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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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look at these funds in the federal budget. previously, the trans-siberian railway was quite calm and not busy. recently, in connection with the turn of our cargo directly to the far east, what is happening there is that some settlements are being cut along the railway track, and people are waiting to move from one part to another, sometimes for 3-4 hours. it is unacceptable. representatives of 76 regions are online at provchas. those who are not indifferent to the development of the industry, they are just like and the deputies in the hall are interested in personnel issues. what is being done in terms of increasing real wages, equating, in this case, or adequately matching the wages of management personnel and workers. we index our wages, always indexed to inflation or higher, since our labor productivity is growing. how does russian railways ensure the issue of scientific and technological sovereignty of the company in the field of training. in
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the segment of special transport education, in our system, education it has been carried out, well, literally without exaggeration , since kindergarten, while we conclude separate agreements with municipal schools, this is school education, our university training is carried out by nine universities located in the roszheldor system, the social block is a separate layer of work. russian railways is launching a promotion to travel with children at a discount. his project is already ready, next are moscow adler, moscow ekaterinburg and moscow-minsk. railway tourism is developing. over the year, the route network has grown one and a half times. these issues were discussed in detail and at meetings with factions. the rapid development
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of russian railways corresponds to the regulatory framework, which the state duma is ready to work on as needed, without slowing down. elena zholonina, sergei vergunov, sergei gordiev, anna melikyan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. deputies are concerned about the situation with replacing worn-out elevators in apartment buildings. this issue needs to be taken under control. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin instructed to prepare an appeal to the head of the cabinet of ministers. in many regions, lifting machines are seriously worn out, and replacement is difficult. the procedure is expensive. not all entities can afford to finance the modernization of elevator facilities. the condition of the elevator facilities in the regions leaves much to be desired; wear and tear is very high. there are regions where it is simply not possible to solve this problem on their own. as for the solution at the expense of citizens, this is unrealistic. therefore, let's think about it and prepare an appeal to the chairman. we need to
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discuss this topic further; the topic was raised during the plenary session by svetlana razvorotneva, deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and communal services. there are many complaints regarding the critical condition of elevators in apartment buildings. in our country, all elevators that have reached the end of their service life must be replaced in the twenty-fifth year. we see that this will not happen. 100,000 elevators, less than half of the overhaul program is included. in addition, the chairman of the state duma proposed to discuss. the russian government is considering introducing a deputy position in the relevant ministry, responsible specifically for the development of housing and communal services, in particular for the modernization of elevators. and more about protecting the rights of residents apartment buildings. this week, the state duma adopted a law that applies to both owners who rent out their apartments and those who live next door to such apartments. read more about this and other initiatives supported by deputies in our review. rent out, including by court. only those apartments
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that have utility meters will be allowed . the new law introduces such requirements. owners and landlords will be required to ensure compliance with the rules for the use of residential premises and maintenance common property. neighbors will be able to go to court if their rights were violated during the rental. changes were made to the housing code in pursuance of the decision of the constitutional court. the state duma adopted the bill in the first reading.
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organization in which he is located at the time of illness. the amendments are aimed at humanizing criminal legislation. but, on the contrary, it is proposed to strengthen the responsibility for involving minors in criminal activity. amendments to the criminal code were adopted in the first reading. now punishment threatens for involving teenagers in a criminal group, or in committing a serious or especially serious crime, as well as committing a crime motivated by political, ideological, racial, national or... religious hatred, the new bill introduces criminal liability for involving a minor in committing several , three or more crimes of minor average gravity. if the bill is finally adopted, the perpetrator will face imprisonment for a term of five to 8 years. support
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young professionals will be helped by the bill that the state duma adopted in the first reading. this status is valid and state assistance will be received by a person who is employed for the first time in a job in his specialty , regardless of previous work experience, this will eliminate the legislative gap, due to which children who work part-time while studying can no longer count on benefits. in addition, the bill introduces the concept of a young worker, these are russians under 35 years of age who have received a job for the first time and have been working in it continuously for 3 years, they will be able to receive state support, while the specialization and diploma will not be important. watch the second part of our program. presidential decision for regional development, vyacheslav volodin’s working trip to the tver region. where will the state duma begin to implement putin’s message, as well as a historical decision on how crimea has changed in the 10 years after the referendum.
