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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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cadet education is actively developing in russia, its demand among the younger generation is increasing, it is not only a good level of teaching in basic disciplines, as a rule, it is a large selection of additional education, sports and basic military training, and also the opportunity to get a profession. marina pavlova continues to talk about the cadet school of shipbuilding prionezhye in the vologda region. with a focused gaze, the cadets gnaw at the granite of science, they want to get a high education.
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there is always a choice, including in additional education , what to do, everyone decides for themselves, for those who want to reveal their creative potential, pottery, design or vocals, there is a choreography hall nearby, those who have chosen dancing for themselves are constantly learning and rehearsing new performances , a wide choice among the sports disciplines of football. acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat or hockey. the children are provided with all the necessary equipment, classes are conducted by professional trainers. thanks to the school's capabilities, many of the cadets were able to fulfill their dream now at paths to your sporting achievements. my parents didn’t give it to me because it was expensive to buy a uniform, there was no opportunity to study, but here there is an opportunity. some cadets dream of becoming the best in martial arts, so on the tatam they practice various combinations with striking and throwing techniques for defense.
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attacks are so good, and this shipbuilding is perhaps the most popular area of ​​​​additional education, almost all the boys who enter school choose it, they study the exact sciences, the history of shipbuilding, sailing, 3d modeling , however, not everyone continues to engage in a complex craft until they graduate from school , only those who want to build ships and go on expeditions on them remain, drive and purposefulness, this is not about assessments, science, then they cope, then we are the purposefulness of their desire , we tighten it up, especially with geometry. during an expedition along waterways, students undergo an educational program in tourism, orienteering, navigation, study ancient water trade routes, and work in a team and admire the beauty of their native land. parosny robbed, everyone goes to their places. the history of the school's formation is connected with shipbuilding. so, 11 years ago, a small club first opened. korobely
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prionezhye, where local children learned about the shipping of the russian north, the geography of crafts, and the types of wooden ships. over time, sports facilities, playgrounds, and workshops were built on the territory. the club became the basis for the creation of an educational center; a cadet school was opened in 2018. all the history can be traced in the museum. also here you can see models of boats that students made with their own hands during classes. here, for example, is the anezh soima verbushka. by the way, it is worth noting what a ship is in reality. the children built it and set off on it on their first expedition to lake anege. on display are authentic historical objects and documents collected by students and their teachers, the results of expeditions and projects. they also created a modern interactive environment with multimedia technologies. the school museum was opened quite recently, and objects continue to be built on the territory. the infrastructure will be updated for the new school year. designers are already working on the concept. we need to build a swimming pool here and renovate it. one of the buildings
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where we will accommodate another 50 cadets, we will renovate all our sports facilities, the canteen, we will rebuild our summer stage, our summer theater, in which we hold a number of important events, we want to transform the entire school space here, make it in the same style, for the cadets their school is second home, they spend almost all their time here, only sometimes leaving for the weekend to see loved ones and on vacation, life according to the rules is a busy education.
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you feel normal, you are in the same group with your friends. going through an interesting cadet path, young men master unique skills, courageous professions, achieve success in creative sports, and become.
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those who have successfully realized themselves in business, education, medicine, science and culture. among the forum participants were wives, sisters, mothers, defenders of the fatherland, and also those who
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they themselves often found themselves on the front line , saving our soldiers, providing medical assistance, women journalists reporting touches, as well as those operations, such unity, when the whole world of the country helps its heroes invaluable in difficult times, and, probably, no words will be able to describe all our gratitude to those
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women who took on this difficult mission, so i just want to say, our dears, we are proud of you, all regions of russia took part in the forum, among the main topics was the preservation of traditional values, improving the quality of life, developing social infrastructure, high technology and women's entrepreneurship. many ideas that were voiced at the all-russian forum will be reflected in the agenda of the eurasian women’s forum, for which active preparations are underway. i noted this. first of all, women should exchange experiences , share with each other work technologies,
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the practice of their work, secondly, present the results of their activities, and thanks to you...
