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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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in the krasnodar territory, vladimir putin held a meeting with governor veniamin kandratyev. region reported to the president on the construction of almost 50 hotels. investments in these projects amount to about 500 billion rubles. in addition, the focus was on health and economic development of the region. you are developing at a good pace. unemployment in the country is at a record low, even lower than the national average. and one of... such significant
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indicators of population growth, in this regard, of course, problems certainly arise, issues, first of all, the social apparatus, uh, we need to think about increasing the number of ambulance teams, kindergartens, schools, the number of places there should increase, well, let's go in order please, well, let me thank you first of all, probably for these decisions that you voiced in your message to the federal assembly, they, of course, concern residents of the entire country, and of course business, and of course, residents of our region, residents of business, enterprises where people work, large families, and especially the decision that it is very important for us to overhaul schools and kindergartens. and earlier, in the krasnodar territory, the president spoke with graduates of the higher military aviation school, vladimir putin also sat at the controls of a flight simulator and tried himself as a pilot of the yak-130 combat training aircraft. and
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anastasiafimoy has all the details. on the eve of march 8, an unusual format. this is how the head of state described the nature of the meeting, which he held at the krasnodar higher military aviation school. at the table there is a graduate of an educational institution, people in charge attitude to work and devotion to one's country. on the eve of march 8, i want to congratulate you all on the upcoming holiday. i wish you success too. service and family happiness, i’m sure that everything will work out for you, because you are people with character, you act purposefully, you go towards your goal, sergei kuzhgedovich told me how the first recruitment was carried out, it didn’t work out, one of the future cadets could do it like this she pitched a tent here somewhere, in front of the gate, yes, such, such an attitude towards life, towards her future profession. really worth a lot
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i am sure that with such an attitude you will succeed, today our women, girls, young people in the zone of a special military operation are serving, and in different directions, and everywhere they serve their homeland with dignity, the romance of the sky with which these ice girls decided to throw in their lot , of course, an attractive image of the profession, but it requires very specific... qualities, excellent knowledge they demonstrated to the president, showed in technology, the ability to instantly navigate and make decisions in critically difficult circumstances, they have their skills today in particular, driving a car when one of the engines fails, and already at the meeting they asked what event was the most memorable for the president in the past year? my life consists of an endless number of different events and activities.
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by the way, vladimir putin himself took the helm today, this time of a flight simulator, having tried himself as a pilot of the yak-130 combat training aircraft. let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago the head of state committed a crime.
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ice, it wasn’t planned, because the minister says you can’t fly, because we’re still they didn’t accept this machine, but the industry says: we haven’t delivered it yet, so, but when we came to the enterprise and inspected it, the ship’s commander told me: “vladimir vladimirovich, we are ready, in 2 hours we can be in the air, i suggest you try it, it’s interesting i wanted to compare what happened to the car since the time i flew it in 2005, and indeed, a lot has changed, it’s practically a new car. the crew commander is the most responsible job, but what if there was a woman on board number one, asked lieutenant zakalyukina, be guided not
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by gender principles, but by business ones - the rules of the president, which means anything is possible. i do not select the crew of the aircraft i fly on; this is done by the appropriate management.
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remove it from there, why endanger women? this means that this led to what, they took a vacation and went there themselves, moreover, the managers of the channel told me that they were from television, that they were ready to quit, but
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they would go there anyway, however, receiving flowers in honor of the spring holiday is still a purely female thing privilege, bouquet from the hands of the head each participant in today's meeting received the state, and of course... wishes for success in service and family happiness. all participants in this meeting are fully aware of the complexity of the military-political situation and historical period. “we won’t let you down,” said lieutenant kuzina. responding to this remark, the president emphasized, i have no doubt, the highest devotion to the fatherland and duty to the fatherland has distinguished the officer corps at all times, and, quoting the head of state, it was russia that emerged victorious from all difficult trials thanks to this quality of its worthy
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citizens. in krasnodar, vladimir putin also met with students from sports schools and visited the new sambo palace. it was built as part of the large-scale project “city of sports of everything”. in a year and a half, the palace can accommodate 3.00 spectators, already in may the publication will host the first major tournament, this is the final of the summer sports competition for russian students. how long have you been doing it for 5 years? 5 years , well, the results are good, seven, in every district of the krasnodar region, we are building a martial arts center and sports complexes we are being built by what the governor did about samba in schools, it’s great, of course it looks like a cat and it’s become tougher. a good democratic sport in general, so it can be easily developed in schools, it was such
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a comprehensive good sport, a lot is given in terms of development, physical, physical work, great, develops character, thank you for doing this, to other topics, chapter gagauzia eugenia gutsul declares that she will return to moldova, despite chisinau’s attempts to intimidate her. the day before it became known that the country's prosecutor general's office decided to take the case to court. in which hutsul appears. it is still unclear what exactly she is accused of, natalya solovyova understood the situation. this meeting on the sidelines of the world youth festival in sochi was short, but in many ways significant. vladimir putin spoke for the first time with the bashkan of gagauzia, evgeniy gutsul. along with transnistria, this moldovan region clearly sympathizes with russia, which contradicts the position of official chisinau, which has set a course for european integration. the gagauz have their own position, this...
