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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 20, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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the destruction of western equipment always inspires our military, be it abrams, petriots, or khaymars, probably because the kiev formations are forced to draw up reserves from western supplies. what has been cherished for a long time is liquidated, if not immediately, then after a short period of time, the key thing is liquidated, like the mentioned abrams or these leopards. the liquidated armored vehicles, in particular western ones, are the natural consequences of a successful systematic one. progress on all fronts. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern groups of troops, as a result of successful actions, occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the formation of 79 air assault and 46 airmobile brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of krasnaya, andreevka, klishcheevka, novomikhailovka and georgievka, donetsk people's republic. a counterattack by the formation was repelled in the area of ​​the settlement of belogora in the kalugan people's republic. eighty-first airborne
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brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 420 troops, a tank, two armored combat vehicles and eight vehicles. next we have footage from the artyomovsky direction, where our paratroopers carry out daring raids and get almost close to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. they practice direct fire against ukrainian oporniks. several successful such raids and the enemy is forced to leave the lines. attempts to counter the russian military results. as always, they don’t give, there is a very high saturation of birds in principle, it’s just that the night ones are more expensive, there are fewer of them, there are also night fp, they have already tried to catch us a couple of times, it didn’t work, we are fast, sharp, hold on, we it’s okay, in the southern donetsk direction the vostok group has disrupted another rotation of militants, the lines in the vodyanoye and shelter vsushniki areas are being held with all their might. literally, the losses in the ukrainian armed forces per
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day there are again more than a hundred people. the armed forces of ukraine do not stop trying to impress western viewers, turning attention from their fiascoes at the fronts to the border territory. there, the militants are trying to launch sabotage activities and report victories, but everything still turns against them. on in the belgorod direction, russian units have completely cleared the settlement of kazinko from the remnants of ukrainian militants and... continue to take measures to prevent the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of ukraine into the border territory, as a result of air strikes and artillery fire, the enemy lost up to 650 militants, two armored combat vehicles, two rszzo combat vehicles, czech production. west of avdeevka, the situation is more reminiscent of the desperation of the kiev commanders, not a day without retreat there, formations of the armed forces of ukraine are passing borders abroad.
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is now under our control, and this is a strong blow for the ukrainian group operating in the slavyansk-kramatorsk direction. for those formations that are still holding out near avdiyevka, it is no easier from hour to hour, today information has appeared that the russian army has taken under fire control important supply routes for militants in the berdychi and orlovka area, which will greatly complicate the logistics of the ukrainian armed forces in these areas.
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after all, they begged for another handout, the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of the eu countries approved the allocation of more 5 billion euros. the money to finance military
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assistance to kiev will go into the so -called european peace fund. it is noted that funding will come from the fund. quote: for both lethal and non-lethal assistance to kiev, as well as for training operations. the european peace fund was created back in 2021 in order, as eu authorities say, to prevent conflicts and strengthen international security. a budget of approximately 6 billion euros was set until 2027. however, most of the funds have already been reserved for partial compensation to the eu countries themselves for allocating funds for military assistance to ukraine. the total amount of european military assistance to the kiev regime exceeds 3.5 billion euros. the main burden is now on the europeans, washington, and the senate is blocking the allocation of aid to kiev, while the pentagon is putting pressure on europe, they say that they are not spending enough. the americans are allocating
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$300 million, but this is for the war in ukraine, this is a ridiculous amount, and count on european nato allies. germany and poland, which will, as it were , supply the most modern. the only thing is that the germans still refuse to supply the taur with a missile. so the statements that are now heard in the european union can be called contradictory, and that’s putting it mildly. on the one hand there are complaints that there is no more money for arms for ukraine, on the other there are calls to increase assistance and prepare for possible intervention in the conflict. here is a comment from the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security, former russian representative pries vladimir chezhov.
