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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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they were in such a hurry that they threw their things right in these boats, so it’s all lying around here, and it’s clear that this is absolutely an instrument for committing a crime. once upon a time, members of the amber groups feuded with each other over the redistribution of spheres of influence, made threats, and burned competitors’ cars. thanks to the well-coordinated work of the police, the number of such crimes has decreased significantly. decriminalization of the amber sphere is under the personal control of the head. regional directorate of the ministry of internal affairs alexander sukrutenko. the fight against these crimes and offenses is currently a priority. in 2023 , more than 5 tons of heart amber were seized from illegal trafficking; 2022 was a record year; more than 15 tons of sunstone were seized. smugglers, as a rule, legalize money received from illegal trafficking, for example, former deputy za..., whom we
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talked about at the beginning, by a strange coincidence owns companies producing amber jewelry. we went to one of zaitsev's stores. the employees seem to adhere to the rule that the boss is either good or or nothing. not exactly in the best interests of the company. the criminal case of sergei zaitsev, apparently, has hit hard the interests of the company for the air smuggling of a valuable mineral; the former deputy and his probable accomplices may face up to 12 years in prison. is this the payback for the possessed? amber fever alexander mostova, igor nikolin, vladimir klimov, maria bukato and vadim chetvertkov, lead the duty unit from the kaliningrad region. in the severtlovsk region. police
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investigators are looking into the details of a fatal accident involving young athletes. on saturday, on the yekaterinburg-olapaevsk, lob highway, a peugeot and a minibus in which there were participants in a motocross competition collided. several guys were seriously injured in the hospital. as a result of the accident, two passenger cars were killed. according to one version , the culprit of the incident is the peugeot driver. presumably he flew into the oncoming lane and crashed into a minibus. about other notable legal events and...
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his guilt, he promised to legally register his business activities. on tuesday in kazan, police began an investigation after a mass fight among teenagers in the food court of a local shopping center. the young people first sorted out their relationship with words, but soon they used their fists. a seventeen-year-old girl fell under the hot hand of the aggressors. she received a strong blow to the head, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. visitors to the shopping center say that young people often clash there. this time the argument started. over a glass of soda. on wednesday, in the kemerovo region, a prince on a white mare was taken into custody; the drunk gentleman decided to hit the heart of his chosen one and came to her on horseback. it is noteworthy that the lady’s apartment is located on the fifth floor; the rider and the beauty, that’s the name of the animal, had to take the elevator. the young lady appreciated the surprise, but the horse was very frightened by the unusual performance. neighbors heard the noise and reported the creative admirer to the police.
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given a day of administrative arrest for petty hooliganism. on thursday it became known that the sverdlovsk regional court released former district police officer yuri from house arrest zolotko. he was accused of abuse of power and was fired from the authorities after he reported the inaction of his superiors. previously convicted repeat offenders began to give testimony, and after a few years they suddenly remembered that zolotko had caused them physical pain. previously, in one of the cases the district court sentenced. former district police officer to correctional labor, but this decision was overturned. on friday in sochi , an investigation began into an emergency at the spartakiad, young skiers were seriously injured during a ten-kilometer race. the race took place in conditions of bad weather, the region was covered by a severe snow storm. despite this, the judges did not cancel the women's start; the loose track turned out to be too difficult, and the athletes were unable to overcome the downhill. in total, according to various sources, 18 girls were injured,
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many had broken arms and bruises. investigators and the prosecutor's office are looking into the circumstances of the incident. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. a scandal has broken out in a beauty salon near moscow. the head of the department instructed the investigative committee of russia to report on the progress of the investigation. employees of the establishment complained about a hidden camera that was installed in one of the treatment rooms. the piquancy of the situation is that it was, attention, a room for epilation of the bikini area. the equipment secretly filmed all the clients without clothes, here are supposedly shots from that same salon. the comment is unnecessary. it is curious that the equipment was disguised as a tracking sensor for at least a year, neither employees, nor especially visitors. we had no idea what exactly this sensor was monitoring. angry clients contacted the police, law enforcement officers have already conducted searches in salon, submitted by the news agent , there were more than 50 records in the archive. yes, the terrible power of beauty increasingly frightens rather than
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attracts, but why do n’t stories about unsuccessful cosmetic procedures stop women in pursuit of the ideal. our correspondent, alina skachkova, conducted a journalistic experiment and found out that he is cynical. representatives of the beauty business do not even spare children, and it is not easy to prove a doctor’s guilt. special report from our program. a cosmetologist from rostov-on-don, olga chernyshova, carefully touches to her own face, a beauty specialist, she herself fell victim to beauty, she wanted to get a fashionable facelift, but she ended up with a disfigured appearance, under this bump there was a rotting cheekbone alive. olga entrusted her image to a local plastic surgery guru. vanes cherkezov. later , an examination showed that the patient’s threads were incorrectly fastened and caused an infection. the face is swollen and distorted. it can't be fixed now. and vanes eduardovich said: well, i don’t know, i can’t help. that is, this is an endless intake of antibiotics.
