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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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stamina and spiritual generosity, remaining invariably charming, despite difficulties, and of course, being the center of the family, which in russia is dedicated to the whole year, vladimir putin congratulated russian women on march 8, the main women's holiday. today in russia , the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible to accommodate families with children, including, of course, large families and young people. families, young mothers, felt cared for by the state's help, i would like to appeal separately to women who are in the zone of a special military operation, performing combat missions, to those who are now separated from their families, waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, joy and support, worrying about all our soldiers, helping them on the front line, hospitals, in
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numerous volunteer structures, you again prove what irresistible power a woman’s heart has, you give an example of perseverance, confidence that good and truth are on our side. warm words on march 8th come from the front line, their mothers, the wives and sisters were congratulated by the soldiers located in the special operation zone, video messages were recorded directly at the combat positions, women were honored throughout . many actions began in advance, which prepared for the holiday in different regions, maria valieva will tell. congratulations straight from the front lines on the eve of international women's day, the popular front has collected a video message from soldiers who are serving in the special military operation zone. i wish you strong love, great health and patience. congratulations on international women's day. we stand guard over your safety, my beloved, dear. wife, i'm fine.
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all women of russia, their loved ones, wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, military personnel are congratulated from the cabins of armored vehicles, from atvs, directly from combat positions, where they defend the borders of their homeland with weapons in their hands, and defend the right to a future strong and independent russia. soldiers of the rcbz troops also recorded a video message for their loved ones. we know that all women are beautiful in their beauty, and in their intelligence, too. we are conquered by the female soul. participation in the festive event took place employees of the regional departments of the russian guard in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. joy, smiles and to be loved on the holiday. happy holiday to you on march 8th. vai inspectors on the roads of donetsk stop all motorists not to check documents, but to give flowers to congratulate them. employees and wards of the branch
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of the defenders of the fatherland foundation laid flowers at the monument to the legendary olga kachura in donetsk, known by the call sign korsa, she was the commander of a rocket artillery battalion, the title of hero of russia for this the legendary woman was awarded posthumously, well, she did a man’s work in the war, but they say war does not have a woman’s face. yes , but as it turned out, it turns out that women can do what men can, that is, she was a talented commander, a respected person, commanders of the highest rank reckoned with her, her fellow service members considered her, she was loved and respected. representatives of the union of women of the lpr and dpr , on the basis of the presidential platform russia is a country of opportunity, held an online conference with the head of the special women leader program projects. participation.
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that this is unrealistic, but still everything is possible, on the eve of international women's day , the fire of the family hearth, the heart of russia from vdnkh was delivered to all regions of our country, vologda young people were given it right during the wedding ceremony. this family hearth, a piece of the family hearth, should be inside you. the last place where the fire was brought was the nenets autonomous okrug. the popovs were the first to light it there. tatyana and vladimir have been married for more than
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30 years, during this time we raised two of our own children and nine adopted ones, and we are always democratic towards children, we have our own herk. ev congratulate women from the people's regiments, give bouquets to those who every day with their work help the soldiers of the northern military district and bring the overall victory closer. wives, mothers, sisters are a reliable support for every serviceman,” emphasized the head of the russian guard, viktor zolotov, during his speech. he noted that
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more than 60,000 representatives of the fair sex serve in the national guard. when we see you, you know, this light from your eyes, the flow of your hearts, your voices, you know, they... heard in the kirovograd region in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime , an air raid alert was announced in six regions of the country, in some twice a night. in the kupinsky direction, fighters from the western group of troops destroyed positions in the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using drones discovered command posts and communications centers of the nationalists.
