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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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after all, we have been lied to for decades, regularly lied to by all kinds of authority figures, college professors, our teachers, politicians, top managers, government officials, the mockingbird media, we have been deceived for decades, so it is not surprising that everyone is so confused and does not know what to believe, what do you think will happen next? well, it's important to understand that the war that we are fighting is a war for our minds our hearts, right, there is something. this is a military term. essentially, it means control over all aspects of people's lives. and it all starts with control over people's consciousness through propaganda, psychological operations and psychological warfare. and as soon as you take control of people’s consciousness and the model of life by which they live, you will gain control over the earth, sea, air and airspace, the bowels of an underground military base, extraterrestrial space, and space.
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their private hands through subsidies, government contracts, bank bailouts and so on, they are essentially creating a more intense and consolidated system of domination of the full spectrum, so this one of the reasons why they targeted trump supporters on january 6th and trump himself, because it is trump supporters who are most opposed to the new world order, the one world government, the attempt of the globalists to take over the world, right, to essentially create. a system of complete domination
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over future generations across the planet, and i don't think trump is just doing what he did on the campaign trail. and what he talked about during the election campaign is not the only reason why they they don’t want to see him on the ballot. if you think about it, first of all , democratic supporters and democratic leadership believe that trump will win, which is why they are going after him, trying to throw him in jail. that's why they 're trying to remove him from the ballot because they know he... will win jacob chansley, thank you very much for your time, it's an honor and pleasure for me, bless you, bogtucker intercom, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year you get a supercake in rubles without interest every month, and also rent for free.
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the same hairdryer, and on our birthday there are discounts of up to 50%, a thunder robot gaming laptop for only 65.999 with yogot. you can accelerate, with yota you can do everything to the maximum, 50 gigs, 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles. it’s possible, yota, it doesn’t matter that i passed avdeevka, the main thing was given. oscar for mariupol, so now they are trolling zelensky, who sold the american film academy a film from start to finish, assembled from old lies, although there are plenty of new ones, what does it cost to build supposedly safe fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine in the chernobyl exclusion zone, we will tell you more about this and more right now in the program stop fake on russia 24. so, the ukrainian defenders
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will set up defensive lines on the border with belarus in the radiation reserve near chernobyl information that is important official with the initiative to dig. it was there that the ministry of internal affairs spoke, and the state border service warmly supported, at the same time, please note, the media, the kiev regime allegedly decided to bypass this topic, from more or less large only the information dump focus posted the corresponding note, but the rest are silent, i wonder why? and they are now trying to somehow develop a plan on how to close kiev to the north, and in order to close kiev from the north it is necessary to send a large number of military personnel. including in the zone, in the chernobyl zone, when people are simply sent to dig trenches, not every soldier will agree to work in a zone of radioactivity, so this is a very sensitive, dangerous topic for zelensky, and he is simply trying in every possible way muffle, hammer down and not bring to
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the surface, because any discussion is a topic that is not beneficial for zelensky. of course, we need to remind you that a couple of years ago ukrsmi wrote about the reserve as an unambiguously dangerous location, where would anyone in their right mind go. it’s better not to go into filming a video accompanied by disturbing music in the style of some kind of thriller, watch it and you feel uneasy, but these days they are clearly changing the record, just in february the cabinet of ministers of the square hinted at the creation of a scientific hub near chernobyl, and at the same time a tourist center , here they go even further, they say if you dig tens of kilometers of fortifications in this soil, nothing... which were off scale, supposedly exploded in
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their hands, they do what is necessary, that’s where all these geiger counters disappeared, to the leadership, their army, there, maybe, there are contaminated zones, but will anyone measure this and worry about the ukrainian soldier? no, of course, no one there will worry about what radioactive zone he is in. in any case , we can say with confidence that nothing good will come from those who sit down with weapons in the chernobyl does not wait in the forests. per square kilometer of this land there are more than forty curies of the dangerous isotope caesium 137. thus, in a month being in the most contaminated areas, but like the red forest and its environs near the pripyat river, a person will receive a radiation dose of about 130 millisieverts, and in 7 months approximately 1.00 millisieverts. which, according to some estimates, is equivalent to acute radiation sickness, although it is not at all necessary for students to breathe radioactive dust for six months to cause irreparable damage to the health of students. besides cesium, the exclusion zone is very rich in toxic strontium90. this isotope tends to accumulate quite quickly in
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human bones, causing malignant bone tumors and increasing the risk of leukemia. at this stage, this is a completely acceptable damage for the ukrainian side. well, because, as we see, in general, they don’t really stand on ceremony with people, the way they deal with it in general, in general, the way they use their, so to speak, human material, but absolutely no one will take this into account. it's like a side effect and it is not expected that these people will live very long; if they have already ended up in the ukrainian army, then they are already unlucky. and here the question is who will be sent to this defensive line, or rather, who wants to, because according to professional liars, all decisions in the armed forces are made on a purely voluntary basis, and moreover, service in the army itself, everyone’s personal matter, is a vivid example, article the british newspaper times, with reference to the sbu, branded him. russian disinformation news about the lawlessness of ttskashnikov. it turns out that some kremlin trolls inflate isolated episodes in order to
