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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the states of america, you know, have problems, although it’s also very funny how they suddenly found 300 million. vasil said yesterday, yes, remember, they repeated to us, well, the whole end of last year, the beginning of this year, whoever said this phrase, magical there is no pot, that there are 300
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million - they somehow scraped together from one pot , yes, that is, they managed to scrape how much more they could scrape, i’m even scared to think, can you imagine what kind of corruption it really is, if like this it’s only on foam from this pot you can get 300 million, 500 million scrape together whenever you want, and you can imagine how much ends up in your pockets, maybe, by the way, victoria’s resignation is connected with the fact that this foam was taken away from her, well, anything can happen, but you never know, well, really so for some reason, it coincided that suddenly victoria nullant left and left 300 million million for a golden parachute, it turns out, yes, the institute for the study of war, which is connected to the nulan family, you see, will not have enough budget due to the fact that they saw that the finkin will start selling kvd, bitter and whatever anything, yes, by the way, it may well be, but just the same with these finns.
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weapons for such and such an amount, you are those of those 5 billion, these 1.2 are ours , count them, yes, that is, yes, here we are already, you count them, that is, not 5 billion, but already minus the weapons that the germans have already supplied, and i think now other countries will catch up in the same way, it turns out that this fund may formally contain more of these euros, only they have already been disposed of on the battlefields, on the fields of these same battles , so here it is... generally speaking, western
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assistance to ukraine is happening, and if in fact these pots are boiled in this way, then in fact tomorrow zelensky will face the problem that not only deputies of the verkhovna rada, but also military personnel will run away. meet the popular moscow. writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you have to go there, you have to go, it’s just for passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray zone, beyond this line you will become different, and then what , there was my childhood and youth, and now it's dark. that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no
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, it’s hard to get used to, passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene , i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website, andrey frantich. the russian presidential elections are becoming, as vladimir vladimirovich said, fateful, not only for us, the attention of the whole world is accustomed to them, this is actually a catharsis when emotions are simply compressed, then there is a disclosure, a solution to internal problems, here is zelensky, who, giving interviews around
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the world, says that we have the best situation on the battlefield, right now, for 3 months, it’s never been as easy as it is now, and we see that in order to somehow discredit or... tell the west our elections, they’ve developed a program, it’s already gone not so, everything goes there head over heels, but the individual elements are not coordinated with each other, on the one hand, as you showed today, spodaryushina is turning into a mass grave of these lyruses, who were collected from belarus, russia, gathered into this some kind of corps, they began to send them, people simply ran in a crowd, to our defensive lines, well, you just showed footage, there were about 20 people in one place, no one like a bunch.
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it was he who was planning this operation now, it was he who, with his reconnaissance, revealed our weak points, sent these people there brilliant comrades who are just grinding down there right now, well, there are more than twenty infantry fighting vehicles, there are a certain number of tanks that ukraine is literally leading, and good t-72s in normal dynamic
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protection, not abrams, which immediately burn out there, this is serious technology, but in fact, as told the global times. mm, a chinese newspaper says: we recently noticed that the difference of opinions in the western press is exactly the same as in north korea, well, that is, in fact, all the headlines come out the same, with all due respect to north korea, their party lets them down, and then the information community, by the way, they showed an interesting new combat weapon and a tank, i wonder what struck me, of course , were the houthi boys, who have hypersonic missiles, but the americans do not, in general, the world is spreading apart. the houthis were able to do what the military-industrial complex could not do for the huge american money, and at this moment , while in north korea, in iran, well, let's just say, ours, our circle is really starting to grow like mushrooms, quite serious ones, in france
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today , on the eve of a big speech to the nation, macron promised today, the newspaper and tv channels came out with several such excerpts, apparently intelligence officers on...
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the lithuanians spoke best in this regard, who said: listen, we don’t need the fifth article at all, in theory, if
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if they send nato, then in general we can go forward, that is, everyone has received a manual, they are already starting to prepare their society for this militarization, of course poland has been ready for a long time, since last year we have been observing these processes of ordering thousands of tanks, combat self-propelled guns in south korea, when they need to push the limits of simply finances, south korea is doing very correctly in that they are now selling off all the equipment, this is very correct. very correct, well, so that north korea has as few problems as possible, it is correct that right away, to immediately go in, here we are and where ours are, in poland, okay, and here it is clear that nato is preparing for intervention, they are preparing troops , because tomorrow the largest nato command post exercise, called loyal24, will end, where they plan manage.
