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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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original questions of yours, what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product? called on people to come to the polling stations and exercise their rights, vladimir putin addressed the russians on the eve of the presidential elections, what statements were made? about the readiness of the precinct for remote voting, the work of observers, perhaps. in an attempt
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to intervene, pomfilova opened the work of the cec information center and spoke about readiness for voting. damaged houses, medical facilities and cars. belgorod again found itself under fire from sides of the armed forces of ukraine. what is the situation at this time? five meters from a possible disaster in the ssu , a strike was made on the lithium tanks with diesel fuel at the zaporozhye unified energy system. what consequences? network risks in the us have taken another step towards blocking tiktok. when might this happen? and what are the arguments for and against and what do they think in china? remain united and self-confident in order to adequately respond to new challenges. vladimir putin, on the eve of the three-day voting in the presidential elections, recorded a video message to the citizens of russia. the head of state called everyone to come to the polling stations and express their civic and patriotic position. participation in elections today is a manifestation. this is well understood by the residents
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of donbass and novorussia, who in difficult conditions voted in referendums for unity with russia, these days will also make their choice, our soldiers at the front will vote, they, showing courage and heroism, defend their fatherland, and participate in the elections serve all of us example, needs to be confirmed. our unity, determination to move forward together, each of your votes is valuable and significant, so i urge you to exercise your right to vote in the next 3 days, our country is big, everywhere in every city, town, village, polling stations will be open, dear friends, all of us, the multinational people of russia, are one... . big family, we
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worry, worry, care about our native country, we want it to be prosperous, strong, free and prosperous, so that the level and quality of life improve, it will be so. the keys for deciphering the results of remote electronic voting in presidential elections. the ceremony took place at the cic information center, which began work in moscow today. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague roman plyusov, he is again in direct contact with the studio. roman, hello again, tell us what statements were made and what is happening at these moments. yes, yuri, welcome. the information center of the central election commission of russia is an operational headquarters, the center of the election commission for the organization and progress of voting in the presidential elections in russia. according to tradition, before the elections ella pomfilova talks about readiness of the entire electoral system. well, the information center essentially begins its work with this report. and it will be here.
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at 8 am, polling stations will open at moscow time, when it is local kamchatka and chukotka time, then it will be midnight in moscow and polling stations will open in magadan and sakhalin and so on and so forth, so today... electronic voting, so here it is this is not just a symbolic procedure, it is also important as a component of transparency and integrity of elections. we are starting the separation procedure keys, encryption, electronic voting, this is a very important procedure and alexander today in his report. named the number of people
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who signed up for dekh, it’s almost 5 million, never in any country in the world have so many people been able to vote remotely, so for us... the key sharing procedures are an informal act, an act that will demonstrate that dekh transparent, everyone can observe and see everything that happens during the days of recording, key sharing, key decryption and generation lists of voters, so that you understand what a successful position we have taken here in the atrium of the central committee in our on-site studio of the russia 24 tv channel, before this ceremony these safes. strong suitcases were carried closer, especially for our spectators. right in front of us we managed to see one . friends, look, we now have a unique opportunity to look at a secret suitcase in which one of the five keys for decrypting remote electronic voting will be stored, there will be five
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such suitcases, if suddenly this suitcase disappears somewhere, then it will be impossible to decrypt remote electronic voting, this is how it looks beautiful, reliable, with flash drives. only five pieces, these five suitcases will be handed over to five proxies for safekeeping and until the end of the voting they will be in the custody of these proxies, then for us to receive the results of remote electronic voting, all these keys will collect the five suitcases in one place, and we will know the result , this is such a simply unique story, well, in general experts assured me that the human factor in the issue of the safety of these suitcases is excluded, as for hacker attacks, they are already being recorded, apparently there will be a lot of them on voting days, other provocations at polling stations are also possible, the elections are taking place in a very difficult international situation. for the first time we are holding elections in such a difficult, extreme situation, i would like to say, when such a very
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toxic, including international atmosphere has been created, of course, in conditions of continuous threats, and a host of other negative phenomena, we have all this... conditions, we expect, of course, a large number, a large number of cyber attacks, serious pressure, cyber pressure, so, on our part, we have taken all additional measures to ensure security, in general, we will keep the infrastructure in manual mode, i hope that everything will go well, so
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i’m just proposing to talk about elections in new regions, now nikolainovich bulaev is with me live, the ban of the central election commission is with us now...
