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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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more than 40 houses and social facilities were damaged by shelling, there were dead and wounded, and due to the damage to the forests, more than a dozen settlements were left without electricity. the fire season has begun in fifteen russian regions. over the course of 24 hours, air forest security personnel extinguished five large outbreaks covering an area of ​​more than 90 hectares. the difficult situation remains in the coastal area; a state of emergency has been declared in one of the areas. there, the fire spread to the village and six residential buildings burned down. france intends to use its military bases in africa together with its allies, including from the usa, agence france-presse reported. everything indicates, political scientists say, that the owner of the elysee palace wants to restore the former greatness of his country with such plans and harsh rhetoric about the ukrainian conflict. for details, as well as an overview of other key events in the international review program, see immediately after the advertisement. the world of bcs investment is limitless, there are
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design, functional interior and comfort technologies. choose your jetur. special conditions for purchases in march. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. macron's napoleonic plans. france is gathering a new entente, the plot has changed. mom anarchy ultimatum barbecue. haiti celebrates the holiday of disobedience, the gangsters are winning so far. secret secrets of the voodoo cult,
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how to rule with the help of intimidation and magic, materials from our program.
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you need to not only talk, but also do. we prepared texts and so on, but he violated the minsk agreements. that's a moot point. madam, thank you for what you say. please, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks so. i was there, we were neutral on this issue, i spent so much time, i was so involved in it, and i was criticized then because i believed that i could involve russia in the peace process. i want peace. you heard putin's interview, he wants peace. but who attacked ukraine? this is not france. who attacked donbass? who killed the people of donbass? who attacked donbass? this is president putin. no, it was the ukrainian authorities who bombed donbass, mr. president. you've known this for 8 years. russia has violated borders recognized
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by the international community. thank you madam. i know there are people who think like you. there are many serious journalists. i see you like it. there is not a single serious journalist. such a spontaneous conversation happened to the approving exclamations of citizens. maria heartfelt thanks, by the way, she is probably the first russian interlocutor of the head of state in many months. so, macron is confident that he did everything he could for the world. the time has come
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for other methods. on thursday, the president said that a russian victory would not reduce trust in europe to zero. this cannot be allowed. he rejected the very idea of ​​red lines, calling it “ defeatism and disrespect for one’s own sovereignty, a rebuke to those who abstained in the national assembly on tuesday, like marine lupin’s supporters, or voted against the security treaty with ukraine, like the left.” and communists. macron himself, of course, is not a defeatist and is ready to do anything if necessary. in terms of combat power, the french army is considered the fifth in europe after. russia, great britain, turkey and italy. its strength is about 200,000 regular military personnel, plus 40,000 reservists who can perform tasks within the country and abroad. france is one of the few countries that has almost the full range of modern weapons,
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its own production, even its own nuclear weapons. nuclear-tipped missiles are located at four nuclear power plants submarines triumphant. there are also about 100. france positions itself, among other things, as a geographically continental country , an ocean power, its naval forces are represented by landing ships of the mistral and batral type, as well as the aircraft carrier charles taigol. in the fall of 2020, the french air force was on the side of outer space. the french doctrine of the national aerospace force, officially renamed in connection with the expansion of the country's
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security interests, is called a white paper. it was published in the nineties after the end of the cold war. president françois miterand wanted to use this moment to strengthen european independence. in particular, the white book talks about the need to conduct your own. which involves both independent actions of the french army and interaction with the armies of other nato countries. paris has begun reducing its military presence in africa. currently, france is taking on the role of nato's main ally in europe, wanting to oust great britain.
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hello, hello, hello, andrei mironov parodies a coupletist from the time
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of the french intervention in odessa in 1918; there was such a loud performance at the moscow satire theater. in general , of course, thanks to macron, he respected him and gave him a reason to remember a colorful episode in our country’s history. in march 1918, the entente countries began military intervention against the former. ally of russia. its ideologists were french prime minister georges clemenceau and his british colleague david lloyd george. the reason was the conclusion by the bolsheviks of a separate treaty of brest-litovsk with germany. but for 3 more a month before, in december 17th , representatives of england and france signed an agreement in paris on dividing russia into spheres of influence. france's zone of interests included ukraine, bessarabia and crimea, and great britain. cossack and caucasian regions, armenia, georgia and kurdistan. on november 26, 1918
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, a british warship appeared in the roadstead of the port of odessa. soon he was joined by ships from other allied countries. about 3,000 french soldiers landed at the port. polish serb units entered the city by land. in the beginning of december rebel troops controlled by semyon petlyuri captured balta and ananyev, and then entered odessa. but the french command demanded that petliura withdraw his forces from the city, and he retreated 40 km. white general alexei grishin almazov was declared the military governor of odessa and the surrounding territories, but the actual leaders were general philippe denselma , the chief of the french staff, colonel henri fredenberg. already at the end of january , the franco-greek units reunited in the dnieper area, with those advancing from the east. the logguards occupied nikolaev and kherson, establishing complete control over the entire
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northwestern coast of the black sea. their number reached 60,000 in february 1919. a month later, the red army went on the offensive in novorossiya. with the support of armored trains, they managed to defeat the greek-french contingent and reoccupy kherson and nikolaev. in early april , the attack on odessa began. the entente troops began to retreat. at the same time, the white guards. to evacuate from odessa, more than 100 ships took out the entente troops and those who fled with them representatives of the previous administration. at the end of april, the evacuation of interventionists from the territory of crimea began. by the end of spring, the troops of france and greece left the black sea. the french at some stage aligned themselves with
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the interests of the white movement. what did the leader of the white movement, general dingend, say? galdenkin said that the allies should support the whites, since their support lies in the sphere of interests of the allies. in other words, it is beneficial for the french to support the white movement, because bolshevism is dangerous, because only in alliance with the national russia, that is, with denikin, can count on the restoration of some of its interests in the south. the desire was rather with mine...
