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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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and there are also all sorts of ideas on how we could expand its work and functionality, and it would be great if we suggested it to our colleagues. some things on behalf of russia, but taking into account the interests of the member countries of our organization, because any steps in these areas, we, of course, strive to coordinate with all participants in the eurasian economic community, and accordingly, of course, from your position, with the position of the commission , we...
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this was footage of the meeting of the president with the chairman of the board of the eurasian economic commission, you are watching a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. minus 86
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ukrainian paratroopers at once. an obituary surfaced online after a strike with calibers on nikolaev, what else is being hidden by ukropaganda. the vysushniki surrendered as a whole platoon in the marina direction. the prisoners told why ukrainians increasingly refuse to believe the clumsy propaganda of the kiev regime. filtering by nationality, raids on the streets in houses. how the baltic dwarfs are looking for convenient excuses to eradicate everything russian, pedal before you mobilize. a resident of odessa rode a bicycle 750 km to the romanian border, but instead of the leader’s yellow jersey, he will receive a yellow armband. how else do the hilyans try to escape from ukraine? he turned the soviet past inside out and made fun of it. the exhibition
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of the ukrainian artist was canceled in moscow, but why did these monstrous images appear in the gallery? a whole wall of photographs with names, surnames and dates of birth, but more important is the common date of death for all, march 18, twenty -two, this eloquent poster, which we must assume hangs in some military unit in ukraine, most likely was not intended for prying eyes, but was still photographed. appeared in the public domain on the occasion of the gloomy anniversary before the kiev regime. we remembered that very strike of our high-precision weapons on the location of the armed forces of ukraine in nikolaev, although they remembered, perhaps, not a very appropriate word, because they had not really talked about it before, and this was, perhaps, one of the first episodes when zelensky’s propaganda was cynically hid truly large one-time losses. but now someone comes out, suddenly they need to reveal an inconvenient truth, albeit very late. about the motives of those behind the leak. one can only guess,
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they, of course, may well be political in order to put pressure on the banking sector and from its internal opponents, but other nuances that anton podkovenko drew attention to are much more interesting. no matter how kiev tries to hide the terrible losses in the ssu, it doesn’t work, although it still comes to light. photos appeared on social networks that became proof of the effectiveness of our missile strike on nikolaev already 2 years ago, at the very beginning of a special military operation. the goal... was a barracks, and the result still gives the audience of ukropublik goosebumps, this photograph, or rather a whole mourning collage, a photo obituary of sorts, then a caliber strike immediately covered 86 horsemen from the 79th airborne assault brigade, not here just pictures, under each there are tokens with personal data. by the way, the paratroopers of the seventy-ninth brigade are famous butchers, they have been in the fourteenth year they terrorized the residents of donbass, when kiev carried out the so-called... ato, when they arrived in
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march of the twenty-second, in nikolaev they didn’t even have time to turn on the sirens, and there were no statements from the city authorities. there were only rumors about losses in the belgian. reported itself, but kiev propaganda , of course, extremely underestimated the number of for some reason the media, our ministry of defense itself , the dead, the more painful it is now to admit the truth that residents and people from nikolaev knew 2 years ago, everyone who was in barracks also died, and i was then told that the number of dead soldiers of the 79th brigade was in the dozens,
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a blow to the location of the kraken national battalion in odessa, our intelligence found out exactly where the militants would gather and when, apparently, such a volume-detonating aerial bomb weighing one and a half tons (minus 300 krakinovites), they were swept away from the battle map in one fell swoop. memorials for lyuti are also flying online; this was also in odessa where a paramilitary unit of the ukrainian police was stationed at formation of people and tsunami.
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but this cocoon has been shining through for a long time. no matter how much you fork this cocoon, no matter how much the sbu presses people, we still receive videos, albeit blurry after poor quality, when our successful attacks, and on their infrastructure or military facilities, we understand what is happening with the same odessa, yes, when the arrival is absolutely accurate according to the militants, according to the location, you can’t hide the awl in the bag, it still leaks out one way or another, the way the ukrainian armed forces arrives at the front, the german saw with his own eyes journalist steffen schwartz.
