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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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secondary vocational and higher vocational education, you were at our breakthrough center in november, this is just an example of such a technological platform where specialists of higher education and secondary vocational specialists of the company are trained at the same time. yes. moreover, this year we are launching, together with the presidential lyceum, the first integrated program of secondary general higher education for talented children after the ninth grade. we are a young technological university, but our leading scientists are. discoveries are already being made fundamental science in the field of genetics , for example, we have entered into applied science testing new drugs, new biomaterials, digital models, we are actively working together with our companies at intc sirius to create and update the russian instrument base, and most importantly, what sirius and how the federal territory, the educational center of the university, are at the same time... and equally remote and equally
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accessible platform for the implementation of completely different initiatives in the field of education, science, technology in russia, but now not only in russia, a few days ago the federal territory hosted the world youth festival, 20,000 participants from 190 countries, it is a tremendous pleasure to see the delight and admiration in the eyes. foreign participants in our country, and the most popular venues at the festival were the university library, educational and technological sites of russian universities and technology companies. at one session, a survey was conducted: what do you consider the most effective mechanisms for the development of international youth cooperation. the vast majority said: joint science education programs. you
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often talk about the need to consolidate the efforts of the world community around global big challenges, it seems that science and education should become the consolidating force, and sirius is the platform that is ready to accept and develop talented young scientists, engineers, athletes, so that they work together on projects that will respond to the global challenges that we face, ah... it was very nice to see, for example, latin american participants who walked along our eco-route to the mountains, when they came down from the mountains they said: you know, your country has the most important thing, your country has a soul, and you are on it festival, you open this soul to the whole world , so thank you very much for such opportunities for sirius, and for the youth of the whole country,
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the whole country of the whole world, to show every day that russia is a country of opportunities, opportunities for every citizen of the country, and sirius we hope , will be the territory which will concentrate these opportunities for everyone, yeah, i won’t go into details now about what sirius is , what he does, what he has achieved and what else he needs to do, i only have one question for you, that i...
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relationships with government , with the ministry of science and education, with colleagues from other leading universities in the country, your questions related to the creation of favorable conditions for professorial teaching staff, the creation of a new personnel training system, we really need to help with something else, but we have it now v we are developing projects in sirius: i said that we are integrating secondary vocational and higher vocational education, we are developing a new model of secondary vocational education, which will allow us to truly create unified teams, you know, for one engineer you need 10 technicians and even more qualified mechanics, and if highly qualified engineers and technicians work on different technological platforms, then no matter how talented the engineer is, nothing will work out, we are developing such a new model of average...
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employees, including it is important to provide not only a large laboratory base, and today we are coping with this, thanks to your support, but it is very important to give them appropriate social conditions, yes, this is not only medical care, but also including housing, yeah, so that our employees
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of innovative companies, which are now increasingly opening on federal territory, young and leading scientists who come to sirius have the opportunity... to live in good conditions, and next to the place of work, next to the place of work, the federal territory is not so large, so we will be very grateful if we manage to resolve the issue of housing for the development of social infrastructure, and medicine, and medicine, we have a project for a university medical clinics, we are now working with the ministry of health on a project for such a multifunctional center, we hope.
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sometimes it’s empty, sometimes it’s dense, but it’s important that everything is done and distributed according to the mind, so that everyone deals with their own niche, and not the same thing, well, this is a separate topic, from vladimirov, please discuss this, yes, but
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we will also be very grateful for the infrastructure, although we got one of the best infrastructure, nevertheless you are right, i understand this, thanks, yep, good luck. allow three more short speeches quietly, well, let's please , then i'll ask my colleagues directly , very briefly, we have another head of the university, the rector, who moved with his family from ivanovo to khabarovsk, yuri marfin, yuri, can i just briefly, yes, really, i supported the trend of the city of brides as part of my move, i would probably like to talk about the team, because in the far east, where i work today, there are not many people, and it is there that their value is keenly felt, this is what we devote a lot of attention to today attention, therefore, at the university that i head, today there are already two winners of russian leaders and several participants in district finals, i remember very well when i was just planning
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my move to khabarovsk, the first call i made was to my colleague, with whom i met in the fourth season , aldar cherninov, i invited him... to move with me into the same unknown as was before me, he then took a day to think about it to consult, 2 hours later he called and said that he agreed, so it seems to me that this willingness to respond to challenges is a distinctive feature of russian leaders, well, at last year’s vef you said that the rapid development of the far eastern regions is our absolute priority for the entire 20.