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and the military are voting, and no one is doing this hides, the military have the same active voting right, they should be able to exercise it, early voting, the forms that we use voting in local areas, in remote areas where there are no polling stations, where places are hard to reach, this allows us not to concentrate in one there are a lot of people in the place, safety comes first, right? location of polling stations, which, of course, complicated the search for our voters, but this is again for security reasons, and so on and the like, that is, in my opinion,
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these are the voting formats, those forms of voting that are used today in all four constituent entities of the russian federation, in the border constituent entities of the russian federation. this is crimea, sevastopol, kursk, bryansk and belgorod, allows us to minimize the risks for members of election commissions for... the voters themselves, i think that we had no other choice, no other way out, you know, i suggest asking vladimir yuryevich , you say such high activity, almost every second voted, vladimir yuryevich, chairman of the dpr election commission, you yourself expected that well, more than 47 percent would vote early, for some reason i don’t hear, i don’t hear either, contact us, greetings roman from the information center for the
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russian presidential elections federations in the donetsk people 's republic, these are truly historic days for donbass, we plan to discuss them with the chairman of the dpr central election commission vladimir vysotsky and member of the election commission of the russian federation anton lopatin. hello. vladimir yuryevich, please tell me how the early voting procedure went in the donetsk people’s republic? republic, how many people took part, did everything go smoothly? this means that everything took place as usual, early voting in certain polling stations definitely began on february 25 for security reasons, and this is quite justified taking into account the circumstances that lead us to conduct voting on a full scale throughout the entire territory of the donetsk people's republic, early voting began from 10 march will last until today is march 14, 2023 regarding the turnout, so to speak...
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thank you very much for the question, well, of course, the election commission of the donetsk people's republic already has quite significant experience, they held a referendum, they held a single voting day, where they elected the people's council and municipal , municipal councils of deputies, today there are important elections in the country, elections of the president of the russian federation, given that the donetsk people's republic is definitely a subject of the russian federation, as a subject with a military one.
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the solution is absolutely rational and effective is due to the fact that the absolute priority for the electoral system of the donetsk people's republic is to ensure the safety, life and health of voters. of course, we can now say that together we are voting for russia, because we see voters who come to the polling stations with such a joyful expression. they show activity and organize themselves, participate in competitions, definitely come to
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polling stations and take part in this important event for the country. vladimir yuryevich, there are important voting days ahead, how many polling stations will be open and what is the expected turnout? this means that regarding the plots, in total , 708 plots will be opened on the territory of the donetsk people’s republic, of which 626 are so-called stationary, the rest are permanently operating here. site, it is temporary, created for the sole purpose of ensuring voting rights, active voting rights of citizens of the russian federation, certain categories. regarding the turnout, you know, taking into account the dynamics, starting from the turnout from the first day of voting, from the first day when we started measuring it, as of today, this is the percentage increase in this turnout, which , in fact, allows us to judge that the turnout will be very decent, about avdiivka, we probably need to say separately, this is... literally recently liberated territory of the russian federation, where citizens of the russian
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federation asked the electoral system of the donetsk people's republic to assist them in order for them to take part in voting in the presidential election. of course, we will go to the meeting, the law is absolutely on our side, both the constitution and federal legislation, therefore, thanks to the assistance of the region’s leadership, a volunteer who. at this very important event for donbass, we will continue to cover it from the information center. yes, colleagues, thank you, but we now have footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. i see that everything is assembled, we can start working. today we are launching two large-scale, significant projects at once, the creation
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the seventh power unit of the leningrad nuclear power plant, as well as high-speed. success, i am sure that all plans will be hard work, i wish all its participants to be implemented at the highest, professional level for each of them there is a great level ahead, and i would like to emphasize that these two objects are very important for the economy, industry, for building up our infrastructural, technological, energy potential for the development of regions of increase. lives of people, i would especially emphasize that during construction , first of all, domestic ones should be used development of equipment, this is important for the further strengthening of the country’s technological independence, let me remind you that this is exactly the task that was set in the message of the federal assembly, where the launch of national projects
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of technological sovereignty was announced, including in the field of all types of transport, as well as nuclear... and energy technologies, by the way, we have here 90%, 99% of our technologies are used, their implementation should become a powerful incentive for the technological renewal of industry, for high-quality growth of the entire economy, and here i would like to note that russia is a world leader in the field of nuclear technology; with our assistance , nuclear energy is being created in foreign countries practically from scratch, an entire industry is being created, and specialists are being trained.