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turn ukrainian wives, sisters and mothers against the banking sector. that is , there is supposedly no general and openly cannibalistic mobilization. but for comparison, real facts for just a week in mash’s digest. in one of the regions , a guy was raked right next to the grave of his father, who died at the front. then they packed up 30 boys at once while trying to escape to romania. and the footage is from the chernivtsi region. the military registration and enlistment office employees had to put pressure on them in order to send them to hell, everyone has probably already seen it, in general, they work strictly according to to the precepts of the yellow-bladed leadership. we are a democratic power, and we are guilty of developing, and we are being kidnapped, we cannot show the butt of how russia can push anyone into war with sticks, we are not such a power. it is extremely important for the west to show that they supply weapons that are used, successfully, yes, allegedly used and... if there is simply no one to fight with these weapons, then in fact these deliveries are meaningless, we are trying
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to work out this agenda that this all the kremlin’s propaganda that these are all attempts to disrupt mobilizations, that this is all the work of russian agitators, in reality we see pictures of what is happening, that is, people see, more precisely, who live there, who film from windows, from their apartments, and how they catch, how they capture people, then to the curious... equipment from our troops. such a resounding conclusion , whose author again imagined an acute shortage , was made from the fact that in the zaporozhye region russian mobile detachments were spotted in the quote: kolymaga, which, according to the enemy, are going on meat assaults. we will leave the latter without comment, since real experts meat assaults are on the other side of the contact line, the so-called colemagia deserves a few words. we are talking about atvs and bugs, which are actually actively used on the front lines, including confirmed ones. materials from the ministry of defense, we then move out at night so as not to overthrow our
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positions, so we move there, spend the night there in the morning and already start working, they allow us to speed up the movement of this personnel , directly in the front-line zone, it is much more difficult to hit a fast-moving target there, even if there is some kind of ambush than there is for those who move on foot. well, and accordingly more secretive in comparison with conventional wheeled automobile vehicles, they are used to drop off reconnaissance vehicles, or to move them in the immediate vicinity of the front line, or in the nearest area, and the benefits of such transport in certain areas are extremely great, and for the transfer reconnaissance and rapid response teams, it is in principle irreplaceable, for example, popular... all-terrain vehicle with an 87 horsepower engine forces, a speed of about 80 km/h and a payload capacity of up to half a ton, is capable
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of transporting at once a couple of soldiers with a carnet anti-tank missile system or an ags-17 automatic grenade launcher. in addition, if necessary, the vehicle will pull another 300 kg in the trailer, therefore, it is also good for transporting ammunition, on the bug, a well-known racing model with a 160-horsepower engine , you can simultaneously install a heavy machine gun, the same automatic grenade launcher, taking into account... solid under load the car accelerates to 130 km/h and seats five people crew, performing the functions of essentially a mobile firing position, and the fighters themselves have already demonstrated many times how convenient it is, ready, there was a purchase from the ministry of defense. directionally several thousand units, in general, during the winter , there were two or three different
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models, well, this means there is a request from departments for this, well, they laugh about it, but this is from the media, a country that is engaged in begging and is happy to receive any scrap metal, written off broken, whatever it is, only give it, give it there, preferably even for free, but it’s... not serious, in short, it’s traditional not to entertain new fantasies with a slave, and sometimes the target audience gets along well with used ones. the film 20 days in mariupol, filmed as a documentary, was awarded a little bit of an award about... oscar, even a quick glance at its trailer is enough to understand that there is no smell of objectivity, there is a manipulation of the suffering of civilians, without a single mention of who used them as a living count. zelensky is happy to the point of impossibility, because he believes that this oscar was awarded personally for him. the price of this oscar is a destroyed country,
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women torn to pieces, children taken to european pedophiles, sold for soldier's organs. another question is important here. that it is not in mass release, it is not in some tops, ratings, it’s just like that between each other, it’s a mandatory topic that needs to be worked out, it’s the same thing, like, well, every film should have a transgender person, well, every film should have african american, perhaps there is no point in disassembling this whole piece of work is too careless, it was concocted, but we’ll still dwell on its central episode, they talk in detail about the explosion in the mariupol maternity hospital in the spirit that it was attacked by russian aircraft, here the director had the impudence. use the same footage of marianna vyshemirskaya, who has since managed to repeatedly expose the monstrous provocations of the ukrainian armed forces. whether there was an airstrike or not, they asked, i say there wasn’t, no one heard it at all, not even those who were on the street. it would seem that the interview has long been published in the public domain , translated into foreign languages, which means that nothing prevents you from seeing what the price of the ukrainian picture of events is, but europeans and
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americans seem to find it much easier to believe in mariana’s recruitment by moscow, or... that she, judging by the headlines of individual publications were bought almost personally by vladimir putin, no matter how absurd this may sound. there was not a single person in the west who wanted to interview marian directly, yes, that is, no one wanted to personally communicate to ask her point of view, everything that comes from mariupol, then western propaganda presents it as an already processed population with whom it is simply not worth communicating. it’s not without reason that for this information operation , not just the official media is involved. newspapers, radio, television, but also internet trolls. the ukrainian internet army , which periodically logs into mrian’s account, but they don’t write hatred, they hate it, this was done specifically to show those people who will also come in and read that this person only causes hatred, and sometimes manic russophobia affects not only the recent, but also the distant past, another
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lesson in rewriting history was taught by the estonian mit, they say in the spring of forty-four , the soviet...
