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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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this is a special mobile unit that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely runs so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the end of voting. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, what are men silent about, painful urination, erection problems? these are symptoms of prostatitis.
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longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's going on here? didn’t you know, you are transferring money from your business account to your personal account. you pay a fee. yes, what century do you live in? which bank do you use? individual entrepreneurs. vtb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account. open a business account on vtb is a bank for your business. or maybe you and i are also counted open in vdb. you never know what's around the corner. some impressions remain forever, and some only for a while. with gloss , stains will not spoil your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel. it even fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short wash cycles. everything will be polished without extra costs. there is gloss. order
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a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive super cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, just for passengers here for a ride, i came to pick up my brother, a big passenger at the cinema since march 14th. you can wait forever. favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum, rosbank - real opportunities, magnet - the price is what you need, coffee is 3999, we are going on vacation, and we are going for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, if more often. than getting up twice
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at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase, modern a drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, hurray, we’ve finally arrived, how you ’ve grown, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, here you go, where did all this come from, you’re retired, and you got your pension from vtb, and there is the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account. up to 18% per annum, how thin you have become and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich for retirement, vtb, together everything will work out, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, now the prices for flowers are such, it’s more profitable to buy a smartphone, for example, honor x8b with a benefit of 7.00 rubles only in the megaphone alpha investment is money, we give shares every day, open an investment account for the purchase of any share,
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receive another one as a gift, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because hyptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired - it’s time for hyptral, order us drawcity, deposit, best interest rate, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. this is hosted in the studio by philip trofimov. yandex markket officially launches a new robot today. this time it's a robotic hand, and a smart robotic hand, capable of recognizing objects, both those that are familiar to it and those that it sees for the first time, but by analogy with what has already been comprehended, it guesses how they can be handled, that is, the system is self-learning. yandex expects that such robots will be able to completely, or at least partially, collect orders. in the future, for now, one such robotic arm is working, or rather studying, at the company’s warehouse. we believe that we
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will automate a fairly large part of operations, in which, for example, our own robots, delectus, which interact with containers, they will take this container and bring it to the picking station. from there, a robotic hand will take out a certain product, like it took it out of one container, put it in a box, took it out of another, thus formed an order , gave it to either a robot or a conveyor, first sorting by directions, then some kind of product arrives from the sorting direction the number of finished ships, sorting can also be done using robots, either envelope type the sorting that we have now, these ships and packages have arrived. some other containers have arrived, a bunch of boxes have arrived , you must put these boxes in a neat pallet so that they fit neatly in your car, and you must fold them tightly enough so as not to carry air in the car, no one pays for air , while the robotic arm can only do
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this last part, correctly assemble the boxes, but twice as fast as a person they can pick up goods from several conveyor belts at once, which a person cannot do at all, it is necessary note that, in fact, this manipulator, it is purchased, is an original development of neurosity, which controls, well, the process of its training. we don’t have a virtual simulator, that is, we teach it directly in physics, show it the operations that it should perform, and, accordingly, we then release it at some point, well, it’s like, we collected data in physics and trained the model, assembled it, and not just data, there’s like, here, specifically for this, i don’t know, for this cup, for this handle, there’s a huge amount. cases, here there are, like, completely different items that may not be found in the warehouse, so we collected this fairly large dataset, and then we went to teach, see where there were any errors, but this process is before learning everything else, this is already the fourth
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yandex market warehouse robot in the company still expect to deliver such solutions to partners, but or competitors over time. well , some big news from generative neural networks. first of all, it's a popular project. learned to use images created by text query ready-made character, that is, now you can request several different pictures with the same hero, which was expected, but until now could not be obtained, simply due to the nature of generative neural networks, which create each image anew and it is impossible to reliably predict the result, even if repeated the same text request several times, the result will be different each time, which is not critical for individual self-sufficient creations and... very convenient if there is a need to create a story, for example, comics, that’s not really a problem solved, but judging by the first experiments it turns out to be quite close to the claim, it is curious that this works through a command, the text request must contain the crf operator, which can be deciphered, well, translated as a sample character, well, plus the address
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of the picture from which the neural network will take the features the faces and features of the figure, the clothes of the hero, that is, these are already some hints at programming, which leads somewhat to the side. from the ideas of communicating with a machine in human language, but it allows you to fine-tune the process and ultimately get the right setting for the right hero. well , such a hero can now be taken from the virtual world to the real one in just a couple of clicks. fortunately, mejorny's competitor , stability ai, released the tripsr tool, the only function of which is to turn an ordinary flat picture into a three-dimensional object, by thinking out and finishing what is not visible. the output is a standard format that can be animated. we wanted to print it on a 3d printer and the main thing is that everything works just in the browser, i uploaded an image, received a three-dimensional object, by the way, it also deletes very well background from the source file. but the story is traditionally not simple, the pictures are posted there as an example, the three-dimensional ones turn out almost perfectly,
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including complex figures, where there is artificial intelligence, you have to guess what it is and what elements are needed , but are not visible, but with the photo of the mug i have nothing good did not work out. although it would seem that the object was much simpler, after several attempts not a single good result was obtained, while attempts to slip in your own photographs sometimes gave quite acceptable results. what does it depend on, not really it’s clear, that relatively good model came out of a standard document photograph, this came out of a photograph in this studio, well, it’s also a little recognizable, with a certain touch of the zombie apocalypse, in general, a ready-made three-dimensional virtual presenter in one click on... it doesn’t work out very well, but something is obviously very close to that. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to
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inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now into saving. your business account in cash, enough scraps, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account, open a business account on, vtb bank for your business , maybe you and i should also open an account at vdb? open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the finuslug application, financial services from the moscow exchange, deposits from various banks. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting,
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test your instinct. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when... my mother orders cosmetics, she goes from being loved and turns into strict, into sleep-deprived, into gloomy, then i have a cosmetic bag done, look, cosmetics you can try it on first, we wanted to be loved, we remain loved, megamarket, please beautifully and profitably.
