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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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they are actively used and will continue to be used, and of course, the country will be self-sufficient in the sphere of ensuring its security and defense, together we will have to multiply all this many times over, and the future will be secured. thank you, vich, your confidence is contagious of success in your noble deeds, thank you, thank you, thank you, this was an interview.
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almost approved the next tranche of aid to ukraine, we are talking about several billions. and all this against the backdrop of mass protests within the eu, which are already more reminiscent of a split, where moving west? this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day. vladimir putin today gave a long interview to the host of the vgtrk program to conduct the week, dmitry.
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an arms race based on the principle of the eighties, but as vladimir putin said in an interview, it is important for us that for every ruble invested in the defense industry we get the maximum return. according to the president, in the soviet union, defense spending accounted for about 13% of the country's gdp. for comparison, last year russia’s defense spending amounted to 4%, this year 6.8%. height, notes the head of state, not critical.
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the modern, even defense industry in our country, is good because it not only indirectly influences the civilian industries, but using the innovations needed for defense, it uses these innovations to produce civilian products, this is an extremely important thing, of course, without any doubt, the very economy of our armed forces... it must meet today's requirements. for comparison, the united states spends about $900 billion on defense. expenses, well, just are not comparable. vladimir putin cited the example of spending on the american missile defense system. but there is little point in this, because russia only with the creation of avangard missiles reduced investments in the pro system to nothing. let me remind you that the hypersonic combat unit avangard is an intercontinental missile, absolutely invulnerable. any
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air defense and missile defense systems, according to the president, this is an excellent example of how our defense industry should operate; the question was, of course, raised during the interview:
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and the main focus should be be focused on the information side of things. and one more question that always hangs in the air: the use of nuclear weapons. as the president stated, there should be no race between russia and the united states in this area. our triad , the nuclear triad, is more modern than any other triad, and we only have such triads, before the americans , in fact, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of warhead carriers , but you need to know about it , and those who
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need it, i repeat, experts, specialists, military men, they know this well, they are now they set the task of increasing this modernity in an intrusive way.
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they threw everything there. vladimir putin's interview about the future of russia and its relations with the west was broadcast by all leading us media. the reaction was lightning fast. many british and american journalists wrote articles in advance and everything seemed to be a carbon copy. they stated that moscow was threatening europe, and with what exactly, but they obviously could not explain. others honestly admitted that russian weapons are indeed better than western ones, sanctions do not work in ukraine in this conflict. don't win, don't by the way, german publications wrote about this, which is not surprising. anna voronina studied the loud headlines of the western press during the interview of the russian president with journalist dmitry kiselyov. a frightening warning or a hidden threat, the western press sees no other options. from
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an hour and a half interview with vladimir putin, european american journalists clung to the phrase, which they are already used to bringing horror to ordinary people, nuclear weapons and the president’s statement. about readiness to use it in the event of a serious threat the state is called a sharp warning, but the headlines and wording look like carbon copies. president vladimir putin warned the west on wednesday that russia is technically prepared for nuclear war and that if the us sends troops to ukraine it would be seen as a significant escalation of the conflict. the american publication newsweek mentioned the word nuclear in a short article, almost twice as many times as it did in the entire interview. frenchman. however, they decided to focus not on the threat; lacroix’s publication noted that the russian military the technology is presented as more modern than western technology, which merges into a black hole called ukraine. german colleagues completely admitted that the weapons developed by moscow had left western
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competitors behind. apparently, russian weapons are very modern, i must admit, they are better than those of other countries. according to him, russian nuclear weapons are ready for use. russian president. threatens the west again. the fact that in an interview vladimir putin emphasized that russia itself is does not seek nuclear confrontation, western journalists mentioned that they did not dare to use this type of weapon in ukraine.
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vgtrk program news of the week to dmitry kiselev. a significant part of his interview is devoted to the socio-economic situation in our country. citizen support for demographic policy. we started talking about personnel training. we will now tell you in more detail what statements were made. so, in an interview, the head of state said: russia has overtaken germany in terms of purchasing power and has taken fifth place among the largest economies of the world. this fact has been recorded by international financial organizations. according to the president. in the near future we can rise even higher, ending up in fourth position. therefore, as
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vladimir putin said, it is possible that russia will overtake japan, for this it is necessary to strive to increase gdp per capita, as well as make the national economy even more efficient, modern, and innovative. the focus, of course, is on personnel training. one of the main tasks today is increasing productivity labor. because in conditions of shortage.
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fight against poverty to reduce its share among the population. the head of state expects that thanks to the large number of young people in the country who will soon enter childbearing age, the indicators will soon increase, and the state, in turn, will support citizens. in particular, vladimir putin recalled the launch of the new national project family. also in our country , the maternity capital program was extended until 2030 and mortgage loan benefits were maintained for families with children. come from everyone measures to support families
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with children, then over the next six years we plan to spend, well, through various channels, up to 14 trillion rubles, this is a lot of money, areas of support for families with children, there are a lot of them, starting with general social ones, the construction or renovation of kindergartens, the construction of new schools, renovation old schools, bringing things in order in accordance with the requirements of today, support.
