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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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arrived, i have to find him , hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexy shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, yours had them, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, and by the time the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deepfake. we will expose all fakes.
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vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, alexander shokhin. they in particular discussed the continuation of national projects, the business climate in the country, possible parameters of the future tax system, and its modernization. the head of state announced in
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his message to the federal assembly, the president proposed that the conversation be considered the beginning of joint work. agreed to meet, discuss our current issues, and, no less important, the prospect of interaction between associations of entrepreneurs, government, administration, well, with all the authorities, so to speak, in order to jointly determine future work in... the most important areas for business, i cannot help but take advantage of this personal meeting, vladimir vladimirovich, not to congratulate you on the record result of support, and it is very important here that the turnout was record-breaking, of course, this is not only your personal victory, but the victory of russia, since it records the consolidation of russian society around the national leader, the supreme commander-in-chief, this is very important for us, because... we are planning work for a long time,
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not just for several years, the three-year period, which is at the forefront of the ministry of finance and the government, well, for 5-7 and 10 years in advance, therefore, of course, the continuation of a number of national projects, the formation of new national projects , which you spoke about in your message to the federal assembly, is very important for us, we are ready to get involved in this work. prime minister mikhail mishustin instructed the head of the ministry of agriculture dmitry patroshev to keep under special control all topics that related to spring field work in russia, from financing farmers to issues with prices for fuel and seeds. the progress of the spring sowing campaign was discussed at a government meeting; nika yankovaya supervised the meeting. nika, i welcome you, tell us what other topics kamin touched on. tatyana, greetings, well, we also discussed the parameters of an industrial mortgage.
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i’ll tell you in order right now. the progress of spring sowing, financing of industrial mortgages and support for regions that have suffered from emergencies. such the topics were discussed by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a government meeting. the industrial mortgage program started in the twenty- second year. it allows you to get a seven-year loan of up to 500 million rubles. for the acquisition of construction, modernization or reconstruction of factory workshops. for an enterprise, the preferential rate is five. per annum, and for technology companies 3% on financing the program, said mikhail mishustin. the government additionally allocated 1 billion rubles for its financing. now the total amount of subsidies for the current year reached 2 billion 300 million rubles. we hope that thanks to this measure, businesses can increase production capacity and create thousands of new jobs. the issue of supporting the regions was also raised at the government meeting. which suffered from emergency
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situations, in particular, at the end of last year , crimea faced unfavorable weather conditions, hurricane winds, storms, heavy rains, which caused flooding of residential buildings. on instructions from the president, the government, together with the leadership of the republic, took measures to assistance to the victims. as a result, people were able to begin repairing damaged housing. to compensate for local budget expenses, mikhail mishustin ordered the allocation of 3.260 million rubles. the next important issue was the progress of spring field work. the government is systematically implementing a set of measures for... the development of the industry, including preferential lending to agricultural producers, largely thanks to such assistance, farmers receive a high harvest, including wheat, rice, buckwheat and sunflower, so as not to slow down the momentum in this year we have increased funding and
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will provide additional subsidies that will go towards field work of almost 20 billion rubles. this year , spring field work in our country began in the second decade. february, according to tradition, the agrarians of the south and northern caucasus were the first to start it. now work is already underway in twenty regions, this was announced by the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. the entire sown area this agricultural year is projected to be 84.5 million hectares, which is 3,000 hectares more than last year. if we talk about logistics resources, then in general the required volume of seeds has been procured throughout the country, while the reorientation towards equipment, enough fuel and lubricants. various support measures are in place to encourage fleet renewal. they are effective and
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we will continue to implement them. in particular, this concerns our plan with the ministry of industry and trade for the purchase of domestic equipment. within its framework , farmers are provided with discounts of up to 15%. last year we tested the mechanism for the first time, including only tractors in the plan. in the twenty-fourth year it was supplemented combines and other self-propelled equipment. we expect that more than 3,000 units of equipment will be delivered in this way. as for the financial support of field work, all basic measures have been preserved, dmitry patrushev emphasized. these are subsidies for the purchase of seeds, fuels and lubricants, equipment and plant protection products. this is also support for agricultural insurance.
