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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly: russian companies have begun to supply oil to venezuela, a businessman writes about this. so, now a tanker carrying about 2 million barrels of urals is being prepared for shipment. the fact is that... sanctions against the oil sector of the republic, in particular exports, were softened. the country processes russian oil and supplies its own to the world market. the international energy agency and opec disagreed on oil demand forecasts, with the contrast being the highest in 16 years. reuters reports this. according to me, in this year demand will increase by 1,220 thousand barrels per day, while opec expects an increase of 2,250,000. the fact is that organizations are different. the cartel is confident that hydrocarbons
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will be in price at least until 2045, while the energy agency expects a decline in oil demand as early as 2030. the harvest in january-february earned 235.5 billion rubles in net profit, an increase of about 5 compared to last year %, this is stated in the report according to russian standards. return on equity exceeded 21.5%, customer savings are in the black by... as for the client base, there has been an increase of 2,000 people since the beginning of the year. and the national debt of developed countries has doubled over the past 15 years to $54 trillion, as stated in the osr report. among the largest debtors in the united states. states account for more than half of the debt. next comes the european union - 20% and japan - 16. the organization believes that this year’s indicator.
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it’s beautiful and profitable to please, you know, but i ’m really not a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, but how much is that? accounts, cash withdrawals and transfers up to 10 million rubles. for free. magnet, dzhem makheev, 99,999. magnet - the price is what you need. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the financial services application. financial services from the moscow exchange, deposits from different banks in one application. pay at your convenience with alphapay. with your smartphone you get a superkick every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. an innovative children's surgical center was built in rostov-on-don.
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to treat young patients , they use the highest level of technology, including robotic technology. the most complex operations are performed even on newborns. from rostov it is given. report by angelina galich. world-class operations will become commonplace to remove tumors of any, even the deepest localization, a reality, as will bone marrow transplantation. rostov medicine is reaching an unprecedented level. clean rooms are operating rooms, intensive care units, bone marrow transplant rooms, where theon filters will purify the air, there will be support ventilation, she won't be there anymore. done, there are such filters in the old case, but no, of course, there weren’t any, it’s a very expensive system, expensive to operate. the innovative center is designed for 280 patients, built as if in the shape of the letter h, new, incredible, necessary. our operating rooms are equipped with robotic
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technology, microscopes, endoscopic videoscopic stands for minimally invasive surgery, the child will grow, become an adult, he must forget that he... was once operated on, an ent operating room, and there is also a traumatology room, there’s more jaw for facial surgery, urological, ophthalmological, neurosurgical, all nine are collected on one floor, they can work simultaneously, here children will be helped quickly and in almost any situation. only metropolitan centers can boast of such high-tech equipment. in the intensive care unit they explain all the innovations something like this: we won’t just s...
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spread to the southeast at a distance of about 5 km, this is data from the ministry of emergency situations. according to seismological rescuers, threats to populated areas no points. the photo that the geophysical service of wounds published on its telegram channel shows that on the streets of severokurilsk cars, roads, and houses are covered with a layer of ash. ash also spreads through the air throughout the city in the form of dense fog. one of the largest offshore oil and gas provinces. northern caspian, here it was possible to implement unique technologies for the country, both in production and in servicing fields. from the scene, special report by taras kucherenko, watch right now, watch, sorry, after the ad. what are you waiting for? are you
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the history of oil production in the sea begins precisely with the caspian sea, it was back in 1803, a resident of baku built two wells just 18-30 m from the shore, but what natural resources are stored at the bottom of the sea tens of kilometers from land in the northern part could not even be imagined almost 200 years later. the northern caspian was considered an unpromising region, unattractive against the backdrop of the huge geological reserves that existed in traditional mining areas, but in 2000 the first large deposit was discovered in the northern caspian, this deposit named after yuri korchagin. as a result of large-scale research, lukol was discovered in the water area.
