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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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the second day of voting in the presidential elections has started in russia. the day before, in all regions, polling stations were crowded, especially in the morning. in moscow, 37.3% of voters voted on the first day. the overall turnout across the country was 36.12%. and in some regions, including belgorod, kherson and donetsk.
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record figures, as in the 2018 presidential elections in the chukotka autonomous okrug, where 63.7% of voters voted on friday. the main stage of the russian presidential elections takes place from march 15 to 17. these days in there are 94 thousand polling stations in the country. more than 4 million citizens of the country can take part in the elections remotely and apply for electronic voting. and at exactly 8 a.m. today polling stations opened in moscow. residents of the capital actively vote in the presidential elections. during the first day , almost 3 million people made their choice. as noted at the public headquarters, according to election monitoring, the turnout figures are breaking all records of previous years. my colleague, anna voronina, works at one of the sites, she joins us. anna, i greet you. what is the situation like, tell me, are there a lot of people?
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hello tatyana, it should be noted that here in the center of moscow, we are now working at polling station number 40, while there was some lull , about 20 people have already voted since 8 am, but the main influx is expected in the afternoon, after all , let’s not forget that today day off, today is saturday and everyone is also preparing for the celebration of maslitsa, so it is expected that people will go just after the main celebrations, either before or after eat pancakes, well, i... 36%, the turnout was, in the new regions it turned out to be especially high, in the donetsk people's republic, it almost reached the figure of 70%, but in the kherson region it exceeded 68%. in addition, more than 3 million have already fulfilled their civic duty by casting their votes with help. remote
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electronic voting, this means that already 2/3 of those who registered in this type of voting have already fulfilled their duty, but here since the very morning there have also been independent observers who are monitoring the progress of the voting, i i note that in total more than 333 thousand people were sent to the polling stations in russia, 700 of them were international observers from 106 countries, and we are waiting for some of the international observers. residents were injured as a result of a strike by a ukrainian drone, as the governor reported, all of them were in a car, which in the belgorod region, five more civilians caught fire after the shelling, the wounded were taken to the regional hospital, over the past day the air defense system in the region was activated three times, the ukrainian armed forces hit civilians. ..
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in the zone of a special military operation. special attention to the allocation and conduct of counter-battery warfare. the enemy has suffered significant losses. within a week, three american patriot complexes, a vampire rocket system, 10 foreign-made artillery pieces, as well as a fuel and ammunition storage facility for the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the q&en shaman, aka jacob chansley, who became famous during the storming of the american capitol, gave an interview to tucker. the most colorful hero of the
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january 6 event was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison. claims to be a victim of the deep state and biden's propaganda machine. that's all. details in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and you receive a supercake in rubles every month, and you can also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. hello everyone, dear subscribers. and then, when mom orders cosmetics, she goes from being loved and turns into strict, into sleep-deprived, into gloomy, then i have a cosmetic bag done, look, you can try on cosmetics first, they wanted
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many people think that the united states is currently being destroyed, but what does that mean? of course, when they destroy a country, destroy the people within it, they start with the weakest because they are the easiest to destroy, so it is worth listening to their stories to find out what is happening and what may happen in the future. today we want to hear the story of a man named jacob chansley, perhaps he is known to you as the shaman kyu-anon, he gained fame in the media immediately after the 6th. january 2021. jacob chansley's story is quite simple: he is a veteran, american-born, patriot who, after the 2020 election, became convinced that democracy was over and that the election was stolen. along with thousands of others , he traveled to washington to exercise his constitutional right to protest. he
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found himself in the capitol building, he was unarmed, he did not threaten anyone, he never gave any indication that he wanted to commit violence. however, he was arrested. slandered, but then sent to prison. interestingly, we didn't find out exactly what jacob chansley was doing in the capitol until about 2 years later. it's like...
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we probably shouldn't use the word shaman because it has a cultural meaning to some people, and it's just a rioter in a hat, the face of the riot in the capitol , the personification of the insurrection, the face of the insurrection, the most prominent symbol of the insurrection - attempts to overthrow the government of the united states states, chansley stormed buildings with a painted face and a fur helmet with horns. he stormed violence, but the judge nevertheless still the capitol on january 6, stormed the capitol, stormed the capitol on the day of the insurrection. jacob
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chanzley was not found guilty of committing a crime that believes the consequences of his actions amount to an act of violence. make no mistake, chansley is a cold-blooded thug. what does the justice department hope to achieve by charging so aggressively? well, one word of respect. shoot him this man's name is steve schmit, he was a political pr man for a long time, he
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was paid for years to lie for the benefit of john mccain, now the democratic oligarch donors are paying him to gala on behalf of the biden administration, but this sentiment he just expressed is absolutely real, shoot him if he encourages the murder of jacob chansley, why can't he do the same for you, well , it certainly can, and it’s worth thinking about that for us. thank you officers, god bless you guys,
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thank you for your patience, we appreciate it, god bless you guys, thank you for your patience, we appreciate it, god bless people in blue, that's what jacob chansley said, so steve schmit, who is paid by the oligarchs to lie, thinks he should be killed, we think it's worth talking to jake chansley himself, who is.
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yes, but these are people, and you are an american citizen and a veteran, and you have done nothing wrong. i mean, you don't seem upset, maybe you've reached a zen level of acceptance, i don't know, but it's a little shocking, isn't it? no, if you understand what the deep state is and how it operates, with that being said, i would like to reinforce his words about the events of january 6, about the setup of the deep state.
