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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. during the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces repeatedly shelled peaceful neighborhoods of the dpr; donetsk and gorlovka were under fire; artillery strikes were reported from the kirov, petrovsky and kuibyshevsky districts of the dpr capital. four schools and a kindergarten were damaged. two boiler rooms, as well as several
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shops and a library. the militants also used cluster munitions. there are casualties among civilians. ukrainian during the day, militants shelled the nikitovsky and central city districts of gorlovka, as well as the klybyshevsky, kirovsky and petrovsky districts of donetsk. shelling of areas of the donetsk people's republic was carried out using 15-mm caliber artillery, including with a cluster warhead . in addition, in the village of krasny partizan, in kalininsky, nikitov. in the gorlovka area, as well as in the village of staromikhailovka, the enemy dropped an explosive object from a uav, as a result a direct hit from an artillery shell fired from the ukrainian armed forces in the kiroevsky district of donetsk. girls born in 2009 and 200, as well as a man born in 1977, were injured to varying degrees of severity. while the kiev regime is striking at civilians in donbass, the russian military is occupying more advantageous positions on the line of combat contact. our fighters have advanced in... the direction of the special operation,
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the ministry of defense reported this. in addition, on this section of the front, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 280 militants. the military department also spoke about achievements in other areas. in the avdeysk direction , a unit of the troops center group , acting in an actively coordinated manner, occupied more advantageous positions. fire damage was caused to the personnel and equipment of the 24th and 110th mechanized 71st jaeger brigades, as well as the 103rd air defense brigade in the areas of mayorsk settlements. novokalinova, berdychye and rozovka of the donetsk people's republic. also repelled two counterattacks by assault groups of the 78th separate airborne assault regiment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas settlements orlovka and tonenkoye of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 310 troops, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles and eight vehicles. in addition, during the counter-battery fight , the us-made m-109 polodin self-propelled artillery mount, the d-20 howitzer, the gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, as well as two d-30 howitzers were hit.
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the work of artillery plays a large role in the successful advancement of the russian military in the avdeevsky and kupinsky directions of the special operation. grad multiple rocket launcher system geocent used to suppress the enemy. afterwards , the assault groups move to more advantageous positions and consolidate on them. about all the intricacies of counter-battery warfare, report by pavel prokopenko. fire, as they say here, to the last pencil. pencil case the installation is rapidly emptying, the gunner goes into the cockpit, the target has been adjusted, he has closed the doors, which means he is ready to press the red button. the missiles, true to their name, cover a large area; at a speed of two impacts per second , hail falls on the western borders, hail mainly affects from three to four football fields, the enemy has practically none. now
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the jet fighters of the central group of troops are working at a distance of almost 20 km, the front line is rapidly changing, the enemy is rolling back, asking for help, but there is no place to wait for help. shells with a longer range were loaded so that we could reach closer to the enemy’s rear and work on them. immediately after the shooting he comes on the radio. target hit, score excellent. target 213, 213. covered infantry, infantry, load one shell. also the artillerymen of the western group of forces are working efficiently and accurately in the case of geocinth b. shot. before the team takes cover, a few seconds for a very important matter. geocinth does not change his position after firing, but hers does. masks,
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hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry! open terrain is the main obstacle in the work of a reconnaissance officer, merging with the terrain of poland, under the masset, sometimes you have to overcome kilometers, our... stormtroopers talk about a recent successful operation, they took an enemy trench. the enemy forces were superior, they caught they were taken aback, they entered, they worked as they should, they completed the task, took positions, and the enemy was destroyed. now the fighters are practicing their skills on the training ground, and even though their actions are brought to the point of automaticity, each new training is never superfluous. kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, vesti donetsk people's republic. deprive an eighty-year-old man of his only home and sentence him to prison for liking things on the internet. for ordinary ukrainians , the reality is becoming increasingly cruel. the square court issued such an inhumane verdict for the first time in history. physics teacher
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from vinnitsa was tried in the case of separatism, but in absentia, since even before the start of the svo she moved to her daughter in russia. about double standards, the so-called ukrainian democracy.
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on the one hand, they say that this is ours, the very thing that is not inhabited, and on the other hand, in fact, they take away property from people for political reasons. and this is how vakop drags a potential ukrainian soldier. this is the lviv region, as a result, an armed forces officer with zero motivation, what is the expectation that in the trench he will have no choice and will have to shoot? they they are counting on this, that when they find themselves in survival conditions, people will...
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save their lives, because they often fail to even escape, and now everyone is discussing why 30 boys could not resist the ukrainian security forces, who threw them out of the minibus and beat them with bestial cruelty , because they tried to escape to romania, paying 10 thousand euros. where does such humility come from? and against the background of this, kuleba is trying to argue whether russians are capable of protest and whether it is possible to call russians slaves? after all, that smoked cigar in ukrainian telefir was probably expired.
