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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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this is to win a special military operation and achieve sustainable peace, and i also spoke about this in the company that it is very important not to leave this confrontation to the next generation, but to decide for our generation, well, i’ll be honest, people during meetings they sincerely say this and believe that such a person can only be... you, only you can decide to win this confrontation, and as the leader of the country, well, in fact, the elections show this, i held more than 100 meetings, people came to many and they talked about how i i will vote for vladimir vladimirovich putin, and you will help us resolve some issues, i have more than a thousand such issues there, we helped resolve some on the spot, for example, to obtain a certificate for the mother of many children.
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i went to rostov, met with entrepreneurs there , well, firstly, they also talk about the support that they provide to our fighters, but they really applauded when you spoke about the amnesty for the pre-split of business, this is the first thing like this feedback, but in other directions.
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what you talked about, about self-realization, this is of course very important, they say that they want to start a family, nikolai mikhailovich spoke today about mortgages, of course, the first question they always have is the question of their own housing, where they will live, not with parents, namely to create such a cell of our own, and this is one of those questions, they all exist, i prepared them, we think that we will work with the government and find some solutions, because this is every such solution, it is simple and expensive, but there are, there were examples in russia when the issue of demography was resolved here on sakhalin in the early 1990s, when such support gave such a sharp jump in the birth rate, our families had children, and so i want to congratulate you once again on your victory, a confident victory, but my team and i will continue to work on those issues that were identified during these very meetings. thanks a lot. yes, thank you, we
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’ll talk again without the camera. it was a live broadcast from the kremlin, where vladimir putin met with candidates for the post of president. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay each hundred. alfabank is the best bank for business. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive 2% of the interest rate back in sber thank you bonuses. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. get a better deal with prime. i came to a tasty spot for a convenient schedule. have you found any friends here? and
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. and special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, there the girl is standing behind her. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the murder is? yes, look, but without amateur performances. it seems to be in place, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. hello, live broadcast. legal program to lead the duty officer is with you, tatyana petrova.
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golden traffic cop in the dock in ufa , a high-profile trial has started in the case of the former head of the mro department of the bashkortostan traffic police, lieutenant colonel ildus shaibakov. the prosecution believes it is him. created a criminal community that included seven of his subordinates. all of them allegedly helped motorists obtain driver's licenses without passing exams, but for large bribes. our program has been following this from the very beginning. stories, report by olgirenkova. first meeting on the high-profile case of the former boss of the regional department of the bashkortostan traffic police, ildus shaibakov, in the ardzhinkidovsky court of ufa took place in a closed press mode, journalists were allowed in for protocol filming only in the corridor. mr. shaibakov, how are you, how are you feeling? the question that worries the whole country is: where is the money? the once influential officer, who was even nicknamed the golden traffic cop of bashkiria, ignored the questions. there are several more of his former subordinates in the dock. accuses him of accepting bribes, exceeding his authority and creating a criminal community. according to investigators, shaibakov
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turned mreu of the republican state traffic safety inspectorate into a shop selling driver's licenses. for 6 years, inspectors sold licenses without passing exams; 55 episodes were identified. the amounts taken varied from 15 to 40,000 rubles. for each certificate. the accomplices received funds through intermediaries and driving school employees of close acquaintances, personally, or to the bank cards of their relatives. that's how they detained me. shaibakov's accomplices during a meeting in the assembly hall they were called to the stage one by one handcuffed them. our program followed this high-profile story for several years, in 2021, when ildus shaybakov had already been suspended from work, but had not yet been charged, he answered questions from our colleagues. how could you comment on the accusation against you? i would like to comment on my address that this is a lie. and he gave a short tour of his property. the house has an attic made of timber, with decorative finishing. tiles, an antique-style well, a little further there is a gazebo, next to it there is a ceramic tandoor oven, that’s all
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in an individual mixed style, during a search in the house they found 60,000 dollars, the lieutenant colonel then said that he bought the currency after selling other real estate, and assured journalists that all this was honestly earned money, the mikans don’t have money here, you can also come and take it, soon after shaibakov’s interview escaped, prosecutors found too many inconsistencies in his income declarations, as it turned out, except for the apartment building... the family of an influential officer in the region owned commercial real estate with an area of ​​almost 700 km, and two more suvs, so as not to arouse suspicion, almost all the property was registered in the name of relatives, as journalists found out, shaybakov’s mother-in-law owned three commercial premises, she managed one herself, there was a hardware store there, and she rented out the other two to her daughters, and also one family business, a small cafe on the outskirts of town and a grocery store. wanted. shaibakov was detained for a year; he was detained in august 2022 at the southern bus station of ufa
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and was sent to pre-trial detention during the investigation. so far , only the first court hearing has taken place, it is clear that the defendant will do his best to resist the onslaught of the prosecution, but what position he will take and what tactics the once golden traffic cop shaibakov and his defenders will choose will become clear only at the next hearings; apparently there will be many of them. mikhail shirin, victoria makarova, lead the duty department. on kamcha. the body of one of the tourists caught in an avalanche, the search for the second continues, a huge snow mass covered a group of eleven people who were skiing in the area krasnoarmeysky pass, mostly students, to get to the scene of the emergency, rescuers have to use helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, report by andrei romanov. the first group, and we are happy, is the video tour group leader alexey chepushta. recorded the day before a few minutes before a team of eleven people advanced to
