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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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at this hour the polling stations are still open, and we say goodbye until the next switch on, goodbye, in fact, i’ll add that probably in all regions, according to the information and international experts, according to the information of our observers, there are probably no such serious cases recorded that would be able to influence the outcome on the outcome of these elections. olga, thank you and your guest, olga kurlaeva was from the republic of crimea. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open an account for business on it is important for us to be visible at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements, and we need someone who is fully involved, who feels the power to help. there are sums at stake, and so are we. a hero by nature
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smartphone, receive super cashback every month, not just profitable, alpha profitable, mobile voting point, but are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident could vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular polling station, you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, and the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the voting is completed.
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welcome to asia, we invite you to embark on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today on the program: will kazakhstan be able to renegotiate unprofitable oil contracts with international corporations, and what does russia have to do with it? an unexpected proposal will be made in broadcast of our program. we’ll also tell you how central asia celebrated the beginning of the holy month of ramadan and a moment of unexpected geology: is uzbekistan really leaving? land. lately you have had the feeling that you lack stability, as if the ground is disappearing from under your feet. perhaps it didn’t seem to you at all, here american geologists, not to be confused with british scientists, are announcing
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a new global danger. the earth is literally sinking. according to american researchers, there are more than 6 million km of the earth's surface, which is almost 5% of the total area. sushi in the world is settling at a rate of more than 5 mm per year, this is enough to cause irreparable damage to 2 billion people in the risk zone, but the most surprising thing is that countries such as the philippines, indonesia, costa rica, iran and uzbekistan are sinking faster than others. according to american researchers, the earth is settling here at a rate of 50 mm per year, that is, 10 times faster than in other risk zones. among the main reasons are groundwater abstraction. densely populated areas that this is just a new horror story or is it really is there any reason to worry? alexander zhikalin, leading researcher at the institute of earth physics, will tell you. in general, this does not threaten anyone. the fact is that uzbekistan is located
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northwest of the hindu kush. gendukusha is a very high mountain there, it is dominant there, it is simply part of it. the latest mountain building , alpine cohesion, that’s what it’s called, so this is all the life of the city, the life of the earth, which we cannot influence in any way, we only observe, the fact is that this is a known train such, it can be traced from spain to the pacific ocean, this is the alpine train and... that’s why everyone knows it, the americans, in general , have not been noticed in such blunders as the oritan scientists, but it’s a bit of a bold statement that they are among you can only scare these same uzbekistans if, because
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this is a common phenomenon, is it dangerous or not dangerous, but not dangerous, because in all such places there are seismic ones. izia - tyra region in western kazakhstan. the predicted volume of reserves here is about 3 billion tons of oil and almost 2 trillion cubic meters of associated gas. the current tingiz agreement was signed in 1993 for 40 years, that is, until 203.
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then they divided it like this: american chevron - 50%. kazakhstan kazmunaigas - 20%. exxonmobil another 25% and russian luk oil - 5%. still oil from mr. life is divided according to the same production sharing agreement; it is curious that the terms of this agreement still remain secret and they say that it is not without reason that these conditions cannot be called advantageous for kazakhstan. decision about the future, that is, what will happen after 2033 to accept the government of kazakhstan, but 5 years before the expiration of the contract, shareholders can initiate negotiations on an extension. in any case, i am not negotiating yet. but the kazakh government assures that national interests will be at the forefront. however, we can already say with confidence that these negotiations will not be simple. chevron is the main shareholder, one of the largest companies in the world in general. the headquarters is located in california, and oil is produced all over the world, in the united states
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the states, latin america, africa, asia. so, the company itself calls tingis the main pearl in its crown. according to various estimates, oil has been extracted. at the kazakh field gives from 20 to 25% of the total income of this largest corporation, while experts in kazakhstan say that it is necessary to reconsider the conditions for tengiz and other major...births for the country, but is it possible for kazakhstan to reconsider the conditions that are enslaving by today’s standards and what does russia have to do with it? a bold proposal was voiced by liar baideldinov, member of the public council on issues of the fuel and energy complex of the ministry of energy of kazakhstan. so, please tell us about your bold proposal? yes, i made such a proposal, it is probably voiced for the first time in kazakhstan, in front of kazakhstan. there is a big task to revise and improve the oil contracts that were concluded in the early
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nineties, these are tingisk, rachagan, kashagan, in the twenty-third year the share of three whales, as they are called in kazakhstan, had to 67% of oil production, 2/3, and whales are controlled by kazbnoigaz, our national company has a small share in these projects, but in any case, let's say, the main cream, the main income is received by foreign investors, while the level of taxes, environmental payments, some duties, something else, it was fixed at the level of the amounts in force in the nineties, values ​​there, taxes and so on, and naturally this is not beneficial for kazakhstan, and my proposal was quite simple, since russia has a frozen about 300 billion dollars of gold and foreign exchange reserves in western jurisdictions, then let's build some kind of negotiation process so that russia, at the expense of this money , buys out the shares of these foreign... consortiums that own oil fields in kazakhstan and thus we
