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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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eu politicians are trying to achieve a direct clash between russia and nato. first deputy permanent representative of russia dmitry polyansky stated this at a meeting of the un security council. the diplomat emphasized that such conclusions were made based on the words of french president macron, who proposed sending alliance troops to ukraine to prevent the collapse of the kiev regime. this prospect, apparently, makes a number of irresponsible european politicians want to seek an escalation of the ukrainian conflict.
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representatives of germany, it would be interesting hear her comment in connection with a leaked conversation between high-ranking german military officers. the representative of china at the security council meeting said that his country favors negotiations with equal participation of russia and ukraine. beijing is calling for a de-escalation and an international peace conference on the ukrainian conflict, provided that both moscow and kiev support this initiative. more than thirty ukrainians are waiting
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to be sent to the front line after a failed escape abroad. men of military age wanted to cross the border from romania in a minibus. they probably could have stayed at home for a long time, avoiding mobilization, but they decided to take a risk, paid 10 thousand euros each and lost. the security forces treated the draft dodgers without ceremony, dragged them outside, threw them at each other, judging by the pictures published online, the sbu participated in the arrest. the authorities of the gaza strip criticized the dropping of humanitarian aid from airplanes, this has already led to the death of five people, as the enclave administration said, such aid poses a mortal threat to peaceful residents and is of a propaganda rather than humanitarian nature. footage from social networks shows that the parachutes on some of the boxes became tangled and crashed into populated areas. according to media reports, the action was initiated by the united states. the pentagon denied the data on casualties; they said that the report was an emergency. the united states noted that the united
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states and jordan dropped more than 11 thousand rations of gas from the air to the residents. now advertising, then we will tell you about the details of the deadly fire at the moscow flower base, it claimed the lives of seven people, who is to blame in the tragedy, a new investigation by eduard petrov is about this. to be a woman is to wake up with the first rays of the sun, but to allow yourself to lie around for another minute for your own pleasure, or maybe this is above any stereotypes, or to meet the one to protect family comfort, or maybe it’s to give free rein to your feelings and be the one who needs care so much , maybe being a woman means inspiring others, or maybe... being a woman means being different,
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combining incompatible things, being yourself and being the most beautiful version of yourself, being a woman just fantastic on march 8th. again i can’t sleep volimedin, actually this is mine, but for you i’ll drop drops of volimedin, motherwort, hawthorn and mint, a drop of valemidin, calm, just calm, how do you like it, we’re going on vacation, class, and we ’re going, third year, and you haven’t started saving, so open a savings account, rate 16. save up faster and transfer
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your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, let’s go to the bank, mountains, skiing, speed, you’ve saved up faster than you go down. vtb: together everything will work out. 30% discount on second or 50% discount on third household appliance product. built-in midea dishwasher for only 14,999 when purchased as a set. in emvidio and eldorado. we take loans. easy to arrange. we take loans. did you get there quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. touch the rock star burger on fire , taste it, order a free credit card with a whole
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year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free. buy osaga on the compare website and win a car. only until april 26th you can insure one car with us and win a second one, or a million rubles. choose asaga or any other insurance and take part in
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the drawing. compare on your side. flowers, money and fire, metropolitan researchers have found out all the details of the deadly fire at the flower base. hello, in the studio. eduard petrov, today on the program: my colleague called me, there is a mochilyuk burning again: a deadly fire in the capital's flower warehouse, seven people died, even the metal i-beams were bent as a result of the flames. i heard distant screams, glory
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god, the three of us managed to run out, techebekov did not have the appropriate education, certification as a welder, i am the director, it’s my fault, it’s my company, it’s my responsibility, there were shortcomings there. occurred in moscow on november 20, 2022, flames instantly engulfed an ancient hangar, destroying tons of plants in its path. seven people, three kasirov, a logistician, an accountant, a welder and a client were trapped and burned alive.
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rescuers were able to control the fire only after 10 hours. the investigation of the case was carried out by employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport. the investigative committee of russia, they quickly realized that the building did not have a fire safety system installed. the director of the base, businessman anton matchalyuk, according to the investigation, knew well about the problem, but he was not going to solve it. there was also information that the publication had stolen a safe containing 20 million rubles. so, what caused the fire? why did people die? and how does the flower business work in russia? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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resident of the capital elizavetanovskaya. already a year wakes up falls asleep with the name of his beloved brother kirill, he worked as a logistician in a large moscow company flowers from machalyuk died in a fire, burned alive, my colleague called me, it was somewhere around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and my colleague called me and said fox, there again the light bulb is on fire, and i say, oh well, well, that is, i didn’t expect it, i say, i ’ll call kirill now and we’ll find out everything first... so i started calling him, i couldn’t even connect with him anymore, well then is unavailable, i
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got nervous, worried, and started calling to everyone who was at work, that is , they were all running around in a panic, no one could really answer me, well, i burst into tears, got ready and went there to fight the fire. on the afternoon of november 20, 2022, columns of black smoke enveloped kamsomolskaya square. it wasn’t just a warehouse that was on fire, but one of the most popular wholesale centers, where people came to buy plants from all over the capital region. a deadly fire
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in the capital's flower warehouse, rescuers are still continuing to clear the rubble. the investigative committee is investigating the causes of a strong fire in moscow on the square of three stations. the fire covered 2,500 km, according to the latest data, seven people were killed. the cause of the fire could have been numerous fire safety violations. fire crews rushed to the scene of the emergency. black smoke rushed into this greenhouse with simply terrifying speed, followed by fire
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, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, several people were saved by the police, but there were also those who got stuck in the narrow passages, between the shelves with flowers and fertilizers, the fire quickly spread throughout old wooden ceiling, after a few minutes. the fire was fought at 10 o'clock. a special
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fire train had to be fitted to the warehouse premises. by midnight the fire was over. rescuers announced seven dead. the name of the one who rented the large hangars became known. he turned out to be the director of a large flower company, flowers from machelyuk. according to the documents, new flora anton mochalyuk is on august street and the campaign is successful in moscow.
