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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions, your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you need to go there, call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i’m for... i came to radom, i have to find him, at these moments in russia they are counting votes in the presidential election, almost 99% of the ballots have already been processed, vladimir putin is leading with a record margin, the central election commission reports.
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the russian leader was supported by 87.34% of voters. in second place is the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, he scored 4.31%. third - vladislav davankov, from the new party people, he has 3.79. the leader of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, is fourth with a result of 3.19%. the turnout at the elections exceeded 74%. a record was set in remote electronic voting, as reported in mintsy. 94% of voters used this method. vladimir putin named the key tasks facing russia and at a press conference at the election headquarters, the president spoke about achieving goals within the framework of a military special operation and strengthening the country’s armed forces and defense capabilities. the head of state also thanked the russians who came to the elections and emphasized that the russian people are the source of power in our country. anastasia efimova will tell you what other statements were made. one country, one
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team, everyone who came to the polling station and cast their vote in the current presidential elections, absolutely plays on this very team for their country, in fact, this is exactly what vladimir putin spoke about today when he arrived at his election headquarters, he talked with the employees of this very headquarters, the very people who had been talking and answering for the last three months to the question. received numerous calls and, of course, essentially accumulated all the energy that citizens transferred to their president. vladimir putin today thanked for this work and, of course, specially thanked everyone who supported him in these elections. first of all, i want to thank the citizens of russia. we are all one team, all citizens. russia, who came
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to the polling stations and voted. i want to say again that this is an extremely important thing; it is not of a formal legal nature. the source of power in the country is the russian people. and from the voice of every citizen of russia, the unified will of the peoples of the russian federation is drawn up, this is the most important support for the existence of the country, its confident development in the field of defense capability, in the field of science, education, in everything.
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no one has ever, as i already said, anything like this in history, it hasn’t worked out now and it won’t work out in the future, never, but we, on the contrary, feel like one, united family, you know, i’m just with the patriarch talked, he said very good words, he said that in a mono-state, in a mono-national state, these are the results of our joint work, they are very
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good, but in a multi-ethnic state, in a multi-religious state, they are generally unique, this means that all people, outside depending on...religious affiliation and ethnicity, everyone feels, at least today, as a single russian family, this is extremely important, this is the most important condition for our progressive movement forward, in in this regard, i can say with complete confidence that all the quite large, if not in some areas grandiose , plans that are conceived, which i recently spoke about in my message to the federal assembly, will certainly all be...
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the support of the citizens of the country, and also, of course , , to be remembered as an election with a very high brilliant victory, received the widest
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possible turnout, perhaps the most active at the polls in recent history, the citizens of the country have not yet strived for it, you dreamed about it, this is how you formulated your question,
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this has never happened in the states, it has happened more than once, by the way, here... well, i ’ll tell you, it will be so unexpected, and a few days before mr. navalny left his life, some colleagues told me, and not only administration employees, some there people said that there is an idea to exchange
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mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me also said the following phrase: i haven’t finished, i said, i agree, but unfortunately, this happened what happened, only on one condition that we...
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i do not exclude that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories subordinate to the kiev regime. means creating a security zone, overcoming it, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made. well, after answering questions from journalists, vladimir putin talked also with the co-chairs of his election headquarters. they, of course, have done a great job; over the past 3 months, it seems, they have visited virtually all regions of the country and communicated. with hundreds of people in various enterprises, in hospitals, in
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schools, in hospitals, all the information received, they summarized and are ready to transfer it to vladimir putin, he separately asked for this, so that all the orders of citizens, all their aspirations and initiatives are not abandoned were ignored in order for problems to be solved; in fact, this is a focus on the interests of everyone specific. citizen was, perhaps, the key idea of ​​vladimir putin’s presidential campaign, and as is usually the case with the president, these words will not diverge from deeds. anastasia efimova, vadim prusov and ivan zamorin, lead. in honor of vladimir putin , a two-hundred-meter installation burned all night in moscow; it was lit in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill as soon as the voting ended and the first results appeared. the sound of the anthem appeared on the facade of the building. words russia putin - victory, as the organizers explained, the action symbolizes support
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course of the national leader, personifies the conscious choice by russians of their future. congratulations to vladimir putin on his victory in the presidential elections come from leaders of different countries. the president of venezuela emphasized that the result of the elections in russia demonstrates putin’s victory over the collective west. nicolas maduro expressed gratitude to the russian people for their deep commitment to democracy. vladimir putin won a victory over the imperialism of the collective west, this is a demonstration of the values ​​of the russian people, the demands of sides of new russia, great russia, multipolar balanced world. our older brother, vladimir putin, won. these are good omens for the whole world for this year. congratulations, they are winning on all fronts, putin and russia. nicaraguan president daniel artega announced the decision. russians' contribution to the irreplaceable stability of humanity. i noted that the elections were held in an exemplary manner. in the ministry of cuba, they called
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putin’s victory a recognition from the citizens of the country and assured that they would continue to strengthen ties between our states. to the ex-president of bolivia, eva morales, also offered congratulations. he emphasized: putin’s efforts to strengthen a multipolar world are important for international security. now the news. economics, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. the results of the presidential elections are also related to the successful solution of economic problems. roman, hello, of course, and this was noted by vladimir putin, speaking about the high level of support in new regions. in vladimir putin's statements during his visit the election headquarters also found a place for the economy. answering a question about the enormous support from residents of the new regions, the head of state noted that he did not expect such a high result, and this evidence is true.
