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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. and special gifts. are you watching? scratched. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who to kill? yes. just watch without amateur performances. it seems to be in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna medium, look before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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so, let’s play at capitalism and that’s enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. this is us in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. time for something new.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, a candidate for the presidency of russia. this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region and in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, time new. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. time for something new. remember, vladimir
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zhirinovsky, the ldpr party, were not afraid to tell the people the truth, great people great russia, do not lie and do not be afraid, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry, all these years zhirinovsky, ldpr, fought for you, defended your interests, we continue zhirinovsky’s cause, fair prices, russia is more than moscow, everyone needs the truth, for zhirinovsky’s cause, for the ldpr, for slutsk. the barrier was taken from both, joe biden and donald trump gained the required number of votes of delegates in the party primaries, and now the fun begins. the primaries were held the day before in washington, mississippi, and also in georgia, this is one of the so-called swing states that are key to the outcome of the race; a lot of votes from party delegates, and trump, give a victory there. and biden, as
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predictably, did it, especially since neither one nor the other has any competition, in general, all the remaining primaries congresses of party activists are now an exceptional formality, both candidates have no... votes of delegates, it remains to wait for the summer, when the 50% required for approval of the candidacy will be officially approved at party congresses. well, start what joe biden and donald trump have actually been doing for several months now, to fight not within their parties, but directly against each other. america is waiting for a repeat, a rematch of the 2020 presidential race . the only thing is that both candidates are older now, especially biden, he will turn old in november. 82. much will depend on whether the republicans can mobilize their electorate, especially in swing states. as for the democrats , the most loyal, let’s say, supporters of the democratic party will come, the skeptics, from
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my point of view, will ignore the elections, so here, probably, if we speak from the point of view of political strategists, it is the republicans who have more room for maneuver than the more... their people they bring to the polling stations, the greater the chance of victory. the american press notes that this is the first time in 112 years that a former president is challenging the current one. then, true, neither one nor the other won, but now there are only two candidates, the outcome is unpredictable. according to cnn, 10 to 12% of american voters still haven't decided who to vote for. 4 years ago biden defeated trump. with a minimal advantage of only 20,000 votes, election forecasts are different every week, but the general trend so far is that trump has a slight advantage of 1.2, or even 3%. boeing is in trouble again
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due to a fuel leak in the landing gear area. another company plane failed to take off in sydney airport - the media write. the ship was forced to land. this is the fifth incident with a boeing in a week. the problems affect a wide variety of aircraft companies. in some, engines catch fire, in others , doors and wheels fall off. airlines in the us are blackmailing boeing with the idea that they can switch to airbus, canceling orders for the problematic 737 max, which was banned from flying, and the company's shares continue to fall. since december , booing's capitalization has already dropped by $35 billion, analysts say. us house of representatives, overwhelming. approved a bill with a majority vote that could lead to a ban on the social network tiktok in the country. the authors of the document offer the chinese company to the owner of the resource to sell tiktok within six months. if this does not happen, the social network is proposed to be banned. according to lawmakers, beijing is allegedly using tiktok
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to the detriment of american security, and china's foreign ministry has warned that a potential ban on the social network could undermine the confidence of foreign investors in the united states. however, it is unclear whether the bill will be received... the european union may agree on a package of military assistance to kiev in the amount of 5 billion euros in the near future, the financial times writes about this. in addition, today the french senate will hold discussions on support for ukraine. the day before the debate. in the national assembly they raised a lot of questions and discussions about red lines that could lead to escalation. well, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, will continue the topic in more detail. the media and opposition accuse emmanuel macron of instrumentalizing the ukrainian conflict on the eve of european
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elections. the choice is this: either we support emmanuel macron, or we will be accused of supporting vladimir putin, marine lepin said from the podium. the debate took place around ten already concluded on february 16th. very clear: we will not abandon ukraine, but we do not exclude any scenarios. we will continue to support ukraine, but without entering into a state of war with russia. the document ultimately received support from the lower house of parliament, but revealed a split in the positions of different political forces, the media write today information. for example, the greens approved part
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of the agreement on the supply of weapons to ukraine and on ukraine’s accession to the european union, but were categorically against any sending of troops to the territory of ukraine. communists. the leader of the military camp in the government of emmanuel macron, however , apparently, on the contrary, the aspirations are different, now the fifth
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republic is not unsuccessfully seeking an obligation from the countries of the european union's partners in the european union to purchase weapons for ukraine exclusively or to a greater extent from european manufacturers. in in the near future, the leaders of the european union countries intend to reach an agreement on increasing the european peace fund, from which the transfer of weapons to ukraine is financed by another 5 billion euros. on friday, emmanuel macron will travel to berlin, where he will meet with olaf scholz and donald tusk to discuss ukrainian issues. and on thursday , the french leader intends to address them on television. all the same things will be said about ukraine, as indicated in the announcements. franz-info writes about winning, albeit a symbolic, but still a victory in the lower house of parliament, emmanuel macron intends to continue to exploit the role of military leader, although most of the french. they write about protests in bordeaux, the cruelty of which
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, in particular, was condemned the day before by the french minister of agriculture, and today farmers in the pau department blocked the entrances to total energies, so they continue to demand the cancellation of plans to reduce fuel subsidies for telehorse producers of the fifth republic. the collective west has finally destroyed the european security system, about this stated the minister of foreign affairs of our country sergei lavrov. according to him, the issue of western dominance in world affairs is being resolved in ukraine. the united states and its allies understand this, which is why they are literally obsessed with the idea of ​​inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. and at the same time, hostile lines towards moscow are only part of the attempts.
