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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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more happy moments are possible, vladimir putin wished, congratulating women on today’s holiday. the head of state addressed special words to those who are currently performing combat missions and to those who are raising children and maintaining the family hearth. today in russia, the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible to accommodate families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young mothers. who are now separated , separately address the women who are in the zone of a special military operation, carrying out combat missions for those with their families, waiting for our heroes, feeling the care of helping the state, i want to inspire them with love, joy and support, worry about all our soldiers, help them on the front line, in hospitals. ..
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numerous volunteer structures, you again prove what irresistible power a woman’s heart has, you give an example of perseverance, confidence that good and truth are on our side. in his address , vladimir putin noted that with his wisdom and spiritual women transform the world with their generosity; they, according to the president, are able to cope with a whole heap of problems and troubles, while remaining charming and attractive. today in everyone. denis alekseev will talk about how the country celebrates the first spring holiday. if there are tears, then joy, if emotions, then only the most sincere and positive ones, if gifts, then long-awaited or the most unexpected. this is all about how russian women celebrate march 8th. the congratulations began first. to receive residents
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of the far east, gradually hour by hour to the whole country joined in the celebration , traffic police officers, if they stop girls today, it’s only to check how they’re in the mood, when they see the police with flowers , everyone smiles, that’s the point, i was already thinking what i’ve done here, i don’t seem to have broken anything, here a pleasant surprise, every girl will be pleased to receive flowers, so men give us them more often. this is ivan from yekaterinburg, meet me. he decided to give women a holiday not only from himself, but also from everyone who is on the front line at these moments, together with today my colleagues gave tulips to girls passing by; at the sight of the fighters, even those who didn’t need to came out into the street, so i wanted to thank our military, because what they do for the whole country is more valuable than any gifts, and i can hug you, hug you, of course , thank you, our loved ones, our protectors, men, why not hug them, especially such... yes, seeing gratitude in
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the eyes of women, joy, smiles is priceless for us. the photo project “wives and heroes” was presented at the victory museum. in faye, in front of the hall of fame, an exhibition appeared, which included portraits of the wives of the heroes of the northern military district, in the jackets of their husbands. the message is simple: while the soldiers perform feats at the front, their wives believe in them, love them and wait for them, and these are the valuable qualities that raise the morale of our soldiers. and the young army members held a kilometer of beauty event. took to the central streets of cities to give a moment of joy. of course, it’s nice to look into the faces of those who are congratulated so suddenly; such moments are worth a lot. the atmosphere of a gentle holiday is everywhere today, these are shots from the center of moscow. volunteers find an approach to for every girl, yellow tulips of different colors for every taste were given to the girls near the building of the bolshoi theater, and around the corner on the kuznetsky bridge they were given pink ones. original and clearly
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contrasts with today’s metropolitan weather, your loved ones, another action carried out by volunteers all over the country, because women are so easy to please, you just need to show attention and care, they can handle it, flowers, cards, wishes - that’s it, what today makes the holiday a real, big holiday, sons, brothers, husbands, many women on this day front, everyone is proud and believes that...
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my hard work of women, well, it’s just nowhere, judging by the shots, they also cook excellently, and they also have their own front of work, and bake day and night. bread at the donetsk bakery and confectionery plant, in a city that ukrainian nationalists continue to shell, but in which life is in full swing, including thanks to them, the head of the dpr denis pushili congratulated the employees of the enterprise. and what happens next is better than any gift, a surprise that will be remembered for a long time. volunteers help arrange such surprises for those who have not seen each other for months, on a holiday , women whose husbands or sons at the front receive a knock on the door as a gift, and a long-awaited meeting behind the door. but
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, of course, not everyone was able to come, many fighters from the front line sent a video message, the most important words, which are more valuable than any congratulations and confessions, i’m fine, dear. i’m fine, my love, everything is fine, dear, i’m fine , men are noticeably worried all day, i wish i had time to congratulate my loved ones, because the holiday is coming to an end, but there’s no need to worry, march 8th, of course, the holiday is already, by the way, 105 years old, but there are still a lot of reasons to please your women, and if you do it for no reason, it will be even more pleasant, there are reports that in the sumy region. the st-68 um radar was destroyed. such footage appeared on the internet. this is the most important element of the ukrainian air defense system, quite rare. the soviet radar station is also capable of tracking aircraft at a distance of up to 200 km. and this means a serious reduction in the ukrainian armed forces’ ability
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to detect russian aerospace forces aircraft in this area. most likely, the comica drone responded to the radar. in total, 34 group strikes were carried out on ukrainian armed forces targets over the course of a week, they reported. during the period from march 2 to march 8, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 34 group strikes with high-precision weapons , multiple launch rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects where unmanned boats were assembled and prepared for combat use, arsenals, and fuel depots for military equipment were hit. , points of deployment of units of the armed forces of ukraine, the formation of nationalists and... grain turkey's mediation deal in resolving conflicts is on the agenda of negotiations between the leader of ukraine and the president of turkey, according to political scientists. zelensky arrived in istanbul on friday to meet with recep taip erdogan. meanwhile, media in kiev report
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that the ukrainian leader also intends to enter into agreements with representatives of turkish arms companies. military assistance to ukraine is also in the spotlight of french politicians. but was it possible to agree on something? will move towards odessa or kiev, what will we do? there shouldn't be any limitations in our intervention. this is how he imagines things are going now. the meeting with party leaders was held behind closed doors, but they themselves, speaking to the press, sharply condemned macron’s aggressive initiative.