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athletes will not be able to go to the games in paris, but if such an opportunity exists, then they must take part. this statement was made today by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko at exhibition “sports of high technologies”, which opened in the state duma. and a report by my colleague stas ridikultsev. even serious deputies cannot resist the charm of this mischievous robot dog. a mechanical dog welcomes guests to the high- tech sports exhibition in the state duma. russia showed what sport should be like in the modern world at the games of the future, without politics and in a new format. sports will also develop as a multipolar phenomenon, and where there is a place for classical trends, classical types sports, at the same time, we
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are always happy to see new trends, because i have already noted that they reflect the real picture of the world, today, the digital picture of the world, it is important that sport is such an experimental... platform where human behavior patterns are developed, and russia in this regard, today it determines the trends of the new movement, the olympic movement is in crisis, there are 4 months before the olympics in paris, all the thoughts of the international olympic committee are about what other criteria to come up with so that russian and belarusian athletes did not go, our athletes were even banned from participating in the opening ceremony. i don't know how to characterize it.
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the russian olympic committee is a member of the olympic family and is doing everything to prevent our athletes from participating in the games, while, without having any authority to do so, it demands that other countries boycott the friendship games that will take place. from september 15 to 29 in moscow and yekaterinburg. the head of the roc, stanislav poznyakov , is confident that the international olympic committee has not only lost its independence and independence, but plunged into the looking glass. he could come up with illegal criteria for non-admission over and over again, and the charter, according to thomas bach, is violated by the russian olympic committee. from the very beginning, the international olympic committee openly chose the side of the political conflict, which in itself is contrary to its mission. consistently executes external. a political order to isolate russian sports, and has now gone so far as to delegate the right to approve
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candidatures for participants in the olympic games from one country to the member of the other side, but at the same time, according to lazanna, russia is engaged in the politicization of sports. lazania is doing everything to force russia to boycott the games in paris. russia, unlike mog, maintains olympic calm and expects that the movement will cease to be brownian and become olympic again. if i could officially confirm... that the conditions under which athletes who admit international federations must condemn the svo or abandon their homeland are being lifted, then in general, i think that these are legal obstacles for athletes to travel, then there will be no , but the conditions created by the international federation mocks are such that, in general , almost none of our athletes can go there - they can’t go to the olympics in paris , only 12
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russians and seven belarusians made it through the sieve of draconian criteria, open to the world, games of the future, a new format of competitions made in russia with love without political overtones, they have already attracted enormous attention, more than 3 billion views of the competitions themselves, national sports federations have appeared in almost seventy countries around the world. stas redikultsev, stanislav petrov, kiril aksenov, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. the dead do not die twice, this is how official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the words of joseph barel. on the eve of the eu council meeting in brussels, the head of european diplomacy said that the european union will not die for ukrainians and called on the media not to scare people. and our european correspondent regina sevastyanova is following the negotiations in the belgian capital. she is in direct contact with us. regina, i greet you, tell me what are there more statements being made in brussels? hello, head. eu diplomacy jose barel said that he cannot wait to announce
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the approval of the european commission's proposal to eu leaders to use dividends from frozen russian assets to buy weapons for ukraine and other financial programs, while answering questions from journalists in front of at the beginning of the summit, the head of foreign diplomacy, there is no need to scare the europeans with the inevitability of war, he said that he is now observing too... too loud statements, in his words, and he repeated this many times, war is not inevitable, we should not exaggerate, war is not inevitable, i have heard those who say that war is inevitable, but it is not so, we are not part of this war, we we help ukraine , we need to prepare for the future by strengthening our defense, but don’t scare people in vain, war is not inevitable, there is no question of going to die for donbass, we are talking about helping ukrainians. don't die in donbass. the so-called transfer of the eu economy to
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military realities, as expressed in his letter of invitation, the president of the european council, charles michel, is the main issue of the first day of the meeting of the leaders, and the first point they planned to discuss was precisely the issue of using dividends from russian frozen assets, as the european union suggests. this is about 3 billion euros, which, for example, berlin is convinced, does not currently belong to anyone. then. i hope a decision will be made to use frozen russian assets for arms purchases as in europe and beyond, the income from them does not belong to anyone, so they can be used by the european union. from my point of view, first of all, they should be spent on the purchase of weapons and ammunition, which ukraine needs for its defense and the complete confiscation of frozen assets belonging to russia located on the territory of the european union.