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vladimir putin ordered that fighters in the special operation be exempted from paying interest during the credit holiday. this order from the head of state was published on the kremlin website. to do this, the government needs to make changes to legislation. in addition, svo participants and their loved ones will be freed from payment of property tax for individuals. today
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is exactly 10 years since crimea and sevastopol returned to russia. the reunification brought only benefits to the peninsula. the numbers say: gdp growth is more than 4 c2 times , manufacturing industry has increased 2.5 times, shipbuilding has increased almost six times , average wages have almost tripled. such data was provided by the senator from crimea, member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, olga kavitidi. such impressive indicators were largely achieved achieved through large-scale investments in infrastructure development. from the fifteenth to the twenty-third years , about 430 billion rubles were allocated for the development of road transport networks. during this time , almost 300 kilometers of new roads were built, 4,000 were repaired. the tourism industry received an unprecedented boost before reunification with russia; all this was simply impossible, experts say. crimea
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has changed radically. previously, ukraine took away its resources, but now russia has brought it there. your resources, that was important a change in the situation of crimea, because ukraine sucked the juices from crimea, just as it sucked them from donbass. donbass and crimea provided at least a third of ukraine’s gdp. as part of russia, crimea received the opportunity to use its own resources to a greater extent, to free up the economic energy of its society to a greater extent. european countries have spent a lot. to pump up ukraine with weapons, they are now feverishly looking for where to find means of their own defense. it got to the point that with a request to invest in the military industry of the european union, they turned to a european investment bank that specializes mainly in the civil sector. bloomberg reports this. according to him , the corresponding letter was signed by the leaders of one and a half dozen countries, including the locomotives of the eu economy, germany and france.
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and at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 91 rubles. 7 kopecks the euro exchange rate is 997. and that ’s all for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue, an accident on the trans-baikal railway. the first shots, right after the advertisement. someone is always in a hurry to help. aim exactly in pain. paul in the knee. paul in the back, in the neck anyway. the shoulder may give out. let's call pentalgin extragel soon. pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we're in the soft bank. we take loans. did they get it done quickly? we are at sofcom bank. loans that everyone knows. magnet. dzhem makheev, 99,999.
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now there is footage from the amur region, there was a major accident on the trans-baikal railway, a freight train. collided with a passenger car, there ’s just a pile of cars, wheelsets, the driver of the car is in the hospital, 20 cars got off, reportedly they were empty, but it’s clear that the cars are empty, there’s a video, that’s what what's left of the car, look, traffic on the stretch is now suspended, because of this there are already delays in the passenger train schedule. the russian military achieved it. serious success in the artyomovsk direction to the north -west of the city, our paratroopers stormed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, before the attack, reconnaissance officers using drones identified
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the enemy’s main firing points, militant hideouts were discovered, artillery struck them, and after that, from several directions at once stormtroopers advanced in the airborne combat vehicles. the infantry, under the cover of armored vehicles, stunned the militants with a swift attack, they fired from machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers and... grenades entered. the stormtroopers occupied a strong point and secured new positions. firstly, these are the officers, then the mercenaries, machine gunners, remove the machine gunners so that groups can pass through and attack directly. that is, well, basically these are the goals. the majority are mercenaries, and the azovites are such great targets for us, we work and practice them. tasks. sending nato soldiers to ukraine will lead to the beginning world war iii, said the prime minister of slovakia robert fica. the politician added that the national council
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of the republic should immediately decide that such a step is inadmissible. alika komarova will tell you how other western countries react to the possibility of sending their own citizens to ukraine. nobody but you. the head of the latvian foreign ministry addressed the authorities with such an appeal.
