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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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this is war in reverse, yes, war, war, contract soldiers, volunteers, they are all heroes, a gift, of course, congratulations on receiving a state award, i serve russia. the first day of voting in the russian presidential elections has ended, turnout exceeded 36%, and 73% of the total number of applicants have already used remote voting. early voting was held in new regions.
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the current head of state, vladimir putin, also took part in the presidential elections; he voted online from his residence in novo ogorevo. well, we will return to the topic of elections , we will talk about the work of observers and the hysteria of the west, now about the suicidal attacks of kiev militants who tried to break into the belgorod and kurdish regions, this was discussed at a meeting with permanent members of the security council in march of this year
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and the kiev the neo-nazi regime has conceived and is trying to carry out a number of criminal demonstrative armed actions, this is primarily the attack on peaceful settlements on russian territory, about 95% of enemy missiles destroy. our air defense systems. however, unfortunately, we have casualties among civilians. all their families will certainly be provided with all the necessary help and support. these enemy attacks do not and will not remain unpunished. in addition, starting from march 12 of this year and up to the present time, the enemy has been using mainly special forces of foreign mercenaries.
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the enemy had no success in any of the directions, but new details of the kiev regime’s insane attempts to attack have become known border regions, about this the author and host of the program moscow kremlin, putin, pavel zarubin, i am sure that our people, the people of russia, will respond to this with even greater unity, who they decided to intimidate, the russian people, a lot on... the news of the day, and after meeting of the
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security council, we were able to obtain detailed information from one of the participants in the meeting of the russian minister of defense. so, as a result of the attack on the state border, the enemy was going to reach almost to belgorod and be sure to shoot a video frame with the hoisting of the ukrainian flag on russian territory. on march 12 , enemy forces began to become active. entry on five directions of the state border. on the first day of hostilities, their irretrievable losses amounted to 230 people and eight tanks. on the second day, 190 people and six tanks. also, according to our information, 40 armored personnel carriers were destroyed. in addition, a landing group of 30 people was sent to the enemy using two helicopters. they went 400 m deep into russian territory, their goal, apparently, was to create someone bridgehead. sergei shaigu told us, together
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with the border guards of the fsb of russia, the group was blocked on three sides, and an active contact battle ensued. essentially, this enemy group was caught in a real fire. bag, because in order to cut off the escape route, behind the enemy’s back special equipment carried out remote mining using anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which means that the only escape route was mined. the blocked enemy group was waiting for reinforcements, but at the moment the additional group advanced, it was aviation and artillery strikes were carried out, including the tornado multiple launch rocket system. both groups ended up almost complete. destroyed. on friday, the enemy made another attempt to cross the border in the belgorod region. it has been stopped. 70% of the personnel and three tanks were destroyed. and all these days , the special operations forces of the russian army were working deep in enemy territory.
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during the fighting on the state border in three days , the enemy’s irretrievable sanitary losses reached more than one and a half thousand people, of which more than 500 were killed. about which we became aware: information about possible attempts to break through the state border was received by intelligence 2 weeks before the breakout attempts. in connection with this, the supreme commander-in-chief decided to take the troops, staffed by conscripts from the state border line, to the second and third echelons and replace them with contract soldiers, volunteers , special forces soldiers, which was carried out. pavel zarubina, alexander medvedev, moscow program.
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i will not comment on what was said today in this room there are absolutely shameless attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. their authors incriminated themselves. it is good that their words will remain in the minutes of our meeting. whether someone likes it or not, today presidential elections began in russia, which will last 3 days and will be held , including in new russian regions that joined our country as a result of free will in september 2000. voting will take place in full accordance with the constitution russian federation. i congratulate the residents of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, choosing their future together with all of us today. i especially want to congratulate
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the residents of crimea who are electing a president for the second time, who 10 years ago voted almost to the day to return to russia. more than 300 people are watching the elections . i decided to come because i was interested in how the voting process is organized in different countries. when i came to your embassy in islamabad, i reported this, and obtaining a visa went quite quickly. very interesting, the voting process itself is transparent understandable, this is what i can see myself, but
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here they can vote both using electronic machines and on paper. perhaps, what attracted the most attention from foreign observers was the technical equipment at the polling stations. mostly a question.
