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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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“vzd is confident that this will change the culture of travel as a whole, the landscape of passenger transportation in the coming decades, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the senses are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me.
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during the elections, the debate committee did not receive a single complaint, requiring analysis and coped with all the challenges. egor grigoriev has all the details, he is in direct contact with us. hello, egor, what other statements have been made? vera, hello, the main and only question in the central election commission, these are, of course, the results of the past vote. all protocols from all 89 regions have been processed, and the results. have already been calculated, the results are known , it is worth saying that ella pomfilova spoke about several important, in her opinion, factors that can characterize the voting that took place, the elections that took place are multi-layered, this is certainly control, unprecedented control over elections, here we are talking about the possibility of video surveillance , then how the voting went, this is feedback from the candidates, and of course, this is what
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everyone could apply regardless of any complaint received by the election commission, there was absolutely a reaction to each, because such systematic work was organized, well, in fact, you should not expect any exclusives, but nevertheless there are a number of important circumstances that ella pomfilova still highlighted, do you have a word?
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financial means that clearly expresses an anti-russian position, to please their westerners, well, i don’t know how to say them, masters or puppeteers, whatever, those who carry them, the agenda, if you are one of them, if you you are pursuing an agenda program in the interests of western countries, and you know, they... don’t hide that they said that the main goal is to weaken russia, which means you are independent. they tried to put pressure on the candidates, on their teams, on their headquarters, but in particular we talked with the commissioner for financial affairs of presidential candidate vladimir putin, she talked about what schemes they came up with in order to complicate their work, to complicate the functions that ... were not fulfilled, it
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was carried out with unprecedented pressure on the special election account, they spammed one kopeck, it was difficult , it was hard, on one day before closing we had 600 payments of one kopeck, in accordance with the law we must issue a separate payment order for each payment order for return, so a lot of work was done, we were under quite a lot of tension.
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with the benign attitude of the literally western curators of the kiev regime.
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388 thousand citizens voted abroad, and the election commissions, our embassy and consulate did everything possible to ensure that so that the elections take place there , even the so-called relaxants and the opposition in poland can cast their votes, where the number of them actually reached a third of the total, that is, we analyzed the situation in this way, where there was...
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egor, thank you, egor grigoriev spoke about the final results of the russian presidential elections. the fsb prevented terrorist attacks in the belgorod region; a saboteur who planned to carry out explosions along the deployment of russian military personnel was detained. the russian followed the instructions of his handlers from
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the russian terrorist organization volunteer corps. an explosive device was found from the suspect and a criminal case was initiated. in february of this. year, i got in touch with employees of the ukrainian special services in messengers on the social network whatsapp, i helped them with the coordinates of the location of russian troops, then i joined the russian volunteer corps, under their auspices i planned to carry out attacks in... in the border region of the belgorod region, our military destroyed a concentration manpower and equipment of ukrainian sabotage and expansion groups. personnel the completion of the combat mission is published by the ministry of defense. high-precision strikes on temporary deployment points were carried out by aviation and
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artillery from the western forces group. over the belogorodskaya region this morning means. destroyed 10 multiple launch rocket system shells. as a result of the attack by the ukrainian armed forces, cars, residential buildings and social facilities were damaged, power lines were cut , and approximately 5,000 people were temporarily left without power. there are wounded among the civilian population, and active assistance is provided to residents who want to leave the danger zone. with the latest details from places of events, our correspondent igor pikhanov. ukrainian militants fired at belgorod from a rocket launcher system. it's eight today. o'clock in the morning there were a large number of shells, now we are in a village near belgorod, one of the shells fell right between two residential buildings, fortunately at that moment there was no one on the street, before the shelling an alarm sounded , these people
