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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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stigli, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change in any structure, evolution is happening, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do, change . “we will expose all the fakes, the battles for severo-donetsk lasted for 4 long months, of course, everything will be restored quickly after such destruction.”
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yes, the elections are commemorated in france as well, the situation is similar, according to polls, the european parliament will be primarily supported by marine lupin’s supporters, sworn enemies of macron. according to the figaro newspaper, the belligerence of the president and the government is caused by the desire to intercept the agenda, to direct the attention of voters to the topic of war and peace instead of socio-economic problems. we will keep an eye on france, but for now let’s return to germany and talk to maria harolskaya. from mmo,
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an expert in german political cuisine. maria, hello, there is a lot of debate about the reasons for the leaks in germany, and the conversations are very alarming, but the content, it seems that no one is at all i was surprised whether this means that support, military support for ukraine is now, well, the norm for the establishment, yes and no, that is, on the one hand, there is a consensus among the political elites.
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from the csu they are for, yeah, they are for, it’s really difficult to divide into the opposition, the ruling parties, because in the coalition, as we know, the social democrats still reject this possibility, and there is a difference there, there are their own, well, let’s talk hawks, but there are opponents, the greens mostly support, free democrats, well, also partially, they have there are quite radical politicians, like shtrakzimerman, they believe that it is necessary to send, christian democrats, yes, they are very much so...
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is this a principled position, that is, is this his conviction, or is it still a matter of fact? scholz is such a reserved politician, he doesn’t like abrupt decisions, he doesn’t like decisions that could cause some kind of risk for germany, and if we look at the situation with taurus from the point of view of the chancellor, we will see that all transfer options are not very successful, then there is the first option, yes, but transfer the taurus and send german specialists, but a risky undertaking , firstly, it will need to be approved in... and there is no probability, no, that is, there is a probability, but there are no guarantees that the majority will say yes, we send it, well, if they agree, then it will attract too much attention to the germans in the conflict zone , the second option is so gray, send specialists who can somehow advise, it seems to me that this is also excluded now, and not even because of the recording when schols said in the bundestag that it is necessary to send , that is, it is thus already this gray version removed, but... the third option is to send missiles
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and send them, not send your people, but train the ukrainians and somehow provide advice from germany, from europe. but first of all. if you make such a decision, then you will need to explain, precisely prove to the internal external audience that there are definitely no germans there, yes, specialists with a german accent, but in this case it will turn out that germany, berlin will lose control over the choice of target. you need to understand that the opposition criticizes scholz about the taurus, but this is their way of getting political points, but they will not bear answer.
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war is the continuation of politics by other means. this formula was first derived by the prussian general carl von clausewitz. his main work on the war was published after his death. clausewitz divided wars into absolute and limited. in absolute war , the goal is to destroy the enemy. in a limited way - force him to compromise. another famous military strategist was the chief of the german general staff.
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he was replaced by gudarian, who published the book “attention” to tanks, which described the use of tank troops. the idea was creating the main striking force of tank divisions, they could be combined into large
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formations, tank groups. the tank division did not just consist of tanks, it had its own reconnaissance, infantry and artillery. basically the wehrmacht was on foot. where the artillery was carried by horses, but in the tank division all units were motorized. heavy artillery was towed by high-speed tractors, which none of the armies had at that time. they struck not only tanks, but a single fist, which was capable of moving at high speed, breaking through defense to enter into this breakthrough, developing success and acting independently. the first training was the anschluss, the annexation of austria, then the polish company, but the real blitzkrieg was operation sickle strike against france. its author is erich von manstein. later, such encirclement operations would become a signature feature of the german army. with the help of lightning war one can successfully act against such a large
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country as france, which was occupied even before it began mass mobilization. against the ussr, such a strategy gave ostechku. after world war ii in germany. there were no longer great strategists, but a number of former generals of the third reich made successful careers, among them hans speidel, a participant in the anti-hitler conspiracy and chief of staff of the field. rommel and adolf heusinger, chief of the general staff of the ground forces under hitler. in the fifties, he became a military adviser to the first federal chancellor konrad adenauer, and in 1961-1964 he headed the nato military committee. and sarah vagen knyah you are generally leftists, well, the leftists now are the remaining leftists. criticizes the party russia, sarah wagenknecht, as a leftist
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, cannot support moscow, but at the same time the electorate is also important for her, including the east german electorate, as we know, which is more critical of helping kiev, and because of this she needs maintain the line, and that germany should rather take diplomatic efforts rather than send weapons, but in general, it seems to me, because, as i said, there is a consensus.