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as for financing weapons for itself, for example, greece, which currently spends 2% of its own gdp on defense, as required by nato, insists that that should be released.
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the issue can help, while lithuania is also at this summit ready to call on other countries to introduce a complete ban on the supply of russian grain to the territory of the european union, according to the president of lithuania, at the moment this is turning into an economic and political problem. apparently, this position is supported by the european commission. as it became known to journalists, ursula fonderley is ready to prepare a corresponding bill, at least increasing tariffs on russian products in order to make them less expensive. attractive. the leaders will discuss. the issue of expansion of the european union, while it is assumed that the green light may be given to start negotiations with bosney-herzegovina, but at the moment the leaders are not ready to give such promises to ukraine, instead they will discuss reforming the alliance itself, the question of starting negotiations with ukraine, judging apparently it will be postponed until later in the summer, and i’ll add that the un secretary general, who was invited to this summit
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, said that the european union should abandon the policy of double standards. in question ukraine's support for the conflict in the middle east for the same reasons that europe supports ukraine, now the european union must seek a ceasefire in the gas sector, he said. tatiana. regin, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in direct contact. sending french or any other foreign contingent to ukraine could lead to irreparable consequences.
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this is not enough, this is what ukraine needs today, in my opinion. ukraine today has not mobilized all its citizens, and this is proof that she has no need for ours. but who needs help, says the former head of the republic’s military intelligence, is the french army itself, there are not enough gaubs, tanks and ammunition, new planes and frigates will not be superfluous, but this requires additional funding, about where to get money for europe's largest rearmament
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since the cold war, macron plans to speak at the eu summit in brussels, according to the financial times, the french president. will promote the idea of ​​issuing joint defense bonds, and the ultimate goal, the publication cites diplomatic sources, is to cope with a resurgent russia, which paris considers an existential threat, and the public is increasingly tired of the fact that macron views france as a business project, heading which he can bring glory to his success, whatever it takes. when it comes to such matters, we need restraint, deliberation, silence, discretion and secrecy.
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treat any information responsibly, so far, as far as i understand, there is nothing accurate on this account is not, in any case, we have said more than once that sending some foreign military contingents to ukraine is fraught with very negative, even irreparable consequences. french television has always loved to talk about irreparable consequences, including the nuclear threat, and now i was simply forced to dissect tolstoy’s quotes. the speaker of the state duma on bfm in excellent french called a spade a spade and said that the french , with their plans to send soldiers to odessa, are provoking the third world war. but ukraine will never return.
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with the entire european union, writes wol street journal , citing the international institute for strategic studies, the publication writes: the community will need at least 20 years to create european forces capable of resisting russia without american participation, europe in this case faces the choice of building up defense or fulfilling social obligations . elizaveta khramtsova, evgenia zemtsova, news. washington interferes in the internal affairs of havana and...
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representatives of the us state department, the american government and their embassies at cuba is rudely interfering in its internal affairs and disrespecting the cubans and the cuban revolution. they are intoxicating the media regarding the rallies. two of the three protests were essentially peaceful, but in virtual reality the united states put forward such a scenario as if serious events were taking place here. the reason for the demonstration was the difficult economic situation of the state. protesters complain about a lack of food. power outage to measure savings, according to residents of the second largest city of santiago de cuba, there is no light for 18 hours a day. similar demonstrations took place in velcobra,
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baymo and matanzas. dozens of police were deployed to the protest sites, but no clashes or mass arrests were reported. washington, whose sanctions actually led to empty shelves in stores and blackouts, is, of course, closely monitoring the situation. they rejected the charge of sedition and called on havana to desist. the united states is not behind the protests in cuba; accusations of this are absurd. i think what we see is a reflection of the heavy situation on the island. we call on the cuban government to refrain from violence and unjust detentions, and we call on authorities to respect the right of cuban citizens to peaceful assembly. the oil fire was fueled by the newly minted mouthpiece of the american establishment in south america. argentine president javier miley addressed protesters in cuba at '. them to fight for freedom. this message is for all the cuban brothers who are awakening to the ideas of freedom and opposing the regime of this son of a bitch that
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is ruining their lives. freedom will bring you prosperity and a lot of happiness, so cuban brothers don't give up, this is your moment, move forward. long live freedom, damn it. it is curious that in argentina itself the economic situation is far from prosperous. during the first months of the presidency of miley, who refused to join brix, the country failed. to curb record inflation; according to various sources, it reached 250% this year. and the number of residents who found themselves below the poverty line increased by 6 million. washington is apparently in no hurry to save the argentine economy from collapse. experts are confident that us control over local leadership is so strong that they lobby for their interests almost free of charge. the long-standing habit of americans is to perceive latin america as their backyard.