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the krasnoarmeysky pass in the elizovsky region of kamchatka. first, the extreme sportsmen got caught in a snowstorm, and then the entire group was covered by an avalanche. using satellite communications, travelers were able to contact the rescuers, the ministry of emergency situations decided to move to the scene of the emergency. the ground group is those two snowmobiles, well, plus two people there, well, four people with skis, that’s the helicopter group. it gathers specifically more experienced rescuers who can work on an avalanche. initially, it was expected that the outing would go smoothly; all 11 members of the tourist group were local residents with extensive experience in mountain hiking. the route itself is also considered uncomplicated; apparently, weather conditions and the elements have made adjustments to the tourists’ plans. the group consisted out of 11 people, contact was lost with two participants, rescuers were issued to the area of ​​the incident in all-terrain vehicles. they have all the necessary equipment to search for people caught in an avalanche.
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the tourists themselves reported to emergency services that two members of the group had disappeared. while the rescuers were just heading to the scene of the emergency, they independently began searching for forty-four-year-old tatyana nikrasova and nineteen-year-old gleb pylev. at the same time, investigators began to find out the causes of the incident. committee. a pre-investigation check has been organized into the unknown disappearance of a nineteen-year-old man from 44x. by evening, kamchatka time, the tourists made contact again and informed rescuers that they had found the body of tatyana nekrasova without signs of life. this information has not yet been officially confirmed. the ministry of emergency situations group is still on the way, rescuers had to land several kilometers from the scene of the emergency, now they continue their journey on skis, the road is complicated by
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a snow storm and the danger of new avalanches. why did experienced tourists get caught in an avalanche? only remains to be seen, but in general cases of death of extreme sports enthusiasts when they find themselves in the wild are far from uncommon, incompetent guides and organizers of trips are often to blame for this; not so long ago, in kamchatka, a verdict was passed on the director of the travel agency extreme time, andrei stepanov: a terrible event, but even more terrible is that i was involved in the death of people; in 2022 , stepanov organized for tourists an ascent to the kamchatka volcano klyuchevskaya sobka. the businessman sent guides with extreme sports enthusiasts who did not have the necessary qualifications to the group climbed the volcano in a group, one of the tourists fell and pulled everyone else into the abyss, nine people died, the organizer of the deadly tour was sentenced to four years in prison and was taken into custody in the courtroom. who is responsible for
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the incident with tourists in the area of ​​the red army pass is not so important yet; now the main thing is that the emergency situations ministry employees have time.
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catastrophically, of course, he lost weight, that is, he lost 15 kilograms and for the first day he simply could not believe that this whole nightmare ended when we already arrived home, he just looked at the situation, at the walls, at the furniture, as if he was getting used to it again, in 2023 the scientific community shuddered, the quiet intellectual alexander
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tsvetkov was detained on suspicion of four murders twenty years ago, one of them was committed with particular cruelty, the crime occurred in august 2002, began here, in the village of a settlement in the moscow region, allegedly in this area a hydrologist, an employee of the russian academy of sciences, allegedly drank as an accomplice while visiting a friend, the owner was then killed and the house was burned. the next murder occurred that same night on andropovo avenue in the capital, and a few days later the bodies of a woman and her mother were found in an apartment on yaroslavskoe highway. the two allegedly became interested in the apartment , which they were renting out, for the sake of profit, or rather the gold... rubles were used for murder, and after more than 20 years , alexander tsvitkov was detained on suspicion of committing crimes right at the airport, when a group of scientists was returning from an expedition. every time you go to court and think, well, that’s it, now the judge will sort it out, they’ll let me go home, complete hopelessness. during the first interrogations , the scientist, by the way, confessed,
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but now he says he was afraid of the pressure. all sorts of conversations on the topic of the criminal world, ... threats, physical violence, now the investigative committee does not comment on their position on this case, this is what is known from the indictment, bring alexander igorovich tsvetkov as a defendant in this criminal case, charging him charges of committing crimes under paragraphs a, d, g, z, article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, what to announce to him, the preliminary investigation authorities acted absolutely correctly by checking exactly who was involved in the commission of the crime. the facial recognition system, some other indirect evidence, indicated that it was possible, perhaps svetkov was involved in the commission of the crime. resemblance to an identikit
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of a criminal twenty years ago, artificial intelligence has given its digital verdict, the similarity is 55%, so is the scientist alexander tsvetkov guilty or not guilty, i’m not guilty, to do this, it has to be a little abnormal, or a lot abnormal, because normal. a person will not do this, and if you have done this once, you will do it in your next life. it’s not just artificial intelligence that has turned against tsvetkov. repeat offender andrei aleshin gave evidence; he named the scientist as his accomplice, and at first a certain sasha chuvash, a guy with tattoos on his fingers in the form of a celtic pattern, appeared in the case. however, at the first confrontation with tsvetkov, aleshin exclaimed in an unbrotherly way: “they say now they will be responsible together for what he had done." alexander then understood that the release was postponed indefinitely, the man was trying to mitigate his punishment, and it didn’t matter to him who to show him, so i was taller than him, muscular,
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well, maybe over the years i’ve certainly shrunk, so the scarlet’s eyes turned green and the tattoos were washed off colleagues of the yaroslavl hydrologist spoke out against artificial intelligence in the archive, they found documents just in those days when the murders were committed...