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rossbank - real opportunities. this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of the national project of russia is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes that it brought to ours. the national project of russia by the decision of the president, we take out loans, it’s easy
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to apply for them, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, but is it quick, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, whopper, it tastes better on fire, burgers, and we are with gifts, where does this come from? that's it, are you retired? vtb pension - the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. the quality of the citizens' warning about the attempts of scammers to hit the jackpot against the backdrop of the approaching elections. for example, they create fake systems voting to access personal data. what other networks do etherists set up and how can you avoid getting caught in them? evgenia petrukhina sorted it out. tsypso wants to bring down electronic voting in russia. until it
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starts, ukrainian information saboteurs are setting up networks, trying to gain access to the personal accounts and accounts of russians. fraudsters send so-called phishing emails via messenger. tsypso employees disguise themselves as official representatives of the central election commission of russia and the state services portal. and in these letters there is a link that leads to a fake one. portal, the design of which may almost completely coincide with the design of the official website; if you received a letter and clicked something there, the link will immediately go to the fake website, the person will not see that he is no longer on the government services website, but has jumped there to damn it, you can do it in such a way that he will see the beginning of the address of the real site, he will click, he will be taken to a design that matches the design of the real site, there will be initially harmless fields there, enter the last name there, ima patronymic, but at the end it will be written,
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in these letters they allegedly offer to test the system, information saboteurs for voting money for technical errors, but first they ask you to fill out a form where you need to indicate personal data and bank details, they are trying to kill two birds with one stone, undermine trust in our electoral system, the citizens of our country can compromise our most successful digital... services in order to discourage people from using electronic voting, government services, such letters and calls: saboteurs are carefully preparing, they may even know, for example, the name of your boss, but now their attacks have become much more personalized, that is , before calling you, they collect information about you, they try to collect this data in order to then imitate , there you can create a fake account, photographs of this person, as if he wrote to you, and thus
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you have more trust, their ultimate goal is to mislead people. they will invest a huge amount of effort, money and resources in order to destabilize all these electronic voting systems , but i am absolutely sure that they will not succeed, in ukraine there is no such option to vote online, and there are no elections, what’s more , zelensky’s expiration date, even though it expires on march 31 , but the nazi mold has been on it for several years now, and therefore it is not at all surprising that independent information saboteurs from the centers
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of information and psychological operations officially work under the auspices of the ukrainian... tsypso give themselves away by the fact that this is the first very mass operations, that is, hundreds , thousands of people receive the same thing, it’s synchronized, these are very powerful distribution tools, maybe they will vote on your behalf, maybe they will tell lies on your behalf, the counteraction scheme is always the same, you need to transfer the story to this organization apply yourself, they call on behalf of the military registration and enlistment office, call the military registration and enlistment office yourself, representatives of the central government services portal do not call citizens... they do not offer money to test the voting system, here are the specialists of the digital expertise center roskachestvo separately comments to the media that such testing is not provided, they ask not to provide account and bank card data to scammers, as for the attack on remote electronic voting, we expect a cyber attack on the website of the central election commission on the website of remote
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electronic voting, on the website of the public chamber of russia carrying out public control over voting. they will try to disable our system, this is a separate direction, we need to be prepared for it. tsypso has tried more than once, so to say, to treat the residents of our country in covid, in the days of the start of the special operation, elections are generally a trigger topic for them, but every time the ukrainian information saboteurs fail. it ’s interesting that they have already chosen a new location for their deployment, otherwise tsypso might fly in for trying to disrupt the electronic voting at the call center.
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near volgograd, under the presidential gasification program
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, the avangard defense and sports camp for children has almost been built on the basis of a unique multifunctional complex, and one of them has also received gas. region and with details artyom gemchakov. an important event not only for young army members in the volgograd region, but for all schoolchildren in the region. the avangard camp under construction has been supplied with gas on the basis of the yuny yastreb multifunctional complex. the guys have already appreciated the comfort. the first impression is indescribable, when you come here, taking into account the fact that you are in warm shape, it is even warmer here and such comfortable conditions are presented to everyone. for residents of the block-modular boiler house , underground gas pipelines were built for the common more than a kilometer long, a distribution point has been installed, equipment has been installed at the base of the defense sports camp: avangard, four residential buildings with a total area of ​​2,500 km have already been erected, auxiliary structures are being built and the center is carrying them. the camp will operate not only in the summer season, but will operate all year round, and
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if we speak in numbers, then in the summer season we accept 2,600 people, thanks to the fact that we have switched to all-round activities, this will be about 10,000 children a year. venue of the unique club young hawk blue i received fuel under the presidential social gasification program. in a solemn ceremony.
