the past few millennia, and these are armed conflicts, and these are the consequences, the negative consequences of climate change, these are
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, first of all, natural disasters, droughts, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, which lead either to a crop failure, or to the destruction of a crop, these are economic shocks caused by the first and second group of factors, and of course , armed conflicts come first here, of course, any disruptions in functioning.
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in the world this food does not become less, but its price, at the other end of the counter, is increasing, and this food is becoming increasingly economically inaccessible to the poorest segments of the population, because we distinguish between four main food parameters. security is physical availability, that is, food must be produced somewhere, the second is its physical accessibility, it must be moved to places of consumption, the third is economic accessibility and the fourth is finally, the efficiency of use; here , already at the second second link, here in physical transportation from places of availability to places of consumption , significant obstacles arise, and not of an economic nature. which, of course, lead to higher food prices and a worsening food security situation,
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especially in poor countries among the most vulnerable segments of the population. but those protests of farmers that do not subside in europe, how much do you think this affects the food situation in europe and world, and in general, how just do you think their anger is? they are covered quite widely in the russian media. and dumping on the part of states that are not members of the european union, and of course, these protest
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actions can cause short-term interruptions in supply in individual communities, in individual cities, but their impact on the overall supply situation with prices, especially in other regions, should not be overestimated , i would point out that the population is mostly about understanding. to the situation of farmers to these protests and he even shows patience when the highways are temporarily blocked, and they calmly drive on the remaining one. in a way, this speaks of such social solidarity in these countries, because people realize that , in fact, farmers are the main breadwinners, the main producers. but no less large-scale protests by farmers are taking place in india. what can you say about this, since india is one of the world’s main producers
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of agricultural products? well, the situation in india is somewhat different, and the reasons are there, or rather. so i would say there are several reasons different than in europe. india is the most populous country in the world, where its population is close to one and a half billion, and there the agricultural sector plays a huge role in creating a national product, in providing sources of livelihood for the population of over 40% of the population of india, this is essentially, in essence. 700 million people depend on the agricultural sector, it must be said that in general, the average figures for food security in india are very low, and in many areas of this huge country food security for the population in the territory is at a very low
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level, and the main reason for the protests is the reduction in purchasing prices for food in...
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the countries' grain batch. at the same time, vladimir putin stated that africa is capable of not only feeding itself, but becoming a food supplier itself. what do you think, will moscow’s support help african countries avoid a crisis and what do you think is needed for the region to become self-sufficient in terms of food? fao completely agrees here. with vladimir vladimirovich, africa will be able to become the breadwinner of all mankind, just like it itself. was about 100 years ago , when the planet's population was smaller, when not all world misfortunes and global challenges had yet manifested themselves to such an extent, there was no famine in africa 100 years ago then, well, maybe in some limited local areas due to natural disasters or epidemics, and here it is the same old dilemma, give
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a person a fish or give a person a fishing rod, by giving a fish you decide food. his problem families for one evening, having taught a dacha how to catch, forever, if we talk about emergency food aid, then here are 2000 tons of grain that were recently supplied free of charge to six african countries, this is the minister of agriculture, who was just reading before the russian president about completion of this humanitarian action, this...
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for burkina fasso this figure is 9% and for mali - 6%. unfortunately, for the remaining three countries, balances are available only for the year before last; this situation is significantly has changed, but nevertheless, this is the fish, this is emergency and one-time support. africa needs investment, africa needs fair access to... the produce market, many countries on this continent have acquired monocultural specialization: coffee, beans, cocoa, cut flowers, which you cannot eat directly , or if you can... you're screwed cocoa just won’t live long, so all these products are sold mainly through foreign markets, africa needs modern
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agricultural methods, not by chance, one of himengui’s popular novels is called the green hills of africa, africa is a green continent, i had the opportunity to cross it by air, from north to south, and there is really greenery, lakes, the most fertile soil. it must be said that the very hardworking population and the african leaders themselves are aware of this; within the framework of the african union commission , an ambitious agricultural development program has been adopted until 2050, and by 2070 africa should become fully self-sufficient in terms of food to provide a significant part of world exports, but here at this stage we need coordinated assistance from the international community both along the line. format. and with what international people's organizations and bilateral organizations does fao cooperate in combating the global food crisis? how
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does the expansion of brix, in particular, contribute to solving this problem? our main partners are the organization of the so -called roman city un, this is the world food program created by a joint decision of the general assembly and the conference. already more than 60 years ago, and which over the years has grown into one of the largest supply and logistics companies in the world that respond to food crises caused by armed conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics, this is our main support among aon organizations, the second such ofora is an international fund for agricultural development, it is essentially... an international bank that operates according to a model tested other international financial institutions , primarily the world bank, the international
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monetary fund, this bank gives loans at very low interest rates, the peculiarity of these courts is that they cumulatively attract investments from other international organizations, the private sector, and this bank is focused on supporting farmers. small businesses, that is, again the focus of attention. we collaborate fruitfully with the world health organization, and many of the sustainable development goal indicators, especially those related to nutrition, growth, children, reproductive health of women and girls, life expectancy, here we work hand in hand with the world health organization. there is such a global approach as one health, which includes health, the state of the wild environment, the living environment, farm animals and
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humans, within the framework of one health it cooperates, but also with the world organization for animal health with the un program on the environment, in particular the moscow the cell of this united health is very... active and we are working with russian partners are very closely involved in world rabies day on september 28, awareness week on the correct use of antibiotics and, in general , the entire antimicrobial resistance agenda on food safety and ensuring a healthy diet. and finally, the flagship report on the state of food security in the world. which is published annually and presented in july in new york at the high-level forum on sustainable development, we prepare together with the svos, together with
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the world bank, with unicef and the aon children's fund and the world food program are our five main partners. and of course, fao is an organization created by member countries, and we actively cooperate with all... mechanisms, including in terms of ensuring food security, we have a mechanism for verifying the implementation of the decisions
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of the world food summit. system, it is based on voluntary reports of member countries on what is being done in this area, and equally, in voluntary national reports on implementation of the sustainable development agenda, which is presented annually by about 40-45 countries, well, this process takes 4 years, and so that all countries, members of the un, have time to report at least once, that’s a lot of attention. is paid to achieving goal 2, in particular the russian federation in its first national review, which was done in 2020, it paid special attention, dedicated an entire chapter to working to achieve goal two, ensuring food security and eliminating famine, at the height of covid, we proposed a mechanism for financing
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food purchases by the countries that were the most... sold by the pandemic in terms of falling incomes and the closure of supply chains, and this initiative was partially implemented, of course, when the director spoke about the global governance system, he did not have, did not i meant the creation of some new structure, but rather the involvement, effective use of all the tools that are at our disposal, as a practical example, this is... an information system on food markets created by fao at the call of the twenty, it operates very successfully, it provides up-to-date information on production, stocks and consumption of the main types of food raw materials; it serves as a guide for producers and for all other participants in the food chain. russia, by the way, supports the work of this system with voluntary contributions.
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nutrient medium of cells taken from animals , pure plant meat, if we can reduce it through scientific research the cost of such products , the media and doctors should be convinced of the benefits of its use in food, as well as its excellent taste, so, probably, it can open the way to private sales, but i am convinced that this is everyone’s personal choice,
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it is still based . purpose and how else does the organization cooperate with russia? agreement on the establishment of centers in russian regions, and what is their moscow office of fao, which was signed with the government of the russian federation on february 4.


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