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would ensure well quite attractive conditions in general for everyone, yes, offhand i said that this is somewhere around 60-100 billion dollars, american and european companies in this case would receive cash money now, and kazakhstan in this in case , i could reconsider the terms of the contracts, i could increase the share of the republic, tax revenues, transfer these contracts in general to the standard conditions that are currently in force in kazakhstan for oil and gas fields, a proposal that, let’s say, is even more interesting, probably yes for the russian side, and this is that we could change certain flows that are now flowing to europe. you argue that it is critical and vital for kazakhstan to urgently reconsider the conditions for oil production its largest deposits, and what will happen if this is not done? our budget deficit is growing, government... debts are growing, while the population of kazakhstan, as you know, is growing, that is, if it is now on our
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agenda that there is not enough oil and gas revenues and the budget deficit is growing by 20 million people, yes , then how will we cope with twenty py? at the same time, you need to understand that in the twenty-third year our oil production increased by 7%, to 90 million tons, there 89.9, it would seem that this is a good figure, but at the same time the production of whales has increased, and if you take the country’s production minus, let’s say whales, but... this whale production, as i call it, then it turns out that this is not whale production, it fell by 3% in 2023, and this trend will continue, but what might interest western companies in agreeing to such a proposal? they may be interested in a carrot stick, here is a carrot in the form of real money that they can get, yes, if there is some kind of three- or four-way deal, a stick - this should already be used in kazakhstan, in principle there this work is going on in a soft mode. yes, as you know, kazakhstan filed claims against korochiganak and kashagan for a total of
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$21.6 billion, which may be one of the largest amounts in history. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? muslims in central asia, like the whole world, have begun the holy month of ramadan; special bus routes now run to the mosque and the capital of kazakhstan, with several trips to each large residential area. and this is footage of teravikh-namazov. one of the oldest mosques in tashkent, okhun-guzar. by the way, during evening prayers in uzbekistan , traffic was partially limited so that cars would not interfere with the flow of believers walking. iftar bazaars have traditionally opened in the cities of kyrgyzstan. these are small street markets where just before sunset you can buy everything you need to break your fast. in tajikistan, meanwhile, they promised to combat excesses in holding spiritual events. mmm ali rahmon condemned those who repeatedly perform hajj and... which, according to the laws of islam, is enough to carry out once. the president believes that money in such cases
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it’s better to spend it on helping those in need and improving our native country. and in turkmenistan , children announce the onset of ramadan. they go from house to house with good poetic wishes for the owners and receive refreshments. a trial has started in kazakhstan in the case of the former head of the ministry of national economy kuandyk bishimbayev, accused of murdering his wife saltanatnukenova. the charge was brought under articles of murder with special purpose. cruelty and torture, the prosecutor is trying to prove that the ex-minister intended to take the life of his spouse, and not just beat him. defense side insists that the defendant inflicted the fatal beating by accident. let's see if the jury who has to reach a verdict believes it. sadyr japarov nevertheless withdrew the high-profile bill on media from the kyrgyz parliament . according to the deputies, it should have made registration of all media, including internet sites, mandatory, and would also allow limiting the dissemination of certain content, based on the requirements of the quotation “morals and public health."
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the president considered the criteria too vague and ordered the document to be finalized. but the laws of so-called foreign... representatives, that is, agents in kyrgyzstan have already been adopted; it implies that all ngos and npos with funding from abroad will submit additional reports on their financial activities. for obvious reasons, the initiative was heavily criticized in the west. last year, the volume of bilateral trade between tajikistan and uzbekistan exceeded $500 million, but the republics need to strive for more. such statements were made in dushanbe at a meeting between mamali rahmon and the prime minister of the neighboring country. aripov, in addition to trade turnover, they discussed the prospects for joint projects in industry, energy and agriculture . president of kazakhstan kasym dzhamarukaev made a two-day visit to azerbaijan. the previous time he visited the caucasian republic was quite recently in november of twenty-three. this time
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the geography of the visit is very symbolic. the president of kazakhstan personally went to the cities of fizuli and shusha and did more than just visit. presented kazakh companies there, fizuli, the president opened a hospital and a children's center creativity, which was built by companies from kazakhstan as patrons of the arts. baku and astana are betting on mutually beneficial economic pragmatism. both countries are being integrated into a large project of the so-called middle corridor. much attention was paid to its implementation during the visit. a teleconference was organized for aliyev and tokayev with the obshiron station, where a train departing from china arrived from oktao. osians. in fact , the president showed exactly how the trans-caspian route works. a train consisting of sixty- one containers was launched at the terminal sean, a transport and logistics center owned by kazakhstan. and i reached baku in 11 days. kazakhstan is now struggling to earn billions of dollars from chinese transit through its territory. and
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great hopes are pinned here on the middle corridor. and here is an excerpt from the world report. bank, dedicated to the current state of the middle corridor at the end of 2023, assessed the situation as follows: shippers began to actively use it, but the limits of the corridor’s capabilities quickly became clear, problems were noted with border crossings , coordination, cargo transshipment, which led to severe delays, as a result, shippers returned to alternative routes, statistics are given, in the twenty-second year the volume of container traffic along the middle corridor increased... at the very beginning of this year , the european union announced plans to allocate serious funds for the development of this corridor, we are talking about approximately 10 billion euros, and it is reported that at the moment a third of this amount, that is, 3 billion have already been allocated.