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who have a legal education and who have undergone special training, and if we compare again with our colleagues abroad, not every country has created such a system. i would like to express my gratitude to russia for allowing foreign observers to come, they are doing so according to public observation of the elections of the public chamber of russia, in turn , not all countries. at the situation center , the head of the state department press service thanked the foreigners for their courage and coming, despite all the threats. usa matthew miller has already stated that they will intimidate observers, international observers
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will be intimidated, well, those who are in our regions from foreign residents, foreign countries, are directly intimidating, indicating that they have an extensive arsenal in the united states tools will be called for according to the answer of those people, international independent observers who will observe the elections, all of them went from above to the russian presidential elections as observers. spain, iceland, usa, italy, greece and mexico. during these 3 days they will visit polling stations in at least 52 regions. anna voronina, philip dubrovsky, dmitry maslennikov, news. in penza , a weaving local resident was arrested and accused of treason. according to the investigation, he... over the past year several times handed over to the ukrainian special services information about the work of the defense plant,
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contacted his curators through instant messengers, the arrested person had already given a confession. in ukraine, wounded military personnel are absolutely of no use to anyone, the danish tv channel tv-2 reports this with surprise to its viewers. soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces complained to western journalists about the terrible attitude of the medical staff and disgusting treatment. in addition, kiev does not want to pay the required money; in order to prove that the disability was acquired at the front, it is necessary to bring witnesses. in addition, the military with severe injuries, doctors recognize them as partially fit and send them to the front line. normal treatment, medicine can only be obtained at your own expense - reports the danish tv channel. meanwhile, the french tv channel bfmtv is discussing the critical situation in the ssu. this is what one of the leading military experts of the fifth republic, general, said.
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washington wants to intercept supplies and replace cheap russian pipeline gas with expensive american lng, but it will be difficult to do this; the share of russian fuel in the country’s energy balance has grown to record 98%. and for now, blinken can only rather clumsily praise the austrian authorities for supporting the general line of the west. austria has been a strong supporter of ukraine since the first day of the conflict. it is a key member of the 50- nation alliance that supports ukraine. in terms of military assistance, austria
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remains neutral, but it is not neutral at all in a political sense. we see this in the exceptionally generous support that the austrian people provide to ukrainian refugees. however, the head of the austrian foreign ministry did not give in and said that business representatives are clearly not ready to sacrifice their own profits for the sake of ukraine. austrian companies are still partially present in russia, as are 95% of all western companies. american companies also exist in russia. strengthening sovereignty for russia is now the main task; this applies to various aspects of life, including technology; our country is doing a lot. this was pointed out in the program by alexander korievsky, president of the national research center, kurchatov institute, mikhail kovalchuk. in in particular, work is actively underway to create russian computers based on completely different principles of artificial
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intelligence systems, since we can no longer rely on the west, the americans even... all of these have already laid down their propaganda, everyone hears about the gtp site being american, i have a friend there, well who entered there, began to ask him a question, this is an american site, what am i talking about, he says, the second important circumstance of danger for us, behind this is the question of who won the second world war, they answer the united states of america, a lie, pure here clean, but he answers one further, he asks the question, who will win, i can show you scans of who will win in... his, he says: i don’t like such questions, your artificial intelligence should not be rehired here, transferred, and the sovereign, his own , his own, he must answer questions correctly, i want to say, if we want to develop artificial intelligence with you, to use it, which we have always been strong in decades ago, we must understand with you
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that iron determines everything , you have to invest today in creation. new computer base , the fact that we need to be in trend, do everything , there is no question here, but the main thing is necessary, we can’t catch up with anyone, ever, we can only overtake, this is overtaking, or at least in the forefront, alexander shirvint, a great actor and director, people's artist, full holder of the order of merit for the fatherland, died, he was 89 years old. smile at me, as i do at you, and lela susanna, let’s go to the car, smile, now through tears, alexander shirvint always considered irony defense, i defend myself mainly from three parameters that i hate, this is stupidity, stinginess and cruelty, this is just the beginning, i
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will definitely sing in the bolshoi theater in moscow. and i’m not me, if i don’t become a people ’s artist, at least for once, i studied at a music school, all out of love for my dad, they kept me, and then on the exam in the fifth grade, i suddenly found out with horror that there are two keys , violin and bass, his parents dreamed of a career as a violinist for the shura, but acting became inevitable for him, my name is... by and large it implies an animal the beginning, why the stage cannot replay a cat
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, a dog or a child, because they are stunning... because this steam, yes, of misunderstanding, hatred, impossibilities, which accumulated, especially in all sorts of baghem circles, composers, architects, artists, needed somewhere - then release, already a legend of the 20th century, the cabbage brigade from the actor’s house, alexander anatolyevich was the last to
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leave the company of great friends, stalin said this idiotic phrase: there are no replaceable ones , yes, nonsense, no, there are, there are, irreplaceable, oh, do i really have influence , my friends, we are all terminally ill, they were messing around, oh, you know, now it’s scary to think, but we were approaching sheremetye at the airport, he’s mark anatolyevich, he always had a director’s mindset, he forced us to build three fires. can you imagine, and he ksh-ksh drove away the planes, fastened himself with sheets, from the propeller under the wing of the female.