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one of the central topics of the negotiations is the presence of the shiite organization hezbollah in the region; the united states is allegedly concerned about possible connections between criminal groups operating on the borders of argentina, paraguay and brazil and terrorist cells from the middle east. artyom krosulin, anna pogonina, lead. second. an attempt to launch a launch vehicle with the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft to the international space station, according to nasa, will take place no earlier than this saturday. the launch from baikanur was
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scheduled for today at 16.21 moscow time, but due to automatic cancellation it did not take place, and reportedly, in the required minutes, the engines did not turn on; a crew consisting of roscosmos cosmonaut oleg navitssky, astronaut, was supposed to go to the iss nasa tracy dyson, as well as the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, passed automatic cancellation of the start, prepare for parking for 24 hours and let in... traffic was allowed along the so-called eastern exit, it connected the city with the federal highway m5 ural, a project that included bridge tunnels, became one of the most expensive infrastructure facilities in the republic for decades . during the test period, travel will be free, and then 100 rubles per car, from ufa, reporting by murat zaripov. the first cars enter the tunnel, a
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historical moment without exaggeration. almost the main long-term construction bashkiria, a facility that began to be built 32 years ago, is officially launched today. thanks to the support of our president, vladimir vladimovich putin, thanks to the systematic work of the government together with the region, we finally managed to implement this long-term long-term construction, this decision. in order to complete the facility , almost 26 billion were allocated from the federal budget within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads. the eastern exit is a unique infrastructure capital construction project in transport system not only of the republic of bashkatastan, but of the entire country. the tunnel, bridge and highways, the total length of the facility, which was called the eastern exit, is almost 14 km, and its cost exceeded 40 billion rubles. one of the largest infrastructure projects not only in the republic, but throughout the volga federal district. it was possible to implement it
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within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, and this is one of the successful examples of effective public-private partnership: for a passenger car the cost the fare will be 100 rubles. this is approximately the middle of the new route, from here it is about 6 km to the central part of ufa, the same distance to the exit to the m5 federal highway. previously, it took about 40 minutes to cover this entire path, but now you can do it in 10. the implementation of the project became possible, including thanks to the support of the russian government and a set of measures that advance the development of regions. the launch of the eastern... exit will not only increase transport accessibility and relieve congestion on the streets of ufa, but also open up new prospects for housing construction in in the city, we are working on this to have water, gas, electricity, so here the city-building potential is somewhere around 5-6, these are our first estimates of 5-6 million square m2, well, consider this, about 20,000 people can easily live here comfortably , and this is only the first stage of construction; the next one
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is planned to connect the eastern exit with the other. federal highway m7 volga. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. the western nato countries, they set up a training ground in ukraine and dragged us into this war. i think, that they need to be taught a lesson. behind us are our families and the memory of our ancestors. we all don’t want to let this war into... here, no, whoever is new comes, we train them, they quickly catch on, serve under a contract.
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vladimir putin has officially been re-elected president of russia. the results of the elections, which took place from march 15 to 17, were approved today by the central election commission. after summing up the final results, the head of state addressed the citizens of the country. he noted that the past campaign was intense, extremely responsible, and that every vote was important, regardless of who it was given to. thank you. for your support, for me this is more important than a formal victory in the elections, it is support for the political and economic course of our country, our common results, which, of course, should be greater, but today they are making russia even stronger and more independent. a few words about the work of election commissions at all levels. as always.


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