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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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it is necessary to remain united and self-confident in order to adequately respond to new challenges. vladimir putin spoke about this on the eve of the three-day voting in the presidential election. the head of state wrote it down.
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and in order to continue to respond to them with dignity, you need to be united and self-confident. successfully overcome difficulties we continue to face in almost all areas. we have already proven that we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values, traditions, history and culture, acting on advice. and
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in truth, in fairness, we have our own views on how and what kind of country we should build, what plans we should implement, and today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what we set, to achieve our large-scale goals. the president recalled that residents of all four new regions and participants will have a full opportunity to vote in the upcoming elections. special military operation and called on everyone who came to the polling stations to express their civic and patriotic position. participation in elections today - this is a manifestation of patriotic feelings. this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who, under the most difficult conditions, voted in referendums for unity with russia. and these days they will also make their choice. our soldiers at the front will vote.
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polling stations are open. dear friends, we are all a multinational people where in every city, town, and village there will be russia, one big family. we worry, worry, care about our native country, we want it to be prosperous, strong, free and prosperous, so that the level and quality of life improves, it will be so. order
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the national education project. in russia , new opportunities to study well appear regularly. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. the central election commission information center began operating in moscow today; all information about the preparation and progress of the elections will be collected there, and there today the procedure for separating
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encryption keys for the remote electronic voting system is underway. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague roman plyusov. roman, greetings again, there is only one time left before voting starts. it’s already less than 12 o’clock, what is the current situation in the information center and what about the procedure for separating the keys, has it already begun, you said that after 12, yes, yes, daria , greetings again, this procedure will begin literally any minute, the cameras are charged , we will definitely show it, now these are secret the safes, the suitcase safes have already been taken out, and the ceremony should begin in a few literally minutes, i’ll just remind you once again that here is the key for decrypting remote and electronic voting, it is divided into... imagine, friends, look, we now
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have a unique opportunity look at the secret suitcase in which one of the five keys for decryption will be stored , i suggest you see that it represents remote electronic voting, there will be five such suitcases, if suddenly, like this... the code disappears, then decrypt remote electronic voting will be impossible, this is how it looks beautiful, reliable, with flash drives, only five of them, these five suitcases will be handed over to five proxies for safekeeping and until the end of the voting they will be kept by these proxies, then so that we get the results remote electronic voting, all these keys will collect five suitcases in one place, and we will find out the result, this is such a simply unique story. well, let me explain how it works, yes, that means the voter is in the process electronic voting casts his vote , for example, on a phone, on a tablet, on a computer, this voice is encrypted and sent to the blockchain network, so in order to then decrypt all these votes, there
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is one key, it will be divided into five parts, they will be given to trusted ones, verified people, then, when the voting is over, they will all gather in one place, they will all allocate a suitcase with flash drives, they will have to bring it to one computer, and thanks to this key it will be possible to decipher the results of remote electronic voting, it’s interesting that now this ceremony that we are waiting for, which will begin with...
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this is a fairly new story with electronic voting, it began in 1919, then in moscow it was carried out on a trial basis during the elections of a moscow city duma deputy, there were a lot of discussions, and there were even there were some disputes, but in the end, based on public discussions based on the election results, we came to the conclusion that this system needs to be developed, that it is real. this year i will vote remotely last year i tried in the last elections i tried a single voting day.
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voting, this is a very important procedure, and alexander today in her report named the number of people who signed up for the ect, it’s almost 5 million, never in any country in the world have so many people been able to vote remotely, so for us the procedures for sharing keys are informal an act, an act that will demonstrate that... the deh is transparent, everyone can observe and see everything that happens on the days of recording, sharing keys, decrypting keys and creating lists of voters. word introduces himself as alexander pamfilova, chairman of the central election commission. alexan, please. i would like to greet today, dear colleagues, we already have many of our colleagues and partners who have come from different countries, yes. i didn’t talk today, i’ll digress a little, yes, i’ll talk about it later, now we, how all our
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colleagues, international observers will arrive, today they came, yes, they will work with us and in general the observation about election observers, now we really have of course, this was the first time we had an opportunity on such a scale, we did not fail remote electronic voting, they could potentially vote. then and since artamonov here and there is headed by oleg nikolaevich and the territorial electoral commission for
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remote electronic voting, this joint work allowed us to do what today we will tell you everything and you will see, you will be at the beginning of this process, thank you, please , who thanks alexan, mihal, ugh, sorry, maksud igorevich shadayev, minister of digital development. communications and mass communications of the russian federation, one might say, the main one in this case, i’ll cross out, on the one hand, the ceremony is so symbolic, yes, but on the other hand, it emphasizes the honesty and transparency of remote electronic voting, you heard, 5 million applied, i was talking about 10 million, 10 million - these are the people who can vote not at their place of registration, but...
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the information center is actually the main headquarters in which data during the voting is collected, summarized and commented on the vote count and preliminary results are announced voting results.
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all 89 subjects of the russian federation, i will call electronic voting, which we are returning to, i, for example, will try this this time in these elections.
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in new russian regions , military personnel and employees of the russian guard voted early in the presidential elections. for this purpose, the units visited mobile election commissions with boxes for voting ballots. as the department emphasized, everything took place in compliance with security measures and in strict accordance with the law. the ukrainian armed forces continue to attack zaporozhye npp. in the morning
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, shelling of the station's critical infrastructure was recorded. as reported by the management of the nuclear power plant , it was explosive. diesel fuel, which is also used to ensure the operation of our emergency diesel generators, is a very sensitive location and the destruction of these tanks or fuel leakage. may lead, in addition to a fire, to a significant reduction in diesel fuel reserves, accordingly , emergency preparedness will be reduced by
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an order of magnitude, our country, our president, our choice, on the fifteenth, sixteenth, march 17 we vote for our president, this is us, in siberia in the far east, in smolensk and yekaterinburg, in the volga region in the south of the country. we all want to move forward, we have a clear program of action. come to the polls on march 17, this is our time, the time of new ones. vladislav davankov, time for new ones.
