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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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75 people work, 21 pieces of equipment, the fire is localized, due to the condition of the lawn at the lukoil arena in tushino, which was rated as unsatisfactory, moscow spartak today is holding a home match of the russian football championship in luzhniki, rivals of the voronezh torch. our correspondent, danilo makhalin, is present at the game and joins us. danil, hello, what score does the absence of the dutchman quincy promes greatly affect the result of spartak? yes, greetings from luzhnyaki, as you know, for a long time spartak was the only moscow a team that did not have its own stadium until 2014, today is partly a historical event, because spartak , if it played at some stadiums in moscow, wandered to different places, then for the most part it played its matches precisely at this stadium, exactly in this place in the lawns, and today due to the unsatisfactory condition of the lawn. at
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their stadium at lukel arena , spartak had to come here and accept the voronezh torch here, while the score was 0:0, no one scored, but there was still a whole match ahead, and the last time spartak played here in luzhniki was the final of the russian cup 2 years ago against dynamo, then spartak won with a score of 2:1 and, by the way, the decisive goal at that moment was scored by quincy promes, at the moment this is the second match for quince after the resumption - after the winter break in the championship he does not play, missed the game with zenit, now he is not at the match with the torch, because when spartak returned from training camp from the united arab emirates, he was not allowed on board for the reason that he was caught in a traffic accident on the territory of this country disappeared from the scene of the accident and therefore he has a trial scheduled for march 12 in the emirates, moreover, in the netherlands he has already received a sentence of 6 years for smuggling... another year and a half for
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attacking his cousin with a knife, but all these things, apparently , quincy doesn’t really care much, because being in the emirates all this time over the past week and a half, he regularly appears on social networks with his new girlfriend, whose name is tabatha robinson, rejoices, posts photos with a new hairstyle and even managed to record a new song , which called 100 stones and... one of the lines of this song: people talk to me, they think that they are on my side, because the judge gave me 9 years, but i will not shed a tear because of this, because i live without fear , such a fearless quincy promes , spartak, of course, from the point of view of football , misses him, he did not score a single goal in these half-times after the resumption of the championship, but we will see how everything will turn out in this situation, still to come. play a lot of the match
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between spartak and torch today here in luzhniki. danil, thank you, my colleague danilo makhalin was on direct communication from the luzhniki stadium. well, next on our broadcast are the results of the government’s work over the past week. hale mishustin paid a working visit to azerbaijan, where he held negotiations with the country’s president and prime minister. the focus was on the development of trade and economic relations in the fields of transport, energy, industry and cultural and humanitarian cooperation. the priority task is to increase trade and economic interaction and investment. last year mutual trade turnover reached 370 billion rubles. all.
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on women's day, the head of the russian government met with women and representatives of azerbaijani public organizations and congratulated them on the upcoming holiday. negotiations between mikhail mishustin and prime minister of kazakhstan alzhas bektenov took place in moscow. it is important for us that you begin your first foreign visit by visiting the russian federation. this is in full measure. in my opinion, reflects the nature of the special
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relationship between the russian federation and kazakhstan. russia takes first place kazakhstan is among foreign trade partners. in 2023, mutual trade turnover amounted to more than 2.5 trillion rubles and exceeded the record levels of 2022. large-scale projects are being implemented in industry, automotive, energy, petrochemicals, transport infrastructure and digital technologies. special attention is paid to the development of the north-south transport corridor. countries are actively strengthening interregional cooperation. most subjects of the russian federation'. maintains friendly, business and humanitarian ties with the regions of kazakhstan. by according to the government decision , social pensions will be increased from april 1. they are received by citizens who do not have sufficient confirmed experience to calculate an insurance pension. in addition, these payments
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are due to people with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner. also, from april 1 , the amount of state pension provision for certain categories of citizens will be increased. they are clean. military personnel and volunteers who became disabled due to military trauma, participants in the great patriotic war, citizens injured as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, the decision will affect more than 4 million people. well, debts? credit cards are paying interest, you need halva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva, alyon shopping again, gifting on
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you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit, at 16% per annum rosbank - real opportunities. contract military personnel receive regional support measures: combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here! serve under contract! it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions to be brought to a new height
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, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the general situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like? russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with about 1 million helping election organizers, observers. surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile
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voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient. in the soviet union, the slogan “develop the riches of siberia” was popular; of course, we were talking about minerals, because who in their right mind would invest in agriculture in this region . modern scientists are ready with this argue. new varieties of potatoes and soybeans, maximally adapted to the conditions of siberia. brought out by specialists from the krasnoyarsk state agrarian university. these varieties have a low germination rate,
