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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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a system of moral and ethical coordinates in general, all this is briefly called in one word transhumanism, when a person is dehumanized and transformed into some other transcendental entity, without any boundaries of internal responsibility, but people without the values ​​of history are easier to manage, is n’t that are they achieving the classics of new democracy on the political scene of the west? ivanova and censorship against the classics. why is it still beneficial for the west to escalate the conflict in ukraine? what information goals did yesterday's an attack by terrorist formations of the armed forces of ukraine on our borders, how to respond to provocative statements by those who propose starting a direct confrontation between russia and nato. vladimir putin answered these and many other questions. a large interview
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with the host of the program to lead the week, dmitry kiselyov, the conversation covered almost all current topics on the internal international agenda, the key statements were chosen by natalya solovyova. this interview can well be called a program interview. the president touched upon important topics, how our country will develop in the coming years and what place it will take in the world. therefore , the key issue became a special military operation. the russian army is advancing kilometer after kilometer, liberating more and more populated areas. if we abandon these people today, then tomorrow our losses may increase many times over, and our children will not have a future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third-fourth-class country.
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no one will take us into account if we cannot protect ourselves, and the consequences could be catastrophic for the russian statehood. for russia, every human life is priceless, which cannot be said about the priorities of kiev, against the backdrop of the successes of the russian military, the enemy is snarling at peaceful cities, under constant attack , the belgorod and kursk regions, only the day before they repulsed an attack by a ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that was trying to break through the border . enemy losses.
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we know those carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come, we, we want, i repeat once again, to resolve all disputes, and this dispute, this conflict is by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this, but this must be a serious conversation with...
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and we essentially nullified everything that they did, everything that they invested in this system about. this is how we need to act, and of course, without any doubt, the very economy of our armed forces, it must meet today’s requirements. serious, major
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systematic failures of kiev have put the west in a dilemma, either push ukraine into negotiations with russia, or send kiev more than weapons and support. risking direct confrontation with moscow, this will not change the situation on the battlefield, this is the most important thing, just as the supply of weapons does not change anything, secondly, this can lead to serious geopolitical consequences, because if, say, polish troops enter the territory of ukraine for how...
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other countries, including russia, want to develop relations with their partners from developing relations with russia, so, probably, it’s probably more convenient to be offended by someone, without seeing your own problems. putin also commented on the expansion of nato,
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due to the entry of sweden and finland into the alliance, russian troops of a destructive system will appear at their borders. but before, the president emphasized, we had good neighborly relations. germany was also unpleasantly surprised. high-ranking officers, who , as it became known from the intercepted conversation, were seriously discussing taurus attacks on the crimean bridge, are fantasizing, encouraging themselves, firstly, secondly, they are trying to intimidate us, but there are problems there, as far as germany is concerned, there are problems there, problems and constitutional nature , they say correctly, and if these taurus end up in that part of the crimean bridge, which , of course, even according to their concepts, is...
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on its own sovereignty, independent development, but this is aggravated by the fact that in the western elites, western elites have a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unjust way things are going in international affairs - they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires' point is running out. russia did not change its strategy towards the collective west. in the event of a direct threat
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to the existence of the state, damage to sovereignty or independence, we are ready to use any weapon, including nuclear weapons, here is the time to remind the states that in relation to... the state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also generally recognized thing, our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad, and only we have such triads, and indeed the americans, but this is not this means that we must measure ourselves by the number of warhead carriers, well, we need to know about this. and those who need it, i repeat , experts, specialists, the military, they
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know this well, the election race is now unfolding in the states themselves, and russia is ready to work with any winner, we do not interfere in any way in any elections, and as i have said many times , we will work with any leader who will be trusted by the american people, the american voter, well, what’s interesting, even in the last year of his work. as president, sir trump, today's presidential candidate, reproached me for precisely the fact that i sympathize with biden, this was more than four years ago, he told me so in one of the conversations, you want him to win, excuse me, i'll tell you how he, this is just a direct speech for sleeping joe to win, he told me so when he was still president, and then, to my surprise, they began to persecute him for... that we supposedly
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supported her as a candidate, well , some kind of complete nonsense. russia is also on the threshold of a single voting day, it will take place this sunday 17 march. according to vladimir putin, the country is approaching him more united than ever. to what extent do you feel the support of russian society, in its new quality, because a new quality of russian society has emerged. b the fate of the country depends on him, this feeling of internal connection with the homeland,
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with the fatherland, of one’s importance in solving key problems - in this case in the field of security, it brought to the surface this strength of the russian and other peoples of russia, you feed off of it always, it's not that someone is feeding, it's that i see a request.