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the artist of a unique gift betrayed the pike. ladies gentlemen, now i will perform comic verses. subtle humor and a sly look, a pipe and an unchanging scarf, a unique image. shirvint is a profession, and it is forever. a true service to people. reformers and prophets provided assistance. no, only such a few frivolous jesters, only they help people forget about laughter. polina eermalaeva, diana fitisova. news.
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large-scale projects. modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. all. what russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your
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country. come to the forum russia exhibition. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a zipfake or change it. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the application or on the website. increasing payments to medical workers, supporting agricultural producers, purchasing transport for
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new regions. here is a list of the main topics discussed at the government meeting. by order of the president, a decision was made to increase special social payments for health workers, which are provided in addition to their salary. prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about this. in small villages where less than 50 thousand people live, there are them. from april 1, the state will allocate at least 50% of the salary funds of medical organizations to pay the salaries of medical workers, while wages should
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remain at a level lower than last year, i ask you to carefully monitor this in all regions of the country. another topic that was discussed at the meeting was the issue of supporting new regions. in particular, speech was about the purchase of additional transport equipment for the donetsk people's republic, the decision to allocate funds has already been made. accepted, their amount will be a billion rubles, thanks to this funding, the primary health care institution in the region will receive about five thousand ambulances this year, and 200 passenger cars, all- terrain vehicles, including for the delivery of humanitarian goods, will also be purchased. considering the active restoration of the housing stock of engineering facilities in the donetsk people's republic social infrastructure, the government will allocate 1 billion rubles for the purchase of domestic transport equipment. whereby.
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a large bill on tax amendments is also on the agenda. on instructions from the president, the government continues to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden for citizens and businesses. first of all, for large families. now parents will not need to apply for property tax benefits. they will receive them automatically. in addition, it will be possible to reduce tax payments on interest on so-called long-term bank deposits that were opened for more than a year. there are proposals aimed at supporting business. those will not need to submit zero simplified reporting if no activity was carried out during this reporting period. it is also planned to further expand the range of companies that can switch to tax monitoring in order to insure themselves against additional audits, the risk of errors and additional charges. the annual tax threshold for which organizations will be able to take advantage of this procedure will be lowered from 100 up to 80 million rubles and up to 800 million in annual
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turnover and cost. assets. another urgent issue: support for agricultural producers. in the previous 2 years , grain harvests were record high. 157 million tons in 2022 and 147 million in 2023. these volumes affect the domestic market and global conditions, so the pace of harvesting must be maintained. for this purpose, a whole range of measures is used, from the provision of subsidies by farmers to increasing the reserves of the federal intervention fund for agricultural products. 7 will be allocated for purchases during the year billion rubles this will not only stabilize prices for agricultural raw materials in russia, but will reduce possible risks for consumer-processors, including the baking and flour-grinding industries, and will also help ensure food security so that people have a choice of high-quality and varied food products. your brother
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is there in donbass. in the aurora battalion, so he ’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon on you, get ready to blow the moss, we’ll write your brother down as missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope , it looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell me because he didn't have a brother, they killed him. alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello. i
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boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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