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due to which they survive frost and drought underground and produce tops only when stable heat sets in. at the same time, the new plants were endowed with high productivity and early maturity. you will learn what other research is currently being conducted in the field of biotechnology in this issue of the science program. useful strains are what help plants. stand in extreme conditions, will make people stronger. actually, man, no matter how much he comes up with anything new in this regard, he takes what has already been created by nature by evolution, these same substances, and simply uses them to his own advantage. how to remove oil stains from the surface quickly without harming the environment? new russian development. well, without due modesty i will say that we are the first developers of a dispersant for eliminating spills in temperate latitudes. the word strain scares many people because it is the word they hear most often when talking about another disease or
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deadly virus. but in fact, a strain is just a genetic variant of a microorganism, its subtype. biotechnologists have added to it the concept of producer, that is , an organism that synthesizes the product of interest to us. this is how we got a complex-sounding, but extremely useful for us stamp-producer, which allows, for example, to assign specific foods or medicines. useful properties. here, in each flask , a valuable specimen is cultivated; these are producers of carotenoids that are used in pharmaceuticals and food industry. scientists have collected a unique collection of strains in the most diverse natural locations, from temperate latitudes to the most northern regions. moreover, it was in extreme habitats that we were able to find the necessary producing strains, those that accumulate polyunsaturated fatty acids and lipids. polyline saturated fatty acids. the complex of which includes, for example, the well-known omega-3 and omega-6, which are indispensable for the body.
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they improve blood, reduce the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, and support cell membranes and nerve sheaths. algae cell membranes containing these acids are more fluid and do not freeze in the cold. due to this, they survive low temperatures. my name is anna zaitseva, i am a researcher at the department of bioengineering, faculty of biology , lomanosov moscow state university. the most important. what i like about my work is working with living objects, and they are like little children, requiring attention and special treatment. this strain, and this has grown on... and as we see, it has an orange color, that is, it accumulates carotenoids. vitamins and beneficial dietary supplements will later be created based on the isolated beneficial substances, because carotenoids from microalgae are completely absorbed, and some of them have no side effects at all. there are substances that have hormone-like activity, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiviral
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activity, antidegenerative activity, for example, counteracts some processes. which lead to degeneration of nervous tissue, retinal tissue, all these molecules can be found in cells microwaters, including those that live in our collection. to unlock the biotechnological potential of strains, it is necessary to select optimal conditions; for example, this microalgae can accumulate biomass in brackish water, while others cannot. this quality can be used when locating production in the south of russia with a warm climate and a shortage of press water. then we select the conditions necessary for the accumulation of valuable carotenoids, first of all, this is a lack of nitrogen in the environment, and secondly, this bright light. after selecting the conditions, this strain is, in principle, ready, first of all , to be deposited in the collection, and then patented as a producer of valuable corotenoids. the strategic task of
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import substitution is to find producers that will replace those that were previously purchased abroad. one of the most promising areas is microalgae. based on their cells, our scientists create biohybrid materials that are capable of accumulating valuable metabolites. these are laboratory column bioreactors, which we cultivate as into suspension and mobilized cells. and i want to show you a column of cells mobilized on chitosan, a green microalgae labosphere that is capable. studying such material could enable mass production of cheap, highly useful biopolymers. in order to create polymers in the future, unique polymers with certain targeted properties, and to increase the efficiency of a particular biotechnological process. these materials
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can be used for bioremediation of wastewater water, and with the subsequent production of fertilizers... removed nitrogen and phosphorus. and the second direction is dietary supplements. valuable microalgae can be used as food supplements for both humans and animals. dmitry, you say that indeed, a lot of research is currently being conducted, yes, which is one way or another related to genetics. but in general, where genetics, yes, is still most applicable. today, probably, it is impossible to imagine a single area, well, probably, except for some kind of machine tool industry, where genetics did not play a completely decisive role. now the role of genetics is the same. agriculture is very high, now there are conversations not just about selection, it is when we learned to read genetic information that we have the possibility of so-called marker-specific selection, in fact we know that a species carrying such markers will have some advantages there, this is a disadvantage, and accordingly we are already taking specific representatives, crossing them and leading them in
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a directed manner. this also applies to animals, this also applies to plants. at what level is russia from the point of view? world-class genetic research, and in a number of cases absolutely first-class developments are actually obtained there ; in particular, this is precisely possible with the development of genetic technologies, primarily genomic editing, and this is now a new medicine, what we say is personalized , when it is possible to clearly select a drug, this is primarily
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associated with, for example, immunotherapy for certain types of genetic oncotransformations. oil spills are an inevitable side effect of modern civilization and a very dangerous one. a dense oil film, spreading over thousands of kilometers, can destroy all living things and this is a real environmental disaster. the main method of eliminating oil spills.
