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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. russia will treat us troops as invaders if they appear in ukraine, and washington understands this. vladimir putin stated this in a long interview with the host of the vesti nedeli program, dmitry kiselyov, and they said, in particular. on the state of the russian
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nuclear triad. according to the head of state, it is more modern than any other. vladimir putin noted, quote, moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons if we are talking about the existence of a russian states. nuclear tests cannot be ruled out if the american side decides to conduct them. but, according to the president, there has never been a need to use this type of weapon during a special military operation. according to vladimir putin, during the events in ukraine, the west gathered. to end russia, but found himself powerless in the face of the unity of the russian people, the stability of our economy and the growing capabilities of the army. regarding the transition to peace negotiations, vladimir putin once again emphasized: moscow is ready for them, but only with taking into account the realities that have developed, figuratively speaking, on earth, only if there are security guarantees for russia. soldiers from the group of russian troops center destroyed a swinging mortar of the ukrainian armed forces in the vdeevsky direction.
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they started, well, they started artillery shelling on it, the target was suppressed, the enemy was destroyed , they are correcting us with birds, there is a special platoon of uavs that corrects us and gives us information about where our shell is falling, they are already correcting us from the last explosion. on the south donetsk direction of the special operation at the command post of the armed forces of ukraine. the crew of russian supersonic fighter-bombers in the su-34 were hit and used ammunition. fab 500 with universal
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planning and correction module. after confirmation from intelligence that the target had been hit, the russian pilots returned to the airfield. and now about the actions of russian sappers in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. they literally comb the territory in search of explosive objects. and how reconnaissance and mine clearance are carried out, ours saw it war correspondent, eduard punigov. that's it, be on fox. come on, we ran to pull. these shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction. sappers from the 155th brigade of the pacific fleet are working on the front line. the entire area is literally littered with mines and tripwires left behind by the enemy. sappers are combing every meter; on the one hand, you need to act carefully so as not to get blown up, but you can’t hesitate, since the enemy is regularly firing. to
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hit a mine 50 m away from me, there is something heavier there, these are 100% detected explosives objects are destroyed on the spot, one at a time, to be sure, the area has been successfully cleared and now the main strike groups can enter here, here is another combat sortie of sappers, the goal is the same, reconnaissance and demining, let's go. great , just now one drone flew past us from our side, everyone is ready, yes, ready, that's it, let's run, good luck guys, good luck, in a dilapidated building we immediately found unused ammunition, we should try one chain, we have everything left at once there are 16 of me to blow up there, that's it there are five of them, the sappers plant a detonator, explosives and immediately leave the danger zone, in 5 minutes it will be loud.
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the engineering and sapper company of the 155th marine brigade is working in one of the most dangerous areas of the south donetsk direction, now their main task is to lay corridors for infantry and heavy equipment, in the last week alone, sap engineers... soldiers are carefully preparing before entering the line of combat contact , conduct aerial reconnaissance, study the terrain. in the evening we get the task, we go down the gray zone, we work, we clear the roads, we check everything with probes , we don’t even tug at what the foreigners found, we destroy the invoice, most are on a magnet, the iron is immediately affected, that is, you come up. still gets blown up, the enemy often leaves cleverly hidden double traps, but our sappers have learned to detect them, under the pressure of bullets, under the pressure of shells, we run, clear mines, now the ukrainian forces have begun to use mine tunnels, that is, there is a tank mine,
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there is an infantry mine on top, and it is advisable to keep an eye on this process so that there is no then sad consequences, without the brilliant work of sappers it would be impossible to carry out successful offensive operations, i will continue the topic. russia's response to the appropriation of eu assets could bankrupt it. euroclears will lead to a global financial crisis, reuters reports, citing a european official who deals with confiscation issues. the agency's source explained that if europe decides to appropriate
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russia's assets, it will not be able to use the entire amount to support kiev. a significant part will have to be kept on the euroclear balance sheet. otherwise, when the conflict ends, on the company. a barrage of claims from the russian central bank is collapsing; first of all, it may lose 33 billion euros, which are stored in the national depositary in moscow. in addition, russia is capable of suing euroclear money in the depositories of hong kong and dubai. and, finally, the eu may be covered with an avalanche of claims from western banks, which, due to sanctions, will lose the money they once invested in russia. this is the mechanism by which euroclear can be completely devastated - said. senior eu official if euroclear runs out capital, the belgian central bank will have to revoke the depository's license, and this could lead to a global financial crisis, since euroclear holds assets worth 37 trillion euros. most