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along the coast, somewhere in secret places, but nothing secretly cannot fail to become apparent during the work of good intelligence of our bodies, calibrated and extremely painful strikes, be it a classic high-precision attack, that is, missiles or those that have already become famous in factories and command posts ... places of deployment, accumulations of enemy equipment are shattered into smithereens, even the german schwartzkov could not somehow block it, and kiev propaganda is powerless: if failures from two years ago come to light , they have no strength to patch up fresh holes there will definitely not be enough soon, either in the media space or at the front. russian
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troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction of the special operation , enemy losses in this area per day amounted to over 200 militants, they were amazed at the formation of the ukrainian armed forces in the area by new ones. mikhailovka, rozdolovka and georgievka dpr. and near the staromaysk unit of the vostok group, they repelled two counterattacks of ukrainian attack aircraft, killing and wounding up to 130 dry soldiers. a tank, several combat vehicles, cars and self-propelled guns were also destroyed. earnings of russian artillery by targets observed by pavel prokopenko. when arranging this firing position, the artillery of the first donetsk army corps encountered a problem. a place in all military sciences and...
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quick fire, spotters ask you to repeat it, coordinates are given, and you already understand whether you should either shoot with fragmentation at some infantry, or hit some equipment with a landmine, every time it turns out differently, but of course there is a lot of adrenaline, we are strong in spirit and we will win. the d-20 is apparently not the most formidable weapon, but the sound when fired is very loud, like air. the wave is so powerful that everything that lies poorly takes off. the cellar is in complete order,
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various fragmentation or high-explosive shells, gunpowder, d-20 - a large-caliber weapon. 152 is a good caliber, it takes the tank, it’s just what the doctor ordered for the enemy. the gun commander from mariupol 10 years ago, at the time the events began in the donbass, was still a schoolboy, so he could not join the militia from the first days, he joined. and after 10 days he went up to his father and said: dad, in 3 days i’m going to the militia, i’m going, he said, i don’t have one son i’ll leave you, my father came with me 3 days later, we left through the ukrovsky checkpoint, after successful shooting the command to the shelter sounds, the place in the shelter is occupied, a new tenant appeared a couple of days ago, the cat was called a cat, is settling in,
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the juntas are bothering those who are like lepyakh , surrender to our armed forces, on this score, it turns out, they also came up with a lot of false narratives, we learn from evgeniy nipot what exactly they are and whether the predators themselves believe them. soldiers-officers of one of the most motivated post-modern units the armed forces of ukraine, the fifty-ninth brigade surrendered as a whole platoon, they were not affected by the selected kiev lies, about the atrocities of the russians, about the sacred duty of every ukrainian to give their life for the interests of zelensky. everything happened in the marinsky direction, not far from the village of georgievka, one of the settlements where
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russian military personnel and russian armed forces are pushing back the enemy. according to lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine alexei tkach, the command sent his group of 18 people to help those who remained on the line of defense. problems began on the approaches to the line of combat contact. while we were moving into the village itself, we were covered by a russian... map, as a result of which we had four 200, 5,300, when we already arrived in the village itself, it turned out that there was no one in particular to help, there was a survivor i can count them on one hand, and well, the decision was made to surrender, this decision saved lives. the whole group, having understood what forces they would have to deal with, they chose the only correct, saving option for the development of events. i don't
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want it to happen because of my wrong decision they all died, we made a collective decision so that we would not be put on lists for exchange, since nothing good awaits us in ukraine, we will either be imprisoned or sent away again to hell, for no reason. and this is said by a serviceman of the fifty-ninth separate motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, a formation that operated in the donbass even contemporary with the so-called ato. the command of the dryers then came up with a great idea. an interesting corruption scheme: maps of minefields were not handed over to colleagues who came for rotation, but sold. first special during the military operation, the brigade continued to operate in the donbass; there were many foreigners, supporters of openly radical ideas, who perceived the fighting in ukraine as an opportunity to kill more russians. the fifty-ninth also became a refuge