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continuing the war and persistently pursuing a military course is a dead end and entails an extremely dangerous risk of escalation. course they call it a provocation, they disowned the idea of ​​​​sending nato troops to ukraine and other western leaders, who were incited to this by macron on the sidelines of a recent meeting in paris, now the elysee palace justified. various hypotheses have been discussed, but we are not talking about troops that would
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participate in hostilities. we must ask ourselves whether we have tried everything in the space of solutions between the transfer of weapons in the form that is happening now and a full-scale war, that is. direct war with russia, aren’t there options that we could still try, including a military presence to clear mines or training ukrainian fighters on ukrainian soil, but this is unlikely... paris’s help will be free of charge basis, if we recall the recent attack from tyri briton. the former minister of finance of france, and now the commissioner of the european union, said that kiev will have to pay for the shells that the eu sends to ukraine, although the europeans themselves are chipping in. i thank all the countries that have joined the czech initiative to purchase ammunition for ukraine. at the moment we have managed to raise enough money to purchase the first batch of 300,000 artillery shells, but our goal is to send much more, neighboring germany is still in no hurry to supply taurus missiles. we have always
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emphasized that such long-range missiles will not determine the outcome of these hostilities. perhaps they can help to one degree or another, but the chancellor again explained that there is an extreme line that we will not cross, we will not be a party to the conflict, so taurus missiles will not be sent to ukraine yet. true, in the government of chancellor olaf scholz there is no agreement between the ministers. head of german. kyiv regime with france and countries the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine went to vilnius, but on
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tuesday dmitry kuleba may lose his post. vladimir zelensky is dissatisfied with his work in the diplomatic field, kiev media writes. the department's press secretary, oleg nikolenko , has already fled the sinking ship, without waiting for the resignation of the leadership. against this background , the resolve of official paris diminished; emman macron began to explain to the french that his words about sending troops to ukraine were allegedly misunderstood. not ruling something out doesn't mean doing so. you're standing in front of me, not sitting at your desk, but don't rule out the possibility that at some point you'll sit at your desk for dinner because you need to eat. next week , debates on ukraine are scheduled in both houses of the republic's parliament, the national assembly and the senate, although, judging by the first reaction, french deputies will vote against their own president. boris ivanin, evgenia zemtsova and ekaterina shamaeva, news. “i won’t bend, it sounded like it’s hard for me to bend over, and i
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won’t go away, it sounds like i’m afraid of tripping on stairs republicans considered biden's speech before congress humiliating, given that the us president spoke many times about ukraine and russia and almost did not mention america. and in the russian foreign ministry they called the performance ridiculous, or rather, mesozoic postmodern, as department representative maria zakharova figuratively put it. even before the speech began, it was clear that the country would be assessing whether eighty-one-year-old joe biden was ready for a second term as president. outside the congress building, surrounded by a high fence for the occasion, biden greeted by pro-palestinian activists. inside, despite outward optimism, there were doubts whether the president would even be able to cope with a long speech. joe biden was 20 minutes late to congress;
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congresswoman taylor greene, wearing a trump cap, was waiting for him in the aisle on the way to the podium. she gives the president a badge with the name of a girl recently killed by illegal immigrants. a direct demand to close the border with mexico. but joe biden begins his speech with something completely different. he compares current times with 1941 and himself with president roosevelt. unexpected for everyone. the aggressive start in the very first paragraph about the conflict in ukraine and a personal appeal to vladimir putin, it is obvious to everyone how painfully biden perceives the failures of the kiev regime. my message to president putin, whom i have known for a very long time, is simple: we will not retreat, we will not bend, i will not bend, we must support ukraine, supply them with weapons so that they can defend their sovereignty. this is all that ukraine asks for. send american soldiers, and i hope it stays that way, so now we have to unite all together to resist russia.
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democrats interrupt his speech with applause. vice president kamala haris jumps out of her seat dozens of times in a row. obviously i am glad that the president’s speech took place at all. but in the house of representatives, where joe biden speaks, the majority is republican. and speaker mike johnson, listening to biden, rolls his eyes. but he smiles condescendingly, because the future of the aid package for kiev depends on him, a vigorous and formidable start, but biden quickly runs out of steam, by the third paragraph, despite to the help of the prompter, begins...
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what is the average federal tax rate on these billionaires, much less than what they pay in america, thousands of billionaires, you know, the vast majority of americans. that's why i proposed a 25% minimum tax on billionaires, which would raise $500 billion over the next ten years. donald trump also closely followed biden's speech and commented in real time. every thesis of the president on his social networks, biden talks about shringflation, reducing the content of product packaging, trump criticizes, snickers cannot be more important than borders, the capabilities of modern mobile applications, trump uses to the fullest in his comments. but even when talking about american healthcare and
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drug prices, biden again could not do without russia, and here he really had to admit the medicine.