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the ceremony took place via video link, and the residents themselves took part in it. this day will become truly memorable for the residents; a real celebration unfolded at the gas distribution point. a new gas pipeline with a length of about 9.5 km made it possible to connect more to blue fuel.
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gazprom has implemented a large-scale gasification task here; suffice it to say that over the past 15 years the level of gasification has almost doubled. despite the achieved results, there is an understanding that there are still many tasks to be solved, the continuation of additional gasification will help, on behalf of the president it was declared indefinite. in addition to houses in gasified settlements , it also includes social facilities: schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, and emergency centers. artyom imshchikov, sergey vichorgin, alexander shirashov, vadim shabanov, yuri komochikov and denis gushchin. news from volgograd from the ilovlinsky srednyakhtubensky district. april weather
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will arrive before april itself. warming is increasing in the european part of russia, what areas will experience it fully, where the atlantic air cannot penetrate. how much will the thermometer show in moscow by the end of the week? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center, i am ksenia levitskaya. hello, in the european part of the country it will become warm, like in april. the beginning of this week in the region has already turned out to be quite warm; in moscow, for example, the day before the thermometers showed +4, and this is 2 degrees above the march norm. there is less and less snow on the streets every day. in pskov it was +6, in south sochi it was +14. here in full flowers are blooming. and especially brave residents of the resort capital enjoy the waters of the black sea. dear. ice fishing , you are in a dangerous area, the loose ice bursts, of course, do not forget about the dangers of the off-season, this is how, for example,
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rescuers from the chuvash disperse winter fishing enthusiasts from the volga, at an abnormally high temperature the ice loses its strength and can collapse, as an illustration st. petersburg, here on tuesday the thermometer showed about +5°, 15 fishermen had to be evacuated from a breakaway ice floe, they were carried away finnish... bay. and in the near future, the ice on the rivers will continue to thin out, because warming will intensify. currently, the weather in the region is controlled by a huge anticyclone. and in the absence of clouds in the sky, the sun warms up the surface layer of the atmosphere well. however, two cyclones begin to push this eye from the west at once. their full influence will be evident on thursday. one will bring bad weather to the black sea region, the other to the russian north in the urals. as for the northern vortex, then... will fall out in different phases, from the kola snow is expected from the peninsula to the southern urals; on the shores of the baltic in karelia, rain in the transition zone is icy in places, but much
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more important. the fact that the vortex circulation contains even warmer air masses. and, for example, in st. petersburg today thermometers will show +6. then there will be light rain at night, but thermometer readings will not drop below zero. and tomorrow in the city on the neva it is expected to be +7. precipitation will increase in the evening. warming associated with cyclones promises to be prolonged. according to our it is forecast to peak by the end of this week. on saturday, for example, the thaw will cover everyone. the russian plain, except for the far north and will even make their way into western siberia, in the central regions and the black earth region the temperature regime will become 100% april. in the southern regions of russia , warming will be limited by dense clouds. so, for example, in krasnodar there will be only +12-14, total, of course, in quotes, these are abnormally high figures, even for kuban. the rains in the city will begin tomorrow and will continue at least until
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sunday. the weather in moscow will continue to be sunny, so the atlantic air masses will warm up further. today tomorrow in the capitals + 5-6 °, from friday + 7-8, that is, real temperature indicators will be ahead of the climate by almost a whole month. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit. and today we will go to the oryol region. everything is according to plan, the preparatory stage is already... almost completed, the territory has been cleared, specialists are equipping a patrol road , work has already begun on the runway. this is what the southern airport in orel looks like from space. it has not operated since 2010, but is now being reconstructed as part of the national project, a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure. the first stage will be commissioned in august of this year. in addition, by the decision of the townspeople , the air harbor will be renamed, it will
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bear the name. ivan turgenev. that 's all for me, goodbye.
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on russia's conditions for starting negotiations with ukraine on our avangard missiles and sweden's entry into nato in finland. vladimir putin gave
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great interview. the united states announced the first military aid package for ukraine this year. what will it include? how much will this amount be enough? more than 300 anti-tank mines were cleared by our sappers in the last week alone in the southern donetsk direction. how does it work? engineers on one of the most dangerous sectors of the front in a report by eduard bunegov. the first round of the khl playoffs has ended. the finalist and champion of last season , cska moscow and kazan akbars, sensationally fail to make it to the quarterfinals. forecasters promise up to +10 in moscow this week. warmth is returning to the southern regions. let's ask our meteorologists about forecasts. moscow
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is ready for negotiations on ukraine, but this should be a serious conversation with security guarantees for russia, and not...


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