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among those who are actively involved in the implementation this strategy and today she is a guest on our broadcast. tatyanaevna, hello, good afternoon. the national strategy for action for women has been approved. until 2030, what is the importance of this document, what is it aimed at and how it has been implemented over the past eight years. a strategy is a programmatic document that is aimed at the effective use of professionalism, talent, and energy of women, which should, of course, be aimed at the development of the region where women live, at the development of our large wonderful country. the document itself appeared in 2017 and was developed at the suggestion of valentina ivanovna matvienko, at the moment the document, in
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accordance with the challenge, was updated in 2023 at the end of the twenty-third year it was re-approved, and today we will work in a new strategy, which we will have until 2030, the most important thing is what is written in this strategy, there are simple directions within which all our ministries and departments... will draw up plans taking into account these directions and fill out this document specific things, well, what are they talking about, if we talk about documents, everything is quite simple, about the participation of women in the development of our country, if we talk in principle briefly, the main direction that is so central is, of course , the socio-economic direction, and in this direction, women are moving our agenda with dignity and we can, in principle, in general... say that women today have already become such drivers of economic growth points that are emerging, and of course, if
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we talk about this in principle by numbers, when we we are talking, for example, about entrepreneurship, but this is the actual economic component, in entrepreneurship today 40% are occupied by women, women occupy almost 90% in social entrepreneurship, this is really very important, it’s clear why, because
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today they occupy more than a third, so if we we say that this is a serious direction, yes, and there today more than a third of women work in agriculture, and we know very well that our women are flying into space, in general, where, what industry is it today, what industry is it today, there would probably be one where a woman would not be represented, this document, the strategy, this, of course, is gender rights, and today we understand that women are actively involved in this agenda, she should also have her own strategy. as part of the work of the council of the eurasian women's forum , a number of projects are being implemented in the northern
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territories of the country, please tell us in more detail about how arctic women participate in this work and what are the results? well, it would probably be correct to say that today women manage to do everything, and they have time at home, at work, they have time to develop the territory, regardless, it will be the arctic territories, the southern one, they usually talk about the arctic and the feminine arctic is so seemingly fragile, gentle, but so strong. the future is in the arctic today, women also work there, of course, on the board of the eurasian women’s forum there are more than twenty different projects, and it would probably be correct to say that each project in one way or another affects the arctic agenda, such as women in the nuclear industry, women in the mining industry, women who are involved in investments and of course the environmental agenda, and the project that is on the board of the eurosian women's forum, which i lead, is... a project of women for the development of naval cities, it also concerns the northern territories, because the northern
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fleet , which is located in the murmansk region, it’s about the arctic, and the women who live in these territories, they, of course, are primarily engaged in preserving their family, well, probably, such, say, work on shaping the spirit of the guys who today perform tasks as part of a special military operation, and at the same time, of course, they are engaged. and this, in fact, is the development of the region, this is the subsequent development of the country as a whole, so any project that exists today works in the arctic zone as well. tatyana anatolyevna, within the framework of the all-russian women's forum, women, preserving traditions, developing russia, you held a strategic session, the impetus for the development of regions, women's initiatives, and what initiatives were announced, what initiatives
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were heard why did they seem promising to you? well... by and large, our platform was also dedicated to the work of the strategy, but already to testing the work of this on the ground, and we invited some participants, and we had 10 speakers who talked about their projects, to talk about how this the project helps the development of the region where they live, and accordingly there were projects that have already been successfully replicated in other regions, that is , all this is what we have written in the strategy today, there were different ones...
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it’s easy to move around from the point of view of legislative work, of course we had girls who talked about the creative industry, and about children’s cinema, and about entrepreneurship in the field of design, it was very nice to see our young designers, for example, maria osipova - this is our murmonskaya , our pride, which is now engaged in design, together with its colleagues in sports, a designer in aesthetic sports, this is... gymnastics, this is figure skating, models were presented, little girls who came to wonderful costumes, it was very touching, emotional, and once again proved that in all spheres today women are actively moving forward, and i emphasize, still confidently maintaining their hearth,
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minding their own business, everything they do today, helps in the development of the territory...
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traditions and is also the director of a museum with the ethnographic name torumma, which means sacred land. on the hill overlooking the confluence of the abi ertysh in the eastern part of khantamansiysk , a place was created in the open air where you can see how and how small peoples live. this is a mansi winter hut, it was built according to all traditions, it is one large room, there is a women's half, where the mistress of the hearth is now making a doll amulet. this is the male half with all the equipment, where there is a bow and arrow, this is the kitchen, where... of course, there is a stove that maintains heat in the harsh siberian frosts. khanty imansi, a representative of the ob ugrians, under the leadership of lyudmila alferova, who herself is a khanty by nationality, is being held today colossal work to study the preservation of the spiritual and material culture of these peoples. here, among the siberian taga, you can even learn the basics of hunting. we never pull
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the bowstring to ourselves. yeah, it's the arrow that's being pulled. there are no sights on the bow, but you have a scope. your hand is serving, the sight was a little let down, the arrow didn’t even reach the target, but the experienced archer reassured me that in order to achieve a result you need not only skill, but also years of training. khanty and mansi boys are taught to hold a bow and arrow from the age of 3, the same thing and with reindeer husbandry, this is a traditional economic activity of the northern peoples, which children are introduced to almost from birth, this is our way of life, this is what we live and do, reindeer are our second brothers and sisters, because we can’t live without them. afterwards i worked at the machine.
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you can gain respect in a male team only if you understand what you are doing, if you yourself are a technically literate person and speak the same language, then in principle there is no difference: a man is a woman. the same opinion is shared by another strong woman of ugra, kristina filipenko. one of the founders of the headquarters for assistance to military personnel. the room for humanitarian aid occupies two floors, and at first all the boxes were stored in cars, garages, and apartments. today there is even a drone control simulator. this is the simulator itself, an fpv drone for sports piloting, that is , piloting, maneuvering, the concept of physics, how it is, what it is, what a drone is, women sew camouflage nets, backpacks, suits, sweatshirts. christina jokes the entire battalion. seamstresses can now safely celebrate two holidays, not only on march 8, but also on february 23. we are not on the front line, but nevertheless we are in the rear, we work every day, we
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are the same defenders of our great country, our homeland, i have a husband, he was a military pensioner, he served in intelligence for 10 years , then he signed a contract and left for the northern military district zone , and we survived the wounds, they came under polish mortar fire, he miraculously survived, a shrapnel stuck in the temple area, and my husband... recently liberated avdiivka, while he is in a combat zone, his wife is waiting for him at home, while there are three children, my children are at school, in kindergarten, we are also waiting for a doll, that i can do everything, as if i do , we send personal parcels, we also help to form boxes, sew, cut, educated, strong , kind, faithful women of russia captivate with true...