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naturally, i couldn’t work, i had to go to clinics, but unfortunately, everyone refused me. the victim contacted the police. olga is a doctor by training, she’s sure. there is clearly a medical error: a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime, causing grievous bodily harm through negligence. there is a criminal case, but there are no accused in it, despite the fact that three investigators have already been replaced. doctor avanes cherkezov in the status of a witness. olga fears that he will get away completely unscathed. behind the back of a high-status surgeon, a high-status uncle is said to be perhaps the richest deputy regional legislative assembly. i have an uncle like vladimir cherkezov, a former minister. agriculture, and the richest man in the rostov region, who has been on forbes lists more than once, he can call someone, put pressure on someone. we contacted the doctor to find out his position regarding the former patient, but the conversation did not go well. i'm
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not going to deal with this crap at this time. our program had at its disposal a video recording made by one of the potential patients. he came to consult about possible cosmetic issues. operations while smoking an e-cigarette, the doctor at the same time talked about his relatives’ criminal case , i really have a very cool uncle, but my career has nothing to do with it, but she has a son-in-law who rubs shoulders with all sorts of screw scum, so they decided to cut me off, money , and i, an honest man , will be dragged to all sorts of investigative committees, doctor cherkizov is trying to explain himself, but he says chernyshova had unsuccessful operations before him, and after complications he helped his ex the patient to get an appointment. to the capital 's luminaries of maxillofacial surgery, but no one was able to correct the mistake, here it hurts a lot, what to do with beauties in the minefield of cosmetology, even if experienced lawyers admit that it is not easy to prove medical error in such cases, beauty masters sometimes hire illegally and take for your services
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in cash, trouble will happen, try and prove that you were at the appointment at all, vladivostok resident anastasia kosenchuk came to the salon for elastic buttocks, came out with purulent inflammation of the fifth point, now she’s trying involve doctors responsibly. i had an abscess after, that is, it all leaked out, as it turned out that it was low-quality hyaluronic acid in general, it is not certified in any way. the cosmetology market has recently been flooded with gray, high-quality products that are difficult and expensive to transport. a few years ago in kirov, fsb officers raided a whole warehouse with fake botox, essentially an organic poison, which was supplied on an industrial scale by three friends. everyone sowed, the fsb department worked, everyone sowed, the so-called gang of three blondes. i collected dozens of women who, instead of beauty, received scars and swelling. the high-profile story reached the court, but in the end the case was closed. the accused ladies were very lucky, the article on the illegal import of drugs was partially decriminalized, no one was ever punished for their disfigured faces . gray salons with self-taught masters
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appear like mushrooms, quickly open and also quickly close after customer complaints. there is no strict supervision over them, but you can learn to become a cosmetologist, just think about it, in one day. here. some offers on the internet, they even promise to issue a certificate, but the fact is that there is no medical education, you can take these courses, well, as an exception, we teach. we don’t require confirmation, but how you will work is up to you to decide, they use the terrible power of beauty , they profit from women’s complexes, cynical representatives of the beauty business, they don’t even spare children, for example, in this capital salon, judging by the angry reviews on the internet, they are ready to touch up the faces of even schoolgirls, we decided to check and came here with a request to enlarge lips of a tenth grader, and you just make her 16, well, the girls here are just 16, you ’re fine now, yes, yes. i don’t have 13 of them, no matter how proud i am, but it’s better so that there are no complexes. the owner of the treatment
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room, lolita gasanova, did not even ask the teenager for his passport and took the drug out of a regular refrigerator; it was stored next to the food. we stopped the experiment as soon as the craftswoman grabbed the syringe. how many children's lips have you done already? no, i didn't do it to the children. what are you afraid of? no, you help, help, correct ugly children's lips, right? no, no, we don’t use children’s lips... well, of course, in the battle for beauty, people have been breaking spears since ancient times. in africa, women stretched their necks with rings, in china they bandaged their feet, reducing the size of their legs, doctors shrugged. the harsh beauty business is deliberately structured so that the ideal of beauty can be chased, but never caught up with. the famous metropolitan sculptor ekaterina koval complains that it is not even interesting to sculpt young ladies with the same face after cosmetologists. it turns out that in in the modern world, a woman has only one goal - to like it. and it turns out that she can’t do anything else, what? anna andreevna akhmatova, she has a stunning nose