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in which it is entrusted to control trade. these bureaucratic agencies essentially write the laws, making up the rules that tell us what we can buy, what we can sell, what is legal and what is illegal. so this is legislative. they also have their own enforcement agents who make sure the american people follow the rules. this is an executive
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function. and they have administrative courts outside of the federal court system. this legal battle so this is tyranny. and finally , the third aspect of the deep state is the international corporations and international banking cartels who either blackmail our congressmen or bureaucrats into submission, or through bribery or lobbying, they have written the rules that the bureaucracy enforces. thus, international corporations and banking cartels take advantage of the government's monopoly on application. strength to strengthen their monopoly on our resources, our labor our currency, they are using the government's monopoly on the use of force to transfer our tax dollars public money into the private hands of less than 1% of the population. with all this in mind, they are using psychological operations to make us fight each other without
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understanding how the government of tyrants took over the country. forces us to obey. let's talk about january 6th in light of what the deep state is and how it is organized. so, nancy pilosi and mitch mccon deprive chief sund his powers, his emergency powers to station the national guard there. yes, yes, chief sunda, you interviewed him. by the way, an excellent interview, where he essentially said that he was deprived of...
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january 6th took place, and we both know that there were federal agents in the crowd, that anti-fm incited the crowd, that the police were persuaded, we both know that nancy drank her too... although he did not receive an order, because he knew that it was his duty. and ashley bebit only got shot because iaganda pitman refused to evacuate sen, i mean,
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evacuate the house of representatives like terik johnson evacuated the senate. and because there were people in the house of representatives, a police officer used a gun on ashley bebit. let's go back to your experience. so, you leave... the hall, blessing all the law enforcement officers and thanking them for their patience, can you briefly summarize for our viewers what happened next, the sequence of events, you left, what happened then, well, first of all, i was escorted around the building because i volunteered to help the police, i told them that in the hall the senate there are people said: "hey guys, if you want, i can help you make sure that there are no vandals, violence, theft, help you clean up behind. they are like: yes, of course, let's go, that's why we went from one locked door to another because i volunteered to help them, and then after i left the building with the police, i went outside,
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shortly after that donald trump posted his tweet telling everyone to go home, that's how it appeared video where i approach the doors of the capitol and tell everyone: stop, stop, stop, donald trump asked us to disperse, donald trump asked everyone to go home, we spoke out, donald trump.' asked everyone to disperse, what will we do? we will obey our president, we will do as he asks, we will go home. i even played a video of donald trump's tweet over the loudspeaker and told everyone to go home. i walked around the capitol building and told everyone through the loudspeaker to go home. honestly, the only reason i went to washington was because washington is built on electromagnetic ley lines. these are lines that go around the planet, they also reach the core of the earth. and therefore, in earth korea there are areas where they intersect with each other. the washington monument, the abelisk, the capitol building, the lincoln memorial, the white house, the supreme court,
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all these buildings are built on these leylines, like the pyramids, obelisks, temples and magic circles of antiquity. so, i realized that this is a sacred space, and if a million people gather on the ley lines of this place, a lot of energy will be sent into the power grid. energy. so i thought that my... i went to the second trump march, the media wasn't keen on using my image back then, were they, now you're talking about things that i'm not familiar with, i can't judge it, but i think , that is interesting, i will make inquiries after our conversation,
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january was a psychological operation, they use the so-called neuro-linguistic programming, this is the use of words to create patterns of the subconscious part of the human brain, words of images that cause certain instinctive reactions of using words like deadly insurrection, violent uprising or words like weapons of mass destruction or deadly virus and so on, such things cause instinctive reactions in the subconscious. parts of the brain, and since the subconscious is responsible for much of our neurological activity, if you can take control of a person's subconscious, you can hijack their conscious perception
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of reality. thus, through neurolinguistic programming, when words are combined with images to create an instinctive response, you can fill it with a person and their perception of reality and the misinformation that is spread by the mockingbird media. and you repeat it over and over again and over again until this message is reinforced in society until everyone believes the lie. the next step after bypassing the critical factor is the formation of a mass psyche. these stimulating emotions, images
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of words, and then they carry out orders from the government, and if we look at this psychological operation pattern, we can see how it relates to events like january 6th, how it relates to things like covid, the bll riots, montifa, and how they decided to soften the agenda, and also when it comes to weapons of mass destruction, when it comes to everything that includes the apparatus of control and propaganda, the sixth is no exception, yes, and i would say that this is connected with a variety of things, immigration, the war in ukraine, everything else, again, the fact has been confirmed, do you remember the name of the prosecutor who ignored facts and realities and sent you to prison. well, actually, it was not a prosecutor, it was an assistant prosecutor, and her name is publicly
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known, this is prosecutor pascal. the thing is, uh, if, if christ can forgive the people who nailed him to the cross, then i can forgive attorney pascal, i can forgive the united states government for what they did to me. if i want to live a full and quality life, i should forgive them and forget about everything. anger would cloud my judgment. rage, indignation and indignation would cloud my judgment. and i couldn't convey this information as easily as i do now if i, you know, were held back by resentment and anger. so, even when you see steve schmit calling for you to be killed, you forgive him? yes, of course, the guy believes in lies, he trusts known liars and has become a puppet of the propaganda apparatus. in a way, i feel sorry for him
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, it must be... very stupid, it must be very hard to be so stupid, yeah, and i don't think it's a happy life, he's clearly not happy man, how much time did you spend in prison, in total, only 27 months behind bars, 10 and half of which in solitary confinement, and then i spent about 2 months under house arrest in a rehabilitation center, a total of 29 months in custody, who -anyone of us...
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we've been deceived for decades, so no wonder everyone is so confused and doesn't know what to believe, what do you think will happen
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next? well, it's important to understand that the war we are fighting is a war for our minds and hearts, right? there is something called full spectrum dominance is a military term. essentially, this means control over all aspects of people's lives, it all starts with controlling people's minds through propaganda, psychological operations , psychological warfare. and once you take control of people's consciousness and the model of life by which they live, you will gain control over...


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