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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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who wins honestly, who is smarter, who implements scientific progress faster?
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developments that are quickly implemented, because the lives of our soldiers depend on it and the result of our work, first of all, for the armed forces who today carry out these combat missions, this means, but this also means volume production, because we have also already talked about this topic according to the moment. the beginning
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of the twenty-second year or today, these are completely different volumes, a different pace and a different speed, the most important thing is fast adaptation, making changes in the design of the weapons of military equipment, of course, and with all due respect to western technology, our implementation rate today is many times higher than... that of our western colleagues, because, as i said, life depends on it, and the result, the result of the work of the armed forces, why we managed to drive 50% of the economy into a state where they say what is happening with these russians, this should not have happened. we
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all cannot produce as much as these russians produce. what's the secret? secret, i won’t say pompous words there regarding patriotism, relatively well-coordinated work, this is, well, this is a complex of factors that influence this result, including what i just said regarding the overall result.
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this is again in normal, peaceful life so that the military-industrial complex exists there, yes, well, it develops according to plan, what has been done in 2 years, well, this is many times faster and in volume, in the results of what has already been done, therefore, this is a complex factorial problem that has to be solved, and i grateful here. to everyone who takes part in this, absolutely everything, this is a private enterprise, creative teams, today, for example, there at the exposition, which was organized next to present their products, these are representatives of the kulibin club, yes, that is, guys, there are 3, 5, 10 people who , well... they usually say there from the garage -
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created - their ideas, and today they have already reached a certain scale, these guys are low... bow, because they responded to our request, to our call, here and this in addition there are traditional teams, our large enterprises, there like almastey or in general - the rostec corporation, roscosmos, there rosatom, who all, everyone contribute a large share to this overall result, but these... creative teams, they also take an active part in this work, but we can’t relax, under no circumstances, we’ll try further, thank you, denis, thank you, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll continue, loud
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scandals between loving people happen regularly, at first he beat me, and then i found out about him what's better for me it turns out that i actually killed my husband and... even celebrities find themselves in the role of victim , it all starts with some incredible love, he hit me with my head flying into this corner, the sweet life turned into a wack, i open my eyes, i understand , that i was lying on the floor in a red puddle, he had this drool flying from his mouth, he was drunk , there was no state of passion, he stabbed his already stunned spouse with a knife , why are victims of family conflicts, as a rule, silent, jealous, which means he loves, beat him ... dough means love and how to fight back a domestic tyrant without ending up behind bars? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. european nazis are
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always trying to scare someone, they are cheering themselves up, these half-pokers are running around, somehow they are so nervous, farting in the air, they are gathered in ramstay.
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in my opinion, this is my personal approach, it is necessary to confiscate all property that belongs to both these states and companies whose founders are citizens of these states, so that they know, and do it very correctly,
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it’s very simple to say: we ’re taking this from you, here’s a piece of paper, go to your governments, demand from them, this is exactly what was stolen from us, we’ll exchange yours. property for confiscation, that's it, get out. well, if you want to fight with us , you must understand, then we perceive you, all your goals, as... nonsense, we simply destroy, simply destroy, if you want to fight, if you want from the great crimea, then we stop pretending, it’s clear that russia is going to fight, but let’s look for ammunition there, you’d better go together yourself. the french are now saying how brave they are, that the germans are saying
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there will be no boots in ukraine , come on, turn on the fool, that pistori, that macron, not only are there boots on the ground, but also brains are smeared, they have already killed so many germans, frenchmen, i just think that what needs to be done is, i’ll repeat it again, every coffin should contain a dead frenchman or german, this is how the embassy should be placed?
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the ukrainian language stands out, so it is a sacred symbol, and for the sake of these
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battles we have, these are battles for the sacred unity, but then ukraine must limit itself to the size of what, the use of the ukrainian language, this means ukraine without access to the sea, ukraine without south, without east, nine regions cut off from the sea, moreover, i am sure that if in some branch of development , there the terrible kremlin will win, such a ukraine will remain, he will not... finish conquering it, he will watch how this zoo there, this very friendly one, sits behind the fence, and dies together, landlocked and in endless internal squabbles, because that they will argue there too, who is a real ukrainian, he has seen the light, finally, now i will show you a real ukrainian, just don’t tell me that he is a jew, not zelensky, not gordon, they are not jews, they long ago performed the ritual of sewing and have no right to even stutter .