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a guest for us is a very important, very dear person who visits our republic, despite the fact that now the tourist season, as you can see, has not decreased, there are a lot, and we are very happy about it, winter time here we have a particularly popular ski resort, a leading one, where tourists come, although it is not yet fully completed, work is underway there, but tourists are interested in it, it’s very attractive, they go there and so do we...
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how the chechen republic is preparing for the summer season? in particular, when welcoming guests on the may weekend, how will the region surprise tourists? well, taking this opportunity. i would like to invite our tourists to take part in the may events that will be held in grozny, and cultural and entertainment programs are being prepared, various events, we will be glad to see every tourist who comes to our region, and i would like to note that the chechen republic is already preparing for the summer season, first of all, the emphasis is on ensuring security measures for tourist sites, since last year... in the region certification is carried out, new routes are developed by the guide , today we have about 200 routes in the republic, this is done so that
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every tourist who comes, so that he can find a suitable tour, a suitable route, so that he is interested, and also in our republic we have 300 objects of different directions, these are cultural, religious, sports, various kinds of objects that are interesting for tourists to visit, came to our region, and we are sure that the number of tourists this year will be more than last year, we will definitely do everything necessary for this. our correspondent oksana podturkina was convinced that the chechen republic can surprise any tourist, not only in summer, but at other times of the year. now she knows what bear onions are and how they are collected and prepared. it’s fun and cheerful, so hongfest took place in the chechen republic, a big holiday, where each guest received not only a portion of good mood, but also a plate of freshly cooked wild garlic, which was brought from different parts of the region. this plant is also
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called bear onion or wild onion. by the way, i’m familiar with honk, its name is in chechen, i tried it everywhere, but i especially liked the shalinsky one, very spicy, tasty, but i’ll also try it with an egg with a different recipe, i also like it with tomatoes, it’s good for my body, i i recommend it to everyone some will not try it because of the smell, on this day in the square of the city of shalet, not far from grozny, the air was saturated with the pronounced smell of ready-made wild garlic, it tastes like green garlic and onions, the taste is of course, but it’s worth a try, for the chechen people a dish made from wild garlic is the basis of national cuisine, incredibly tasty, like my grandfather’s, my grandfather loved to cook it often, very similar, very tasty too, trying it for the first time, yes, somehow unusual, make a wish, another name for wild garlic is chechen snowdrops, a little about how they are collected, it grows in the mountains, they come in piles like this, boots, you see, these are these
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, these are the ones we remove, just like when i was little, we just borrowed everything from our village, collected everything and sold it, the bear harvesting season ends in march , so those who want to taste wild garlic should hurry up, but you can enjoy your holiday at the veduchi resort at any time of the year. the road to the ski complex runs through the famous orgun gorge, by the way, one of the longest in the caucasus, its appearance , at the same time, owes its name to the argun river, which broke through. through the northern ledge of the black mountains. leading the first all-season ski resort in the chechen republic, it opened in the winter of 2017. for fans of winter skiing, there are three tracks, including a training one. this is how nine-year-old varya, who took up snowboarding and then skiing, hones her skills, and just a few days ago is ready to share her experience. it's better to learn to ride with your instructor first. everyone will probably think it’s better to slow down with sticks.
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well, who will be the first to slow down with sticks? maybe fly forward, snowboards, when you feel like you’re falling, it’s better to fall back , we came from botlikh, republic of dagestan, to spend 2 days of our last vacation, so to speak, in sports, we want to teach children to sports, why now the choice fell on the chechen republic, well, close to home, such a more modern infrastructure, now the snow on the slopes is artificial, plus temperatures that... last for days at the top of the mountains are not a hindrance to skiing. external artificial snow is no different from real snow. the only thing is that it is more dense in structure, so it doesn't take long to melt. however, snow is not necessary for skiing here. the special coating of the route allows you to go down it at any time of the year. this track is periodically lubricated for those skiing so that the skis do not deteriorate; the track glides on its own. snowboarders and skiers come, that is, both come, but it’s more comfortable according to reviews, it’s more convenient and
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comfortable for skiers to ski on... this is the surface. having crossed the summer slope, skiers and snowboarders reach an observation deck from which the eponymous mountain is clearly visible. village. you can get down here by cable car; the journey takes 15 minutes for tourists, and twice as fast for athletes. the length of the cable car on the southern slope is almost kilometers, so far it is the only one here, but in the winter a four-kilometer cable car will be opened, which will pass at an impressive height through the gorge and deliver tourists to the northern slope, where couples will be built for them.


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