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you know, people need to rebel. we see the results of the rebellion, that is, they lead to only one thing, to the complete destruction of the loss of state sovereignty, sovereignty that ukraine has long lost and continues to lose. the military commissars are afraid of an attack and are asking to be allowed to use weapons. recently , tetskashniks in the dnepropetrovsk region killed a man in front of his wife, that is, they use it, but criminal cases are immediately opened and they demand it. today we cannot give them weapons, but they demand the right to unquestioning using it, i didn’t like something, shot him and moved on. but kiev, a triple brawl, tsk, the police and future sushniks , now working with young people, are not really preparing to issue a summons to a young man,
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so they are already writing buvinsky relki-sticks, where to go in the world. this question is probably now being asked by those whom the tetsekashniks have already packed up to be sent to the ukrainian trench. and they put these on themselves. give up their ambitions in ukraine, this is how mit official representative maria zakharova comments on pope francis’ statement. in an interview swiss media, the pontiff wished the kiev regime courage to begin peace negotiations, and washington, london and brussels are unlikely to like the wording that francis used. artyom krosulin will explain why. in light of the imminent defeat, kiev must have the courage to raise the white flag. pope francis made this statement in an interview with the swiss. according to the pontiff, it is necessary for the ukrainian authorities to agree on a ceasefire in order to
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save the country. there are those in ukraine who are asking to finally surrender, to raise the white flag, but others believe that such a scenario will reveal the strongest, what do you think? i believe that the stronger one is the one who sees the situation, the one who thinks about people, the one who has the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate. today it is possible to negotiate with the help of international powers. the word negotiations is brave when you see that you are losing, what is going on. things go wrong, you need to have courage and negotiate, you are ashamed, but how many deaths will this end? a few hours later, the vatican press service was forced to correct the statement, saying francis meant a truce, not capitulation. in kiev, however, the pontiff’s call was met with hostility. the country's embassy at the vatican noted that the only way to end hostilities is to defeat the enemy; the christian association of ukrainians in italy called the words of the head of the vatican shocking, embarrassing and insulting. this is not the first time that russian criticism from kiev has been directed at francis. the ukrainian leadership systematically
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rejected the peace initiatives of the pontiff; last year the pope was even included in the database peacemaker for calling on russian youth not to abandon the legacy of the great empire. he said the corresponding words during an online speech at the all-russian meeting of catholic youth in st. petersburg. they don’t want to hear the pontiff’s message in washington. this was noticed by donald trump, who assured his ability to end the conflict in 24.
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i think that zelensky was abused by the state department, victoria, our secretary of state for policy in the united states, who used ukraine as a vessel for their ambitions, their geopolitical ambitions, as well as many american companies that used ukraine as a way to deceive american taxpayers, as well as independent ones. like boris johnson, who hope to get rich from interviews, zelensky is at the center of it all, he doesn’t rule history, history is ruled by nato and the united states, history is ruled by putin, here is this guy zelensky. experts have no doubt that with the current balance of power at the front, calls for a peaceful settlement will be heard more and more often, and it will take a long time for mediators to there is no need to search; several states immediately proposed to hold negotiations between the warring parties. beijing has prepared a twelve-point peace plan, and... china's representative for eurasian affairs, lihui , recently visited moscow and kiev, then
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went to countries that support ukraine. last summer, the leaders of african states presented their version of a settlement to vladimir putin , and turkish president recep tayyip erdogan maintains active contacts with moscow and kiev. ankara is not only ready to perform mediator in dialogue, but also become a platform for an international peace summit. let me remind you that the ukrainian conflict could have ended in the spring of 22 in turkey, but then british prime minister boris johnson literally forced the kiev regime to abandon the agreements reached in istanbul. artyom krosulin, evgenia zemtsova, lead. the mess created by current us president joe biden could lead to a world war. these are the words that donald trump attacked his rival in the upcoming elections. he spoke with speech at the so-called dueling rally in georgia. trump and biden are fighting over the state's loyalty.
