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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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started the yastrebov in the west, yes, who so actively, like, supported ukraine, and pumped them up with weapons, that now, in general, well, they have brought the situation inside ukraine to such a state that ukrainian scammers are simply robbing their own citizens there, yes they are also trying to make money on this, well , there really is such a bitter irony in this, it turns out that a country that was supported by the entire western world becomes an example for the assorted enemies and enemies of this very world, the effect:
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thank you all for your trust, i will do everything, that it depends on me to justify it , i understand that this level of trust increases the responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, and requires even greater commitment and efficiency both from me personally and from our entire team. the inauguration of the head of state , according to the law, should take place on may 7, putin will be president until... a year and also official figures from the final protocols of the central election commission , 87.5 million voters took part in the last vote, both in russia and abroad, a record turnout in modern history, while more than 76 million russians voted for vladimir putin. the results of the past campaign will be summed up by egor grigoriev. the final results, the final figures of the presidential election campaign are in this red folder in just a few minutes, representatives of the central election commission are... writing a protocol. documents from
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all 89 subjects of foreign sites were processed with a turnout of almost 77.5%. this is more than 87 million votes. vladimir was elected president of the russian federation vladimirovich putin. a victory that has never happened in russian history. 87.28% of votes are in favor. vladimir putin, nikolai khritonov in second place with 4.31%, 3.85 for vladislav dvankov and 3.2% for leonid slutsky, legitimacy of elections, three components, multi-level, voting not only at polling stations, including abroad, but and remote and electronic voting, full control over transparency, video recording of the process at polling stations, the work of observers, including foreign ones, and third, constant feedback communication with candidates.
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dependence in their understanding, this must be a candidate, so to speak, fueled by western material and financial resources, which clearly expresses an anti-russian position. didos attacks on the deck portal, attempts to hack cctv cameras at polling stations, in a desire to discredit elections and candidates, provocateurs used the most sophisticated methods, including dirty ones. they spammed us
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for one kopeck, it was difficult, it was hard, on one day before closing we had 600 payments for one kopeck, in in accordance with the law, we must issue a separate payment order for each payment order for return, so a lot of work was done, we were under quite a lot of tension, from ukraine they terrorized both voters and election commission workers, on election days, in attempts at raids by the drg , shelling by the ukrainian armed forces of our border region.
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will continue, proposals for improving the electoral process were heard from each presidential candidate today, ideas will soon work, they are asking to expand digitalization, for example, to allow candidates to submit documents electronically. egor grigoriev, dmitry vaskoboynikov, yuri
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lepatnikov, diana makurina. news. the president of egypt today congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election as head of state. in a telephone conversation, abdel-f-sisi emphasized a very personal one. the contribution of the russian president to friendly relations between our countries. during the conversation, the leaders noted the successful development of the russian-egyptian partnership and large-scale projects in various areas. in addition, current issues on the international agenda were discussed, including the situation around ukraine and the humanitarian crisis in the gas sector. sergei shaig was informed today about the start of mass production in russia of 300 fabs, that is , three-ton aerial bombs that are twice as powerful as their famous one and a half ton predecessors. they are produced like many other types of ammunition at defense industry enterprises in the nizhny novgorod region, where the minister of defense personally inspected what they showed him and whether he was satisfied with what he saw, dmitry petrov will tell you. the minister of defense inspects the bodies of the new fab-3000 bombs, or rather those that have already been tested and proven effective, now their production
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has been resumed, a powerful weapon capable of turning the tide of any conflict. it is believed that the 500-kilogram bombs were one of the reasons for the ukrainian armed forces’ retreat in the ovdeevsky direction. and this is the arrival of fab 1500 in krasnogorovka dpr. a couple of bombs can bring down a multi-story building. this ammunition has also recently begun to be produced again. experts are already saying that these weapons have changed the balance forces at the front. at the enterprise visited by sergei shaigu, the production of fap-500 aerial bombs has been increased many times over. production at fap 1,500 has been doubled. and since february of this year, i have organized.