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with a hump, that is, any girl would probably give birth, maybe, by the way, in her youth she also cried over her nose, but later she showed it as a personal personality. in other words, learning to love yourself as you are is cheaper and safer. olga chernyshova from rostov-on-don understood this from her own sad experience. the investigation dragged on the statute of limitations for the article according to which... a pumpkin turns horses into mice, and a coachman into a fat rat, is about to expire, it's all about counterfeit gifts. of course, you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but we tried, based on our
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legal reports, we compiled an anti-rating of gifts, which most often turn out to be fakes. so, counterfeit flowers come first; not only do they fade quickly, but they can also cause allergies. in this bouquet of mimos, experts found a harmful insect, thrips. it turned out to be a gift. so-so, sucking microorganisms they are dangerous not only for plants, but also for people, they feed on plant sap and can transmit viral diseases. in second place in the anti-rating of fake gifts in perfumery, as a rule, the aromas of famous brands are only on the labels on the outside, inside there is an odorous mix of alcohol, dyes and preservatives, as a result of tears, runny nose and itching for lovely ladies. there may be seizures. migraine, headache, and also severe allergic reactions up to the occurrence
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of anaphylactic shock and, so to speak, death. bronze of our anti-rating is given to jewelry, unfortunately, not even bronze, but metal, plastic and other pseudo-valuable , pseudo-expensive. girls' best friends, diamonds in fact, sometimes turn out to be props. they make it from bottle glass. a stone, they even proved to me , that is, that you couldn’t give it to me, i say, well, i don’t know, costume jewelry, i say , you have this gold collection from istanbul that got into the mineral waters illegally, rings , earrings, bracelets, chains, everything is fake, and this is footage of a special operation of department employees fsb of the kostroma region, a local resident tried to illegally sell precious metal worth 2 million rubles. if you say that it is too late to give fur coats in the spring, women will not agree. many are not averse to getting arctic fox, beaver or ermine, fur, and often sad
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laughter from its acquisition in the fourth position of our post-holiday anti-rating. on march 8 , i bought an arctic fox fur coat for my wife, it turned out to be cat meat, the woman who received the gift from you, she won’t say: come on , take this fake for yourself, because it’s not a real fur coat at all, or a car , or something wrong, in my opinion, in fact , it’s best to give a woman... money, because a woman always knows better what to buy her, well, you can’t argue with the last argument, if, however, the gift has already turned into a nightmare, and you realized that you were given a counterfeit product, experts. advises contacting rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies. if a low-quality product causes harm to health, then in addition to reimbursement of cost, the buyer has the right to demand full compensation material and moral damage, this is already through the courts. and in continuation of the flower theme, a new investigation by eduard petrov - the film flowers, money and fire. investigators have found out
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all the details of the terrible fire at the old flower base, and who is responsible for the deaths of seven people. about this soon after our release, don’t miss the premiere. flowers, money and fire. deadly fire at the capital's flower warehouse. the fire lasted 2,500 km. a fire at a flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022. the flames instantly enveloped old hangar. i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out. the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed. seven people were trapped, burned alive , everything burned, well, even kostya, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publications were stolen with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, he now live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people, what caused
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fire, a small thing led to a big consequence, why did people die and how does the flower plant work? business in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. legendary actor alec bouldwin turned out to be innocent. a verdict has been handed down in the united states in the case of a high-profile murder on the set of the film rust. the scandalous story in the center of which bulduen found himself overshadowed the never-released film. let me remind you that during filming, the actor shot and killed cameraman galina huchins by pulling the trigger of a prop revolver. the duration lasted 2 s half a year, during the investigation , all charges against the actor were dropped and they were brought against hana gutierrez, the girl who was responsible for the safety of small arms on the set, the negligent attempt to hide evidence, the jury sentenced her to 18 months in prison, the court decision has already affected the american film industry , tightened the responsibility of gunsmiths for the lives of filming participants. correction by music,