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dispersant workers to eliminate spills in temperate latitudes, and where the water temperature is from +5 to +35°. the dispert developed by mipt scientists is unique in its properties, because during its creation it was necessary to take into account a large number of oceans, washing our country. their salinity, temperature and other water properties vary markedly. in principle, i can even show this now experimentally, yes, come on, of course, i see bottles of oil here. yes, on the left in the vial we have oil, crude, ordinary, on the right is oil, a mixture of oil with a dispersant, just our development, and when applying oil to
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the surface of the water, there is water, yes, with us, yes, it is sea water with a salinity of 20 ppm, uh-huh, applied to the surface, oil slick, micro-spill. so we already have dispersant it’s not with a dispersant, that’s how interesting it is, the surface of the water lies completely differently, we imitate the roughness of the sea, that is , we turn on the shaker and thus set the natural process of rough seas, it spills onto the surface of the water without treatment, it can float on the surface when the sea is rough and... on the right is the same process of dispersing, that is, we see that the film of oil, we do not see it, it has collapsed, that is, the dispersant is effective. the dispersant is not
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the only one developed by scientists for the elimination oil spills. mipt uses an integrated approach that allows for the most effective impact on environmental pollution. this development is domestic, it is based on the achievements of russian chemistry, chemical technology, and biotechnology. computer modeling, that is , specialists from various fields of science participated in this work, it is important that it really provides a technological level that is not inferior to and even exceeds the world one. one such technological addition is a substance acting on the stain as a chemical collector, sometimes it is also called the english her again, it has a completely different operating principle. konstantin , what kind of technology do you have? in fact, this technology is called collecting or localizing oil spills, this is the opposite process of dispersion, but we can see how it
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works, yes, of course, crude oil, yes, crude, let’s spill it on water, local spill, and then i imitate it, from different sides, wow, some kind of fantastic, amazing, what is it based on, that is, in general what is the chemistry of the process? it turns out that peahens containing collectors migrate along the surface of the water to the surface of the oil and form barriers that localize these oil capsules, that is, in fact, peahens change the surface tension at the boundary of the three phases of water, air and oil. as the scientists themselves say, the best method of water purification is the one that achieves the maximum result, so the proposed know-how does not replace, but effectively complements each other. in any era, the names of our compatriot scientists were known everyone, from lomonosov and mendeleev to tsiolkovsky and sakharov, because their work forever changed the life of mankind.
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now there is so much information that we often do not notice bright events from the world of science, but thousands of russian scientists try every day to make our lives easier and better, and very successfully, so i would not be surprised if one of them ever becomes a nobel prize laureate heroes of our... program of this or the next one, the science program was with you and i, natalya popova, see you! large-scale projects! modern technologies, new horizons. russia of the present and future. touch all achievements.
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at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition and meet the popular moscow writer nikolai ribinin! your brother is in donbass, you need
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to go there, you should go, it’s just for passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to gray woman, behind this line you will become different, and then what, my childhood and youth were there, and now it’s dark, that’s it, we’re going our separate ways. “scary, no , it’s hard to get used to, a lazy passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon.
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let’s translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration, in application or website.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. ukrainian troops shelled donetsk and gorlovka, as dpr representatives stated that the ukrainian armed forces fired 27 155 mm shells, and in donetsk kirovsky,
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petrovsky and kuiby were under fire. during the day, ukrainian militants shelled the nikitovsky and central city districts of gorlovka, as well as kuibyshevsky, kirovsky and petrovsky district of donetsk. the shelling of the donetsk people's republic area was carried out using 155mm caliber artillery, including with a cluster warhead . in addition, in the village of krasny partizan, in the kalininsky, nikitovsky districts of gorlovka, as well as in the village of staromikhailovka, the enemy dropped an explosive object as a result of a direct hit by an artillery shell. from the armed forces of ukraine in the kiroevsky district of donetsk. injury of varying degrees the victims were girls born in 2009 and 2010, as well as a man born in 1977. russian troops improved the position along the front line in the kupinsky direction, and also occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk and ovdeevsky directions. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in the avdea direction, the divisions of the group of forces
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are active. they harmoniously occupied more advantageous positions, inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the twenty -fourth of...


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