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he was a guest in our studio. last march year, the leadership of the european union, and first of all, ursulov. loudly declared that by the end of the year we would deliver a million artillery shells to kiev, but it quickly became clear that this would not happen by the end of the year, by the end of last year they delivered 350,000 in total, and the bar, as if without much noise, was shifted to first to march of this year, but in the end by march of this year... they delivered not a million, but half a million. and just a few minutes ago news came that the european commission had approved a proposal to use the proceeds from russian assets to support kyiv. now the proposal must be considered by the
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eu summit. and earlier, the head of european diplomacy proposed that eu members send 90% of the profits from frozen russian assets to military assistance to ukraine. in addition, jose barel reported earlier as part of the budget support program for kiev, we will find out all the details from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova, she is in direct contact with us. regina, greetings, this is how much news you have, what amount are we talking about and what else was discussed at the meeting of the association council eu ukraine? tell us. hello, ukraine today received the first tranche of 4.5 billion euros, out of the 50 that the european union promised to provide to kiev until 2027 inclusive, and how... euros will be transferred additionally in april of this year, the first tranche was transferred after just 19 days after the final approval of this decision, which took place, let me remind you, there were quite serious discussions at
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various levels in the european union, and as ursula fondeen said, this money should help ukraine function smoothly, having guaranteed some... predictability, in total, brussels has so far mobilized about 98 billion euros to help ukraine, said the european commissioner for alliance enlargement. yes. eu members and european financial institutions were able to allocate 98 billion euros for ukraine and the ukrainian people. they include humanitarian, economic and military support. the created fund also made it possible to accept ukrainian refugees in europe. at the same time, the european union continues to look for opportunities to finance ukraine’s weapons. the fact is that according to the constitution the alliance cannot take money for lethal weapons from its own budget. therefore today. the diplomatic service of the association has now officially proposed using
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90% of dividends from russian assets frozen as part of sanctions in the eu for the purchase of weapons, another 10% will be sent to other funds for financial assistance to ukraine. the fact is that on monday at the council of foreign ministers of the european union, the proposal to use this money to buy weapons did not receive 100% support, some countries refuse to finance. armament of ukraine, and now, according to the head of foreign diplomacy of the european union, jose borel, the fact that 10% has been decided to be allocated to other funds to support ukraine will allow these countries to say that they are not participating in the armament of kiev. i hope that soon we can reach an agreement and exchange banknotes from assets for weapons, because the people on earth are not fighting with the help of banknotes, they need real weapons, real tools to protect people. there will be more offers will be discussed at the summit of the heads of government of the eu countries on thursday friday in brussels
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this week, but the european commission expects that it will be approved and the first part of the money can be spent as early as july of this year. but the issue of starting negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union will not be discussed at the summit. following the results of today's council and the eu, ukraine stated that the country still needs to fulfill a number of conditions, in particular regarding. anti-corruption, legal reforms, respect for the rights of national minorities, before brussels can officially recommend that countries discuss the issue of starting accession negotiations, and even earlier, the european commission will propose reforming the alliance itself. in particular, the european commission has developed a proposal for the gradual integration of new countries and their gradual accession to the common european market. brussels proposes, in particular, to abandon the requirement for inhibitory unanimity. making decisions on the foreign policy and tax policy of the european union in order to avoid
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chaos in the interaction of the association by more than thirty countries, however, it is assumed that all these issues will only begin to be discussed in the european union, and any first decisions can be expected after the pan-european elections, which are scheduled for june of this year. colleagues. arigin, thank you for keeping your finger on the pulse of european politics. our european correspondent, regina, was in direct contact. yanoova, we continue. big conversation about important things. on the second day after the elections, vladimir putin held a meeting in the kremlin with the leaders of parliamentary factions. we talked about development russia, precisely about the path our country will take. about security, the economy and support for young families. the main task is to work on the implementation of the message to the federal assembly. as the head of state noted, he hopes to work constructively with parliament. according to the president, citizens of our country from... fulfilled their duty in the elections, now it’s the authorities’ turn? message