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will increase again, it is clear that after the second world war everyone tried to ensure that this never happened again, but now the situation is different, i don’t see the likelihood that it will increase, but firstly, no one will abolish parliamentary control over the bundesphere, and secondly, they are in no way connected with the authorities, they have no levers of influence, an interesting point, yes, their popularity is increasing , but the popularity is not in the bundysphere, not in the army, specifically in pistorius, but in pistorius, he’s like the minister of defense, but he’s a civilian. and the popularity of the bundosphere, it seems to me, and its authority is not growing, if we look at their problems, we will see that
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they still have a lack of resources, that is, the military career among young people, it is unpopular, the idea of ​​some kind of military political culture is also absolutely unpopular, germany is quite a left-wing country, a left-wing center, with universal conscription, citizens, mostly men, must perform military, alternative or civilian... service. this applies to both wartime and peacetime. each country determines the conditions for itself, and although a similar approach is found even in ancient times, the modern system of national conscription copies the practice that arose after french revolution and which formed the basis of napoleon's great army. most countries later copied this system, when in peacetime people at a certain age serve from a year to 8 years, and then... go into reserve. over the past half century , conscription
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has been abolished in most european countries, but conscription for military service exists in eleven countries. these are albania, austria, greece, cyprus, denmark, estonia, lithuania, finland, sweden, switzerland and norway. each country has its own characteristics military conscription. so in estonia , non-citizens are not accepted into the army. every year, danish residents play in a national lottery. who will go. serve, who will be immediately enrolled in the reserve. and in the scandinavian countries, the number of those called up for compulsory service is only growing every year. in 2015, norway became the first european country to introduce universal conscription for both men and women from the age of 18, but not everyone is accepted, physical and psychological health is assessed, whether there is a criminal record and what is the person’s motivation? similar army competition among.
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now estonians have been serving for less than a year, latvia also intends to follow the example of its baltic neighbors, restoring conscription this year.
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residents of the city of berlin thought that universal happiness had finally arrived, but the time of change brought new problems, and one of them, oddly enough, was the problem of loneliness. berlin has even managed to get a nickname: the capital of loneliness, every second household in the capital consists of a single person, approximately 300 people a year die in their apartments and their death is known
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weeks later. hallo papa, ich bin, opa, ich wollte nur kurz anrufen und dir bescheid geben. social tension and social isolation, overpopulation threatens our order, and social isolation leads to increased mortality rates. the problem began to appear as a result of a decline in the quality of life since the late nineties, which is to blame for the aging population, new flows of migrants, divorces and the refusal of young people to start a family. over the years, all this has literally turned into an epidemic. in big cities like berlin, people
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are in a hurry all the time, they are constantly in a state of stress, they are busy with work.
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future with pessimism. bobby, originally from india however, not all residents of this city follow urban planning. depression is yours and has been living in berlin for many years and making its own choice, but it is important to identify where and why it arose. i wouldn't blame the city authorities for everything, as they did a great job. look, i'm on a bike, create a city for people, not cars. for some, a bicycle is their salvation. and for some, a sense of humor, both germans and expats come to the berlin comedy club sten, to laugh at yourself and others. today the audience is entertained by shauna, who is half australian and half german. unlike others, germans are shy and do not always laugh heartily, like, for example, the english-speaking
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public. i think the larger the city, the more inhabitants, the more lonely you are. and berlin is one of these cities. it's no surprise that a whole industry has already emerged that caters to single people. for example, hug therapists offer their help. for 70 euros per hour you can cuddle with a specialist or with a temporary partner and get your share. exalts individualism, on the other hand condemns the manifestation of loneliness and sees this as evidence of personal failure; cats, bicycles and cuddling specialists clearly have to prove their
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effectiveness. eduard shilin, berlin, especially for international viewing. find out, the unbending revolutionary clara zetkin, the one thanks to whom international women's day, the pro-cult of cats and hugs appeared on the calendar. in her native germany, would probably have led her to the barricades again, and at the same time, out of loneliness, many would help. the presence of women in politics over the 114 years of the holiday’s existence has expanded immeasurably, and the role they play is increasingly dominant. here it’s tempting to start talking about ursula vonderleen, anna lena berbak, victoria nulland leaving the political arena, hillary clinton. but let us refrain, as andrei voznesensky wrote, what time it is, such is the messiah, whether he is a man or a woman , equality is right in any case,
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the president of indonesia was migovati s u kornoputri, the first woman, head of state in the asia-pacific region, she sincerely sought to strengthen peace and prevent military conflicts, which is why many weapons were purchased under her, including in russia, because she was guided by... vision, goodbye, flowers, money and fire, deadly a fire in the capital
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's flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames instantly enveloped an ancient hangar, i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything there was inside there was... seven people were trapped , burned alive, everything was burned, well, even bones, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that this publication was stolen with 20 million rubles. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire? a trifle led to grave consequences, why people died and how the flower business works in russia, we took on this matter and conducted our investigation, welcome
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popular moscow writer nikolai ribinin, your brother is in donbass, you have to go. “it’s hard to get used to, there’s a passenger behind me, about 10 years ago i saw him being beaten through the window, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him. now i have to
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find him, there’s still hope, there’s always hope, soon. let’s translate from clerical to understandable, that’s it it’s not so scary if there are instructions,
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watch to learn. in the application or on the website, dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author’s program. and besagon tv, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia.
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there are reports that the st-68 um radar has been destroyed in the sumy region. such footage appeared. in the network, this is the most important element of the ukrainian air defense system, a rather rare, still soviet radar station is capable of tracking aircraft at a distance of up to 200 km, and this means a serious reduction in the ukrainian armed forces’ ability to detect airborne forces from russia in this area. most likely , the drone-catfish lancet worked on the radar. in total for a week, 34 groups attacked the ukrainian armed forces’ facilities.


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