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i am not afraid to return to my homeland, to my country, to my gogouzia, because i know what the inhabitants of gagauzia are waiting for, and they only want one thing, they want to live in friendly relations and develop together with russian federation. kamrat has close contacts with russian regions and a significant share. exports, which infuriates chisinau, the authorities tried several times to cut the budget of the autonomy, the last attempt
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failed, the constitutional court sided with gagauzia. victory, victory! independent the position of the gogauzes prevents the sandu regime from pursuing a further policy of mergers with the european union and nato, and for the president with a romanian passport it is a matter of retaining his seat: elections will be held in the country in the fall, but there will be a fundamental split in society, if today... he did not dare to join the eu or the eurasian economic union, the ratio would be 49% to 30, with another 11 still undecided. just like 4 years ago, the current head of state is betting on the diaspora; he plans to open 60 plots abroad and allow citizens moldova in the usa and canada vote by mail, but russia, where over 3,000 moldovans live, and this is more than any other country in the world, except for the republic itself, is out of the question. the current government is represented by. managed to divide the people within the country and the diaspora abroad, our moldovan citizens who live
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abroad in america in canada are no better than european citizens or citizens who live in the russian federation and the cis countries, that is, we are clearly visible now that these presidential elections, which the sanda will hold, they will initially be rigged somewhere and not fully constitutional, these elections will determine who will be. russia, or better yet, the kremlin, wants to intimidate us, we no longer want to be vulnerable, to be a leaf in the wind, as russia wants, and we will not allow the kremlin to put its minions in leadership positions. artificially, inflating the problem, kishnev follows the path of escalating tensions in relations with moscow, immediately offering a solution, nato, being sandwiched between russia. west, moldova has always been a powder keg in eastern europe, however, with the beginning of the conflict
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in ukraine, the situation worsened sharply, from a small good country, where good people live who want peace and who live very poorly, they want to turn it into a military training ground, a nato training ground. today even the voices of the current western regime are heard, shouting that moldova should become a member of nato, what is this?
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presidential elections, which, as i will now remind you, will take place in a week on march 15, 16 and 17, just on the eve of this significant event for our country, we we are studying the programs of candidates for the highest government post in the country, we are helped in this by, among other things, trusted representatives of presidential candidates, and today with us in the studio is alexander alexandrovich khurudzhi, a trusted representative of presidential candidates. russia from the political party new people vladislav davankova, alexander alexandrovich, we welcome you , hello, oleg nikolaevich slobodchikov is with us, a confidant of the presidential candidate from the ldpr party, leonid eduardovich slutsky, oleg nikolaevich, we welcome you, but unfortunately not larisa georgievna baranova gonchenko, a confidant of the presidential candidate of the russian federation from the communist party of the russian
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federation nikolai khritonov, was able to come, well, we are expecting her in the near future, well, in the meantime, let ’s discuss it with you, we are talking today. about culture , an important topic for our country, especially now, when a new, probably even a whole cultural layer is being formed, i would really like to ask the first question, to which each of you will have 4 minutes to answer, which concerns precisely this global confrontation between russia and the collective west, which extends not only to the economic sphere, of course, but to the cultural sphere; we all know very well what cancel culture is.
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presidential candidate from the new people party , and we are traditionally against prohibitions, and accordingly, today we have time with oleg nikolayevich, if the opponent does not object, to have an open conversation so that it is a full-fledged debate, so i propose an open dialogue to begin with next, right from the news that came out today, just a few hours ago it became known that ilzeli. our the world-famous ballerina, yes, they were deprived of lithuanian citizenship, yes, to whom they did something bad, i don’t understand yet, yes, that is, in 1919 i was literally at the evening in memory of maris aleeppa, where the best ballets gather there, corpses come from all
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over the world, this is generally a unique format, i still have such pleasure with my daughter, my wife and i remember and... this, this is just space, this is just the highest level, that’s when countries begin to deprive someone of their citizenship, who -prohibit, i’m literally before the broadcast i decided to look, well , well, our culture is banned here, and they are trying to ban it, even change the name of the street, that’s just one question, it doesn’t bother them to navigate there, when you’re used to the fact that you’ve had a street all your life, how many generations of pushkin , then suddenly it became something... so we understand perfectly well that, after all, in the post-soviet space there was such a deep penetration of cultures that by simply banning it, people will still call this street for 20 years, well, let’s say that we were called a street in rostov, it was time to rename it, they called it a street instead of
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engels, big garden street, everyone called it for another 10-15 years, but where yes... now in the west and i really wouldn’t want people to get carried away with this, unfortunately, there are people here who decided to hype this topic. we call them, there was even a bill that vladislav davankov introduced to the state duma, this bill was called about serial informers, that is, when such a fashion appeared to hype on representatives of culture, on
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our actors, artists, and says, here it is he said something wrong, let’s ban his concerts, let’s ban something else, but let me remind you, we are still in the 21st century, we have a lot of technology. when a large number of programs started not working for us, each of us uses a smartphone, we used someone else’s vpn, that is, we learned to bypass it, for us this is, in general , something that every child can do, not to mention an adult, our grandmothers know how to use the virus, what are you going to ban, bans won’t get you far, we are a country of great russian culture, so large-scale, that we can afford to do without prohibitions without imposing someone else’s, alien opinion. new people are against the ban.