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accelerated the formation of a multipolar world, and one of the manifestations of this phenomenon is the transition of many countries to national currencies in mutual trade, anticipating that the agony that is now undergoing collective torture may well lead to the fact that at any moment any country may find itself under the blow of an illegal sanctions cudgel. prices for state defense orders should not rise along with an increase in the volume of purchases,
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russian prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head of the federal treasury, roman artyukhin. christina kuruma will tell you the details. the federal treasury became the third administrator of budget revenues in the country, right after the tax and customs authorities. to the federal budget 541 billion rubles were received. the head of the service told prime minister mikhail mishustin about this. operational efficiency increased with the transition to a single treasury account; of course, last year was a landmark year for the entire budget system due to the fact that the execution of the federal budget was the best indicator of 98.2%. and all regions also reached out, in these conditions, in the context of increased costs, all payments were made uninterruptedly, precisely thanks to the system of treasury payments. last year digital acts worth 7 trillion rubles were signed. this. a fully digitized document that reduces payment terms from 30 days to
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1/2, and if previously 30% of deadline violations were recorded, now there is less than one, digitalization has not bypassed the trading system since 2020, the treasury is its operator. 32 types of tenders were converted into electronic form, the total amount of such contracts exceeded 3 billion rubles. and if the initial price last year was 273 billion, then the final price. amounted to 335 billion rubles, that is, an increase of 22%. what is the task for this year? we, of course, take the procurement system as an example and the same idea should be the bidding system, which... not only the bidding itself should be carried out, that is, notifications, but the contracts themselves should be concluded, we submit a corresponding proposal to the russian government federations, they are supported by the ministry of finance and relevant bodies, and we will also develop this system in this direction. since the beginning of the year , more than 80,000 have already been registered on the bidding information system platform for a total amount
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more than 150 billion rubles. most of them are related to real estate, and the share of participation is small. medium-sized businesses should make up at least 25% of purchases from large companies. there are special tenders where quotas are provided, and in them the level of participation exceeds the norm, reaching 28.8%. the treasury also performs supervisory functions and monitors the execution of budgetary powers of government agencies. prime minister mikhail mishustin instructed to work more clearly with state defense orders. we should not have a situation where, with an increase in purchase volumes, when we...
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the state of the elevator infrastructure in the regions leaves much to be desired, the wear and tear is very high, there are regions where it is simply not possible to solve this problem on their own, and as for solving it at the expense of citizens, this is unrealistic, so let’s think it over, prepare an appeal to the chairman of the government, we need this topic additionally discuss,
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finland is introducing new restrictions for cars with russian ones. owners are required to remove their cars from the country by march 16, but the fact is that the checkpoints on the border with russia are closed, and in neighboring countries there is also a ban on russian numbers. our correspondent dmitry akimov understood the topic. the ultimatum expires in 3 days. this is exactly how one can interpret the latest statement from the finnish authorities. director of the finnish customs enforcement department sami rakshit said that now every car owner. cars with a russian license plate must confirm their right to drive on the roads of the country of suomi. if a car registered in russia and not entitled to be in finland is found in traffic, customs will seize the car and make a possible tax assessment according to this issue. consequences may include customs duties and taxes, as well as the removal of
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the vehicle from the eu. cars with russian license plates can still be used by students, as well as those who are officers. the country's authorities are not interested in how exactly drivers should leave the territory of finland. let me remind you that the borders on the eastern side have been closed since november last year and at least until april 14 of this year. well , let the people out, let them take these cars of theirs, it’s the finnish border, no, they closed the border, they’re doing nasty things to people so that
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they still suffered there in estonia, but this... you can’t drive a car through the baltic countries either, the ban was introduced there even earlier, violators, for example, in lithuania face fines of up to 6.00 euros and confiscation of the car. the authorities of this country do not know how many cars with russian license plates are currently on the territory of finland, but they warn that their right to drive on our roads will need to be constantly confirmed, so now it ’s a student’s license. or a fixed-term employment contract can be requested by any traffic policeman. dmitry akimov and sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg.