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the drilling support center for downhole operations, it is located in astrakhan, real-time video comes from the lukoil field in the northern caspian sea, the company has 12 of them in total. now, for example, construction of a well is underway at the yuri korchagin field. specialists make sure that all work goes according to plan; they also decide where to drill and how. here, in general, there are always two or three objects in the drilling process are located. here we have a zero-discharge principle; all the sludge that we receive from the well is taken
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to the shore in sludge containers for processing. the standards that lukol introduced at sea, especially in ecology , today are the standard for many foreign companies, in particular the principle of zero discharge, when all even household waste is taken ashore, is taken as the basis for the recommendations of the helsinki commission for countries that operate in the baltic sea. good. before going on the first watch, each employee of the company must take classes at the corporate training center, otherwise you will not be allowed to... i have already dressed myself in a special suit that does not allow water to pass through and at the same time retains heat. we will try to simulate how a helicopter plunges into water and how to properly escape. to do this, we will now be given instructions, and after that we will test it on ourselves. what will all these sensations be like? we were immediately warned that in order to obtain permission to
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fly on the platform, we must complete at least three dives, from the simplest to complex. this makes it easier to remember the entire procedure and practice it until it becomes automatic. with your left hand, find the handle, pull it out, throw it on the floor, move your hand to the chair, as soon as your left hand is secured on the chair, push with the elbow of your right hand in one movement, it turns out that you push the exit. teacher vladislav malevyny dived on the simulator about 20 thousand times. he knows from experience that people react differently to extreme situations. the classes are accompanied by two divers. to ensure safety, in in case of an emergency, the simulator is raised upstairs. it took 8 seconds to get out of the simulator, and this provided that all the rules were followed: the
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seat belt was fastened and tightened tightly, the tighter, the easier it was then to open it in the water. second... diving is an imitation that the helicopter not only plunged into the water, but also turned over, we will be upside down in the pool, i remind you again, if you are pulled or pushed somewhere under water, this means that we are helping you, so there is no need to resist, now there will be pressure, yes, despite the fact that there is a board here, the flow of water will be very well felt, they tapped on the shoulder. it’s time to get out, if you do this ahead of time, the water pressure will carry you to the center of the simulator and will begin to twist, later there may not be enough oxygen, the ideal time for rescue is worked out over time, the feeling is very common and water gets into the nose, but this time it turned out better, better ,
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due to the fact that we have gone through three stages of instructions and this has already been postponed, not only lukuila employees are trained here, but employees of other oil and gas producing organizations, as well also pilots. we went through three levels of difficulty , there are as many as 22 of them. during the course we teach people how to move, that is, first you go out next to the exit with which you are sitting, as you did today, then you sit second and you go out behind your colleague, then you go out third, then you go along the aisle to another emergency exit, that is, you need to get up. zip up, go to another exit, open it and go out. as a result, at the end of the course, 12 people went out of one emergency exit in turn. but not only this is taught at the center , they also teach how to behave if a fire suddenly occurs, how to provide first aid, correctly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, knowledge that has never been used in practice, because there were no accidents on the platforms,
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and as here we are sure that they won’t, all precautionary measures are taken. the base of the palms is parallel to the sternum. second hand on top, elbows straight, hang over the victim and apply pressure to a depth of 5-6 cm. over 100 thousand have been trained at the center people, it is periodic in nature, the maximum period of retraining is once every 5 years. the training is carried out in this way, 30% theory, 70% practice, and for each program there is a checklist for performing practical exercises, that is, for each. there are your own exercises, you need to be able to perform them, because only a skill has been developed to the point of automatism, when in an extreme situation a person no longer thinks, he only carries out his algorithm in the name of saving himself and his comrades. the training has been completed, now you can go to sea ice-resistant complex of the vladimir felanovsky field.
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6 million tons of oil are produced here every year, and it’s about an hour’s flight away. without experience , you won’t be able to operate ships here, i started my career as a sailor, visited many countries, but what i like most about the caspian sea is the equipment on...