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for the nazis of the davinci wolves battalion, after the death of the idiosyncratic commander. a motley composition, to say the least. upuri. in rudolaki, who regularly received fiery greetings from russian fighters, especially in avdeevka, so what happened, why the brigade slogan before victory was suddenly forgotten? staunch nationalists, staunch nazis served , it can be assumed that within this brigade there was some kind of unit that was simply used for meat, it is quite possible that there were some, some companies, some separate battalions, but they really could have been... staffed by these mobilized people who were caught by the leg near the market. it is precisely these people, abducted from the streets, mobilized by force, that the kiev regime is trying with all its might to intimidate with the terrible russians morals, for example, spreading fake news that half a million rubles are paid for the head of a ukrainian military man. the source of this stuffing was a participant in one of the national battalions, but for the majority of usushniks such lies no longer work. they understand perfectly well that
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the political elite and economic elite feel quite comfortable. intimidate ukrainian soldier-officers, the calculation is clear, but such methods begin to lose their effectiveness, this is confirmed by captured ukrainians who either call volga, or , if lucky, leave on their own position, we were told that if you get captured, the russians cut your fingers, there hands, i don’t know, but this is not true, they fed me,
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warmed me, gave me cigarettes, they treat us normally, so... this doesn’t happen, but the following happens: the ukrainian military begins to surrender in entire platoons, increasingly refusing to believe kiev propaganda, choosing captivity, read life. a teenager wounded near belgorod as a result of ukrainian shelling will be transferred to a clinic in the capital, his condition is assessed as serious, the second child injured hospitalized in a regional hospital due to an air attack. bsu in the village of razumny , four people were injured. there are several districts of the belgorod region in the shelling zone today. within 24 hours after the attacks from the ukrainian side, more than 130 private houses from the region were damaged. report by alexander rebunov. the tail of one of the missiles fired from ukraine at peaceful homes in the region. according to the ministry of defense, in the sky above belgorod, air defense crews shot down nine
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charges from a multiple launch rocket system a vampire. but unfortunately, there were also arrivals in cottages and courtyards of high-rise buildings. from ukrainian ammunition hit this private house in the village of razumnoye, now rescuers are trying to shed the roof of the burning ceiling so that the fire does not spread inside the building, the owners of the house were not inside at the time of the explosion, perhaps this saved them, the scattering of fragments was very dense, we we know that our car burned down, we kept it safe from impacts, but this is the first time this has happened here, that is, no, we found fragments, the roof was broken through for us, already was here, but we didn’t report it, because people’s houses collapsed, just once... as a result of another terrorist attack by the ukrainian armed forces, damage was detected in thirteen private residential buildings, windows were broken, roofs and facades were cut, there were four wounded hospitalized, among them a fourteen-year-old teenager, his hand was torn off by a fragment of a ukrainian shell, i and my children were at home at the moment when the fragment arrived, the neighboring house, our
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roof was cut right through, it crashed in the nursery there is a window in the room, the children are simply hysterical, three children came under fire today... in a city district, there is no electricity, ukrainian militants bombed a substation, are deliberately destroying civilian infrastructure, debris from one of the missiles hit the central district hospital and a second local school. the landing site of another ukrainian projectile, a high-explosive fragmentation munition detonated in the center of the village of razumny, shrapnel penetrated eight cars. naturally, there were no military targets here; on the contrary, they were nearby there is a secondary school, if the children had not been at a distance today, it’s scary to think what consequences this could have led to, the workers managed to avoid a fire here. belgorod region spoke about the measures,
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this was the situation, today the governor has already disconnected its battery, well, that’s what the authorities are taking to protect civilians in the region, taking into account the operational situation. today we have cleared a large number of villages; now we are planning to remove about 9,000 children from... belgorod, belgorodsky district, shebekinsky district, gorovoronsky district, we are negotiating with colleagues of the governors, on the 22nd, 1200 children are going to pindzov, tambov, koluga, then the stavropol territory, in belgorod itself and the border areas, schoolchildren did not study today, students of colleges, technical schools, students of local universities, in short, were self-trained many cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers operate on schedule. alexander ivanov, andrey kotsaov, mikhail shunov. news belgorod region, now a short advertisement, what will happen next in our air. pedal until you get mobilized.