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contract military personnel receive regional support measures. veteran status. military operations, exemption from land tax, compensation for payments for housing and communal services, vouchers to sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract! you are watching the program parliamentary hour, we are! let's continue. without the development of municipalities, the development of the state is impossible, said the chairman of the state duma at the forum of municipalities in tver. the future of villages, towns and cities was discussed in the president's message to the federal assembly. during a working trip to the tver region , vyacheslav volodin spoke about the decisions
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taken by the head of state to support the regions and got acquainted with the work of industrial enterprises and social facilities of the region. tver. electric transport plant, one of the points on the working trip of the state duma speaker, the enterprise today produces more than 200 trams a year, the most spectacular part of the technological process, the assembly of the base for the future car, takes place at the tver site. the structures are then sent to the plant in st. petersburg, where work is completed and new trams go onto the streets of russian cities. it is important that businesses can cope. with orders, because there will be more and more of them. in the urban modernization program 10 regions are participating in electric transport, noted vyacheslav volodin. the president's address clearly set out the task: everything must be done to ensure that new equipment arrives in cities and replaces outdated ones,
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so that our domestic production competes with foreign analogues, the more we order. a tram or trolleybus car with products from other enterprises in the region will cost less , the chairman of the state duma got acquainted with the exhibition of equipment from municipal and road construction to agricultural fire fighting equipment. vyacheslav volodin also visited a number of social facilities, a new school for 1,200 places and a children's clinic equipped with modern equipment. issues of regional development, chairman of the state duma. and the head of the united russia faction vladimir vasiliev discussed with the participants of the forum of municipalities. the target today is about one and a half thousand people. not only representatives of local government from all districts of the tver region, but also public teachers, doctors and volunteers were invited to the forum of municipalities. and in the front
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row today are the most important people, participants special military operation. development is possible only in one case. if we ensure the security of our state. today this task. our soldiers and officers decide, low bow to them, glory to gratitude, the main topic was the implementation of the tasks set by the president during his address to the federal assembly, they also discussed the development of the tver region and support for municipalities. there is a large gap between the powers and the material potential that the municipality has and can sustain. it's done in tver, most of the municipalities have been united, resources have been combined, this has increased efficiency, this is
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wonderful, but it requires a large systematic approach. vyacheslav volodin noted that in order to solve the problems of population outflow from municipalities and local personnel shortages, it is necessary to equalize the salaries of doctors and teachers across regions, and develop a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, the president instructed. these issues will need to be given more attention. priority, because walls can be built, but without a teacher there is no school, without a doctor there is no hospital, so the president correctly said that the president’s decision to write off budget loans, 2/3 of their volume, opens up new opportunities for the regions, this will allow, for example, the tver region to make plans for the future with renewed vigor, attracting investors to participate in the implementation joint programs, says vyacheslav volodin. washington and brussels introduced. oppose the development of our country and
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want to weaken it, the chairman said , more than 19 anti-russian sanctions, because the state duma. you and i must do everything for in order for our country to develop, it can only be strong, when you and i talk about the development of our country, we have our own path, we need to go through it. we have our own history, we need to build on it. slava volodin, we need to use all the best that we have had in history, look at the development practices of other states, use them, but not stand still. alexander shavirin, andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, vladislav alekseev, duma tv. parliamentary hour. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin at this during the week i also worked in my constituency in the saratov region. he visited the military town of shikhany-2, which he had previously taken patronage over. during his working trip, he met with military families.
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almost eight dozen legislative initiatives, some of them are already under consideration by deputies, some still need to be
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developed, and in total the working group received more than 400 proposals on who is drawing up a plan for the implementation of the tasks set by the head of state to the parliament, and on its main points, alexander zhukov told in exclusive interview with our program. a working group in the state duma of both this convocation and even the previous convocation always exists, it... includes, as a rule, the chairmen of almost all committees of the state duma, representatives of all factions, the state duma, and the task of this group is to prepare based on the results of each annual message the president, but a list of bills that need to be adopted in order for certain provisions of the message to be implemented, because the president has a lot of thesis...
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the federal law on additional measures of state support for families with children providing for the extension of the norms, this is what concerns maternity capital, and amendments to the law on the minimum wage, this was also said, legislation that establishes the procedure and standard for the provision of long-term care services elderly citizens and disabled people. and these issues are already being resolved as a priority . of course, consider the work to have begun on the day the message was delivered. by the way, a lot has been said about supporting the participants of the northern military district, both business and the regions, how is it being built in this direction? and you are right, and a number of bills have already been proposed in our plan. so, the president said that from march 1
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, 2024, veterans of a special military operation, soldiers, officers who are now.