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domestic companies with foreign registration will move to russian offshores, we are talking about the russian and oktyabrsky islands, deputy minister of finance alexey moiseev said at the simply capital forum. with the chinese jack motors does not load all its capacities, rbc writes about this. the plans for the current year are to produce 22 thousand cars, while the resources make it possible to collect up to 180 thousand annually. according to a source familiar with the situation, negotiations with several companies are already underway, some of them have not yet
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entered the russian market. now the plant assembles moskvich cars - this is a modification of cars from the chinese brand jack. next year their production will increase to 35 pieces. during the same period, it plans to assemble another 5.00 copies of the new russian electric car atom, but even with such an increase in production, the plant is capable of producing 4 and a half times more. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 90 rubles. 88 kopecks. euro 99.35. and that's all i have for now. who is always in a hurry to help, aim for pain, pain in the knee, pain in the back, in the neck, it doesn’t matter if the shoulder can fail, we’ll call pentalgin, extragen, pentalgin extragel against pain and
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inflammation in muscles and joints, we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we are at sovcom bank, we take out loans, and good quickly, we are at sovcom bank. guess who started a new job today? grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes for a new job, there are many new vacancies every day, avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. new yandex browser, give me neerosil. oh, it’s me, watching videos in english, and also japanese, korean. hello everyone, i understand everything as if it were native language. yandex browser, be amazed at your neural powers! it
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conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand. where is it cheaper to buy osaga, on the compare website or in the application. here insurance companies offer the best prices. compare on your side. us arms sales to taiwan are turning the island into a powder keg and putting its residents at risk a serious threat, the chinese embassy in washington stated. moscow has repeatedly said that the export of american weapons undermines stability in various regions of the world, especially in eastern europe. but white house officials did not heed their partners' warnings. why, my colleague emil mirsaev will tell you about this. the united states announced military support for kiev for the first time this year, without additional funding from
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congress. on behalf of us president joe biden, i am announcing an emergency package 300 million in security assistance. this package includes a large tranche of shells for haymarc. and also, as the pentagon later added, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, small arms cartridges and artillery shells of nato 155 mm caliber, including. biden instructed the secretary of state to allocate assistance to kiev for another 126 million
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dollars for the conflict, although where the funds will come from and for what exactly the white house memorandum does not say. his owner once again called on congress to urgently act before the quote is too late, and in general now everyone is trying to persuade the american parliament to agree to another ukrainian adventure, it seems. polish high-ranking officials, the president of poland andrzej duda and the prime minister, came from overseas. i hope that the voice from poland will influence the position of the speaker of the house of representatives, he must realize that the fate of millions of people depends on his individual decision, it is necessary to stop speculation about whether the united states will help ukraine, but for now there is no agreement in congress, the situation is difficult, we all know about it everyone also knows that poland is now harming ukraine, not in words, but in deeds, through mass checkpoint blockades and. trade between the cherished allies
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dropped by 10%, but tusk forgot to mention this; it would be more profitable to ask for help from others, and therefore called on nato countries to increase defense spending to 3% of gdp. colleagues in the weimer triangle are eagerly awaiting news from the polish prime minister; on friday, at an unscheduled summit in berlin , scholz and macron will discuss assistance to the square. the latter will make an address to the nation tomorrow regarding ukraine. the results of the vote on the government declaration on the franco-ukrainian security agreement were 372 against - 99. the opposition immediately criticized the agreement. yes or no, do we accept the fact that france, a nuclear power, puts itself in a situation of conflict with russia, a nuclear power. that is the real question today.
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this agreement contains no red lines. no prospect of peace contributes to military escalation. france should not go to war with russia. the agreement is impracticable in a military, financial and production sense, and does not provide any guarantees of improving the situation in ukraine. according to lepin, millions of french people who do not support this agreement, quote, are automatically included in the bad camp. european politicians do not actually give their electorate the right to choose to avoid becoming in the public eye. yesterday's schoolchildren for an internship at the square. emil versaev, news. according to the results of the georgia primary, joe biden has secured her place in the presidential race. the possibility of prosecution for
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the protection of secret documents ultimately did not affect the opinions of voters. the evidence collected is not enough for the evidence of guilt to prevail beyond reasonable doubt, so i would recommend not pressing charges against mr. biden, that is, joe biden is clearly guilty, but there is no need to touch him, the special prosecutor explained that in his opinion the case has no prospects.
