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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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history of presidential campaigns in the country, he has 87.29% of the votes, such data were reported today by the central election commission. my colleague yuri bogdanov works at the central election commission, and he is in touch with us. yuri, greetings, this year there was a record turnout, and how many voters took part in the elections. yes, vera, hello, once again, we are following the press conference of the head of the electoral commission center, ella pomfilova, which is still ongoing at this moment. quite a lot of statements about specific numbers have already been made. when
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will the official election results be announced ? president of russia, she said that this will be done on thursday, march 21, she is now summing up preliminary results, on thursday the results will be final, this is related to procedural issues, including issues, it is necessary to deliver all the necessary documentation from the regions... that when counting votes protocols are formed, first of precinct election commissions, then of territorial ones, then these data go to the regional election commission, the election commissions of the constituent entities of the federation and are entered into the system at the level of territorial election commissions gas elections, but at the same time all paper protocols, copies of them, of course, must be made public and sent to the central election commission, this takes time, so several days are needed to resolve these procedural issues, as for your question, and turnout,
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it is truly unprecedented for the first time in history, 77.4% of voters took part in presidential elections. let's listen to ella pomfilova. now, yes, almost 94,000 have been entered into the state automated system, i want to say it again, gas elections. protocols on voting results. as of 10 am. 87.1113.127 of our respected voters took part in these elections, that is, we have a turnout for the first time, it is record-breaking, unprecedented, it has never happened before, and this is 77.44%. i repeat, 77.44%. yes, for russia this is a high turnout.
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and we analyzed, well, in general , this did not happen in the history of new russia, for the first time, as for the analysis of these data, pamfilova explained why, in her opinion, such high indicators, firstly, she named the political components against the background of that pressure that was exerted on russia, on our electoral system, according to her, citizens rallied. and decided to demonstrate this unity in the form of visiting polling stations and taking part in voting, plus , of course, the three-day voting format played a huge role; within 3 days you could come to the polling stations or take part electronically and cast your vote for one candidate or another, this also gave more voters the opportunity to take part in the vote, well and of course those same different types of voting, this is the remote deck system... mobile
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voter technology, i want to say again that in total 5,195,348 applications were submitted for mobile voters and 4,786 watch the red line channel,
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realizing that without this victory the country , each of us will not have a future, i especially want to thank nikolai mikhailovich khritonov, the man who headed our list, who went to these elections by decision of the congress, who was supported by 56 organizations
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of the people's patriotic union, and who presented our unique program for bringing the country out of the crisis, it is really the only one , in fact, that was presented to the entire country. once again i want to emphasize that this program is absolutely constructive, life-saving, and will be implemented in any case. those seeds, those shoots that will sprout, they will help each of us cope with the challenges and these great difficulties. i would like to thank our party organization active, everyone who worked in the vastness of russia.
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specialists, this is also fundamentally important, we sent 120 thousand of our observers to monitor these elections, who , in fact, fought to ensure that the elections were held fully, honestly and with dignity, at the same time, we held more than a hundred meetings at which all the halls were overcrowded, these meetings showed that the party and ours...
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it is quite obvious, they could be quickly mobilized. during the 2 years of the war, the russian oligarchy pulled out almost 300 billion dollars from the country; these resources were enough not only to restore those regions that returned, but to provide for the children of the war and large families on each of these issues, there was a draft law and it was possible to fully implement it.
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after all, where, in general , complete disgrace is happening inside the country and due to their violence, which
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they are doing together with nato, they declared war on us in ukraine, in the middle east, where the palestinians were left with two options, either get out of their native land or die, all this obvious, but in order to take a new course, you need to solve at least three problems, first and most importantly, you need to change course. benefits of socialism justice. last message the president is happily implementing this program proposed by our party. secondly, it is necessary to curb as much as possible the fifth column, which does not allow the country to breathe. and which, in fact, has largely gathered around davankov and novolnyatina, which will lead to new consequences, serious consequences. we must understand this very well. and third, everything needs to be done. in order for the oligarchy to work for its country, to train personnel,
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to invest their huge resources within the country, including by introducing a progressive tax scale. all these solid ideas were expressed in detail by nikolai mikhailovich and our team. i am very grateful to afonin and novik, who actively promoted the idea of ​​capitalism or socialism during all meetings, proving that socialism is much better. dear friends, indeed, in the context of a large-scale war that the west unleashed against us, voting in the presidential election was essentially a vote in support of the supreme commander-in-chief, who leads our national liberation struggle, the struggle for the survival of our country, the voting results. showed consolidation around the supreme commander-in-chief, but on the other hand, we clearly understand that
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there is an urgent need in the country to solve a number of problems. capitalism, over the course of 30 years after the destruction of the soviet union, has shown its incapacity except through the transition to a socialist model of development, except through the adoption of the victory program proposed by the communist party of the russian federation. there is no other solution to this problem, of course, now the key task is to defeat nazism in ukraine, but there are a number of problems within the country, without solving which we will not be able to move forward. the first, most important problem is, of course, to stop the extinction of the country. now our birth rate in the country is one and a half times less than what is necessary for the development of the country, and even for... population reproduction, if this trend continues, then each next