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thank you very much, oleg nikolaevich. dear voters, first of all, i would like to congratulate all women of russia on the upcoming best spring holiday, international day, women's day. and the most beautiful women, we always say this, we always repeat this, and cultural figures have always dedicated their best works to women, so good health and patience to you, dear women us men. well, now to the topic that is being touched upon today, culture is very important, of course, and the confrontation, i agree with my colleague, this is the confrontation that western countries are forming, it is meaningless, it has already been shown. 20th century, the cold war , the iron curtain, america didn’t let its art come to us, we didn’t let the soviet union in, they had their art there, they came up with the idea that
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culture should become a weapon, which is how the americans did it, they agreed with france, and we were well cultured exchange with france, and pierre richard remade films with his participation, american films supplied them to us, and thus, indirect... information still reached soviet citizens, but in the 21st century culture has already become an element, and an important element hybrid war, this is what we must take into account, and this must be taken into account today by our ministry of culture, which must preserve and develop russian culture, because the attack on russian culture is very active, why am i in favor of preserving culture, namely russian culture, russian cuisine... is the main mechanism for the formation of traditional values, we have already talked about traditional values ​​many times and said that if society, if
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a person does not rely on traditional values, if they are eroded, then a person loses his human identity, therefore the ldpr firmly stands for the preservation of russian values ​​for their development, the ministry of culture today must be treated... and the ministry of culture is very important in its work, the ministry of culture must be treated today as a ministry defense, as the ministry of economics, which develop and maintain stability in our country, this is very important, and the russian people, russia, must understand this, it is very important, now the question is about the west and russia, and what did russia lose when they began to ban us in the west , we haven’t... lost anything shakespeare, goethe, they’re all still with us, all the great writers, poets, artists, we don’t ban them, it’s they who ban us, therefore they’ve lost, they
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’re robbing themselves, but it’s theirs choice, that's why we 're calm about it here, but i would raised another very important topic, here is the departure of cultural figures from russia with the start of a special military operation, on the one hand you can... say, this is a personal matter for each person, this is their choice, we have no right to condemn them, maybe somewhere deep down in your soul you can agree with this, but if by leaving people do not cause moral harm to russia, if they do not start persecuting us and saying, yes , you are bad, yes, you are doing the wrong thing, this means that people do not understand what russia is , what threats were posed to russia, including them , if they had stayed here, and if russia... did not launch a special military operation, this is also an element of the culture of educating our cultural figures, we say that
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we educate with the help of culture, but we still have under-educated cultural figures, unfortunately, that’s why the ldpr stands for the preservation of culture, for preservation. thank you, but we are now just continuing this topic that you touched on, this is also a whole layer of culture, which will certainly be reflected in our literature, in our music, in our painting, most likely in cinematic art, i mean special military operations, the events of the last two years, very... often we hear criticism that now there is not enough in theaters, in cinema, in music, we hear this reflection of what is happening, what is happening there, many say that, remembering the great patriotic war, that music, uh, books, poems appeared, these are the ones that we all know, appeared after, when people endured it all, and this everything turned out just like...
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it will be natural, it won’t be necessary to instill it, it will come really naturally, that’s when they try to artificially show that people are structured this way now, especially the younger generation, that they resist it, they somehow try to protect themselves from it, so i think it’s better when that’s all. ..
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with the battalion political officer, we published it , one channel showed it on february 23, opened a festival of documentaries about the northern military district, there is nothing artificial there, they showed the war as it is, straight documentary in this regard, here are the students of the faculty of journalism, the teachers looked in awe , there’s nothing artificial there either, the staging thing is probably a matter subsequent to the victory, remember the festivals, i remember the bard song festivals, great, i was there, yes, and we each were, probably remember these tents, it’s all natural , so cool, it’s memorable for a lifetime , now we’re communicating with young people, we have a lot of young people with sparkling eyes, i repeat, here in our party, so i call them youth with sparkling eyes, they i want cats to save, then solve environmental problems, or something else, they do it so sincerely that i think...
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it’s about a horse, and the whole country sings, the camera switches, a gold project, that ’s just wonderful, it concentrates society , that is, projects during covid, yes, but projects that consolidate society on positive energy are a plus for our culture, they will come naturally, so i think that everything that people like is immediately visible in the number of views, because they repeat: and
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