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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the russian army repulsed 17 attacks in su, in the ovdeevsky and... directions, our units took up more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost over 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. the air defense system was shot down by 10 haimers missiles and 95 combat drones. eight armored vehicles were destroyed, including one american abrams tank, as well as more than twenty self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems, including french and czech production. egor will tell you why western technology will not save the ukrainian armed forces. grigoriev. flash on video -
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this is the ukrainian armed forces hitting from a tank. in response, the car flies towards the shabtur. exactly 20 seconds later the target is hit. the crew had no chance. this is already the fourth abrams tank that has been destroyed, all of which were destroyed in the avdeevsky direction. two were burned by kamika drones, one was burned after being hit by a russian tank. the last abrams was liquidated near the village of berdychi, for him, as well as for orlovka and tonenkaya. there are active battles going on now. tracked overseas posts are burning. the armed forces of ukraine burned 25 leopards last summer alone, for the first time, hurray, with one carnet shot the challenger easily breaks down, 14 british vehicles were sent to ukraine, three armed forces have already been lost, five broke down before reaching the battlefield, a journalist from the sun spoke about this, he wanted to make a hot report about the formidable tracked vehicles, the effect was successful, but doubtful for the ukrainian armed forces.
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even just during exercises, we see the main problem that we are faced with here in ukraine - this is its mobility, it constantly gets stuck in the mud, if you look at the terrain, it is soft, rich black soil, which turned out to be a problem for him. another challenger was called for help ; it took more than an hour to pull out the almost sunken vehicle weighing 64 tons; on the battlefield, this time would be quite enough for our troops to help the ukrainian armed forces solve the problem with an accurate hit. the reliability of these tanks, the ability to service them, the availability of spare parts , both of which they said were a real problem, in part because they don't have enough trained mechanics, and the mechanics they do have are focused on keeping the tanks running. problems from deliveries of f-16 fighters, the new york times writes: “the ukrainian armed forces will receive only six aircraft in july, instead of the promised forty-five.” everything is bad with the training of pilots. there are only 12 of them. the american edition quotes the words.
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will have to escort planes to ukraine to remain with them until no one is human, then western defense contractors will have enough ukrainian crews, a process that could take years and the need to repair the ukrainian armed forces' aging war-damaged runways could delay even further.
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using the airfields of european countries is fraught with kiev and its allies having already made it clear that these will be legitimate targets for our troops, while in the meantime they are trying to solve the difficulties with air-ground equipment, including foreign ones in the ssu, with the help of human resources, by catching those liable for military service throughout the country. egor grigoriev, matvey popov, ivan kuznetsov, news. the joe biden administration presented a draft us budget for next year without military assistance to ukraine. what kiev was so afraid of happened, while biden requested 850 billion $34 billion more for defense than this year. offend, there are expenses for nato allies and a number of other countries, but there is no ukraine. the only caveat is that support for kiev is spelled out in a separate law, which republicans have been blocking since october. but german foreign minister nalena berbak said that ukraine needs to be given even more weapons, however, all this was said at the right time. the tv show
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pretended to be very worried about kiev, but this was not the problem either; behind the scenes, politics behaved completely differently, including recalling with pleasure russian hospitality, these shots. took place only from prisetsk, the head of roscosmos yuri borisov announced this at a meeting with the president. there are also plans to launch new satellites into orbit for the glanns constellation ; in addition, they discussed the preparation of a new mission to the iss. i know that preparations are underway for a new
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iss mission. how is this work going? let's start with this. she has entered the final stage. literally. all comprehensive crew training tests are now being completed. of three people, cosmonaut from our fraternal belarusian republic, marina vasilevskaya, the ship's commander, oleg novitsky, is no longer new to space flights; the third crew member is an american astronaut as part of cross-flights, tracy dyson, who will replace laura uhara at the iss, who has worked for six months. this means that we expect that on march 21 the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver them to the iss. we will be waiting for them on the ground on april 2, of course, well, i know that you have other questions, we are completing work on the angara 5m launch complex on the east, we hope that in the first ten days of april we will carry out the first the launch is a very important event for the country,
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the space and ground infrastructure will be strengthened, we continue the series of accident-free launches, which have recently been replenished. meteorological constellation with the meteor-24 satellite, we are working closely to popularize space among the population, especially among the young population, we are not indifferent to who in 10-15 years will come to us and will continue our activities, in particular with the authorized representative for children’s affairs lvova belova, this means that we are now actively developing measures to popularization of space professions. in france, an explosion and a powerful fire occurred at an oil refinery near the city of le havre. five workers were injured. only after 4 hours the fire was
