tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 March 16, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK
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there is a state on earth where horror films can be shot in documentary and real time mode. haiti, once a french colony, is hitting rock bottom again. the country is gripped by uncontrolled violence, there is no government, not even criminal. the process of disappearance of the state overlapped with the process of atomization of society. even organized crime is not structured there at the moment. when even organized crime is falling apart, it’s completely out of the question; there are, however, applicants to govern from this environment, but based on their experience nothing will come of it. one of the most influential goitian bandits, forty-seven-year-old
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jimmy sherezier, nicknamed barbecue, is the leader of the strongest metropolitan group g9. some compare him to chegiwara, others to martin luther king, he himself calls him. himself as a caribbean robinhood. according to rumors , he received the nickname barbecue because he burned people alive. however, sherezier himself claims that he received the nickname because of his mother, who sold fried chicken on the street. today sherezier is one of the key figures in organized crime in the country. but he started as part of a unit of the haitian national police. in 2018, he was fired from the security forces, believed to be charged with crimes, including. lasaleen slum massacre, which killed 71 people and burned 400 houses. after his dismissal , sherezier headed the g9 gang, which united the nine most dangerous groups of isite salei, lasalin and lower delm. in 2020, on his
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youtube channel, he announced the creation of an alliance between the g9 family and the allies, after which the group’s size grew. inside crime claims that g9. is waging a bloody war with the zhpep group, which may be associated with opponents of former president maiz. there is an ongoing war between factions for territory. following the assassination of president maize in the summer of 2021, shirizier called for an armed revolution against the corrupt political elite, adding that he would give weapons to every child if necessary. his gang took charge.
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in october 2021, armed members of his gang prevented prime minister ariel henry from laying wine at the monument to the former leader state, so that the gang leader in a snow-white suit does it himself. haiti, on the one hand, made the biggest leap, freeing itself immediately after the states from colonial dependence. but despite the fact that the leader of this struggle, that is, was the most complacent and good person, but the subsequent gaetan society was built on a racial, if not russian principle, racism in all its reincarnations, be it white, be it -not
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white, racism brings a certain negative effect over time, there is no there was no formal apartheid, but de facto it was a victorious society... only of the black population, even the mulattoes did not have real serious power, and some were physically exterminated in the conditions when this society was created, and to do the former slaves, in general, didn’t know how to do much , they couldn’t do it because they were never taught this, they worked only on plantations all their lives, they were torn out of their usual habitat, settled god knows where in another hemisphere and here they are...
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because haiti's mineral resources not enough, and since haiti, in general, was not needed by anyone in itself, it turned out that there was no economy, just like in the cartoon, the planet is a shell, no water, no minerals, and you really don’t have drinking water there, really, well, only that the robots were inhabited, a rare case when haiti, having gained independence from france through brutal uprisings and wars, paid huge compensation to the former metropolis.
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and give more rights to the population of mulad origin, so that strictly speaking, it will be like in the dominican republic, where everything is much more better. the dominican republic is really better, but in the dominican republic it still arose naturally, but here it was outside interference, on the one hand , local clans lost some of their rights, on the other hand, organization disappeared. in the end, right then. the process has begun, which now seems to be reaching its climax, not only
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the state has failed, but also the atomization of society is taking place, today it just all continued in the nineties, in the early 2000s, when they first brought to power jean bertrand aristide against the will of the military, then they overthrew him to the central african republic or to liberia, i don’t remember now, they expelled him, overthrew
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the history of haiti after the second world war is an endless series of wars and coups d’etat. in 1986, the country was under the regime of dictator frunsaadu valle, who had ruled since 1957. the first free presidential elections brought victory sacredly. on the fourth, as a result of a confrontation with the opposition, he resigned as president, left
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the country, and the un reintroduced the military contingents. for some time the situation was stabilized. in february 2006 , the country held the next presidential election, in which musician rene prival, popular among the poor, won. however, he was unable to provide stability. in january 2010, something worse happened in haita. protests that led to the election of a new against this backdrop, the country once again flared up president, politician and musician michel martelly. the last president of haiti was javenel moïse. the american media called him dictator. despite calls from the white house, he did not resign and refused to hold
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new elections. on the night of july 7, 2021, foreigners, according to local police, shot maiz and his wife at their residence. 2 days before the assassination of the president, the government was headed by ariel henri. in the fall of 2022, against the backdrop of the fuel and energy crisis, members of local groups blocked the port and... oil terminals of haiti, cutting off fuel supplies to the cities. many government hospital facilities have ceased operations. power has actually passed into the hands of bandits. to restore order about... this week, the caribbean community organized an emergency meeting to decide what to do with haiti. prime minister ariel henri, against whom the gangs are rebelling, was forced to resign, promising a transitional government. i wish
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i knew how to create it. the president of el salvador , nai bukele, became famous. effective terror against gangsters at home, he offered his services to restore order, but this was more for self-promotion. prisoners of haiti. gangs have seized power in the country drawing by taiwanese artist stelina chain. on the aristante's robe, which was hung instead of the haitian flag, it is written: haiti is a prison. carlos latov on the causes of current events. i agree, the other responds. rick mckee on the topic of migration to the united states. the flow of refugees from the island only increased after various disasters. footage of mounted border patrols chasing away and seizing migrants
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has caused outrage. in the picture, a man who looks like biden says, well, at least means, including at some point, that everyone will shoot at everyone, there will be a lot of victims, it will be worse than samali, and at the same time it will require the most serious cleaning in every sense of the word, from sanitary cleaning of landfill basements to social, a real shake-up of all elites, investing huge amounts of money,
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actually re-educating the population, well, something in... post-war germany, it’s easier to isolate the island, especially since it’s not difficult , the sea, the americans will cover, the dominicans on land, they already have experience, at one time the dominican dictator, truquilla perfectly blocked the border with haite, destroying tens of hundreds and thousands of people , trying to get across the border, simply shooting with machine guns, so i’m afraid that everything will end exactly like this, even if it happens like... this is a temporary intervention of neighboring caribbean states and the united states, then they will formally create some kind of transitional council, they’ll imprison some president-prime minister, leave, everything will start all over again. there was a real experience of a very cruel dictatorship in haita. from the late fifties to the early nineties, the country was ruled by duvalier's father and then his son. happiness
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it didn’t bring anything either, except that it inspired the famous british writer and intelligence officer. he had a very complex ideology, even in his youth he dabbled in left-wing ideas before communist ones, then communists were banned, but if you read what the devalier wrote when he was already in power, slogans from the initial period of gaetian communist organizations periodically flashed there. duvalier really set it up extremely
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this is to some extent in brazil, not like that, but in colombia and cuba, among the population of afro-latin american origin can be seen, it’s just that haiti gave it all in the form of a quintessence, it’s just that he put it into service for the state, and there would simply be killers of the special services, that’s one thing, here the special services are denounced in fact with a religious sound themselves.
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