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the construction of a new efficient power unit at the leningrad npp will be a good contribution to this work. its launch will increase the energy security of the entire northwestern region of russia. will provide consumers with greener, cleaner electricity for years to come. in general, from the development of nuclear energy, other generating facilities throughout the country. the opening of new social and industrial facilities and implementation largely depend. major infrastructure projects, including the creation of high-speed rail links , the flagship starting stage here, as i already said, will be the highway between moscow and st. petersburg, it will pass through the territory of six federal subjects, which are home to about 30 million people, this
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about 20% of the total population of russia in the future are allocated to... high-speed routes will connect our other regions and will contribute to the growth of tourism and business activity. what is also important to note: the high-speed railway project involves broad industrial cooperation with the participation of many labor collectives and engineering teams. this means that a number of sectors of our economy will receive a good incentive for development. another step will be taken in strengthening technological sovereignty. countries, my colleagues and i recently discussed the main approaches to implementing this major project, it’s time to move on to practical implementation, but i must say , colleagues who are involved in this work know that this topic itself has been discussed for a very long time, but now we are in a financial
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sense, in an economic sense, in a technological sense, we are really ripe for that. .. in order to implement this large but necessary project for our economy, let ’s start work, please, the floor, vitaly gennadyevich savilev, please, minister of transport, thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, and today we are launching a global construction project high-speed highway moscow, st. petersburg. them - this is moscow - st. petersburg, it is the fundamental country that we will build, and the first will change the transport landscape of the industry, and a lot has already been done and
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is being done for this, i want to note the great work that the government of moscow and russian railways is doing to build a central transport hub, moscow diameters, central diameters, which are an integral part of our moscow- st. petersburg highway. as we already said at the verkhnyaya pyshmi meeting in february of this year years, and the decisions that you made then give us the opportunity to sign a concession agreement, which is now undergoing the approval procedure in the government, then together we will begin to work on the development of this project as a whole. a key stage of this project will also be the creation of a domestic high-speed train. this is a technology that will allow us to be among
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the leading world powers in this field; in fact, today we are ready to implement this project, certainly our citizens are waiting for these decisions, speed and travel between moscow and st. petersburg will take only... 2:15 instead of 4 hours, and traffic between moscow and tver will be reduced to 39 minutes. veliky novgorod, st. petersburg - 29 minutes. of course, this has never happened before in our history. and we really hope that we will implement this project within the specified time frame. everyone is ready for this, and as you have already noted, we have everything for this. thank you, thank you for your attention. sergei semyonovich, say two words. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, once upon a time the history of russian railways, by and large, began with the st. petersburg-moscow road, probably
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there were also a lot of doubts then about how feasible this project was, how feasible it was, and so on, today, in fact, a new one begins the history of russian railways is already at a modern high-tech level. it’s important, vladimirich, you opened the mcd-3, which goes directly towards st. petersburg to zelenograd from moscow,
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when we built d-3, we immediately made the groundwork under the high-speed ​​rail system, and serious groundwork has already been made, this makes it possible to begin practically from today the project of the high-speed ​​rail system itself, the construction of the high-speed ​​rail system, here in zelenograd. the station in which we are now is a modern complex, it is , in fact, part of the high-speed railway station, which will come, this is the first stop in moscow, here it will be in zelenograd, so the groundwork is there, vladimir vladimirovich, we can start working, thank you thank you very much, sergey semyonovich, well , the last time we met, my colleagues and i discussed this issue, a lot there were discussions regarding sources of funding, i know that your team, you... supported a number of proposals there that were made by the government and arose during discussions with colleagues from other regions except moscow, decisions that
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ultimately took place, moscow satisfied, yes, vladimirevich, everything that we discussed at the meeting under your leadership will be carried out in full. thank you, thank you very much, please, belozyurov, oleg valentinovich. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, i want vladimir vladimevich, express my gratitude to you for making the decision to begin construction of a high-speed railway, we believe, we know, we report, we are the best railways in the world, but we have not fully implemented one segment, this is domestic construction. and highly mobile stock, while, as you said, we are already technologically ready to do this here in russia.
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will be replaced, at the moment we are carrying out design work, they have already been completed in a number of areas, within the framework of the central transport hub here in moscow, the fifth and sixth path is the exit of the leningradsky railway station towards st. petersburg , construction is already underway, this year we plan to develop 14 billion. build a unique bridge across. for the moscow canal there are a number of even larger artificial structures, and at the same time a huge amount of work has already been done on high-speed rolling stock, the draft version has already been finally selected, it has been approved for the train, this is an eight-car train that will move at a maximum speed of 400 km/h, the cruising speed will be 360
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km/h, this train can be doubled, that is, either an eight-car or a sixteen-car arrangement with four types of cars, design documentation is almost now being carried out, everything that we promised at the meeting in pyshna, pyshma we will fulfill in a timely manner, thank you very much, we have , of course, the best railways, i have no doubt, but this... i understand that you and i also talked about this, that the construction of this high-speed line designed for passenger traffic will allow us to increase the speed the movement of freight trains, the speed of movement of goods, and vladimirevich, will increase the speed of transportation of goods, and what is also important, will allow the export of almost
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eighteen. regions of russia to the north-west of an additional 30 million volumes of cargo , that is, such a synergy of passenger and freight traffic will be achieved here, great, thank you, german oskarovich, you and i , even when we worked in st. petersburg, dreamed that we would build such a road, but actually not only us, our leaders dreamed then abchak ishakov, here... we have actually put together financial schemes now, in your opinion, for this entire rather large project and the capital of a capacious project. vladimirovich , first of all, i want to say that today is probably such a very significant day, thank you very much, thank you very much to all the colleagues who are present here, because it was a great team effort and indeed without it, it would probably have been impossible to realize the dream .
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uh, a huge tourist flow will grow. we looked at vladimirovich, the impact on the economy on population growth. if we take china as a prototype, then in china the growth of grp in regions that are united by a high-speed highway is 20% faster than in all other territories. and in general, even
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the dependence is such that in developed territories you... will be happy to go there, these territories will be developed for both industrial and civil construction, and this is of course a new life for these territories, but the most important thing is that this is a testing ground for creation of russian technologies, today only two countries in the world have these technologies, this is china, which 20 years ago did not yet have such c-based technology.


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