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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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defend the united states, but they don't see much evidence that we defend. what are you willing to do? they will say that the united states is ready. in any case, we abandoned this in favor of what? defense of ukraine or defense of part of the middle east?
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they didn’t sign up for this, i think this is also a huge problem. however, i wonder what impact this will have on our domestic politics and life. when you 're in westpoint, as a new army officer, you feel it's your duty protect the united states from foreign enemies, but the department of defense plays, i think, an unprecedented role in the domestic life of our country, you saw it on january 6th, you see the department of defense leading efforts to promote censorship. should we be a little nervous about the idea of ​​arming foreigners, lawbreakers, people who have broken federal law, why should we be worried that it could be used against us, but if you were playing for the eagles you were suddenly fired and the eagles manager decided would hire players who played in dallas, texas for the doveboys, then during the game you discovered.
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none of these people are americans, we know from surveys that they do not strive to be americans, they strive to gain access to the mechanisms of consumption, to get an entrance ticket, a free check, a free telephone, free transport tickets , free food, free medical care, free this and that, why are they here, and people say: well, they deserve it, no, they don’t deserve it, they didn’t do anything for it, between what the americans get, you know, we now have an army that cannot successfully defend anything abroad, look at the failed military operations that we have been conducting for over 20 years, and look at the border, no one raises this issue, no one even tries, no one seems to care, i think the main problem is that washington is an ideological bubble. and they think that everyone who disagrees with
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their idea of ​​​​building a new world, which exists only in their minds, everyone who disagrees with them is by definition criminals and they should be treated as such, find people who have nothing to do with the american people, arm them, and then send them out to oppress us, sounds like a great solution, it's a mercenary army by definition, of course mercenaries fight. for money, they fight for the people who pay them, but there is always a problem with this, and you mentioned this at the very beginning, you talked about the roman empire in the century, the goths were accepted into the roman empire, partly because the romans were more weren't able to restrain them, then they decided, well, let's use the goths as soldiers, essentially they took the gothic armies and put them under roman command, in the end the goths decided, you know, we should still be in charge, they marched on rome, defeated.
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in fact, this is exactly what they are talking about, because these people are not going to answer to an american officer who speaks english, talks about the country and its defense, defending the constitution, talking about rights, they don’t know anything about it, they don’t care, so that we are talking about the collapse of the entire military department, have taken on the most important department, and i say this seriously, because... the regular army is the last line of defense of the united states for the american people and state. thus, you create the conditions for its total destruction. thank you for bringing us back to the obvious, you are absolutely right, of course, this is the most important institution in any country, and people who seek political power understand this much better than others, i think, but why would someone like pet ryan, who, it seems to me that he is spineless and... a person, although
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served in the us army. why is he so supportive of this idea? he seems to be part of that group in washington that is intent on denationalization. us, this brings us back to the statement at the beginning. you know, the communists had a joke about a man who was in the gulag. when this person was asked what you did wrong, did you commit a political crime? and he said yes. he said, "i'm a plumber." i was sent to party headquarters to inspect the water supply system. i returned and reported that the entire system had fallen into disrepair. she damaged and needs to be replaced. i was immediately accused of a political crime. and sent to the gulag, that's what we're facing right now: the whole system has fallen into disrepair, but from the point of view of someone like raine denationalizing us, he thinks he'll rule forever, he thinks he 'll never be removed, that he will never be held accountable for anything he does
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because in his opinion, the lower classes have no sense of identity, they don't know who they are, they have no culture, they have nothing to call home, these are people without roots. who and his friends can direct anywhere, i think it sits in the back of their mind, maybe in the frontal lobe, i don't know, that's what's on their mind, that's what they want, they want a nation of mindless consumers, sheep, who will simply go wherever they are sent, i would like to think that this is not the case, but it seems that you are absolutely right to allow people who break our laws, who invade our country.
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but if you watch some of the videos, you'll see how upset these people are because we feed them food they don't like, they complain, they don't get what they came for, they don't like the food, they don't like the care, they put them up in five-star hotels for $500 a night or more, and that's not good enough.