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a resident of odessa rode a bicycle 750 km to the romanian border, but instead of the leader’s yellow jersey, he will receive a yellow bandage on his arms. how else do heelants try to escape from ukraine? a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions - it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best percentage, with prime it is more profitable. hello everyone, dear subscribers. sometimes when mom orders cosmetics, it goes from being a favorite and turns into a strict one. not getting enough sleep, gloomy, then my makeup bag is replenished, look, you can try on cosmetics first, wanted to be
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10:25 pm
dear colleagues, good evening, you probably noticed, you know about this, that last night, here... there was a meeting with candidates for the post of president of russia, my colleagues and i who represent your faction , well, some of the faction leaders met yesterday, and i asked them for this meeting in order to discuss those issues that they consider the most significant, key in their program, because that in the program of each candidate there are certainly things that ... that should be paid special attention to, but all programs are certainly devoted to the main development of the country, and this is the first, the second question that we discussed is the question of what they
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consider it necessary to pay attention to special attention based on the results of their meetings with voters, this is very important, such feedback from people is extremely important, and for me it was important to hear, well, i would like to discuss with you today what we should work on in the very near future, in the message the president's message to the federal assembly, that is, to you and your colleagues from the federation council. the program was practically outlined, the proposed program for the development of the country, things here are well-known, i won’t say anything new, but the most important thing is saving people, this is helping our families, this is stimulating, that is, demography processes, supporting young people, young families, families with children , and of course, large families, this is...
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raising the younger generation, all this can certainly be done only on the basis of development economy, this is the key issue of our development, this is the basis for the development of the country on which all other issues are decided, must be resolved, technological sovereignty, social development, and this always, always causes controversy among our parties. represented in the country's parliament , always, and this is normal, always have their own opinion about what needs to be done and how to achieve the tasks of social development, but one of the directions, you also paid attention to this, and i know that you all support this, this is capacity development constituent entities of the russian federation, the potential of constituent entities and municipalities, creating their own tax bases and so on
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, and of course, modernizing the infrastructure of cities and rural areas, of course, is always important, today especially, this is strengthening the defense capability and security of the russian state, that’s all or otherwise stated in the message, we partly discussed this yesterday with our colleagues here at a meeting in this office, but of course you and i will have to do this together.
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you probably noticed your proposals were included in the message, i would really like for us to work over the next years as constructively as the election campaign took place, it is clear that each candidate, and behind each of them, stood your parties, that is, you supported them , there was something that you consider the main thing, but still the election campaign took place in a civilized manner, i would really like that... in the course of practical work on the development of the country of russia, you and i would also continue to work constructively, it is clear that disputes are inevitable, this is an obvious thing, because if someone thinks that his proposal is better than the proposals of others, he of course must fight for it, but i hope that this struggle will take place as civilized as the period that we just went through, well and... one more very
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important thing, in accordance with the constitution, with the updated constitution, the parliament is now assigned very serious powers to form the highest executive body of power, the government, you will approve not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is an extremely important responsible thing, i and you know this, many maybe, well, people live their own... didn’t notice, but this is one of the key provisions of the updated constitution, the parliament is the life of ordinary citizens, maybe this and received enormous powers in forming the government, this is a very responsible job, you know, while working in leningrad, then in st. petersburg, i saw how legislative bodies, faced with these problems,


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