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thank you very much, good luck to you, construction - this is our second direction, it becomes
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all the more relevant in view of the large infrastructure projects that are being implemented today in the far east, the presence of master plans for the development of far eastern cities, all this requires specialists, and the third is the humanitarian direction, this is the training of teachers, yeah, this is the future ours, all the best to you, success, thank you very much, well, what am i...
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but after the competition , changes in my career followed. at the time of the competition, i had worked in the investment business for 12 years, invested in the development of technologies, including socially significant projects, in medicine, in pharmacy, after winning the competition , kiril aleksandrovich dmitriev became my mentor at his invitation. in 1920 , i started working at a russian direct investment fund, last year i received a promotion, became senior vice president, now there is a discussion about a new level, and it was at rdif that i was lucky enough to implement the most, as i say, significant projects in his career in the twentieth year, when the covid pandemic began, rdif according to you i was assigned to promote the russian vaccine against coronavirus sputnik in the world, i am responsible for the transfer of technology, organizing the production of the vaccine in a number of foreign countries, primarily in india, among others, this work, it was a huge challenge both for me and for
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team, but the results followed, because sputnik became the most exported drug in the entire history of russia, and despite such opposition from western big pharma, you know about it, it was supplied to more than 70 countries with a total population of more than 4 billion man, in my opinion, what is very important is this activity to promote the vaccine, it has united many foreign countries around russia. it has shown that our country is capable of creating the most advanced technologies at the highest level in a very short time, and that we can be a center of attraction for a number of countries in critical technologies, and if you allow me, i’ll tell you more about the investment project, when i i talk to my friends, i often explain that investing is not about something distant and incomprehensible, investment is about the quality of life of people, about new jobs, about the introduction of new technologies, among
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investors, our largest pension funds, the gas fund, so we attracted five international sovereign funds to this project from primarily the countries of the middle east and asia, this is exactly... those areas that we concentrated on there 10 years ago, when you created the fund, and you know, this work of ours, it can be said, received such an international assessment, in august of the twenty-second year i personally, as the general director of one of the state-owned companies created for the project, i was included in the us sanctions list, and in conclusion, i would like to personally thank you
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for supporting the competition and other initiatives, because they allow our talented people to reveal themselves. find your self-realization and your happiness, so i found it at rdif , for me it’s to develop our technologies as a manager, thank you very much, i congratulate you on one or the other result, and we wish you personal happiness , professional success, rdif is very a lot of does, and despite the difficulties that they are trying to create for this structure of ours from abroad, even in new conditions, in modern ones, surprisingly.
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in st. petersburg, studied at st. petersburg university, worked for a short time in st. petersburg, then moved to moscow, i took part in the competition in the twentieth year, everything is very similar, very similar, and where are you in st. petersburg, where did you work, i worked in publishing houses , in book publishing houses, worked briefly in the delovoy petersburg newspaper, i am a journalist by first education, but since then since then, including thanks to the competition leaders of russia, i have received several more educations, including at the personnel reserve, where... i studied together with vitaly with other colleagues, including from the leaders of russia, and we are in the twentieth year met with you, you then told me that you could see the potential in your eyes , and indeed, literally within a few weeks, amazing things began to happen, the scope of my responsibility in the savings collection has expanded significantly, the eye is a diamond, yes, thank you
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very much, because i know that these stories not unique, they happen to many, leader... russia and your focus , immersion in details and competitions and biographies of participants - this of course costs a lot. well , over the past 4 years, not only my area of ​​responsibility at sber has grown, sber itself has also grown, primarily as a technological, innovative company, a leader in the artificial intelligence agenda in the country, in many ways you also help us develop this area. and one of the challenges that i now face is that we are new. conducted a study, approximately 40% russians are still afraid of artificial intelligence technologies, they are not understood, there are barriers to use, so my task is to help people understand the benefits of technologies, the opportunities that these technologies create for them, how? i’ll give you a few examples, first, first answer the question: why? it seems to me that artificial