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right now at the russian exhibition we will talk with the head of the federal fishery agency ilya shestakov. ilya vasilievich, hello. good afternoon. vladimir putin signed a law that terminates the agreement from 1956. then, the sailors from britain was allowed to fish. but this agreement was concluded back in the soviet union, then great britain was indeed a major fishing power, and indeed for them the possibility of carrying out this fishery was important, because cod, which is caught in the barinsky sea, is used in england, as is known, for the production of their traditional dishes füchen chips, now... over the past decades, great britain has lost this status as a fishing power, so over the past 30 years they have not fished
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carried out in our waters, therefore , there was no fishing as such, but there was a formal opportunity, so for us, of course , the denunciation of this agreement makes it possible for our fishermen to catch even more fish in our seas. and we simply removed this loophole, which the british could use at any time, just about more fish, how is the industry developing in russia today, what are you especially proud of? well , the main thing, of course, is the achievement of our fishermen; in the twenty-third year we produced a record volume of aquatic biological resources, the catch amounted to 5.3 million tons, this is a record for the last 30 years, after the collapse of the soviet union, of course the industry is very strong. suffered, gradually since 2000 it began to gain momentum, so we returned to the indicators that the soviet union had after the collapse, this is
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very important for us, precisely from the point of view of production volumes, of course, the development of aquaculture is very important, here over the last 10 years, we have more than doubled and now produce more than 400,000 tons, but the most important thing is that if even the previous decades in we mainly raised plant-eating species... i’m already focusing more on the market . in recent years , the production of salmon fish species, which are in demand and popular among our consumers, has more than quadrupled in recent years. is it possible to talk about abundance for consumers? is there enough product for everyone? i think that now, of course, the range of products that is presented on the russian market allows you to satisfy any demand, because well... of course, there are a lot of products, the supply of fish products, ae in russia 150%, which means we catch much more than we consume. it is clear that there is import and
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we import products that are not caught in our waters or are caught in insufficient quantities. the range of products is very wide, new fish processing plants are being built, over the past few years 25 units have been built, and that’s all. makes it possible for every consumer to find the product that he would like to see on his table. what’s on the consumer’s top list? what product is in the consumer’s top list, why do they go to stores? more often? in fact, the products are very different, very popular, of course, salted fish, canned fish, and of course fresh chilled frozen fish are also consumed by our citizens. cooperation with roscosmos and as i understand it in terms of monitoring, this is how this cooperation helps to monitor the order of the industry . we have been working with roscosmos for quite a long time and...
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their messenger system for tracking the positioning of our vessels that carry out fishing, this is very important from the point of view of control, to avoid poaching and illegal fishing. but it is still important for us to go further, and we recently signed an agreement with roscosmos, within the framework of which we will be able, through the use of their constellation of satellites, to do commercial exploration, that is, in essence. the business of finding schools of pilological fish species from space, not bottom -dwelling pilological ones, which are not so deep in the sea, is in order to direct our fleet to these schools, in order to , well, increase the efficiency of fishing, first of all, and of course, this will allow us to increase the profitability of the companies themselves, in in general, the problem of poaching, how acute it is today, i would say,
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is divided here. this question is divided into two parts, because control is carried out by two departments, if in inland water bodies control is carried out by fisheries protection authorities, this is a territorial administration that is subordinate to the federal fisheries agency, then in the economic zone in the territorial sea, control is carried out by the border service. i would say that such industrial poaching, there is probably not much of it left, of course, it exists, and it is eternal. there was a problem in the soviet union, poaching, during the growth of sturgeon fish species, of course, there remains poaching during salmon fishing in the far east, but of course it is difficult for us to fully determine these volumes, but we believe that if for salmon from the legal catch this amounts to somewhere about 10%, perhaps, but we are constantly introducing tougher and... fines for those poachers
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, criminal liability is being introduced, the fines are now very significant and therefore we see a gradual reduction in poaching, but of course it exists for this is an important task for us, last year about 9,000 violations were identified in the field of protection of inland water bodies, most of this, of course, is still domestic poaching, when... people, fishermen, amateurs, well, for some reason they just catch 50 kg, 100 kg each, the fishing is going well , they can’t stop or release the fish back into the reservoir, so for some reason they begin to essentially destroy the population, this of course is not very good, and we always encourage amateur robbers to do this, you should keep the stock, you yourself won’t be interested later come to this fishery and fish, so
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from the point of view. with our colleagues, not only the monitoring system is being improved, but also the vessels transporting fish, tell us how they are changing, colossal investments are being made there? well, at first i didn’t say that we are now building 105 new modern fishing vessels, that’s 64 fish catchers and 41 crabbers, this is a big program to modernize our fleet, it will allow us not only to catch fish and
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process it more efficiently, keep it on board ship in more natural conditions, but of course, the delivery of fish from the fishery to the shore is also important for us, and here, as part of the second stage of the investment fruit that we are implementing, more new vessels will be built, four refrigerated vessels, which will allow us to deliver the catch to the ports of coastal regions, in addition to this we this program also... also included the construction of six new large and logistics infrastructure facilities, four of them will be built in the far east, two in the northern basin, and this will allow us to, in fact, integrate everything in a comprehensive manner, and to deliver products from catch to, as they say, to the table, well, do you have serious plans to set a new record by the thirtieth year?


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