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generation will become one third smaller, by the end of the century the number of births will decrease by five times and in general there will be a question about the preservation of indigenous peoples, inhabiting the territory of our country. the second key problem is the development of high-tech industry; the advance of capitalism in russia has preserved raw materials. model, approximately the same amount of resources as were supplied to the foreign market is exported, but the decline in the industry of the second redistribution of science-intensive industries under capitalism occurred significantly, and it is no coincidence that the communist party of the russian federation proposed industrialization, new industrialization, a program for this industrialization, by the way, the president in his message supported, talking about forced industrial development, the third key task: of course, the rise of the social sphere, education, science, healthcare, over the years of capitalism the number
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of hospitals, how many places, palaces and cultural centers, schools, kindergartens, all issues that are related to the development of the country have decreased significantly, was reflected in the program, in kharitonov’s program, by the way, i must say that i once again emphasize, in the president’s message, a number of our proposals, they were included, including issues related to the introduction of progressive scale... the force that can do this is our team, which was represented during the election campaign, this is our asset. gennady andreevich thanked our regional branch, but tens, hundreds of thousands of party members and komsomol members, leaders and representatives of all our public organizations who supported the communist party of the russian federation and kharitonov really worked, millions
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of supporters supported us in the elections, and we believe that this is a great foundation, speaking about control at elections... essentially, in content, but in quantity broadcasts are tens of times ahead of representatives of other political forces. the relevance of our program, we are sure, will be emphasized during the election campaign, which will be held in regional authorities in september 2024. we are confident that both the party results and the new
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bright deputies will show the possibility of implementing the program at the federal level. today marks 10 years since crimea returned to its homeland. the first attack on crimea was in 2006, when karitonov and i left to push nato troops out of feodosia. then two planes with nato members from norway and italy arrived. over the course of 5 days, 15,000 people with soft force pushed them out with weapons, with
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ammunition, and they flew back to their homeland, in principle. nikolai mikhailovich.
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then at the presidium, at the plenum , at the congress, when the nomination was underway, it was at the end of december, literally from that minute, the whole team sitting at this table, tens of thousands in the field, many thanks to the volunteers, many thanks to our komsomol members, young communists in territories, in regions, we traveled all over russia and in almost every region, neighboring territory, large delegations came and verified.
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interest-free mortgage, interest-free for the next 20 years, the first apartment for a young family with a choice for them, not some kind of studio , but maybe two rooms, three rooms , taking into account how many children there can be, we visited the same place when the peasants -farming, everyone sitting at this table was talking, a good one, not far from khabarovsk, a decent plot of land, a number of livestock. by the way, there were quite a lot of birds from ukraine, we also we say, how did you end up
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here ? work, she ’s the leader right there, the women speak directly, nikolai mikhailov, something needs to be done, for 28 to 29 rubles they buy liters of milk with fat content, 3.6 3.8 we immediately say, we have a law, gennady andreevich, here she is a whole pack, law, products are taken from the manufacturer, retail chains with a markup of no more than 10%. all
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they approve, everyone approves, but why today, it means that retail intermediary networks are called that. gennady andreevich touched on the topic, our birth rate is 1.4, it’s scary to think what will happen in 30 years, or rather, who will defend the homeland, the old euro woman gives birth to 1.2, she doesn’t give birth to anyone or anything at all, but we have to talk today out loud, yes, president, the government is talking about this, in orenburg it was said, two or three children, there should be no tax on this family, none, and in almost every territory, regardless of where we were, the urals, the far east, siberia, the southern urals, these problems occur everywhere, in the far east they directly said that you were in a hurry with the retirement age. they were in a hurry, they were in a hurry, tell the president, well, today we don’t live on average 75-80 years, well, like statistics say, what are we talking about, healthcare,
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healthcare is paid, people say it directly, especially in rural areas, but dear dear deputy , you are sitting there, and it’s 50-30 km to the paradise center for me, blood, urine test , thousand, excuse me, 1,500,200 rubles, and i have pensions 15, 17, at best. if there are dads, there is no doctor, that is, there are problems , crazy problems throughout the whole country, we even saw beautiful dads built in the village, there is no felcher, there is no felcher, he ’s standing, but we remember in soviet times there was a complete medical examination, i work as a director state farm in the novosibirsk region, on the eve of the sowing season, before the livestock went out for the summer season, livestock breeders, field farmers, a complete medical examination, a car arrived, they did it. more residents have passed away than
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were born, so our program rested on heart, you can say, if the program lies on the heart, why four and a little percent, they said correctly, which means that gennady andreevich said correctly here, today was a turbulent time of the election campaign. there is a war, about a dozen of our territories are being shelled, our people living and working on russian territory are dying, this is no longer easy, so today the population has consolidated around the supreme commander in chief, who is in charge. it was a broadcast of a press conference at which summed up the results of the participation of the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation in the presidential elections. the chairman sent congratulations to vladimir putin on his re-election to...
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russia. they are winning on all fronts, putin and nicaraguan president daniel ortega called the russians’ decision a contribution to the irreplaceable stability of humanity and noted that the elections were held in an exemplary calm manner. in practice, they would call
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putin’s victory recognition from the outside. he emphasized that putin's efforts to strengthen a multipolar world are important for international security. prime minister myanmar minaung hlanan also congratulated vladimir putin on his landslide victory. the politician told tas that. closely followed the progress of the presidential elections in russia.
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