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sparkling top hats with thick gold chains on their voluminous bellies, flaunting them a little worn out in the scrapes of the revolution, but with fresh boutonnieres in their buttonholes. cadets, priests, high school boys and girls, ladies in bois and hats with feathers, everyone has flowers in their hands. initially, general skoropatsky, hetman of ukraine, was in force as the base of intervention for now. i considered it as a basis for intervention. kyiv, where from much closer to moscow and petrograd, which is generally a city much less provincial than odessa, but the very rapid fall of kiev, which was captured by petliura, the very rapid exodus of general grishin almazov’s troops to odessa, all this pushed
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what at first was literally from a distance within a few hours, grishin almazov liberated odessa from the petliurists. in december of the eighteenth year, literally a few hours later, already in the middle, already in sight of the seaside boulevard , french ships appeared, they were perceived as if they had been played out by the bourgeois inhabitants in the old days, like everything, our torment was over, we fled from petrograd to kiev, from moscow to kiev, because there were germans there, then bam, karabatsky fell, we made our way to odessa in terrible torment, here on... against the backdrop of the current spell, and the almost sacred significance for europe of the victory of ukraine, it is remarkable how indifferent zantanta’s visitors were to the ukrainian idea centuries ago. if you read notes from some british, say, military representatives from batumi
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or from other cities dedicated to our showdowns of that time. they just defeated the germans a month ago, they have unbridled euphoria, they come here and see something primitive, the perception is that russia has been defeated. he doesn’t cry his head in his hair, what kind of general denikin is, why doesn’t he perceive himself as subordinate to our general berthelot, the basis
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of the french envoy, yes, what kind of ukrainians , what kind of petlyura, what kind of bolsheviks, that is, they perceive, they perceive everyone as russians. denikin, of course, perceived it’s all like, our allies came, we saved them. said chaste loyalty, but for some reason they think that we are representatives of a losing country, how can this be, we are white, we didn’t lose, we remained faithful, the idea of ​​the montant, copral, yes, we need to search everything, search every one of the workers, there is information, a large arsenal is hidden here, my lieutenant, if i may say so, i’m afraid that a personal search will do nothing but excite the crowd, you are a bad psychologist, there are hot heads everywhere, they will rush for weapons, thus we will open the arsenal, carry out, listen, malzhanand, search, the stay in odessa had a corrupting
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effect on the french in a double sense: the seaside bourgeois idyll on the one hand, bolshevik propaganda on the other. what is odessa? odessa is wonderful capacas, the same gombrinus, these are wonderful, beautiful women. this is fun, this is a general kind of, how can i say, so optimistic, or something, not even a tragedy, situation, and so, finding myself in france, what kind of military operations, i will remind you that the front line was approaching, that the bolshevik offensive was underway, that man grigoriev was coming, in other words, the french agitators, the bolsheviks, and the white guards later wrote that many of them were jews, even...
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led towards the entente, regardless of what they were revolution in petrograd and so on. we send greetings to all institutions, all odessa establishments, pale faces, pale black ones, also obedient daughters, also shaven, mustachioed, pockmarked, bald, bearded, also ladies, decent, and of course, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, the most amazing thing is the ease with which masters of the colloquial genre modern politicians talk about intervention in wars,
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statesmen more.
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as a turning point in the nineties, when national universities that trained senior personnel began to graduate not from servants of the state, but from polyvalent managers, managers, technocrats, for whom work for government agencies is seen not as an important and worthy mission, but often as a springboard for working in a private structure, transitions from the public sector to the private sector and back are becoming completely commonplace, government is seen as having few...
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prerogatives, finally, the independence of politicians today is limited by the very structure and functioning of the information environment, trends, agendas are surrendering to the so-called dictatorship public opinion, or rather those who claim to express public opinion, and politicians are expected to provide an immediate, daily reaction to events, so they they are constantly busy with communication, to thoroughly delve into various important... international affairs, they, apparently, simply do not have time, and of course, the question of guidelines, on which side of the ocean the cultural and ideological picture of the world is formed. the famous french intellectual, director de brem, several years ago wrote a book on how we all became americans, in which he perfectly explains why france resigned itself to the role of vasal, to the role of the dominion, why it
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and other european countries resignedly. accept blackmail, racketeering , espionage, extortion, interference in internal affairs, etc., precisely because the american superpower does not seem alien to them, the americanization of the old world, which began with the marshall plan, did not cease to intensify, among generations under 50, under 50, the americanization of consciousness has apparently reached a level where it is no longer perceived as imposed from... dobre very well describes how a decade of familiarization with american products, material cultural, led to a change in the way of life of self-awareness the french, in this picture of the world , see the role of the usa and the ussr in the victory over nazism differently than in the picture of the world of previous generations, and if in post-war times the majority of the french recognized the key role of the ussr,
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today there are few such people left. when the date of the allied landings in normandy is celebrated this year, by the way, the eightieth anniversary will be celebrated, then normandy is clearly the place and moment of american glory, a detriment to, say, even the british allies, and today it is even strange to remember that the leader of free france, charles dougol per cut refused to participate in these festivities, because he saw the landing in normandy, which he was informed about at the last minute in... usa, many of today's elite representatives, politicians, experts, were trained in the usa at american institutions, including macron. at the very forge of the french elite, the institute of political sciences, more than half of the classes are given in english. the main recognition of the work of an international affairs expert is an invitation to the american one.


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