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or renovation of kindergartens, construction of new schools, renovation of old schools, restoration, order in accordance with the requirements of today, support for women from pregnancy to the age of 17 years of the child, we continued, continued - the system for issuing maternal capital in maternity capital, we continued payments , well, now we are making decisions,
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in the russian presidential elections there is a little more left before the start of the main voting days, it starts on friday, march 15, candidates and their proxies hold final meetings with voters in detail. my colleague margarita semenyuk will tell you about election programs and speeches, she is in our studio, margarit, welcome, what issues were given special attention and what proposals were made, yes, welcome, issues, of course, are being discussed on various issues, from supporting veterans of svo participants to price control for essential products, i’ll tell you more now,
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the election campaign is ending, several months, candidates for the post of president of russia , their trust... people worked, as they say , in the fields, traveled around the country and large-scale work with voters, and participants in the presidential race visited dozens of regions of russia, held hundreds of meetings, recorded thousands of wishes and problems of citizens . all appeals were reflected in the election programs. there is less than a day left before the start of the first day of voting, in some regions just hours. and today the final trips took place. last day before voting co-chairman of the central election headquarters of vladimir. maryana lysenko spent putin in barnaul in the altai territory. lysenko has completed her working trips as part of the campaign. here she met with afghan veterans and medical students and visited a hospital for war veterans. fundamentally important, now the emphasis is on everything that concerns assistance to participants in a special military operation, assistance to the families of participants in military
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operations, assistance to children who are returning, and not only those who were wounded, but also... assistance in adapting to other living conditions. the candidate from the communist party held meetings in volgograd today. here nikolai kharitonov and fellow party members laid flowers at the monuments to outstanding historical figures vladimir lenin, joseph stalin and georgy zhukov. the ensemble visited the monument to the heroes of the battle of stalingrad, and then proposed to rename the city hero volgograd and return it to its historical name. therefore, it is necessary to hold an all-russian referendum. and return it by victory day, preferably the historical name is stalingrad, and i think that the population of our country, our voters will support this name, because in today’s situation, when the nato bloc is led by the united states of america, the old lady of europe, having forgotten the lessons and especially the lesson of the battle of stalingrad, the staleningrad
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defeat, then, when 3000 were only captured, led by field marshal paulus. today this lesson has been forgotten, germany, france, all of europe, together with the united states of america, have forgotten this lesson. progressive tax scale, tightening of migration politics and completing the special operation with victory this year. leonid slutsky, candidate from the ldpr, gave a press conference about the results of the election campaign, there are many proposals for the socio-economic development of the country, for example, to create a social housing fund of a million apartments, also the leader of the liberal democrats ...
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the candidate, having visited 17 regions of russia , including new subjects of the country, formed a program that included the wishes of citizens. slutsky noted that most of the citizens’ appeals are related to high prices for products, the ldpr leader intends to stop rising prices and control large retail chains. people also made requests to restore order in the housing and communal services sector in medicine. so, polling stations will open on friday the 15th. march our channel will provide live coverage of the voting progress and the vote counting process. thank you, margarita semenyuk for the latest news about the election campaign.
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to create new paths into space, but not to leave the ground, to choose a route and to hold the helm firmly. don't speak loudly, but only someone in whom we are confident can make us hear. nobody listened to us. listen now. vote for someone who can be trusted with the country. prices for state defense orders should not rise along with an increase in the volume of purchases, he said.
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illegal sanction baton. the president of france, the chancellor of germany, and the prime minister of poland will meet in berlin to talk about ukraine. the event is reportedly intended to demonstrate unity amid reported divisions in europe. and apparently, it is no coincidence that on the eve of these negotiations, polish prime minister donald tusk flew to biden for consultations. at the same time, president angie duda went to bow to the white house. with details, our own correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov. president duda and prime minister tusk arrived at the meeting in the white house in different cars, relations between the leaders of poland are tense, but the goal in washington is the same: a quarter of a century ago
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poland joined nato, now the fate of the alliance, and at the same time ukraine , directly depends on who will be the master in the white house, for now it is biden, but he does not look like the master of the situation, he has no good news for europeans, trump is looming on the horizon, but congress is not giving. for stinger complexes, ammunition for highmars, artillery shells. and the white house in the pentagon admits that this ammunition will last ukraine for a couple of weeks, while the rest of
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europe is just getting ready to take over. duda reports to the white house on his successes and encourages others to follow suit. the us is now and should remain a leader on security issues, but so are other allies must take more responsibility. that's why i think all nato countries need to increase their defense spending. this initiative of the polish president caused a scandal in warsaw and bewilderment among members of the alliance. it turned out that dudo did not coordinate the proposal to increase nato military spending by 1% with anyone, even for the polish government; his idea came as a surprise, although here in washington the polish delegation tried to demonstrate unity, the main thing is to be noticed in moscow. the only message we must send to moscow.
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the west is more united than ever when it comes to ukraine. this is true, despite the existing problems. but in congress, which is the main source of problems, poles hear routine phrases about supporting ukraine. at the meeting with speaker johnson, everyone is smiling, but there are no results. i still hope that mr johnson will feel responsible for the thousands of lives in ukraine. it is known that in the usa duda was going to meet with...
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the intentions of donald trump. i worked with him for many years when i was head of the european council. i just have a lot to say on the topic : we must be prepared for the fact that america’s pressure on putin on russia will decrease. the inevitable rematch between biden and trump has already become a major factor of uncertainty for the transatlantic alliance. and further hope in the united states, they understand in europe, may turn out to be a fatal mistake, no matter how much they wanted. this can be avoided, but the europeans will probably have to decide the fate of ukraine themselves. it is already clear that the fate of america, and the entire west , will be determined by a historical rematch for the first time with 1956, when esenhaur won the election for governor of illinois stevenson for the second time. the only thing that can stop trump now is legal proceedings, from which until now he has emerged victorious. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from
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that everyone knows. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated house.


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