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10:39 pm
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credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with holva. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. in every sense, super tuesday for donald trump, a simulcast for fifteen boards, according to the number of states involved, brings him 14 victories. the republican has 995 electoral votes, and for the nomination he needs 1215 votes . trump is guaranteed to have them by mid- march. please, gentlemen democrats. trump's meeting after his victory on super tuesday
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at his maralaga estate became a real congress of winners, while the republican candidate himself, clearly not a person who is ready to rest on his laurels, suffice it to say that he is the only one of all the candidates who found both strength and energy, mood address directly to your voter and thank that voter for the result. thank you, thank you, it’s not for nothing that this day is called super tuesday. just a couple of years ago, people could not imagine such an outcome; this is a story of incredible political comeback. as for the success of donald trump, it is, of course, obvious and is not questioned by anyone, purely arithmetically, niki haley, the only rival of trump who succeeded. hold out until super tuesday, she lost all chance of a nomination. voting on further
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primaries, there will be many more of them, many more states will vote, turns into a simple formality, but this is on the one hand, on the other hand, political technologies and technologies for motivating their voters are now coming to the fore. there are several important points that are worth paying attention to. well, first of all, of course, defeat... nicky haley is a defeat of the deep state, this is a defeat of that wing of the republican party that is associated with deepate and which is associated with opponents, with the democrats, not... nicky haley is that she receives money from the democratic party. nikke haley, who nevertheless pulled herself together and announced that she was leaving the race according to american tradition, showed trump a return courtesy, so to speak, she did not call on her
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supporters to vote for trump. i was supported throughout the country, but the time has come to end my election campaign, i wanted the americans to be heard, and i achieved this, i have no regrets, i will continue to do what i believe in, so , of course, the issue of struggle now comes to the fore for nicky haley's electoral legacy, in fact, who will voter nicky haley vote for, will he stay with trump, or will he go vote for biden in the general election? november 5, this is a very interesting question, and there are different statistics and different interpretations. on the one hand, in some states it was clear that four out of ten voters do not support trump. democratic liberal political analysts interpret this to mean that trump has finished growing his electoral base, that trump has collected
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all loyal voters, but he has nowhere to grow further. there were 15 states that voted on super tuesday, from vermont on the east coast to alaska itself, but perhaps donald trump's most important victory was in colorado. colorado is the very state where a real legal war was launched against the republican candidate, the local secretary of state decided , the court then upheld
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trump's removal from the primary election ballot, citing the fact that trump... the supreme court of the united states, where conservatives prevail, including conservative judges appointed by trump ruled that states do not have the power to interfere in federal elections and throw out or prevent candidates from being elected. i want to thank the supreme court for its unanimous decision; this is a very important, balanced decision, which
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was also made very quickly. they will talk about him 100 and 200 years later. at the moment, there are several trials going on against donald trump, one in florida concerns secret documents, the other, which we mentioned, is in washington, there is also a trial here in new york regarding secret payments to storma daniels, but one trial has already been completed, this is the trial of trump in... organizations, it concerned a decrease in income, it all ended with an incredibly huge astronomical fine, the total amount payments there amount to $454 million , so of course trump needs money, the fact is that biden is much more successful in this sense, the democrats are more mobilized, they are supported by big business,
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biden has raised more at the moment, but here is the situation may change, the fact is that it is in the same place in maralaga. on the eve of super tuesday, march 3, donald trump met with several large investors, among them, as they say, was elon musk, elon musk has a huge fortune, and he is clearly interested in politics more and more, he is involved in any political discussions, including foreign policy discussions , we know that he speaks out a lot on his platform, on his social network about the situation in ukraine, and he... can reach out of his pocket and pay this fine for donald trump, as far as possible, the question is debatable , there is probably no need to even doubt that
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if elon musk does this, then we will witness an attempt to organize some kind of next trial, where elon musk will be accused of interfering in the american elections or attempting to , well , to stir up some kind of corruption here, knowing how... joe biden, as the current president of the united states, is the only party candidate, and yet here , too, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, for the first time since 1980.
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the united states, and he lost there, to few people, until this evening the famous investor and businessman jason palmer arose. fewer and fewer minorities
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are voting for joe biden, those who forged what is considered his victory in 2020, this includes latinos living in the united states, and above all african americans. under biden, living has become more expensive, and there are more homeless people. donald trump, of course, will sometimes turn out to be crazy, but many of the things he says i agree with him, for example, regarding business. another very important shift that has completely changed the electoral picture of america in recent years, and this trend continues now, in these primaries too. the traditional constituency of the democratic party, the american working class, is drifting towards the republicans, now the republicans are the party of the working man. class, and more educated people from the suburbs, people with higher incomes vote for democrats, that is , they change places, this is also a very important trend, current polls regarding
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the state of affairs in the general elections give donald trump’s advantage is already 48 to 44, and he is increasing the lead over biden, so what is the remaining intrigue, why now we need to watch and follow, of course, the main intrigue is with the republicans. who will be number two, who will be the vice president, who will trump choose not just as an assistant, because the figure of the vice president in american politics is important, a short list can already be drawn up, you can start, for example, with the name of the senator from south carolina, the theme of scott, an african-american politician, which is certainly for it is beneficial for trump, he is often accused of almost racism, but the vice president will be black.
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with you, he is also very loyal, he has shown his effectiveness, i’m not sure that he is at the top of this shortlist, but nevertheless he is popular, and he is remembered by many american voters, then they call the candidacy for the governor of the state of south dakota christina, a spectacular beautiful woman, very popular in the midwest, which is important for trump, because there are many of his voters there, there are also a number of swing states, and also women lis stefanik, member of the house representatives, she is not even forty, a trumpist,
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loyal, very... effective, one of the brightest, probably, congressmen of the new wave, these republican ones. another female name on this list is sarah jacoby sanders, trump's former press secretary, well known to his voters, at one time she really worked as such a shield against the attacks of the liberal press, now she is a young governor, like her father, she is the governor of the state arkansas, that is, already has experience in the executive branch, may well be. useful and effective, and there it is and in a certain sense, perhaps, unexpected names or not entirely systemic ones, they say, as we know about tucker carlson, a super popular presenter, does not need additional introductions, well, they even name the name tulsi gabbort, tulsi gabbort is also a participant in often republican programs, including on the fox news channel, she often
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communicated with tucker carlson himself when... somewhere on this list is, although of course not in the first roles, in general, the intrigue with the vice president is now the main one, we will keep an eye on her. this was america, all the best to you.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers?
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all resources must be mobilized. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, making it easy to make a deepfake. the president's big trip to the southern regions
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of the country. about the important, in detail, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, look now. american abramians are a good target. they burn no worse than other nato iron, which is how enemy counterattacks turn out. we are evacuating. where are we moving and what is happening now in liberated avdiivka? oh, guys, oh, russian passports, scholz is posing with his.


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