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artificial intelligence, experts say, is only a tool in the hands of professionals of many, by no means a magic pill that can identify the killer, in order to establish all the logical connections and patterns, it is necessary to put together this mosaic, these puzzles, this is a kaleidoscope, the head of the investigator is irreplaceable, therefore...
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when we received the documentation, no one was in a hurry to have these documents examined for authenticity, no one was in a hurry to do anything at all, so the investigation was enough for a person to close everything. soon the court changed the measure of restraint to house arrest, in february everything charges against the scientist were dropped. when he arrived at our home, we just fell over him, and practically couldn’t enjoy him.
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women and children in our country become victims of domestic violence, how can we help them? don’t miss the high-profile premiere this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, the new investigation of eduard petrov beats, it means he doesn’t like. loud scandals between loving people happen regularly. first he beat me, and then i beat him and it turned out that i was better at it. i actually killed my husband and killed with a pity. even celebrities find themselves in the role of victims. it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me with my head flying into this corner, the sweet life turned into cotton wool, i open my eyes, i understand that i’m lying on the floor in a red puddle,
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he’s drooling like this... orta are flying, he is drunk, there was no state of passion , he stabbed his already stunned spouse with a knife, why victims of family conflicts, as a rule, are silent, jealous, which means he loves, hitting, respectively, which means he loves, and how to fight back a domestic tyrant without end up behind bars, we prosecuted this case and conducted our own investigation, the trial will begin anew in stary oskol, in the case of the notorious doctor. she must be fully acquitted, reporting by alexandra mostova. doctor elena drabotenko and her former patient katya plakssina meet exclusively in the
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staroskol city courtroom. the litigation lasted almost 5 years, during which time drobotenko was already convicted, which she managed to appeal, and now the process has started again, the doctor intends to prove that i didn’t make a medical mistake, i fulfilled my functional duties , did everything that was in my power, well, then let the court decide, and what should i apologize for, for the fact that i did everything, and didn’t refuse, didn’t go to the hospital , the story of how medical care turned into long-term health problems.
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something incomprehensible, there was a feeling as if everything was over, no one could help, only a few days later katya was helped in a private clinic, the young patient still had an operation, the surgeon stated that the situation critical and he had to remove part of the reproductive organs, ovary and fallopian tube, the consequences of such a serious intervention are irreversible, katya still takes medications every week and goes to see a doctor, according to her, such problems would not have arisen if the doctor had performed the operation. on time, i ’m worried whether i’ll be able to become a mother in the future, because i have only one organ, and i don’t know how my body will be in the future, now i’m taking hormonal medications, and what will happen next is unknown. investigators looked into this story in detail and conducted several examinations. a criminal case accusing an obstetrician-gynecologist of committing a crime under part two of article 238 of the criminal code of the russian federation was sent to
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the staroskol city court. even after.
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the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels conduct the duty department, an honest detective, follow along with us for now, that 's all tatyana petrova was with you, see you at 21:30 vladimir putin. held a meeting with candidates for the post of president, the winner of the past elections, the current head of state, noted that the election campaign took place in a civilized manner in accordance with russian law. my colleague anastasia efimova followed the progress of the meeting and the main statements. anastasia, greetings, the floor is yours. yes, alexander, hello, i’ll tell you more about everything in the next few minutes. everyone has it.


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