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they choose, they love him, they live like pigs, go to wooden toilets and love putin and say: america, it’s terrible, an ugly country, ugly, simply slavish, vile, i hate them, i hate them, for the most part, do you hear? for the most part, the russian people are disgusting, aggressive, boorish, such bestial, and this is due to negative
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selection, this is due to tens of millions of people shot, deported, killed, burned, muzzled, who left, i applaud in every possible way, i just, i just want you to understand, and based on this logic, gardon, who probably considers himself a jew, but the fact that... 6 million jews were exterminated by the nazis, based on this, we are jews who survived, we are negative selection, that’s why someone like gordon appeared, because as a percentage of jews. more gypsies died than other peoples, that is, this idiot says terrible things, i don’t even understand, but he is a complete cretin, but i have a different question, why has this cretin ’s property in russia not yet been confiscated, in the center of moscow, in the center of moscow, why, ah, it can be registered to someone
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fictitious, like sobchak, recorded, everyone knows that her... future, wherever he is, wherever he hides, wherever he runs away, to his america, i do not i know, to europe, to israel, where, no matter where he hides, sooner or later they will get him, and he, and he subconsciously he understands this, therefore, this, this is a sign of weakness, these insults against the russian people against russia, this is weak, this is from weakness, they
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weren’t like that before, i’ll give you even more, i ’ll give you another example , this is the premiere of estonia, and in general, so to speak
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, everyone has gone crazy, i would like, you know, to return, so to speak, to congratulate all the citizens of russia once again on the past elections, this is unprecedented, i consider the result an indicator of the unity of the entire people around the supreme commander- in-chief , you know, i will express my emotional perception when i listened to the president, when after the announcement of the preliminary results, so to speak, well, in fact, everything was already clear, his approach to the press was, you know, for me personally, this is my personal opinion, yes, here is a man who came out, who seemed to have had some weights fall off his arm or from his legs, you know, that’s the rhetoric in general, that’s the way it should be, that’s without any, so to speak, politically correct moments, very polite, but everything is very clear and clear, in russian, the russian people have this expression, i’m coming to you, yes, europeans will not understand, they have a more so to speak,
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they have a similar expression, then raise the visor, so i want, there is very bad news for... wherever the french appear, they will be killed from all trunks, from all trunks, therefore, this will end very badly for them, no one else who came to our land , no one knew victory, i’ll come back, you know, that’s what impressed and pleased me, so to speak, in the words of the president, especially
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the way he gave instructions treat a class member, this is it, you know, this is it, that everyone has been waiting for a long time. what everyone has been waiting for a long time is absolutely correct, i would allow myself , so to speak, well, i think, over time, maybe it will be like this, this is the concept, the attitude, and specifically expand it to neo-nazis, to saboteurs, to mercenaries , although in essence, by and large , it’s already similar, look, as for the neo-nazis, before the liberation of avdeevka, who went there, azov , who was robbed, but we knocked out azov, so to speak, our guys, yes, and there will be no french prisoners, the british in prisoners, americans, no one, we will call him to take
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corpses, then he will understand something, the brute, yes, in conclusion regarding ukraine, the fate of ukraine, it seems to me, so to speak, it is already clear, even if, even for aristovich, the fate of the leadership of ukraine, i am convinced that after may 21 still seems to me why you asked yourself questions, why, so to speak, we don’t hit the leadership of ukraine, yes, well, after all, we don’t want to, but until may 21 zelensky is the legitimately elected president of ukraine, from 22 may, there on may 22 from zero hours, he turns into a terrorist who has captured, usurped power in the country, and he becomes a legitimate target, in my opinion, for us, so he has only this abomination left to live, i’m sure, exactly.
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i was offered an electronic version for polling stations or a paper version, i say, paper, well, i’m such a person in such a formation that give me options, because i, for example, voted, paper, yes i voted, so we talked to them, they say: “ we are happy because these are elections that will give a positive result." and for us, this is our result, the general one, it is clear that today in the west somehow psychiatrists have become more active as professionals, because how can we evaluate these statements by western politicians that we do not recognize, but we will work with putin, we will not recognize putin, we will speak as a president, but a citizen, and so on, but this is schizophrenia or some kind of then other types of disease, why? because when you work with the president, then you...
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how can you help, he is a brilliant statesman, an excellent governor, it’s really difficult there, the statesmen are doing everything possible, but of course it’s necessary, well, for the military to push back as much as possible, so the fate of the kharkov region will of course be decided, i think putin said about the sanitary system, now they’re just scum. have the pride to say, what is it, then johnson, then graham, who calls for the mobilization of children, in fact, he says what age is there 27-25, then by 18, huh?
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military operations in iran should have been immediately expelled in afghanistan or vietnam, or even put in prison for interfering in internal affairs, but what is this? i'll tell you, you have to constantly show episodes that are demonstrated on social networks, such as people resisting. this episode, where the driver on the yellow field , yes, hit the military, and his brother on a horse
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helped him there, you need to watch. was also a participant, they begin to resist, and in the interests of other children, after that they are arrested, and during the arrest, my mother resisted my mother for 75 years, so they pepper gas, it’s all on social networks, relatives say, they sprayed her, so to speak in the eyes, she went blind in one eye, seeing poorly, what is this? so here it is this son, who disappeared there without a trace, and
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if he had not disappeared, others would have to take him. weapons and come to protect father, mother and grandmother, that's what needs to be protected, so if we want them to stay alive, they must resist. you understand , for the first time ukraine became a concentration camp, you literally can’t jump out with this situation, either to the front or to prison, but there is a way out, so they are trying to mobilize there through this law on mobilization, and i took it and looked at the numbers, they are interesting, also offers resistance. behind two months, january and february, you know how many people evaded, did not even evade, in the status of, well, people who refused to fight, this is for desertion, 25 thousand, what was brought to court, suspicion was handed over to 74 people, this is from the data, in the court got only 70, that is, the judge also says against the investigation
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that there is no war, they are killing, and we have to give them an assessment, and then the same parent will come to the judge and say to the investigation, what are you doing with my child.
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