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, oleg, here we are in russia in general, well, in particular in our russia, 2062, but we really want that in the future, we feed ourselves with clean, tasty natural products, feed the whole world, as it should, that’s what we want. so that this is based on some kind of agricultural action that does not destroy nature, but rather harmonizes it, is this even possible, what do you think? in general , i believe that sustainable development is in the present, so to speak, at its core, that or, interpretation, this is not about protecting nature from human influence, not about... saving some resources, yes, but this is about the correct
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impact of man on nature, in this case one of the components and powerful components, one of the main components of sustainable development there should be an agriculture that does not destroy nature, in fact it is its harmonious part, but that’s why we called our heroes today to discuss the topic of agriculture as... a way to harmonize the world and discuss the topic of how - a person with with the help - agriculture can harmonize the world and nature, we will be with our guests today, this is pavel abramov, an organic farmer, the creator of the black bread company, a former volleyball player , an olympic champion, yes, an olympic silver medalist, well, this is a champion, alexey iroshenko, works in organization of the nature conservation association, and he is the head of the forest department, which also... relates to agriculture, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, dmitry cherepkov, farmer, entrepreneur, creator
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of the yasnopole project in the tula region, right i said, yes, well, such a big enthusiast of everything good and humane in nature, i would say so, pavel, i have the first question for you, were you an athlete, a volleyball player, a question i think is already boring, of course, but that’s all time i can’t help but ask, i was a volleyball player, a participant. russian national volleyball team, silver medalist at the olympics, yes i’m right, bronze, bronze after all - but i have one gold from the national team, and i have gold, gold, yes, gold in the world league, oh, well, that’s it, what is possible you practically had it as a volleyball player, and then suddenly, yes, as i like to say, you gave up everything, and somewhere in the tula region you grow wheat, spelled, spelled, well, that sounds... at least original, this is how it happened, how you came to this from one thing to another, threw
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a volleyball, boris, well, it’s not that i didn’t throw at sports, i ended my career, that is , i played there until the end until i was 35, that’s all the athlete professionally understands that sooner or later it will end, maybe maybe a little later, maybe a little earlier, i probably finished my professional career at the age of 35. sick career, i could continue for another year or two, but i was already very drawn to the real sector of organic production, that’s why i’m probably planning something.
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this is how it appeared, an organic black bread farm appeared, and why exactly from organic, not just agriculture, there is a more complex path, organic for two reasons, the first, probably, for moral and ethical reasons, well, one might say because for the children, yes, but i can't fill it spray the field there with some kind of pesticide, then add flour.
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we are doing a program about the harmonious influence of agriculture on the environment, suddenly the head of the forest department, because strictly speaking, this is paradoxical from a modern point of view, yes, because the forest falls under the jurisdiction of the ministry of nature, but not the ministry of agriculture, why? forest, agriculture, somehow this is rooted in the history of russia, well, if we take history, then forestry, agriculture, they were just very closely are generally connected from the very beginning of agriculture, because even the first system of agricultural production, they included forests and fire burning agriculture, it actually existed in our country until the thirties of the 20th century, that
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is, less than 100 years ago it ceased to exist existence, forest-pastoral management, it is also in general... lived until the middle of the 20th century, and even during the period when our departments already dominated everywhere, there was such a strict centralization of everything, and in every department separately, we had forests in agriculture, then collective and state farm forests appeared, so they lasted until the beginning of the 2000s, yes, that is, in fact, the system of collective farm and state farm forests, which already existed in the 2000s, survived until the new forest code . it began to collapse with the adoption of the land code of 2001, so tell me, you say, peasant forests, how did they arise in the first place, that is, is this some part of the natural forest that was acquired by peasants or in some other way? somewhere we see that the peasants themselves were already growing, not only peasants, but there were also landowner forests, these were also, in general, economic forests,
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that is, a person can grow a forest, of course, and why not, a person can grow a forest. moreover, you see, this is actually one of the most harmful myths for forestry in general, for forestry, that the forest grows so slowly that the result of the forester’s work will only be seen there by grandchildren or great-grandchildren, well, this is not true, because, for example, in the same tula region, the forest grows, well, in 15-20 years, this is already quite such a forest where people get their own firewood, but in general you can take a walk there and pick mushrooms, and this is quite within the limits of one person’s life. dmitry, i have the following question for you: you are an entrepreneur, you have a business in moscow, and, accordingly, you earn money, and in general, this is the logic of the usual. capitalism or something, but a person earns money, he must exaggerate this money, accordingly, he is looking for some method, a way for this money to grow in quantity, as
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as quickly as possible, better, yes, that’s kind of the goal of capitalism, to increase your money as quickly and efficiently as possible, yes, instead , you take, invest your money somewhere in the tula region, spend it somewhere , spend, spend, spend , the woman is probably swearing, i don’t know, or something else, how to invest in a cow? but still, you seem to act as if in some sense it turns out to be anti-capitalist, i would say this is why you do it, why what motivates a person who has money to spend it bury the ground, well, a cow is not in london, you can’t take away the question, he really is. it’s so big, it seems to me that i can’t answer quickly, uh , well, i’ll probably try in parts of it, and divide it, because