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managed to hide in their homes, go to a shelter, pay attention, this is how the fragments were scattered, literally the name of izrashichina everything... godmother houses, cars, fortunately, there were no children on this playground at that moment, in total five residential buildings were damaged in this settlement, there were always two hits. from a shell called a vampire, it is czech-made, as the head of the region , vyacheslav glodkov, reported in his telegram channel, during the morning shelling , five people were injured, they have closed craniocerebral injuries that were caused by the shock wave, and there are also people who have shrapnel wounds, now everyone the victims are receiving medical assistance, as a result of the attack, more than thirty apartments were damaged, we were sleeping at home , we live, we were sleeping across the road, it started banging, it seemed... as usual, a siren, they ran out into the corridor, and it was banging so loudly that the doors to the hospital just flew off, then we started reading
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the news, we saw the arena, we went out to look, and shrapnel flew all over the area, just shrapnel, everything was in shrapnel , the cars were smashed by shrapnel, the windshields were all knocked out, well, look, we got it here frames that’s it, here’s a part left, the frame is crumpled from the very balcony, well , the apartment is already suffering from shelling for the second time, on february 15 on the other side. they came out to us, they also took them out in the bedroom, in the living room, in the kitchen, they took everything out, this is not the first time. as a result of the morning shelling, the building of the belgorod arena sports complex was also damaged, a shell exploded in front of the institution, as a result of which the façade of the building was also damaged, equipment was received, but most importantly, the personnel who were there managed to take cover in time and no people were harmed at that moment. well, there is practically no central entrance, here is the administrative building, my office, offices. secretary, they are not there, everything is broken, but the damage to the glass is about 20 percent
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, this is one of the most expensive pleasures, well , the equipment, the equipment is very expensive, we have everything, europe is all the same, there is also a lot of damage, the main thing is that there were no casualties, now utility services are assessing the damage ; restoration work has already begun in the city, vesti belogorod region. powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local publications in kiev, the roar of detonation was heard three times in 20 minutes. city authorities report air defense operations and that two businesses were damaged in one area. explosions were heard in the zhitomir region, and earlier the same information came from kharkov. the air raid alert was announced several times during the night. kutru, its effect spread throughout the entire territory of ukraine.
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yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online, the camera itself calculates everything. so how did it turn out? certainly. we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card (vtb), together everything will work out. now on our channel there is a live broadcast from mid. that's it, dear first deputy chairman of the government, minister of foreign affairs, dear ivica, dear friends, we are very happy about this meeting. we value
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the relations that are developing between the russian federation and serbia.
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drugog svetskog rata, pre svega za te institucije koje su bile stvorene nakon regulisanje tih odnosa, sad mislim na međunarodni monetarni fond, na svetsku torgovinsku organizaciju i drugih svetskie organizacije, this is a great example of distortion and perversion of all principles. sanctions against everyone who in one way or another defends their independence, defends their right to be part of the world community in
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full compliance with the principle of equality enshrined in the un charter. najvidljivi primer kvarenja svih principa secular , pre svega onih principa koje the west itself is taken away, then it is taken away unprecedented sanctioned prema...
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jateljsku utakmicu između rusije i srbije.
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siguran sam da ćemo našim obostranim zalaganjem očuvati i dalje jačati naše odlične bilateralne odnose. predsednik vučić je pre dan dva uputio i zvanično vašem ambasadoru, preko vašeg ambasadora pismo i čestitku predsedniku.
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mi imamo sporazum koji su pot koji je na inicijativu dvojice pred na kraju da ne širim sada dalje mnogo temu, mi smo veoma, veoma zahvalni rusiji na podršci koju nam nam nam nam ija prža kad je rečem teritorijalnom integritetu suverenetu.
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velikom razumevanju i podršci u svakoj situaciji kada smo se mi obratili za pomoć, ja would like to personally thank you for each situation, mi ćemo razgovarati o tim o situaciji na zapadnom balkanu, naravno, ali
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uh, ta politika dvostrukih standarda. "u odnosu na srpski narod i na pitanje kosova i metohije je uh upravo i dovela do narušavanja našeg teritorijalnog integriteta".


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