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i read it, but she supports him, and i think that this is how it really is, because well, my personal experience of discussing the minsk
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agreements that we are here, i don’t know how long we discussed them, but i don’t even, i don’t even i’ll remember how many european political leaders were completely burned out by these minsk agreements due to the fact that they don’t know what they’re talking about, you know, they don’t understand what they’re talking about at all, so they condemn everything, they’re dissatisfied with something , not ready to perform, what to perform? that they condemn well, at least, well, for starters, you could read one piece of paper from the fourth format and understand what they are talking about, i think it’s the same here too - the story, now about the shells of min, lutsenko, the hero poroshenko of all the rest , i don’t even doubt, maybe he’s right, maybe he’s right, maybe these shells were lying in warehouses, maybe there were two of them, 2 million of these shells, you just know what he didn’t say, how many of these warehouses flew into the air, when poroshenko was president, he doesn’t want
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to say how many weapons were burned in these warehouses, why this happened.
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questions need to be asked here, we need to ask, of course , now they finally threw a factory 500 onto the bridge , across the pile, and it turned out that there is no bridge, about five hundred was enough , about the verkhovna rada, you know, the problem is not that this verkhovna rada i’m glad to gather, of course, the deputies are all there, they haven’t gone anywhere, the problem is different, the problem is that even in a union in the union there are servants of the people, opzh. all these satellites combined that they have in parliament, they are not in able to get 226 votes, they can’t just vote, the law on mobilization , it’s actually stuck like that challenger, remember what we watched, deep in the mud, well , the same thing, why is this happening, well, because this law on mobilization, he did not
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solve the problem of mobilization, he had to solve another problem, the problem of disposing of a political competitor for...
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an internal couple of points on the internal life of ukraine, here is the belgorod operation, you know who the media’s most important character is in 2 days, not these guys who showed , but there is one, he is probably a foreign agent ilya ponomarev, this is ilya, what’s his name, that’s right, he doesn’t go out, doesn’t get out of the same marathon, there in the morning he’s in one, at lunchtime he’s in another, he’s in a third he constantly gives interviews to the ukrainian media , talks, talks, talks about what’s there... he goes off and writes these posts, that people are crazy, and so on and so on, here, that is, he really is, he’s a loser, under him there is such a national scoundrel, galangdon , here
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he and basman are telling their stories, promoting this topic further, and volodya, you know, in such local tones, here, here, here kasa, this is not, this is not russophobia, it was he who pulled out the adam’s apple, i don’t know who pulled out who, but he promised to pull out the adam’s apple , but what am i talking about? so they are promoting this topic, here she is latin , yes, but she i don’t know, she is an agent, there is a blogger from russia, she says, wait, what are you talking about, she is a blogger, she says, what are you talking about, this is a ukrainian village, now the latin language or slatyn language has begun, but i have a simple question, property panomariova was arrested in russia, i am included in the register, he is a terrorist, an extremist , and so on, the property of this former state duma deputy. it’s just obvious that it’s a pr campaign for which these people’s ears are sticking out, of course, it ’s carried out in a planned way, gordon’s property was seized, he has an apartment in the very center of moscow, i
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heard something, someone in moscow started looking for something , but i’m not sure, it’s so difficult to find in moscow, oh-oh-oh, right here these gordons, excuse me, yes, i understand, yes, i, just in case, offer to take it from everyone, but then, when they come , he returns, regarding... regarding the elections, i can’t say anything about the presidential elections in russia, you know, when putin said that listen, guys, well, in simple terms, you have there in america internal problems , you have elections this year, there is internal , there is a problem, get busy, europeans, you have elections in june, macron, you have a choice in june, get busy, why are you bothering here, but is it really just two three it is impossible to count that you are interfering here, well, relatively speaking, problems it will work out in june, and there will be problems in november, it’s simply not possible at all.
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on the contrary, i said that everyone should mind their own business, that’s not what he was trying to say, but we read between the second event, well, ukraine again lives its own internal life, which means it can’t meet three or three leaders european countries, macron, scholz and tusk, tusk, thank you, here they are meeting , trying to agree on something, something they want to agree on, am i listening? come on in english, they probably all break their fast, but i listen to experts, even ukrainian military experts, ukrainians, who on ukrainian
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television tell people about these events, macron says this, this is what he says, the journalist asks, please tell me, what about for ukraine what's this? well, a simple journalist somehow didn’t instruct her like that, she said that for ukraine this means, you should listen to the answer, the answer is out of nothing , consolidation, nothing.
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crimea and sevastopol return to their native harbor. march 16, 2014 crimeans-sevastopol residents have decided who they are with. kiev really wanted to show the rebellious peninsula whose crimea it was. they tried
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to put barriers for us everywhere. in the fifth year of the water blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, and the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. it’s always nice to look at water, especially when it’s not just water, it’s your city’s supply resource and absolutely controllable. now it exists, the land corridor with the khrem, they are trying to cut it, but no one will succeed. the novorossiya highway, which goes through new territories and taurida, must meet. today you can not be afraid, go and do it, we will definitely be the best long region in the world. the people of crimea will never surrender to russia.
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the presidential elections have started in russia, and polling stations have already begun operating in the east.


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