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things are known, i won’t say anything new, people came to do their duty, ordinary citizens, now it’s your turn to do ours our duty to them, the most important thing is saving people, helping our families, stimulating the processes of demography. supporting young people, young families, families with children, and of course, large families, this is the education of the younger generation, all this can certainly be done only on the basis of economic development. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said that vladimir putin’s victory in the presidential elections is perceived as a victory for all residents of our country, then he conveyed it to the head of state. congratulations from parliamentary delegation of the republika srpska. the chairman of the state duma emphasized that for
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serbia, this confident choice of russia is an opportunity to build a multipolar, fair world. all deputies, regardless of factional or party affiliation, asked to convey words of congratulations. the election results, your victory. uh, how the victory of all citizens is perceived, so everyone expressed words of support and congratulations. vladimir putin noted that all parties must contribute to the development of the country and the fight, quotes, against stupidity and injustice. in your in turn, the faction leaders responded with their proposals for the further development of the country. so gennady zyuganov, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation , considers it necessary to take a new financial and economic course, regulate prices for essential goods, gasoline and housing and
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communal services tariffs, asked the president to support the corresponding bill. also gennady zyuganov. russia for the truth sergei mironov asked vladimir putin to consider awarding the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov because he is not only bravely takes the blow, but saves people. mironov also proposed creating an agency for
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veterans' affairs, a state committee for science and a ministry of demography. in connection with your special attention to demographic problems and the announcement of the year of the family, i think that if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct, and, for example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient for the size material capital in a region with a low birth rate, this is our proposal, well, the issue of demography was raised and the head of... the ldpr, leonid slutsky, he said that russia should again become a country of large families, and he proposed supporting them, as well as restoring nursery groups for children from 3 months. slutsky also asked the president to issue a combat veteran certificate to military officers who work in the special operation zone. we
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will soon introduce to the state duma a law that will protect the military officers, those who risk their lives, and ours recently died. in his opinion , different departments deal with demography issues today, so he believes it would be advisable to assign this task to one ministry and introduce a special position of responsibility. in addition, alexey nechaev proposes to expand the national project on personnel and vat benefits for the tourism industry. he also stressed that the presidential campaign was meaningful, despite attempts to interfere with it. despite
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external pressure, especially the last week, attempts through the bombing of peaceful cities, or some minor provocations in certain areas in the country, will somehow affect the elections, we see that our people came, voted, in this sense this is not only your victory, i think for the whole country, this expression of will is a common cause, a big victory. at the end of the meeting, vladimir putin said that the attempts of russia’s enemies to intimidate our people lead to the opposite result, because the opponents do not understand who they are dealing with. addressing parliamentarians, the president warned that it is too early for the russian authorities to rest on their laurels; everyone needs to work together and unite common efforts in the interests of the country. since the beginning of the year, the ministry of finance has collected
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almost 36 billion rubles in gratuitous contributions from business. nika yankovaya figured it out. nika, we welcome you, last year during the same period we collected less than 3.5 billion in contributions. tell us what is driving this dynamic this year. colleagues, greetings, well, with the number of transactions and the unevenness of payments. i’ll tell you everything in order right now. almost 36 billion rubles. the budget was replenished as of mid-march, thanks to gratuitous payments from businesses. this fee is paid by residents of unfriendly countries for transactions involving the sale of russian assets. the corresponding line in the budget appeared in twenty-second year and began to be actively replenished after the introduction of the so-called exit tax.