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there are a number of bills that are aimed at this. the state duma is preparing for the annual government report, which will take place on april 3. the day before, as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said, representatives of all factions will meet with the head of the cabinet of ministers mikhail mishustin. and now relevant ministers are eagerly coming. so this week the health protection committee discussed the state of the industry with the head of the russian ministry of health, mikhail murashko. the committee on construction and housing and public utilities also held a meeting with the relevant minister. committee chairman sergei pokhomov recalled the importance of a systematic approach in modernizing the program for major repairs and maintenance of territories. the parliamentarian also noted that the regions do not effectively use the opportunities conveyed to them in urban planning policy. the state duma will take control of the issue. accepted powers are opportunities and responsibility for not implementing them, it must also
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exist somehow, so this year we, together with our colleagues from the government, will just have to work, among other things. above this. exactly 10 years ago, on march 16, 2014, residents of crimea and sevastopol came to the referendum and declared: “we are russians.” what did the historic decision lead to? in the report by yana dobrovolskaya. an agreement is signed between the russian federation and the republic of crimea on the admission of the republic of crimea to the russian federation and the formation of new entities within the russian federation. at that moment in the kremlin, without
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exaggeration, a historical event. march 18, 2014. st. george's hall, president vladimir putin, the leadership of crimea and sevastopol, sergei aksyonov, vladimir konstantinov and alexey chaloy, signed the agreement on returning the territory home. from now on, every year our country celebrates the anniversary of the historical event 2024 anniversary. 10 years crimea and sevastopol have been part of russia. during this time, we have come a long way together. it is necessary to do everything to make our country stronger,
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the economy to develop, and the quality of life of people to grow. together we will definitely overcome any challenges, unity, love for the motherland, faith in russia, our strength. happy holiday. i wish all the residents of crimea and the city of sevastopol. good health, happiness and, of course, all the best. for all residents of the peninsula, this event became a turning point in their lives, crimea returned to his native harbor, but 10 years later the region has changed significantly, as the residents themselves say. everything has changed for the better, roads, kindergartens, schools are being built, wages have become decent. education, medicine and trade have changed. they made the crimean bridge, which is also very convenient. then, it means that we did a lot in the center of our simferopol, we see water supply construction everywhere, it turns out roads,
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like this.
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people of sevastopol, thank you, and we would n’t have done this without you, that is, these two phrases contain so much, on the one hand the great desire of people to return home, on the other hand, the political will of a real national leader. the reforms affected both the political and socio-economic spheres. the most important and most important thing is that today we all have a common sense of understanding that we are one people, that we are connected by the history and exploits of our ancestors. we have a real future, which we choose and shape together as a common creative vision of the future. the very next day after the return of crimea to russia vladimir putin
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declared the need to build a road and railway bridge across the kerch strait. and today this historical project has been implemented. until 2014, crimea’s energy bloc was 80% dependent on ukraine. kiev regularly disconnected the peninsula from power supply; now crimea is fully self-sufficient in energy. problems with water supply have been resolved. previously, crimea was supplied with water through the north crimean canal. ukraine blocked it after the referendum, as a result of an unstable harvest, the introduction of schedules for turning on water in residential buildings. in that the issue of complexity is no longer there. in 10 years there has been a tremendous transformation, we have overcome the water crisis. the blockade, there are no problems, neither in crimea, nor in sevastopol with water today, the energy blockade, and other blockades have been overcome, and we will overcome, we only have victories ahead,
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big victories, we are moving forward. more actively provided to crimeans. acceleration of development occurred in housing, road construction, sports, healthcare and, of course, tourism. recreation areas, historical cultural heritage sites were put in order, public gardens were reconstructed and parks, restored the calling cards of the peninsula. the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex is without a doubt a priority direction. of course, crimea has probably become a showcase of the russian federation. steel has probably regained
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its all-union status. today, crimeans proudly talk about their life on the peninsula, their love for their native land and positive changes, always remembering an accurate, complete and reliable chronicle of the events of 2014, the triumph of historical justice, and the journey to their homeland. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, elena bogdan, anna melikyan, duma tv'. and that ’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week.
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in kamchatka, chukotka, sakhalin, the magadan region, primorye and the trans-baikal territory, polling stations have already closed for the russian presidential elections and the counting of votes has begun. ya.
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reiskaya autonomous region, as well as the small nenets autonomous okrug, in the chechen republic have already made their choice.


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