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when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penaplex is effective thermal insulation. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank is the best bank for business. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 8.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the financial services application. financial services from moscow exchange. different banks in one application, now it will appear, well, there is a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to
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35%. previously, the temperature was as dry as outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved, but now these are where, in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages ​​of cultures.
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home is where the family is, at domrf bank 16.2% per annum on deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. magnet - the price is what you need. oil fortunately 999. we are going on vacation. and we 're going. third year. so open a vtb savings account. rate 16%. save up faster. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? spot into the invincible machine. knowledge into vocation, technology, live communication
7:54 pm
, tradition into innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets, teens - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, this is the same hairdryer, the same hairdryer, and also in our birthday discounts up to 50%, tunder robot gaming laptop for only 65.999 pay as convenient with alpha pay with any smartphone and receive a supercake every month. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. spring this year will be extremely full of water. in some regions of the european part of russia, the flood may become a record. hydrologists explain that it’s all to blame. huge reserves of snow accumulated over the winter, now against the backdrop of rising temperatures, the snow cover has begun to collapse more actively. vadim zavodchenkov is monitoring this situation. vadim,
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welcome. so, after all, winter is finally losing ground. good afternoon. yes, indeed, in winter, in fact, we say goodbye until the next season and in a few days, and earlier than the climatic deadlines, we expect the onset of real meteorological spring. it is worth noting that spring processes are observed almost throughout the entire country, including siberia. thermometers in the south of the irkutsk region have risen above +6° for the third day in a row. against the backdrop of prolonged warming, the ice on reservoirs is losing its strength; three cars at once got stuck in cracks in the ice during the day. ice, baikal. the following frames show the warming of panarilski, and yesterday morning i was here. -35, and today -17, snow, blizzard, wind increases to 25 m/s. visibility is minimal, there are many accidents on the streets in the morning. the route to...
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unlike northern norilsk , in the central regions of the european part of the country spring is already felt in everything, but the change of seasons is accompanied by dangerous weather phenomena, for example, ice, here is just one of... an episode to understand the overall picture: a man slipped in the spring he broke his leg on the road, he was taken away hastily, but in the south in russia, spring is already the way we imagine it; ideally, on the black sea coast of sochi the weather is cloudless and quiet, guests and residents of the resort city are sunbathing. tomorrow the spring processes on the russian plain will intensify, the fact is that
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a new one will break into the region. carrying air masses warmed by the gulf stream. the frontal cloud fields of this vortex will stretch from the kola peninsula to the spurs of the urals. in the north and east, precipitation will fall in the form of snow, in the west it will turn into rain, in some places in the north of karelia and the west , icy coasts are not excluded. in st. petersburg , the cloud whirlwind will hit the very edge, so the intensity of precipitation in the megalopolis will be low. first. rain clouds will appear on the banks of the niva tomorrow morning, then the clouds will thin out, the sun will warm the air to april +7-9 after the evening rush hour in the northern capital, short-term rains may again occur. the cyclone's incursion marks a fairly protracted period of intense warming. for example, today the entire territory of the russian plain is in the thaw zone,
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up to the middle volga, and by... sunday the flow of atlantic air will make its way 3,000 km east to the yenisei and will also warm the middle and southern latitudes of siberia, however, the warming will manifest itself to a greater extent in the russian region, for example, in moscow the temperature regime will enter the climatic framework is mid-spring, tomorrow in the city the air will warm up to +6, by saturday the thermometers will reach +8 only at the beginning. next week there will be light rain and it will become a little cooler, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all achievements on the main page.
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the country's exhibition site offers 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come! to the exhibition forum russia, in the nineties , its own cinema almost disappeared, today it is a strong industry with billions in revenue, we wanted to register you in one of the pavilions, but it turned out that everyone is busy, now you need to stand in line 2-3 months in advance, a very large
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number of films and tv series are being shot. so much is being done, a lot is being filmed, why is it important that the country has its own film production, these are all our absolutely dear heroes, we grew up listening to this music, we grew up listening to these fantastic dialogues , can you imagine what a humanitarian catastrophe if we were deprived of this . this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. kiev is hysterical; elections are about to take place in russia. at least an enemy.


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