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production really makes money for me there, i make money there, and uh, as if thinking about the future, even, even economic , yes, i thought that well, okay, i’ll earn more money, so much, i’ll invest it in production, then the circle, and again the circle in a circle, and what’s next, yes, that this is an endless thing that, than more, the more headaches. there are more nerves there, well, if you don’t know how to do it any other way, i probably haven’t learned to do it any other way, anyway, it touches me all the time for everything and you worry there, and what’s the point of the question, and at the same time, like pavel, i’m probably in some kind of the moment pulled me to the ground, and well, i think that i need more space there, and somehow i live in the village, well, everything is so tight , fences there, well, i don’t like it, and there i have horses there , so i began to think about looking and little by little this was formed vision of what it can maybe, at first there was such a change in lifestyle , that is, mine, first of all, that is, eating normal food, because i also began
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to be interested in what we eat, and i realized that, in general, there is little in the store that you can really eat , that is, where you can’t touch these gmos, and there’s also how it’s all arranged, the distribution system of these products, how it’s structured, well, it’s all so global, everything only lets through what we’ll call effective. efficient is, well, still far from environmentally friendly, efficient is something that gives maximum income with minimal expenses, yes, how they raise chickens, for example, yes, that they are slaughtered there on the 35th to fortieth day, because on the fortieth day their liver falls apart, all this seems to be due to a number of reasons, so of course i wanted my own farm, where my children, my friends, can eat normal, healthy food, so i understood that - well, the economy would be no good, because, first of all, it wouldn’t compare. with the giants, and even selling at cost, well, that too won’t be profitable, well, because it’s still not the same,
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but i’ll provide for myself, at least, yes, but i i see that it’s like to make more of this opportunity, but then i thought that agrotourism is a topic where people come, live with you, enjoy the nature there, see how it’s all grown, how it’s processed, yes, this may be... a hobby, you need to make a business out of it, after all, let it not be the kind of business that brings such a return on investment there, yes, but it will be a thing that will
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pay for the project, which will provide it with financing for development and so on, in general, well, this is your story, but the story in fact, many others - like entrepreneurs and even let's say businessmen, it illustrates, in fact, for us, an important thesis for the russia 262 project, that this is, as it were, economic activity. it is isolated artificially, that is, it’s as if we were set up in this kind of western discourse, that you know, there is this sphere of life, there is this, there is this, they live by their own rules, but when a person, for example, takes, earned money through hard work and went to yoga, for example, and spends on yoga for a swimming pool, well, it saves money effectively, but no , it’s better to buy shares, well, put it in the bank at least, yes, there will be interest, well, this question does not arise, no, he wants to be healthy, and if a person took this money for the wrong reason... i spent yoga on a cow, for example, well, this is already a business, and the business must be effective , there must be a profit, and there is something else, i immediately begin to think that this is some kind of special business, in fact, this is how i want it
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live. there is my pleasure, but for this i need yoga, and someone needs a cow with cheese with his own , in fact, here is a living example of this, i would even say that when a person, for example, opens a restaurant, then in principle it is normal when he wants to feed people, yes, if he says that you know, i don’t care at all feed people or something else, i don’t know, buy shares, sell, speculate on something, it doesn’t matter. and i just want to earn more money, then i don’t want to go to such a restaurant, in fact, thank god that from a person this is not the case in the entire 20th century it was said that i want to feed people , another thing, which is understandable, well, no, it’s not charity if it’s a restaurant, yes, and it should provide an opportunity, well , to refinance something, develop it, live there yourself, and so on, yes, but i have a question for pavel, after all, organics, so... well, i
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heard from many, well, you know, yes, organics are good from a moral point of view, so i would like it too, and i too i want to eat organic food, you know, it’s not profitable, so there’s absolutely no demand, and no one is ready for it pay other money, so you can’t make a business out of it, i tried it, it didn’t work, it seems to have worked out for you, that is, your enterprise seems to be growing, that is , it can be done, and especially since, in my opinion, you don’t even have black earth soils . well, yes, we don’t have chernozem soil, we have gray forest sod-podzolic soils that are completely ordinary, this is a risky farming zone, this is the north of the tula region, we are practically located on the border with the moscow region, but we made a business out of it, we make money, a how many hectares were there at the beginning, at the very beginning i had, i had 20 hectares of land, now, now it’s 1,400. hectare, we now want
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to grow to 1,500, we want to rely on our agricultural machinery that we have, we want to reach maximum labor productivity, so he, so that the agronomist says, that’s it, we can’t do more with this equipment, that’s just interesting , here are some basic, maybe two or three things, four, i don’t know why others don’t succeed, you succeeded with organic matter, and even on non-chernozem soils, we can highlight, i actually know that cool businessmen , i know some of them personally, cool businessmen who run large businesses, large ones, i won’t name names, very often the story is that they open organic farms, here’s dmitry, you’re one of them , i understand correctly, you have me, i’m not
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very large. sales are very diversified, that is, we sell, we sell our bags of flour to retail chains there, and we, for example, export bags of spelled or big bags of organic wheat abroad.
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