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interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. the barrier has been taken from both, joe biden and donald trump have gained the required number of delegate votes at the party primaries and now the fun begins. the primaries were held the day before in washington, mississippi, and also in georgia, this is one of the so-called swing states, key to the outcome of the state race for victory, where they give a lot of votes. well, trump and biden did it predictably, especially since they have no competition one or the other, in fact, no longer exists. in general, all remaining primary congresses of party activists are now purely a formality. both candidates have the necessary nominations to be confirmed. 50% of the votes of delegates remain to wait for the summer, when these candidacies are officially approved at party congresses. well, let’s start with what
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both joe biden and donald trump have been doing for several years now. months of fighting not within their own parties, but directly against each other. america is waiting for a repeat, a rematch of the 2020 presidential race of the year. the only thing is that both candidates are older now, especially biden. he will turn 82 in november. much will depend on whether republicans can mobilize their electorate, especially in swing states. as for the democrats, the same. the most devoted, let's say, supporters of the democratic party will come, skeptics from my point of view will ignore the elections, so here, probably, if we speak from the point of view of political strategists, the republicans have more room for maneuver, the more of their own people they have will be brought to the polling stations, the greater the chance of winning. remember, we voted for zhirinovsky
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and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, great people, great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, or it will be worse. come on, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry person! all these years, zhirinovsky, the ldpr, fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself! vote for the ldpr, vote for slutsky! this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17. this is our time, the time of the new. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot.
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time for something new. the wealth of russia should belong to the people. yes. increase taxes for the rich and exempt the poor from taxes. yes, housing and communal services should be in the hands of the state. yes. raising the retirement age. abolish, yes, the state must teach, treat, protect, yes, then kharitonov, yes, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism, who will ensure development, who guarantees stability, who unites us, in whom you are confident, only in him. russia! vote for someone who can be
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trusted with the country. the european union is approaching an agreement on a package of military aid to ukraine in the amount of 5 billion euros. he writes about this. financial times. in addition, today the french senate will hold discussions on supporting kiev. the day before, the debate in the national assembly caused a lot of controversy and discussion of red lines that could lead to escalation. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova will tell you more. yes, regina, welcome. what statements were made, how different parties of the fifth republic reacted to the proposal to continue supporting kiev. hello funds. information and the opposition accuse emmael macron of instrumentalizing the ukrainian conflict in the run-up to the european elections. the choice is this: either we support emmanuel macron, or we
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will be accused of supporting vladimir putin,” marine lepin said from the podium. the debate took place around the ten-year franco-ukrainian agreement already concluded on february 16 on defense, which implies strengthening cooperation. emmanuel macron and his government decided to strengthen their position by holding a vote in both chambers. turn our backs on our values, give the trust of our allies, the french president clearly said that we will support ukraine in any way we can. the french president's message was very clear. we will not abandon ukraine, but we will not turn our backs on ukraine means we exclude any scenarios. we will continue to support ukraine, but without entering into a state of war with russia. finally received the document support from the lower house of parliament , but exposed a split in the positions of different political forces, the media write today , for example, the greens approved part
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of the agreement on the supply of weapons to ukraine, on ukraine’s accession to the european union, but were categorically against any sending of troops to the territory of ukraine . the communists spoke out for solidarity with ukraine, but at the same time against any military escalation; the left voted against it altogether, condemning the emergency.
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on the contrary, the aspirations are different now the fifth republic is successfully seeking a commitment from the european union's partners in the european union to purchase weapons for ukraine exclusively or to a greater extent from european manufacturers. in the near future, the leaders of the eu countries intend to reach an agreement on increasing the european peace fund, from which the transfer of weapons to ukraine is financed by another 5 billion euros. on friday , emmanuel macron will go to... scholz and donald tusk to discuss ukrainian issues; on thursday, the french leader intends speak to them on television, the same thing will be said in ukraine, it is indicated in the announcements. franz-info writes that to win , albeit a symbolic, but still a victory in the lower house of parliament, emmanuel macron intends to continue to exploit the role of military leader, although most of the french are waiting, perhaps, for answers to their questions, in
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particular. naturally on agricultural issues, since today, for example, the media write about protests in bordeaux, the brutality of which, in particular on the eve condemned the french minister of agriculture, but today farmers in the pau department blocked the entrances to total energies, so they continue to demand the cancellation of plans to reduce fuel subsidies for horse producers of the fifth republic. natalya, georgy, yes. thank you, regina, our european correspondent regina sebastianova was in direct contact with the studio. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin. your brother is in donbass, you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for the passengers here
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ride. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, beyond this line, you will become different, and then what? my childhood and youth were there, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to. about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. russian troops
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continue to destroy western equipment during a special operation, for example, in the kharkov region they defeated the petriat anti-aircraft missile system. as you know, the united states supplied weapons to the armed forces of ukraine; in the dpr , our troops destroyed two ukrainian ones with eight helicopters. our colleague denis alekseev has the details; he joins the facts live. denis, welcome, i’m watching a video, a new video, destruction ukrainian helicopters on...
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it turned out that the object was recorded from a drone, the ground forces set everything up as a platform for refueling and reloading weapons, but they worked clumsily, immediately hitting the identified target. was struck by high-precision weapons, at least two helicopters.


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