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ussr, people's artist of russia. svetlana mikhailovna celebrated her 84th birthday literally 2 days ago. at one time, she started with a theater studio at the mossovet theater, and even took part in her student days. participation in performances, but later for many years she connected her life with television. since 1961, she introduced viewers to television programs, hosted episodes of the famous blue light and the music program morning mail. funeral, according to svetlana mikhailovna's relatives can pass away on tuesday at the troykurovskoye cemetery. at
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the international exhibition in russia , a presentation of the new uniform of the russian national football team was held. for the first time a national team. countries will play in equipment from a domestic manufacturer, our sports correspondent stas redekultsev appreciated the new items. illustrious veterans, star football players of the past and talents of the future together anticipate the presentation of the new uniform of the russian national football team. at the entrance to the hall, like museum exhibits, t-shirts from previous years, from the first, from the cotton national team of the soviet union, to the technologically advanced ones of our time, the uniform of the national team is not just equipment, a dream for any football player. dmitry sychev has the path to it. in my childhood i started on the omsk market , there were no marketplaces then, so probably not, we only had chinese markets, everything could be said there, but of course not of the same quality as the original, for us it was an inexorable dream, because what do you look at the people who play in it, the football players who achieve great heights, and of course, you are already mentally trying on this t-shirt for yourself, and from childhood
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i understand that for you this is like the top, the top of the path. an emotional and vibrant show changes eras like a koleidoscope through the main victories of our football sport in general, from the first olympic gold in 1956 and the triumph at the european championship in 1960 to the home world cup in 2018, all this against the backdrop of historical events, the connection of times is reflected in the design of the new uniform.
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became a national football player, is a confirmation of his talent and his merits, of course, the new uniform should motivate and become desirable for young football players, young players. for the big premiere and big matches, the russian national team has meetings with serbia and paraguay ahead. the new form of the russian
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manufacturer, it is very important and good that the federation. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at
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the main exhibition site of the country. 130. exposition: business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, call signs. i am the adam of everyone, but why is adam and not adam? i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing sometime , whether i shave, i’m alive, we don’t need wine, it’s not a trosh, or what, not a trosh, not yours, well, you, little cheek, god’s light, yamen to the machine gun , what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin, no, they called my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. 310 years ago, on march 11
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, 1714, peter ii signed a decree on tsefir or arithmetic schools. and this can be considered an important step towards universal secondary education in russia. they taught for free. teachers were prohibited from taking money for teaching. even earlier, the king gave orders. open such schools in all provinces, and now i've clarified the details. it was ordered to teach. quote: noble and clerk ranks, clerks and clerks' children from 10 to 15 years old. we studied mathematics, geometry, literacy and geography. upon completion they gave an official diploma. it was prescribed that students should be accommodated in bishops' houses in monasteries, and teachers' salaries were also determined. within a year , it was allowed to take children of all classes, except serfs, as students, and a few years later such schools. appeared in all the provinces of russia, however, after the death of peter the system collapsed, but garrisons appeared, mining and bishop's schools, at the end of the 18th century, catherine ii began to
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form a unified and large-scale network of secondary schools. on march 11 , 1892, the project for creating a sewer system in moscow was officially approved. the most modern in the world at that time. there have been drainpipes and storm drains in the capital since the end of the 14th century, and household waste accumulated in mushroom pits. they penetrated the soil and poisoned the water. by order of the mayor nikolai alekseev, engineer vsevolotkostalsky developed a unique a system that differed from all that then existed in europe. the moscow sewer system was laid using the floating, that is, separate, principle. sewage and dirty water from houses with factories. came through pumping stations to specially created lublin irrigation fields, then irrigation fields in lyubertsy were added to them, and upstream, that is,
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precipitation was discharged into rivers without treatment. the system was very expensive, but it preserved the natural reservoirs of moscow, almost 3.00 underground rivers and streams removed from those according to biological analysis, there are still rivers and streams in the pipes underground in the capital. first of all, the sewer system came into operation in... on march 11, 1931 , a physical training complex appeared in the soviet union, ready for work and defense of the gto. this abbreviation became one of the symbols of the soviet era with its romance and the cult of physical education and sports.
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abroad, the gto was called the new secret weapon of the russians, this is a quote. the first stage exercise was developed by twenty-year-old athlete ivan osipov, they included running, long and high jumps, throwing a discus or javelin, shot put, swimming, cross-country shooting. then the second one appeared. stage and special military exercises: high-speed pedestrian crossing, throwing grenades, carrying ammunition boxes, be ready for work and defense with your own bgto complex, was used by pioneers and schoolchildren, those who passed the standards received badges, during the great patriotic war, excellent sports training allowed our compatriots to survive and win . on march 11, 1990, power in chile passed to
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civilian president patricio... aylwin. the darkest chapter in history has ended of this country. the seventeen-year reign of the fascist junta led by general augusta penoceto. in 1973, the military staged a coup d'etat with the support of the cia of the american transnational corporation itt. this has been documented. all opposition parties were banned in the country. opponents of the regime were thrown into prisons and concentration camps. according to official data alone , about 37 thousand people were tortured.
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i had to get back into line with my former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get to take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, join our ranks, take
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take weapons into your hands, defend our homeland, victory. will always be only behind us, until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract.
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it 's not all right.


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