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the coordinates were promptly transferred to the crews of the tornado-g multiple launch rocket systems. the soldiers took to firing positions with precise volleys of high-explosive shells. the enemy was destroyed. after successful combat work , the tornado-ge crews left the firing points to replenish their ammunition. in the zaporozhye direction, march 8th is, first of all, another day for female doctors when they can save the lives of soldiers. to do this, each of them, when leaving for the front line , has a heavy backpack with everything necessary. the supply of drugs is enough for 10-12 people. many doctors have already been awarded state awards more than once, but the main one. doctors consider something else to be a merit; our military correspondent anton stepanenko will tell you what exactly. in ready to evacuate? to evacuate
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the wounded, go to the front line, where they were taken out of the trenches. this is done by the platoon she commands. reception and sorting unit as part of the medical unit of the seventieth guards regiment. in this backpack we have everything we need to... provide first aid to our wounded soldiers whom we pull out of the battlefield. at the moment, in this backpack, from this backpack you can provide first aid at least 10-12 times. the main thing is to get to the hospital, the task of evacuation groups. on the road she keeps in control, does not show emotions, although sometimes it hurts, like a woman, very painfully. worry inside, i have such, well, really heavy three hundredths, which when i give them. help, i really pray inside, the main thing is to get him through, if i start to become hysterical as a medic, seeing the nature of his injury, that is, this will not make him feel better , because many military personnel are conscious, at least understand something, so if i i’ll start to get hysterical, it will only make things worse for them, after college
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i worked as a district nurse, in the fifteenth year, i put on shoulder straps, there is someone, my mother is a warrior doctor, my father is a military man, my brother is fighting nearby in the 136th buinaksk brigade, they dissuaded me, right dad? he said very strongly that he said , well, that there would be all sorts of trips, business trips , there would be bad conditions, well, roughly speaking, don’t call me, then don’t cry, she didn’t call and didn’t cry, didn’t tell me how they lived in the ground for a month at a time, in the forest regiment, how she pulled out the wounded on herself in the field , did what she could, and even more, just to save life, a woman at war, is this normal or is it more likely it’s not normal, what do you think, i think it’s normal, why exactly a woman, we... military personnel, there is someone to replace her with, but they don’t put men in, why don’t they replace her? i don’t want this, well, you don’t want it, well, in the army , not everything depends on what you want, well, i seem to have very good authority in the regiment in terms of my work, so no one will ever
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replace me, don’t replace the senior operating sister elena trofimova in military surgery since the first chechen war, 27 years of experience, from a wound. naturally you have to be careful, she remembers her everyone, and she remembers, because this gratitude seems pleasant , sometimes they are capricious, to the woman for the rest of her life, whom she saved, there were a lot of three hundred people here, who, as soon as they even saw or heard a woman’s voice, they immediately oh woman, that’s how they - it ’s always here, sister, you will help me, you will do everything for me, but from the first day about my state awards, how
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not a single 300 became 200 in my account, i am very proud of this. anton stepanenko, valery vinokurov, news: zaporozhye front. now the footage is from kirov, they put out the fire there all night a major fire in a furniture production workshop, the fire covered an area of ​​700 m2. more than 50 people and 16 pieces of equipment took part in the extinguishing, by this hour the fire had already been extinguished, but footage of the fight against the fire is now on your screens, according to information from the regional ministry of emergency situations of the victims. london will allocate more than
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$400 million for the purchase of drones for the armed forces of ukraine, the british ministry of defense reported this; according to their calculations, these funds should be enough to supply 10,000 drones. the topic will be continued by alika komarova. kiev and washington are disappointed in each other, about this is reported by the new york times, citing sources in the american government. they are confident that ukraine should begin large-scale preparations for something like this.
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does not feel any support, as far as i understand, initially biden wanted there to be no american military in ukraine, because of these restrictions the pentagon was looking for ways to cooperate with the ukrainian military, but being outside of ukraine, we have achieved great results in this area. also, as far as i know, our special forces are present in the conflict zone, but nothing more. hard to say. despite gross violations of international law in the white house , russia continues to be threatened, the official nominated by biden for... the post of coordinator of the state department's sanctions policy almost openly stated: the united states is behind the undermining of the northern
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streams, and if russia does not come to its senses, such sabotage may happen again. when russia started this conflict, president biden, standing side by side with chancellor scholz, warned the russians that there would be no nord stream if russia invaded, and chancellor scholz stated that there are no disagreements, it worked, well, as you can see, the nord stream. not anymore, so the russians must be careful. at the same time, american military experts are increasingly calling on the authorities to negotiate with russia. former un weapons inspector scott ritter said: moscow has achieved undeniable nuclear superiority over washington, so the west urgently needs to return to the negotiating table. alika komarova, lead. joe biden delivered his annual state of the union address to congress; at the very beginning of his speech, the american the president said. intends to use us troops in ukraine, while biden emphasized that if congressmen refuse
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to supply weapons, then kiev will be in real danger. we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons so that they can defend their sovereignty. this is all that ukraine asks for. she's not asking for american soldiers to be sent there, and by the way, i hope it stays that way. so now we must all unite. stand together against russia, history literally follows this, if the us steps aside, it will will put ukraine at risk, real danger, europe will be in danger. the entire free world will be in danger. in the first 10 minutes of his speech, biden, according to journalists, mentioned ukraine eight times, vladimir putin six times and russia twice. and he repeatedly compared himself to roosevelt, not without a dig at trump, but trying to offend the former president, biden once again misspoke and called for
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defending the threat to democracy. we must be honest, threats to democracy are necessary. protect, i was told that many of you they want to know the truth about january 6, when rioters broke into congress, the truth is, you can’t love your country only when everything is good, when you win, by the end of the speech, as journalists noted, biden’s voice changed, the politician himself as if he was tired, which, according to the media, may indicate medical stimulation before the performance. egypt and...