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convicted in the mazhai women's colony. we attended a shaman concert in the moscow region. such an unusual gift for march 8th artist yaroslav dronov presented it to the ladies who found themselves behind bars. this concert became a vivid example of the humanization of punishment, because even women who have broken the law have the right to a holiday. report by daniil sukharuchko. convict ekaterina babushkina looks out the window in anticipation. in the mozhaisk women's colony, 100 km from moscow, it was international women's day. the popular singer yaroslav dronov, known under the pseudonym shaman, gives a charity concert in a closed special institution. women are preparing to meet the artist. ekaterina will give you a cosmetic bag, mirror, comb. this holiday needs to be celebrated in a special way, she believes. a young woman, a seamstress by profession, came here 4 years ago for drug trafficking. when i committed the crime, i was not yet a mother; i probably did not fully understand
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what i was doing. a child is now for me, this is the most important thing in my life, and... i no longer have the right to make a mistake. ekaterina babushkina’s friend, also ekaterina, only makarova, is also serving time for drugs. she dreams of soon being released, meeting her mother and house by the sea. today's concert is a reminder for both of them of life left behind barbed wire. for a girl's husband, of course, there are a lot of nuances; they should always be beautiful. have you decided on braids today? well, here's a friend helping you. and how why? festive, unusual, well, it suits you, i’ll say , thank you, and you’re doing very well , thank you very much, it’s been a long time since we’ve been to concerts, a long time ago, about five years ago, so what, the first in 5 years, the first in 10 years, and what what sensations do you have, well, the sensations are different, well
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, of course, excitement first of all, but wash yourself, i'm looking forward to it after beautifying. they are going to a club where a concert will be held, the main thing is not to ruin your hair, i ’m fine, well, let’s go, let’s go, the women also came to the concert not empty-handed, both are fond of creativity and expressed their gratitude to the singer on canvas, this is the gift the girls prepared for the shaman, they drew them themselves, it’s a surprise, the singer hasn’t seen them yet, but they showed us in secret, there are no empty chairs in the hall, 200 convicts came to listen to their favorite performer, those who had no penalties took the path of reform, here a shaman appears on stage: hello, the singer brought to the colony not only his songs, but also a huge bouquet of tulips. on international women's day, no one was left unattended. another gift from the artist - a new song mom, the performer published it the day before on the internet, the first performance live at a concert in the mozhaisk colony.
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the women listened to the final songs of the concert while standing, many sang along and, of course, applauded. as long as the lord is with us, and the truth is with us. these paintings will be especially dear to me, for your attention, i honestly somehow even i’m not used to receiving gifts, and especially on march 8th, on the contrary, but i will consider that
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today’s concert, today’s holiday, which i hope was a success, this was my gift to you, a huge one, thank you, thank you, thank you, to be honest, i don’t care enough, i would of course continue to sing, girls and women will obviously remember this concert for a long time, and you? for the rest of my life. a woman who has broken the law for the first time is serving her sentence in the mozhas colony. there is a children's home on the territory. there are kids there born after their mothers had heard the verdict. convicts are engaged in creative work, work in clothing production, and produce special clothing. the administration of the special institution sincerely believes that many women will rethink their lives. this event is very important for test work, as it gives our women the opportunity to prepare for further liberation and resocialization. after the concert, the convicted women dispersed into groups, in honor of the holiday they were released from work, ekaterina babushkina is released in just a few days, her friend ekaterina makarova also hopes to go home this year. the shaman's concert is a vivid
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example of the humanization of punishment that the president spoke about, because convicted women also have the right to a holiday, even behind barbed wire. daniil sukharuchko, sergei ukhvarenok, sergei kuznetsov, lead, duty unit. and that’s all for us, follow the legal news, even on weekends an honest detective will be on duty in telegram channels. it's waiting for you ahead. premiere, new investigation of eduard petrov, flowers, money and fire. stay on russia-24. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name. keep your credit. under control, perhaps your credit history is better than you think, compare on your side, eat something wrong, what to do? in case of poisoning, enterum, a new
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"investment rating, economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there are rosary beads and a clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have reached, it seems to you that you are at the top of the world"? shook yourself up and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy make a deepfake, we will expose all fakes.
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now advertising, then we will talk about the details of the deadly fire at the moscow flower base, it claimed the lives of seven people, who is to blame for the tragedy, about this, a new investigation by eduard petrov. being a woman means waking up with the first rays of the sun, but
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allowing yourself to lie down. one more minute to yourself.


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