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prospects for the middle corridor and the results of the visit of the president of kazakhstan tokaeb to azerbaijan. now there is 529 million dollars per year, this is, of course, a completely insignificant amount, kazakhstan, of course, has its own geopolitical and geostrategic interests in relation to azerbaijan, here this is part of cooperation within the framework of the organization of turkic states, these are serious plans to
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build trans-caspian transport routes for... china, the united states of america, and the european union express support for this project, so how is it so big.
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in the fleet, this and further serious transport investments, azerbaijan, georgia, turkey. while the nebakut belisi kars , the railway, which is on pause due to reconstruction, cannot provide a full flow of cargo, comparable, at least there, with shares of what goes through the russian federation, also further this entire road runs into not very developed transport system, railway and turkish. and in other news: the state committee for national security of kyrgyzstan announced the return of the plant to state ownership crystal, which was previously captured by the group
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of the kamchikalbaev authority liquidated last year, the enterprise where semiconductors were once produced has been abandoned for many years, tons of toxic chemicals are stored on its territory, but this did not stop the raiders from setting up illegal mining farms there. the russian-kyrgyz development fund allocated about a million dollars for the construction of a commercial one. data center, which will be the first for the republic. for the work of it specialists it is planned create the most comfortable conditions with advanced infrastructure, including artificial intelligence. the president of tajikistan imali rahmon and the mayor of dushanbe rustam emali laid the symbolic first stones and foundations of three new government complexes at once. this is the future high-rise building of the ministry of education and science, the ministry of culture, as well as the ministry of industry and technology. all of them are designed with more than just functionality in mind. but also the aesthetic appearance of the capital of tajikistan. people's artist of russia nikolai tsyskaridze expressed delight at
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visiting the ancient cities of uzbekistan. the famous bulletmeister walked around samarkand and bukhara and said on his social networks that he was delighted. and by the way, about ballet and admiration for a great event in the world of art of classical choreography. a native of uzbekistan, renata shakirova became. and the ballerina of the mariinsky theater in st. petersburg. she was born in tashkent and graduated from the vaganov academy of russian ballet in 2015. and in the same year she made her debut on the mariinsky theater in the title role in the ballet don quixote. head of the ballet troupe yuri fatiev describes shakirova as a radiant , bright girl. in 2016, paired with kimin kim, shakirova won the project of the russia-culture tv channel - bolshoi ballet.
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now let's talk about heroes, we traditionally talk a lot about politicians, athletes, and other famous personalities, but we often deprive attention of real heroes. let's get better. in 2020 , a doctor from kyrgyzstan entered the guinness book of records as... a state medical institute, he entered in 1946 and graduated with honors and further on he has performed 30 thousand operations, consulted and treated about 100,000
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of the most seriously ill patients. mamokeev contributed to the development of kyrgyz medicine and, as a scientist, developed and introduced new treatment methods. if you want more stories about real heroes, interesting facts from the very heart of the continent, then let's talk about asia together. write to our telegram bod at'. your stories, videos from the very center of asia and, of course, be sure to subscribe to our telegram channel. that's all for now, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself! your brother! there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s such a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you
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understand what i have against you. it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, but... shakken, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free
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thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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so, back to the main topic, more than 70% of voters have voted in the russian presidential election by this minute. this is data from the cec online portal. turnout exceeded 50% in all regions of the country. the sites have already closed in yakutia. the turnout there is approaching 70%. in about 70% of voters also voted in the amur region. about 2,000 observers monitored the voting process. polling stations were closed in
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the magadan region, vote counting has already begun there, according to the local election commission, more than 71% of voters voted, this, as the authorities say, is a record figure for the region. polling stations are closed in the far east; in the khabarovsk territory the turnout is about 57%. according to the regional inspection commission, no violations were identified at the sites. sites were also closed in kamchatka, chukotka, sakhalin, and transbaikalia voter turnout over 62%. at 15:00.
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