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components are being restored, which allows us to maintain a sufficient level of supplied shells to the zone of a special military operation, but even with those commissioned facilities that have begun their work, we actually have here an almost 2
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-second increase in production volumes, due to the reactivation of capacities, technical re-equipment and modernization of production lines, introducing high technologies and building new workshops in total... more than 45,000 km were commissioned, they switched to three-shift work, salaries, of course, also increased, by an average of 20%, here the guys get up to 80, approximately those who standing at the passover. the most popular shells for large-caliber artillery, self-propelled guns, and msta. they are even working ahead of schedule and the minister thanks the gunsmiths for this. i hope that upon completion we will reach the targets that should be achieved in 2024. the work is done huge, and here i want to say words of gratitude to those who work three shifts with no way out. well, this is the time, so thank you for that, but there is one more
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big thing that needs to be done, to complete the construction of a new ammunition assembly shop. dmitry petrov, news. the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft, which is supposed to deliver oleg navitsky, nasa astronaut tracy dyson and the first belarusian woman, cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, to the iss, will launch into orbit a little later than planned. today's launch of a launch vehicle from the bacon cosmodrome was postponed to... saturday, according to director of the state corporation roscosmos yuri borisov, the reason was certain technical difficulties, but everything was fine with the crew. an emergency situation occurred during pre-launch preparations, the entire procedure was interrupted, the cause was identified, now we have just found out at a meeting of the state commission that the cause was a voltage drop in the chemical current source, the crew. healthy, even during this period vasilevskaya was empty 66,
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now the launch complex will return to its original position, they will be evacuated from the transport ship cosmonaut, this will happen literally within 10 minutes, after which a detailed analysis of the reasons will be carried out, we have set a reserve date of march 23. domestic business is ready to actively participate in the implementation of national projects, the importance of which was noted by vladimir putin in his message to the federal assembly, the head of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs alexander shokhin told the president today. in addition, he suggested that the country's leadership pay attention to a number of initiatives of businessmen themselves, so that their activities become more efficient and beneficial for the economy as a whole. details in the material by tatyana remizova. the president personally. receives the head of the rsp in the kremlin in order to objectively assess the current state of the russian economy
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, outline a planning horizon for the future, we agree to meet to discuss our current issues and, no less important, the prospect of interaction between associations of entrepreneurs, the government, the administration, well, with all the authorities, so to speak, for in order to jointly determine future work on the most important. for business directions, i can’t not to take advantage of this personal meeting, so as not to congratulate you on the record result of support, and for us this is very important, since we are planning work for a long time, not only for several years, three years, but for 5-7 and 10 years in advance, so of course the continuation of the series national projects, the formation of new national projects that you spoke about in... shokhin conveys
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specific business proposals to putin, the rsp generally records an improvement in the business climate, if in 2022 only 14% of entrepreneurs considered the business environment in the country favorable, in 2023 the share of business optimists increased to 38%. they are participating not because it is, well, say , a request from the government or the president,
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because it is an investment, it is necessary, it is necessary, yes, and we are ready, you have set the task of doubling the number of programs, the number of colleges and universities that participate in these programs, schools, here we are now 30-20, 50, will taxes increase, a question that worries citizens equally? business. shokhin recalls the proposal to provide a tax deduction for those who actively invest, not only in own production, but, for example, into the environment or social objects. similar conditions have already been adopted by the state duma. for citizens on personal income tax, benefits for those who open individual investment accounts or long-term savings programs. in his address to the federal assembly , the president set the task of a more equitable distribution of the tax burden and an increase in the tax burden for people with higher incomes. there are many aspects that we would like to be involved in in preparation
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the main directions of tax, budget , tariff policy, we... would like, so to speak, maybe even before the end of the spring session of the duma, before the start of work on the annual three-year budget for the next period , to have a clearer picture, for this we are meeting today, we will consider this the beginning of collaboration. shokhin invites putin to a broad conversation with business on april 18 at the annual congress of the rsp. the president traditionally participates in this meeting and is highly likely to attend.
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jake salevan arrived in kyiv secretly and in all in a sense, without a 60 billion military aid package, which is so stuck in congress, but according to the adviser to the head of the white house, biden literally struggles every day to get money, but he did not say when he will find it and give it away. i am confident that we will get a strong bipartisan vote in the house of representatives for the ukraine aid package, and we will get this money out as we should. this is true. took too long, so i don’t think we need to talk about plan b today. plan b is giving weapons for a reason, on credit. republicans are leaning towards this option, but in kiev the idea of ​​receiving something was not without reason considered offensive. former head of the ministry of foreign affairs klimkin said that this is simply dishonest. i believe that demanding that ukraine fight for
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some kind of loan money is wrong, a dishonest story, if it is politically necessary for the americans to show that kiev will receive part of the money. credit and it will quickly unlock help, then maybe that is the price to pay, i still think it is wrong. zelensky is ready to pay with the lives of his citizens, but he must increase the scale, they make it clear in the west. senator lynsey graham, who was visiting kiev , was amazed when he learned that there was a lower age limit for mobilization. ukrainians of all ages should join the army, said the overseas guest. the new law on mobilization will come at just the right time. by the way, the head of the military expressed himself in approximately the same spirit today in kiev.