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aggression are unlikely to be achieved before the onset of ramadan. meanwhile, pro-palestinian activists demonstrated at the capitol and demanded an end to american aid to israel. earlier , the washington post reported that the united states had secretly sent more than 100 shipments of weapons and ammunition to the jewish state since the beginning of the conflict. but in the meantime, israel continues its ground operation in the gaza strip. intense fighting is taking place in the south of the enclave. army special forces conducted a raid on palestinian targets in the city.
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passengers were offered to use the reserve flight. a new plant for the production of household appliances has been opened in the rostov region; refrigerators and freezers. the expected production capacity is 100 thousand household appliances per year, but the company is aimed at further expansion. read more elizaveta bondarenko. the new enterprise in donetsk will make it possible to replace european manufacturers of refrigeration equipment on the russian market. the process is fully automated, the power is impressive. in 8 hours, the plant can produce 400 freezers, which is 1000 household appliances per year. this plant was restored; after restoration , equipment was purchased and after production installation, here we do a complete cycle. we have six model series and assemble them in full cycle. the project was implemented within the framework
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of an agreement that was signed at the international industrial exhibition inoprom-2022. investment amount. production is about a billion rubles, 150 new jobs have been created, the enterprise is aimed at further expansion, which means the number of products produced will increase, new vacancies will appear. the territory is large, there is a lot of work, i hope i have enough strength, well, with the help of the support of the administration and the team, i think we will implement our further projects, the governor of the rostov region vasily golubev took part in the grand opening of the plant, the head of the region officially launched production and personally:
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now sports news ilya on sakhalin in the anniversary ski marathon a record was set for the number of participants. including olympic medalists, world and european championships from 40 regions of russia entered this ski race. the marathon will take place in the south of sakhalin on march 8 and 9.
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a goal and an assist from alexander ovechkin helped defeat washington in away this morning pittsburgh 6:0. the russians score points in the fourth match in a row. ovechkin scored at the very beginning of the second period; he took advantage of the opponent's confusion and sent the puck into an essentially empty net. a little later, the russian was assisted by henrik. a point in the league and moved into clear fifteenth place in the list of top scorers of all time. also a notable event of the meeting was the debut goal in the nhl of ivan mershnichenko. the twenty-year-old striker opened up on his heel and beat the opposing goalkeeper. thanks to this victory, washington still continues to fight for the playoffs. the nizhny novgorod torpedo crashes in the first round of the khl playoffs. in the fourth match of the series , sk won 4:1 and increased its advantage. torpedo's home game did not give up from the very beginning; by the tenth minute the hosts were losing with a score of 0:3. it is noteworthy that the second and third goals were separated by only 17
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seconds. after that, the nizhny novgorod team changed their goalkeeper; ivan kulbakov came on instead of adam guska. towards the restart of the first period , the hosts managed to score twice, although one goal was disallowed due to offside. the spectators did not see any more goals until the very end of the meeting, when marat khairulin scored through the empty goal. this is st. petersburg's third victory in a row. the fifth game will be held tomorrow in st. petersburg, with the victory of the club from beregov niva, the series will end and iska will advance to the next round of the gagarin cup. lada beat the vanguard of the first round of the khl playoffs for the first time. the fourth match of the series ended with the victory of talyatintsev with a score of 4:1. vlada won their first victory in the playoffs since 2009. the talyatin team again plays in the khl season 2017-7 years. and the last time the team reached the playoffs was back in the 2008-2009 season. after all, the first in the history of the khl. then the togliatti team lost to cska in the first round of the playoffs with a score of 2-3 in the series. after lada’s victory, more than one series of the first round of the play-off will not end in four matches; this will happen for the second