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yes, this platform is often compared to an archipelago , several structures are installed here that allow not only mining, but also to bring the oil to marketable condition, the living block is made by analogy with the cabins. welcome, come in in this cabin, and we can see the tv, my bed, my small sofa, communications equipment, small drawers, both in the table and in the bed itself, here i rest during my non-working hours. the shift manager, ivan isaenko
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, has just arrived on duty; it lasts 2 weeks, then 14 days of rest, this time is considered optimal so that the mental health of employees remains normal. the technological content of the entire platform is one of the most advanced, so employees are mainly involved in monitoring all processes. at least it works automatically. but according to a certain logic, and the extraction process should be a little bit present, only creativity at certain moments requires a person to make decisions, again, not going against the technological regulations and operating parameters of the installation. the well is located on the spider deck, it received this name for its appearance; many pipes create the feeling as if a huge web is spread out here. there is a spider here... there are only 13 wells on deck, nine of them are being mined right now, three of them are to maintain the formation pressure, one for injection of gas reservoir,
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the sea depth here is around 6-7 m, the depth of the reservoir is approximately 1,400 m, and the length of the well along the trunk is from 1,300 to 4,600, the larger the area one platform can cover, the higher the efficiency of the offshore field, lukuil holds the record... for the length of horizontal sections of wells, if, for example, you superimpose the diagram of the well of the yuri korchagin field on a map of moscow, and place the platform on red square, then the ends of the well will be outside the third transport ring, the efficiency of oil production in the northern caspian sea is higher than at other lukoil facilities, for example, at the vladimir filonovsky field , the initial production from one well after drilling was and reached 300. per day, this is 80 times higher than the average well of our company , which was drilled on land. a special intelligent system, which
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is installed on wells, allows you to change operating parameters and regulate flow rate in real time, as a result, the productivity of such a well is higher. compared to normal by 62%. all processes are monitored in the center of integrated operations or, in other words, in the think tank, here... the concept of a smart field, that is, a digital copy of operating assets covering the entire production chain, this allows not only to more effectively determine the real production potential, but to optimize this process , carry out planning, monitoring and assessment of hydrocarbon production volumes. the center united specialists in key specialties into one team production activities. now the screen displays well number 110, korchagin field. by analyzing its parameters, we can identify both the deviation and the potential in its operating mode, allowing us to increase the production of hydrocarbons from a given
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well. we need to bring the extracted oil to marketable condition, this is done at the oil treatment plant, from which we also see all our main parameters . similar centers exist in perm, western siberia, kaliningrad, the komi republic, and all in the luku group. 13 centers operate integrated operations, we also receive satellite images of the northern waters of the caspian sea - to analyze the current environmental situation, as can be seen in this image, we do not have any pollution. all platforms were built at the sites of the astrakhan shipyards, some of them are block conductors or, more simply put, unmanned platforms, since production on them is carried out autonomously with minimal participation. personnel. the safety of operation of these facilities is achieved by the maximum level of automation and remote process control. the northern caspian is a key production region
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, almost opened from scratch by bowbreaker. 30 years ago, it continues to actively develop today , new fields are being discovered, last year the accumulated production amounted to 55 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons, to produce the same amount, we are confident that it will take much less time, given the accumulated experience and technology of the company. entrepreneurs. we approach one at a time, don’t detain people, what ’s going on here? and you didn’t know, you’re translating money from your business account, cash, enough scraps, what century do you live in, what bank do you use? individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account, open an account for business on, vtb is a bank for your business, or maybe you and i should also open an account with vdb? is this the same one? not the best
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gulf started together. naval exercises of russia, iran and china. what forces are involved and what are they working out? sergei kiriyenko in avdeevka, together with the head of the dpr, the first deputy head of the presidential administration, talked with local residents, delivered humanitarian aid and assessed the condition of the box-chemical plant. denis ushilin spoke about the results of the trip in an interview with our channel. the maritime humanitarian institute was opened. corridor to the gas sector, the first ship with humanitarian aid departed from the island of cyprus, but there is not even a port in gaza where it can moor, how will this problem be solved and what will be the volume of supplies? the biden administration has presented a draft us budget for the next fiscal year. how much could the pentagon's expenses increase? why did they decide not to allocate it separately?


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