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the tycoon is presenting a new year's decor collection, they really are getting ready for the summer, clients don't want to travel a lot, a lot waste time. therefore, it seems to me that the best feature of this season will be sales automation, remote sales and all kinds of implementation of technologies in the flower of flowers. anton machilyuk, the head of the new formation, he is trying to debug the company’s work taking into account the most modern requirements. all fashionable flash mobs are a priority,
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such as this comic dance during the celebration. western holiday halloween. the employees are happy, the salary is solid, however, the manager is strict and demanding, but never forgets about subordinates. this is how the team greets female employees of the company. these shots were taken on the eve of international women's day. congratulations on march 8, our beloved women, may everything be fine with you, let’s do it again, under this heartfelt video posted on the internet, the male half of machulyuk’s team made a comic caption, we quote: be happy and loved, fewer horses and burning huts on
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your way, just a few months later it happened. upon the death of people at the flower base there was a criminal case was initiated, its investigation was entrusted to employees of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia. the first to be detained was the head of the nova flora company, anton machelyuk. his wife and business partner anna mochalyuk stated that 20 million rubles were allegedly missing from a safe at the base. and that the building was most likely set on fire on purpose. in the next case , fire safety specialist vladimir
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kanavalov was detained. to thoroughly understand everything, the employees.
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picks up an electrode for welding, sparks splash, then a small tongue of flame, the welder jumps down and tries to put out the fire.
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the answer is simple: the building, which was turned into a shopping pavilion, was built back in the 19th century. the brick arched structure was built
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conscientiously. before the revolution, there was a settling tank for trains, then there were barracks, then the premises were transferred to the customs service. in soviet times, a book warehouse, a small furniture factory, and finally, anton mochelyuk’s flower shop. however, no one ever... it had yet to be established who exactly should be held accountable for what happened. there were two of them: the owner of the company anton machelyuk, a fire
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safety engineer, vladimir kanavalov. machelyuk has been charged with committing a crime under the third part of article 219. this is a violation of fire safety requirements that, through negligence, resulted in the death of two or more persons. in the criminal case , kanoval was accused of committing a crime under the first part of article 216, this is a violation of safety rules. conducting other works. both defendants visited the site of the burnt flower warehouse and answered questions from investigators. here is a fragment of investigative actions with the participation of anton mochalyuk. well, it was impossible to get into this territory, it’s closed, well, as they explained to us, as they gave to us. this is a closed territory, we have never had access to it, from the first day.
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alarm system, it seems to me, no, the person responsible
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for fire safety, vladimir kanavalov , also spoke about extinguishing agents, there was a room in which there was a fire extinguisher, and carbon dioxide, and nearby there was a fire extinguisher, 100 liter powder, with a volume of 100 liters, also here along the passage. we had an extinguisher trench, the evacuation plan was also located here on this wall, because there were overhangs here, there was an evacuation plan, a little further away there were three fire extinguishers, along the wall, op-35 and two fire extinguishers op 4 or 6.6 l, that is, i don’t remember exactly how the fire extinguisher was, if we were standing here now... in the rooms with a bulkhead of flowers, there was a fire extinguisher there, it was located directly next to exiting the hall,
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they did not arrest the defendants. the fire investigation was soon transferred to court; the accused regularly attend all meetings and occasionally give restrained comments to the press. i am the director, this is my fault, this is my company, this is my responsibility. i wasn't there on sunday, i shouldn't have been at work. i was hired to create such working conditions, but it turned out, well, what we mean, that is, my fault, well, as such, there we... tried to meet with the main defendants in the fire case. of course more we were only interested in anton machalyuk, however, the owner of the flower business refused an extensive interview, citing the secrecy of the investigation. we met the businessman on the threshold of the mishchansky court in moscow, after the next meeting. anton, please tell me,
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don’t you just want to ask for forgiveness?
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it was a day off, he didn’t know in his dreams that welding work would begin in the warehouse, but he doesn’t relieve himself of guilt and, like sunday on the day when konovalov seemed to sincerely repent of what had happened, i understand that it’s hard for me , yes, it’s hard for them, first of all, well, i would like to ask for forgiveness for not seeing it 100%, this is what it
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turns out like... a trifle, well, a trifle led to big consequences, later in the program, how many people were saved from a terrible fire by the moscow police, they cut through, roughly speaking, a small window there, how security forces and rosselkhoznadzor specialists check flower shops in the capital, as local employees say, flowers now quickly arrive to them in literally 3 days. will conquer domestic bouquets, we cut it today, tomorrow it will already be on the shelves in stores, watch the continuation of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the rossiya24 tv channel, we are on holiday.


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