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intelligence also helps improve the business process, as a second opinion, for example, for our doctors. our gigachа neural network recently passed an exam in medical specialties and, of course, should not replace a doctor, but to be such a doctor’s assistant and no, why is that? this greatly helps us develop our business, including making a profit. we have optimized a lot of processes with the help of artificial intelligence, i, for example, am responsible for the marketing function, this is all design, communication, advertising, a lot of what we produce, we produce using technology. artificial intelligence, including we create services for the country, for our younger generations, based on these technologies, for example, the kandinsky neural network - this is a network for generating images and videos, last year we became the fastest growing service in the world, overtaking even gpt chat, for example, you were at the russia exhibition in
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pavilion number one, it is called russia , the land of opportunities, and there is a show “childhood dreams” ", it was created entirely on the basis of our technologies, artificial intelligence, in my opinion, this is such a simple form of introduction, a child’s first acquaintance with technology. he can make his dream, immediately see its visualization, and begin to use it, then he will try, for example, through chat bod to use this technology and will already use it, including for preparing high-quality papers at school, then at the university, then in life, too, i ’m sure it will help him, the second example that i want to share is from voronezh art museum, it had a very large collection of russian artists before the great patriotic war, in 1942 it was... completely lost, only descriptions of the painting remained, we came up with such a project based on the descriptions, having studied the style in great detail
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we recreated the works of each of the artists who were represented in this museum, we have such a recreated collection, a revived collection of paintings by various russian artists of the 19-20th century, i gave you, through your assistants, an album that we prepared, which was made by neurose. tyukandinsk is just that, and i think it will be very interesting to get to know this, this is just a good example of how future technologies help us, including reviving our art, our culture, lost in certain events, thank you, great, but sber does a lot in this area, it really is one of our leaders, it sees good prospects for many industries and... real production, the social sphere helps, great, what you just said about museums, the canvas created, great, honestly speaking, i will be happy
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to watch this, i really hope that the sberbank management will select such young, energetic specialists interested in the results of their work, and you will move on, and in all respects directions, even completely unexpected ones, it would seem for banking institutions , thank you very much, everything is fine, success. thank you very much, vladimir vladimirovich , when it was announced that today ’s meeting would take place, i received a huge number of messages from participants in different seasons, all with the same words, words of gratitude, words of support with the best wishes addressed to you. once again thank you so much and i hope so.
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at all, which is also not bad, sometimes in some areas of activity, such an abstract the result is from heaven, it is also good, it will come in handy in your piggy banks, but through this training school,
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at such a young age of each of you in general, all the more so, i really hope and wish you further such serious, significant successes for you personally, well and as your personal contribution to the development of the country, i am sure that it will be noticeable, thank you very much, good luck to you, thank you, these were the personnel of the meeting.
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countries of belgium and serbia, these are 83 men and 19 women, as the organizers reported, the winners work in a variety of fields, but most of them, as we have just heard, are from the it sector, industry, financial sector and nuclear energy. all super finalists, more than 302 people , received an educational grant in the amount of 1 million rubles for their chosen study program at russian universities, as well as the opportunity to meet mentors from among the leading... countries, in addition, the winners will be able to receive career advice throughout the year and accompaniment. according to the organizers, 160,000 managers submitted applications for participation in the fifth season, like this a lot of. the competition was about 500 people per place. well, it’s not without reason that this is such a serious, serious selection. the leaders of russia are still the flagship project of the russia country of opportunity platform, which has been carried out since 2017 after the forgiveness of vladimir putin. throughout
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its existence. competition , more than 1 million applications from 150 countries were submitted to participate in the selection . the purpose of the management competition is to search for promising managers of the new generation and further support their professional growth. well, now we’ll show footage that was published by the ministry of defense about how long-range tu-22m3 bombers and mik-31 fighters with hypersonic daggers conducted patrols over the baltic and caspian seas. yes, the russian aerospace forces carried out long-range aviation aircraft. planned flights in the airspace over the neutral waters of the baltic and caspian seas involved, as we have already said, long-range bombers tu-22m3 and mik-31 with the kinzhal aviation complex. during the flight, the crews of the mik-31 aircraft practiced in -flight refueling. fighter escorts were provided by the crews of su-30-sm and su-35 aerospace forces. well, also in
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the ministry of defense.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere? anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. are you watching? well, here's the girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances.


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