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it doesn't stop there, his reckless spending has plunged the economy into a hole and sent the cost of living through the roof, we have the worst inflation in 40 years, the highest debt on credit cards in the history of our country. according to journalists, biden spent the longest time talking about the future of democracy, that is, that trump should not win, but that money should be given to the american military-industrial complex. it was perhaps the darkest and most un-american speech ever given by an american. president, but his main priorities have nothing to do with america, his priorities are sending billions of dollars to ukraine, a proxy war in eastern europe. having finished his speech without obvious failures, joe biden descends into the hall, where some more time wanders in search of a way out. where should i go? this way, sir, this way. you know where
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i need to go, you need to go straight there, sir. commentators are still trying to figure out what this speech was about. but the feigned anger and rage that biden managed to portray with difficulty was noticed by everyone. tonight joe biden delivered what was described in the press as a feisty fiery hot cake. sorry, it's very late and i'm hungry. it was also one of the most anti-russian speeches by a us president before congress. ukraine in biden's speech was mentioned eight times, russian leader vladimir putin six, and russia twice. to questions that truly concern you.
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our country, our president, our choice, on march 15, 16, 17 we vote for. our president,
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also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. head of the gagauda autonomy evgenia gutsul returned safely to moldova. she freely crossed the border at chisinau airport. earlier, oppositionist ilan shor expressed concern that gutsul could be detained right at the airport due to criminal cases brought against her. let me remind you that evgenia gutsul flew in from sochi, where she took part in the world youth festival and met with vladimir putin. after this, the prosecutor general’s office of moldova announced that they were sending a criminal case to court against the head of gagauzia. in the russian foreign ministry, such actions were called bullying. herself gutsul believes that... level,
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but there were meetings in the russian federation, this is in moscow, in the city of sochi. i want to say one thing that we will do everything to ensure that our friendly relations with the russian federation do not stop, and we feel their support, everything that we discussed with them, discussed all our further steps and projects, we will definitely implement , we stand for peace. "we stand for harmony, we stand for friendship, i apologize, you know that the flight is very difficult, and we are very tired of some radical actions authorities in relation to you, they said that the current government may expect you to be detained, but i’m not afraid of anything, because the people of gogauzia are behind me, the truth is behind me, i didn’t break the law, i didn’t do anything wrong, at
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the youth spartakiad in sochi today there was a collision between skiers; during the mass start, due to fog and snowstorm, the athletes began to fall and knock each other down. as a result , several girls were injured, with stitches and fractures, and many were taken to the hospital. the race was stopped and the prosecutor's office began an investigation. details of the emergency at egor grigoriev. alarmed judges' comments behind the scenes , screams of young skiers: everyone is alive, one fell, then another, a mass start, turned into a mass collapse of the spartakiad in sochi, on the long descent of the first round, they were supposed to run 10 km in the classical style, but 14 athletes left the track , nine girls
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were hospitalized with fractures and bruises. the photos of even those who were less injured are extremely horrific. skier daria ermakova published several pictures from the hospital. another video of athletes shows their skis, they are literally turned into splinters. the ministry of sports provides a comment on the possible reasons for the incident. during the race , the fog suddenly fell, causing visibility to deteriorate and the athletes suffered injuries and bruises. the ministry of sports , together with the federal center for training the sports reserve, regional departments and... responsible services , coordinate all processes at the competition site. the circumstances of the incident will be analyzed and appropriate measures will be taken. according to meteorologists, the weather in sochi now truly unpredictable and treacherous. there were fogs in waves with reduced visibility of less than 1 km. well, one more detail is very important, here is the place of this mass collision incident, it is located at a level of approximately 700 m above sea level, and
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the lower edge of the clouds was approximately at the level of 300-400 m . the start of the competition took place literally in the clouds. a video of the supposed start of the race appeared on the internet; it shows that there was fog already before the start of the race. questions from shocked parents of young skiers are on quality the tracks, they say, had melted, the snow was loose, and before the competition they also went through a rotruck, and ended up with a skating rink. we ran not along a ski slope, but along the most difficult biathlon track in the world, only in reverse. who made the decision that we needed to compete.
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basically everyone had bruises, some had a bruised nose, some had a bruised arm, a bruised leg, thank god , there were doctors there right away, everyone was immediately hospitalized, everything is fine, so yes, it’s very disappointing, bitter, but this happens, unfortunately, the men’s race was decided to be canceled after the emergency, who will be responsible for what happened during women's start will be known after verification. egor grigoriev, natalya uvarova, daria bratukhin and rina zaborskaya. news. film bremen town musicians, directed by alexei. collected more than 3 billion rubles. the film entered the top five highest-grossing films in the entire history of russian box office, and also became the second film this year to achieve such high results. find out more from the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. i cleared the forest of robbers, alone?


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