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time in the history of the league. amur again equalized the score in the first round series of the khkl playoffs with metallurg. the fourth game ended with a score of 5:2 in favor of the khabarovsk club. in the european football league , karabakh was close to another sensation, whose goal is defended by andrey lunev. the azerbaijani club was one step away from inflicting baer's first defeat this season. coach xabi alonso left a number of leaders on the bench in this match, hoping to get off with little blood, but at the end of the first half the question of who the favorite was was never relevant, and bayer had more possession of the ball, while the difference in shots on target was 9:4, in karabakh introduced the score 2:0. in the second half , bayer's leaders gradually began to emerge from the bench, and they saved the match. first, wits took advantage of the mistake of the karabakh defense, already in addition to match time. patrick shig equalized the score. as a result , the 2:2 draw was also a sensation, but not as loud as it could have been. in the vtb united league, nizhny novgorod beat the rune
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87-82 on the home floor. the hosts did not start the match well. the nizhny basketball players went into the big break with a decent gap of 13 points. however, in the second half they managed to completely seize the initiative, but there was a nervous ending. runa was within one of mavertime's three-pointers, but juwayne morgan missed it.
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parts of the regular army, so these the unfortunate ordinary soldiers can easily be called nothing less than your lordship. the reserve is one of the largest environmental protection zones in ukraine, with a total area of ​​227 hectares, within the
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mandatory exclusion zones. resettlement, so now 2/3 of this territory will go to the military for the construction of fortifications, it doesn’t matter to them whether there is an exclusion zone there or not, they are simply creating a fortification along the border line with belarus. environmental issues and other issues, i don’t really care about that at all, construction can take a long time, up to like an analog line, in general it’s not a quick thing, but you have to hurry, radiation sickness... conditions, ukrainian soldiers most likely won’t get it, nevertheless , there’s quite a decent distance from the epicenter of infection, although such trenches won’t improve your health, there’s a risk of getting cancer in the future, even with such small doses of radiation increases significantly. microparticles of soil contaminated with radiation, in other words, radionucleides during the construction of fortifications can enter the human body and become a so-called time bomb, but who cares
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you definitely won’t envy the soldiers of the ukrainian army who are now sitting in the trenches on a cannon in the so-called red forest, a couple of kilometers from the emergency reactor, where contaminated soil was buried after a man-made accident in 1986. in this video , ukrainian officers clearly assure journalists that there is nothing terrible for the soldiers, and the radiation is no longer what it used to be, organizations that work in the exclusion zone, organizations that work in the exclusion zone have carried out.
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speaks for itself. in this article, journalists they are asking a reasonable question: where is the high-quality defense for which western money has been allocated and withdrawn for so many years? the publication publishes satellite images of ukrainian positions and is perplexed, what is this anyway? sparse trench lines populate the area west of avdiivka that ukraine is trying to defend, according to a review of images taken by a commercial satellite company. for some reason, these lines lack many additional fortifications that could help. slow down russian tanks help protect main roads and important terrain, or here’s another quote: ukrainian officials may have been too focused on offensive operations last year to allocate the necessary resources to build numerous trenches of tank traps, and i would like to add that these resources were strengthened in someone’s pockets. there were also a lot of funds sent to many cunning comrades, and
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ukraine, like some... this is from the word steal, this money was expropriated for themselves in their pocket, and accordingly, on paper there were deliveries of construction materials there and some kind of work, but in fact they don’t exist or they were done poorly, inferiorly , they are making a fuss about this , to put it simply, by the way, after this article with satellite images in ukraine they started saying that the west is playing into the hands of the kremlin , i publish such pictures, in general, they shift what is being said from a sore point to another sore point, the bottom line is a disgusting organization of defense. is costing the kiev regime hundreds of thousands of human lives, nothing can be done about it, as they say, it’s too late to drink borjomi when the kidneys refused. flowers, money and fire. a fatal fire in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, a fire
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occurred at a flower base in moscow. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire? a small thing led to big consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. dear friends, i invite you to our next issue. author's program
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