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i think such discussions are unnecessary. obviously, austria is saying: "no, we will remain neutral, no sending military, no supplies of military material, weapons and ammunition for ukraine. it is necessary to establish a dialogue between the west and russia. this is necessary, i am convinced of this. the world is not black and white, you cannot look at it in only one plane. and in spain they have not yet abandoned the collective position of supporting kiev, but they are already recognizing that ukraine has big problems. spain sees that the armed forces of ukraine are tired and can no longer fight, the situation is becoming more complicated every day, but nato
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should not send troops to ukraine. we, like most countries of the alliance, understand that it is not it is advisable to send troops there because it would mean an escalation of the conflict. the present time of escalation must be avoided at all costs. they don’t despair only in the white house; they remember kiev there, even when it is inappropriate. joe biden, in his speech on the occasion of st. patrick's day, remembered how much the united states has done for ukraine, and at the end of his address modestly asked for applause. we oppose the cruelty and aggression that russia began against...
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eu members, we called on the european investment bank to increase funding defense sector, bloomberg reported. in addition to demanding stronger defenses for the bloc, the leaders of 14 european countries proposed reviewing defense lending policies and exploring other opportunities that would allow investment in defense-related activities. let me remind you that on march 21, the heads of countries and eu members will hold a summit where they will discuss security issues. news. sports in the studio ilya kazakov, ilya, good morning, the eighty-ninth sports festival holiday of the north opened in murmansk, what was on opening ceremony. arman, good morning, during it you could see an extreme show of motorcyclists, snowboarders, skiers and snowmobiles. let me remind you that the main event of the holiday of the north is the ski marathon, in which the strongest athletes in the world participate. continuing the topic of skiing, three-time olympic champion alexander bolshanov extended his winning streak to 23 races. the athlete is more reliable. russia in
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malinovka, arkhangelsk region. this time , bolshinov’s gap from his pursuers was tiny. alexey chervodkin, who became second, was only 3 seconds behind the season leader. it seemed that chervotkin would be the first of the season to steal gold from bulshenov, who felt unwell before the start, so powerful was the olympic champion of the year 22 in the relay. however, alexander was ahead. alexander was ahead of chervotkin literally in the last centimeters of the distance. winner eskiot. magnitogorsk metallurgist beat spartak on home ice 4:0 in the first match of the 1/4 finals of the gagarin cup. the best attack of the first round was powerless against the defense magnitogorsk. aska lost to avtomobilist in the first match of the second round of the khl playoffs, with a score of 3:2; the visiting team won it. semyon kizimov, alexey makeev and denis bartsev, who
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scored the winning goal, scored goals for the ekaterinburg team. marat kharulin and sergei sapego scored for ska, and st. petersburg team goalkeeper nikita serebryakov’s dry streak, which lasted almost 117 minutes, was interrupted. the final four of the russian basketball cup has ended in yekaterinburg. first in history, its owner was zenit from st. petersburg. in the final match , the blue-white-blues beat nizhny novgorod 64-55. from the start, zenid systematically increased his lead, and the bottom one tried to catch up, but the victory was not crowned with success. with 2 minutes left, the volga team managed to get within six points, but zenit quickly pulled away to a comfortable distance. the st. petersburg team defeated the current russian cup holder and are bringing trophies to st. petersburg for the first time. daniil medvedev lost to carlos al-qaras in the final of the etp tournament in indian wales. it was a repeat of last year's final, where the spaniard was also stronger. medvedev started the match confidently and immediately took the lead in the first set with a 3:0 break. however, the spaniard
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managed to get into the game. evened out the situation, bringing the matter to a tiebreaker, where he managed to put the squeeze on medvedev 7:6. in the second set the fight didn’t work out at all, daniil lost it by one wicket 1:6. thus, alcoraz won his first title of the season and the thirteenth of his career, and medvedev lost his second final of the season and fifth in a row. turkish fans trabzonspor attacked the fenerbahce footballer on the field after fenerbahce won an away victory with a score of 3:2. fans jumped onto the lawn as the istanbul team players. with 79 points, it ranks second in the championship table, two points behind the leading team, tramzan sport scored 49 points and is in third place.


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