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sales were mainly carried out by either infrastructure companies or technology companies that have their assets here. in the form of some production facilities, or it is connected with some technologies being exploited, those companies whose business is going well, regardless of all the circumstances, and which are more closely connected with our country, well, for example, the same trademarks, they continue to function, but by rebranding. according to the presidential decree, transactions with foreign residents. must be approved by the government commission on foreign investment; the approval of transactions for the sale of such assets is carried out by a subcommittee under the leadership of finance minister anton siluanov, representatives
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of other interested departments also participate in it. payment of a voluntary contribution is the basis for a positive decision by the subcommittee to approve such a transaction. now a voluntary contribution for those leaving our country of the company is usually 15% of the market value of the asset. initially. this amount was 5%, then they made 10 , which means that then they made a business valuation scale, which means there is a market price for the business, if the assets are transferred with a 50% discount , then the rate is correspondingly higher, if the discount is less than 50%, that is, it is sold at e price is close to the market value and the estimated value, there the assessment can also happen in different ways, of course, then the voluntary contribution is less, which means... now at the moment it averages 15%. the dynamics of gratuitous receipts from business this year significantly exceeds the pace of the twenty-
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third. for comparison, as of mid-march last year, the budget received about 3.5 billion rubles from voluntary contributions. now the figure has almost reached 36 billion. experts attribute this, firstly, to the number of transactions, and secondly, to the uneven flow of funds due to the complexity of the exit process itself. also, do not forget that after certain changes to the legislation have now been adopted, now the opportunity has arisen for russian residents to receive funds from type c accounts, many foreigners who had some kind of block of shares after the re-democulation, and after converting these receipts into shares, they immediately actively sold them, this is history. related to the recent entry of vk into russian jurisdiction, tks holding into russian jurisdiction, and so on. the scale of voluntary
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contributions can be differentiated from 5 to 25%, depending on the cost of sale. such discussions are currently underway, we were told experts. at the same time, there are not many foreign businesses left in russia, which means that the number of new exit transactions will be reduced, and accordingly this will be reflected in revenues. but the plan for voluntary contributions for this year may be exceeded by about 40 times; almost all major players will leave our market with the exception of those who change their minds and decide to stay, as, for example, the automaker kiya did. state duma deputies and members of the federation council approved an appeal to the un, international parliamentary organizations and foreign parliaments states in connection with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the start of the bombing. nato territory of yugoslavia, the document calls for condemning the military operation and taking measures to bring the member countries of the alliance to international responsibility for direct
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aggression. earlier, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said that the world, quote, is obliged to give a fair assessment of the events of those years, to call to account and condemn those responsible for the destruction of yugoslavia. as a result of nato missile and bomb strikes from march to june 1999, more than 2.0 people died civilians. a deposit, the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions, is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit, better interest rate, more profitable with prime. all methods are good when you want. you should try the new big special bbq bacon with big beefsteak, amenthal cheese, bacon and smoky and bbq sauces, what are you ready for?
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today, the northern hemisphere of the planet has begun to receive more energy from the sun than it loses at night, that is, even if cold air invades, it will warm up very quickly. the weather has cleared up in moscow. according to the reference weather station , by noon it had warmed up to +5°, and this, of course, is a consequence of the lack of clouds. nothing did not prevent the spring sun from warming the earth's surface, now for the second time in a month the thermometer columns are approaching +8. warming is creating serious problems in many regions. these shots show spring manifestations in the mountains of dagestan. an avalanche occurred near the village of chalyakh. while cleaning the route , another layer of snow collapsed, and it was a miracle that the tractor did not fall asleep. the fact is that positive temperatures in recent days have been observed at altitudes of up to 2,000 m. on... in
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the next video there is an ice crossing in syktefkar, by this time in the city it has warmed up, as in the capital, up to +8 , recently - this is already the third day when thermometers in the city rose above the climate norm for april, it is not surprising that the ice is actively melting, water appears on the winter road, a trip from one bank of the vychekda to the other is turning into a real extreme yeah, we're just going. on the water, we are driving along the river, oh, mom, it’s right there, current, current, my mom, horror, and this is spring according to yakut, on tuesday morning in namsky ulus it was -32, today evening -1.5, snow, blizzard,
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visibility deterioration up to several hundred metres. at the same the time in the south-west of yakutia today is up to +8, this is really the number of the day: due to bad weather , winter roads are closed in two uluses in the central part of the republic, the yakutia highway department is asked to refrain from traveling for a while, but we will return to the russian plain. tomorrow , the region's mid-latitudes will continue to be in the region of the scandinavian anticyclone, so significant precipitation is again unlikely here. a series of atlantic cyclones, moving along the periphery of this source, will continue to pump into its area, warmed golf stream air mass. as a result , warming in the country will gain new impetus. so, on thursday-friday the flow of atlantic air will fully warm the north and center of european russia.


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