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to the church, the issue of mobilization is solved simply: here in chernivtsi military commissars are dragging another future fighter into the car, in ternopil people in military uniform climbed onto construction site, you definitely can’t escape from there. they write summonses to the boys in the field, well , in general, it’s amazing, it costs a lot of money , they finally got to the farmers, they are trying to hand out summonses right in the field, i’m sitting in a tractor, i’m just sitting in a tractor, you said that i... in volyn, the locals wanted to recapture the captured man, but the military commissars began to threaten, grabbing their machine guns. many understand that people are being sent to slaughter so that zelensky gets the necessary media effect. former president poroshenko, now an oppositionist, attacked the authorities with criticism. the earth is burning
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along the entire length from kupyanskaya to kherson. don’t go and shoot videos at an exemplary platoon stronghold, fortification is 2.0 km, control over the use of money, ask the government how much percent has been put into operation, and it will be less than ten, and who should you ask, there is no government, the security forces instead go to the front, they love to eat in the offices of ukrainian business, but mobilization by the method of mass capture will clearly continue and even worsen, given that zelensky is accepting and thanks western visitors such as the minister of defense. we are very glad that we have such great support from your society , great support from the team of prime minister rutte, instead of negotiations , kiev is still hatching plans to hold a so-called peace forum in switzerland,
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without inviting russia. according to media reports, beijing, which is making its own diplomatic efforts, is against this format. in early march , china's special representative for eurasian affairs, lihui, visited european countries and ukraine, but instead unheard of gratitude poured in from kiev.
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the european union, who are racking their brains about how to compensate for the huge expenses on supporting the kiev regime, and for one thing they are arguing about the prospects of sending their troops to ukraine. the idea of ​​direct confrontation with russia is still actively promoted by the french president, but so far macron has few public supporters, no matter how much he flexes his muscles drawn in photoshop. report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. looking at the holes in the european budget, leaders are breaking head, where else to find money for military production. one proposal is to issue joint debt bonds, just like they did after covid. then they collected 750 billion, but agreed that this would be a one-time event. germany and the netherlands are against it and fear dire consequences for the economy. poland and estonia are ready to throw themselves in front of this train. the problem with investing in defense for leaders who have better neighbors than us is that it is very difficult to explain to people because in a peaceful there are so many things
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to spend taxpayers' money on these days. i'm committing political suicide, but i have no choice. the idea to issue bonds came from france, whose national debt has already exceeded 3 trillion euros. the ministry of finance is urgently looking for ways to cut the budget so as not to resort to raising taxes, otherwise the country is boiling. here are today's protests by farmers, but in his election program macron is relying on war, and not on internal problems, as indicated by his main contenders in the upcoming european elections. we are in the phase of pre-election communication , we do not joke with war, you do not talk about war with whiskey in your hand and a relaxed look, i will have to send several guys to odessa, you do not do this, because war is something terrible, something serious. french television explains in detail to the viewer where odessa is from... why the french should die for it. of course, today we all think mainly about this large port, which opens onto the black sea. if odessa
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falls, it will be the loss of the black sea for the ukrainians. in other words, the end of the export of wheat and the end of the influx of foreign earnings. here, where i will mark in red in romania, there are french troops with anti-missile systems, ready for battle, this is where we could be drawn into a war, which emmanuel macron does not want. doesn’t want to, but stubbornly pushes his country and nato into an open military conflict. in an hour-long conversation with journalists, politician macron complains that nowadays there is a lot of talk when in reality it is necessary real mobilization, otherwise ukraine may soon fall. however, what awaits france itself in the event of such an adventure in their language, vice-chairman of the state duma pyotr tolstoy told them. this brings us all closer to world war iii.
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the bets you made on a military victory over russia, you see, all the forecasts for a military victory, for the collapse of the russian economy, for the collapse of the putin regime, failed, what we achieved with
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this military one.
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and makes it even more difficult to find a compromise solution. anastasia popova lio bernadsky ina koshkina. news: brussels. belgium. the victory museum opened a photo exhibition of russia-serbia belgorod-belgrade. the project is dedicated to those who died in yugoslavia from the nato coalition bombings, which began 25 years ago, as well as today’s civilian casualties in the belgorod region and donbass. the exhibition clearly shows the consequences of military aggression against ordinary people.
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they presented their view of a war crime. russian photojournalist sergei venyavsky and photo editor of the serbian newspaper vecherni novosti dragan milovanovic. after moscow these piercing the works will be exhibited in the russian house in belgrade. talking about what is happening now in belgrade is a continuation of what began in belgrade. it is not for nothing that these cities are so similar in name, that even serbs sometimes experience such kindred feelings towards belgorod. belgraders and serbs know very well what artillery and rocket attacks and other bombings mean, what the residents of belgorod are experiencing now. if the conclusion for the whole world had been made after belgrade, after the unilateral actions of the americans, anglo-saxons, nato members, then probably this war on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of donbass, on the territory of now russian regions, probably would not have happened. after a short advertisement, our
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program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department.
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