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if eighty-one-year-old biden behaves as usual in court, the jury will surely win. the problem is a set of proofs, that's all i did. we are talking about secret documents on us actions in afghanistan. the files were discovered by chance, first in a think tank in washington, and then in the garage of the biden estate in dallow. moreover, it turned out that joe shared secret information with his biographer, who wrote his memoirs for him, and
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earned an impressive amount from it. he knew the rules, but he broke them because he wanted to. write a book, mr. hur, how much did president biden get for this book? something about $8 million, $8 million, joe biden had 8 million reasons to break the rules. biden himself told the special prosecutor that he did not remember what he told the biographer, did not remember whether he kept secret documents in his house, and even more so did not remember how these files could have gotten to him in the first place, which is very convenient. biden also could not remember the year of his son's death or name the year he finished working with obama. and the year trump came to the white house confused iraq and afghanistan with iran. republicans pointed out that us president openly lied, shielding himself. the president said, i did not share classified information with anyone, i guarantee it. that's not true, is it, mr. huth? this is contrary to the evidence collected in my report. so it's a lie, as
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ordinary people would say, right? special counsel confirmation. democrats asked to take into account that immediately after the discovery of secret documents, biden notified his own administration about this, returned the files and actively cooperated with
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the investigation. regarding the similar case regarding trump, unlike the forgetful biden, he has already been brought to trial. hearings could take place in july, although trump is asking for the process to begin after the presidential election in november. he is confident that he will defeat biden. anton dadykin, maria skorodilka, news! so i remembered our most recognizable symbol of the bear, which guards its taiga there. maybe our little bear needs to sit quietly, and eat berries , honey, maybe they will leave him alone, they will not leave him, because they will always strive to put him on a chain, and as soon as they manage to put him on a chain, they will pull out his teeth claws, as soon as god forbid this happens, the taiga will be...
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for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate. number one on the ballot is time for new ones. remember, vladimir zhirinovsky, the ldpr party, were not afraid to tell
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the people the truth. great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid. not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person. all these years, zhirinovsky and the liberal democratic party fought for you, defended your interests. we continue the work of zhirinovsky, fair prices. it’s true that everyone needs russia more than moscow, for the cause of zhirinovsky, for the ldpr, for slutsky. near volgograd, under the presidential gasification program, a defense and sports camp for children, avangard, is being built. on the basis of a unique multifunctional complex, one of the region’s khutars also received gas. with details artyom gemshakov. an important event not only for the young army soldiers in the volgograd region, but for all schoolchildren in the region. on the basis of the multifunctional complex young yastreb , the avangard camp under construction has been supplied with gas.
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the guys have already appreciated the comfort. the first impression is that it is indescribable when you come here, but taking into account the fact that you are in warm shape, it is even warmer here and such comfortable conditions are provided to all residents. underground gas pipelines were built for the block-modular boiler house. with a total length of more than a kilometer, installed distribution point, equipment has been installed on the basis of the avangard defense sports camp, four residential buildings with a total area of ​​2,500 km have already been erected, and auxiliary structures are being built by the center. the camp will operate not only in the summer season, but will operate all year round, and if we speak in numbers, then in the summer season we accept 2,600 people, thanks to the fact that we have switched to year-round activities, this will be about 10.00 guys per year.
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back to the real holiday. new gas pipeline with a length of about 9.5 km made it possible to connect more than 70 residential buildings to blue fuel. one of them is already warm, but
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now not from the firewood, the local rejoices. with the transition to gas, costs will decrease several times, and hundreds of thousands of families across russia can share such joyful stories today. as part of the presidential social gasification program, 1,180 thousand houses across the country have the opportunity to connect to gas, and 530 thousand are already using gas at home, that is, work has been completed on arranging the gas infrastructure. inside the house, stove, boiler, and this is the program that has gained momentum, it is very pleasant that more and more of our residents of the russian federation are submitting applications, and we are happy with each new application, because it is our task to gasify the russian federation. i am very pleased to come to the territory of the volgorad region, because in recent years, thanks to the support of andrei ivanovich, gazprom has implemented a large-scale
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gasification task here, quite a lot. to say that over the past 15 years the level of weightification has almost doubled, despite the results achieved, there is an understanding of what lies ahead there are still many problems to be solved , the continuation of pre-gasification will help, on behalf of the president it was declared indefinite, in addition to houses, in gasified settlements it also includes social facilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, artists, alexander shirashov, vadim shabanov, yuri komochikov and denis gushchin, host. grad from the ilovlinsky srednyakhtubensky district. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin. your brother is in donbass, you need to go there, you should go, just for the passengers
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ride here. fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray wife, behind this line, you will become different, and then what? my childhood and youth were there, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to. dish passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. now footage from
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telegram channels, this is argentina, a strong hail has hit the city, local residents are collecting pieces of ice and posting footage on social networks. in addition, heavy rains continue in buinosari, which led to flooding. and now sports news alexander, the first round of the gagarin cup has ended. tell me when the second one starts. tatyana, good morning, series of the second round of the cup gagarin. the finals of the tournament will begin on march 16, on this day matches will take place in the dynamo-tractor and avangard-lokomotiv series. so, dynamo moscow became the last quarter-finalist of the gagarin cup. in the sixth game of the series against dynamo minsk , alexei kudashov’s team won a strong-willed victory with a score of 3:1. and


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