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well, a little more about historical speculation, the sect of militant ukrainians has been terribly worried in recent weeks by the uniform infestation on the territory of one one of the main attractions of kiev, we suddenly discovered the image of double-headed eagles in the st. sophia cathedral, or rather on the walls of its bell tower. zelensky fanatics, of course, shocked, they say why exactly in the center of the ukrainian capital the symbol of the aggressor state flaunts before everyone’s eyes, especially since the matter is not limited to sofia, the eagles of the city have spread their wings. and in the kiev-pechara lavra, at the belfry of the holy cross monastery in poltava, there is some kind of occupation, no less. ukraine itself appeared together with the bolsheviks, and the current government is the creation of the bolsheviks. they took from the bolsheviks all the worst and all the worst. they will demolish monuments to peter
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i. and catherine the great, they will destroy novorossia, they will find imperial eagles and... hit them with a hammer, they will fight with the grave of stalypin, because this is alien to them, however, orlov has already managed to justify the special explanatory team, they say, according to the research of independent scientists, heraldry is not russian at all, byzantine , and there is absolutely nothing to worry about, but let ’s see, the double-headed eagle was indeed the coat of arms of orthodox byzantium, but was depicted either without attributes, or with one crown, or at most two, in turn a distinctive feature of the russian sovereign eagle, as is known, was built in stages from 1699 to 1706 - the years with the money of hetman mazepa, who then had not yet managed to betray russia, obviously should have
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insisted on the use of russian symbols. well, however, there are versions that the bas-relief with eagles was added later during reconstruction in the middle of the 16th century, but at that time kiev had already become the center of the kiev province of the russian empire, that is, in this case the eagles are especially not byzantine, and the russians. they dream of pulverizing the kiev pechersk lavra, they dream of selling the relics of the saints who were buried there, not even under the russian empire, when it was still just russian land, and now they are trying to understand where, what came from there, what it is this, but it’s like trying to come and do a dna test, no, this is not my father, i don’t believe in it, let’s go do a dna test, in general, here is a simple piece of advice for those deceived by propaganda, read normal historical history. instead of fiction about ancient diggers of the black sea, although at this rate the censorship of the regime will prohibit reading itself, as long as the ukrainians do not learn anything unnecessary, and there will remain a continuous
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telethon with thousands of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel . a loan with cashback from sber is another more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s profitable in sber with prime. deposit is the best interest rate in savings - this is a simple way to profit invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button, savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit
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in russia, the second day of voting in the elections president, the day before the in-person voter turnout was 36%. this is this cycle. you can make your choice in person at the site or
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electronically. almost 350,000 observers are monitoring the voting process, 700 of them are guests from abroad. the video surveillance system is also working. sergei shaigu held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. the head of the ministry of defense was presented with reports on the effectiveness of reconnaissance and strike contours, as well as on the conduct of counter-battery warfare. according to the military, the enemy has suffered significant losses. so, in just a week, three american petriot vampire rocket systems and 10 foreign artillery pieces were destroyed. production, as well as fuel and ammunition storage for the armed forces of ukraine. in the sky of the belgorod region, the russian air defense system this morning shot down eight rockets, vampires, and two drones. this is information from the ministry of defense. at night , due to an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones , a car caught fire in one of the districts. five civilians were injured. the day before
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, more than 40 houses were officially damaged as a result of shelling. there are dead and wounded objects, due to damage to the city, over a dozen settlements are without electricity. the fire season has begun in fifteen russian regions. over the past 24 hours, aviation forest protection personnel extinguished five large outbreaks covering an area of ​​more than 90 hectares. the difficult situation remains in primorye; a state of emergency has been declared in one of the regions. there, the fire spread to the village and six residential buildings burned down. france intends to use its military bases in africa together with its allies, including the united states. this was reported by agence francepress. everything points to political scientists say that the owner of the elysee palace wants to restore the former greatness of his country with such plans and harsh rhetoric about the ukrainian conflict. for details, as well as a review of other key events in the international review program, see immediately after the advertisement.


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