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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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of course, there are more people, many are returning. at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, houses , roofing, glazing, a house, there is a house, we have to work, because everything here is native, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch. in the application or on the website , returning to the zaporozhye yes, and senior lieutenant schultz can count on receiving an out of the next rank, yes, and that he is lower in rank than gordon, much, well , of course, this is the german gardon for how many years serves, well, yes, especially if you remember the videos with this gordon, when he loved to wear the nkvd uniform, yes, that is, he... is a person
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personally guilty of the death of a large number of people, well, he’s also a scoundrel and an absolutely bastard scumbag, but he will speak, he says, and then he will come to us and say, look how many of them i killed, i poisoned them for how many years, he will say, i did everything so that they all died.
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settlement of marfopol, and here you need to understand that on this section of the front, mines the enemy fields are just continuous, yes , that is, every advance is not just heroism, yes, it is the super efforts of our guys, but i would like to note, but we know how to clear mines, thank god, yes, and remotely, beautifully, normally, that’s even , what we talked about with you about the bells of these sub- cluster munitions, and the guys cleared several square kilometers of mines in 4 days, that is, this is simply colossal.
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having said that, the construction of a new russia, yes, then from the economy to culture, that is, well, figuratively there is, because there are no limits, perfection, we see that the will of the president and the will of the people, who absolutely trust him, are about this only.
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says more than once, and i want to remind everyone of the words of vladimir vladimovich, which he voiced during his address to the federal assembly, about the elite, yes, that these are the people who lined their pockets in the early days. potential. i specifically emphasize this and their managerial attention should be used so that everyone understands that the president’s rating, yes, is connected not just with
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absolute trust in him, but also with hopes to the changes that it brings and makes it possible to improve the state management system. and it is especially important to understand. that this public demand for the continuation of murky schemes, yes, especially in the post-ukrainian space, which there, unfortunately, is simply in the blood, you know, you come, you communicate with a person, he simply swears his love for you, for his homeland, for russia , to everything that is, then time passes, i say why did you do that, yes, and honest eyes, you know, that is, i don’t know, here’s a wedding in a robin, here’s a wedding in malinovka, she is simply permanent, by the way, an indicative moment in all ratings of the program, oh, the feature film spring on zarechnaya street, got into the tops, and... viewed throughout russia, but this is a film after all about my native zaporozhye , about which, which is so close , and it is clear to any person throughout great russia from the point of view of perception that these are their own people, well, in conclusion, i cannot help but say that victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so needs , will definitely have
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i feel like your paragraphs are mixed up, because you were suddenly thrown into the canopy of nazarichnaya street by the fact that you had just criticized the wedding in raspberries. it was like that once with boris nikolaevich, when his cards were so mixed up in places, he was from different places, stop, stop reading, you speak so beautifully, i wanted, i wanted to say more, but that’s why i forgot to write, well there there was, there was a quote from the president, it was important not to turn it around, but we read it with our own, don’t worry, but now if to speak seriously, the time of heroes is a brilliant program - it coincided so interestingly with your story that my friend, whom we met when we were working near elenovka, he served with sasha nilov at kuzak then, now he has moved on there, and he is now like once at work he’ll get his fill, mikhail khristoforovich, he’s already received several orders
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of courage, he’s very young, a kremlin cadet, so he’s worried, he wrote an application to enter the program, and for the guys at the front, this...
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at least such events will repeat themselves, advertising, we did not lose and did not give up, our struggle continues here and there, almost everything remains as it was that very night, here the announcers recorded the sound, journalists worked, now there is emptiness here, several cruise missiles showed the whole world what freedom of speech is - anatovsky, there were few russians. but with their help there was a radical turning point in this war; we will never be able to forget how they treated us, these are not just names, as long as we remember them, they are immortal.
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vladimirovich, if the problem was that there was no one to talk to in ukraine, it would be it’s not so bad, but the problem is that... it’s also difficult to talk to those who stand behind ukraine, i, for example, can’t even imagine how you can conduct a dialogue with them if they completely inadequately assess the situation that has developed in general on earth, and those realities.
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the rights of these territorial military registration and enlistment offices are expanding and the rights of ordinary people are being significantly narrowed; they are not able and cannot simply defend their right to life, they cannot. further, russia is increasing the production of weapons, so nato also needs to be increased. well, great idea, yes, just he goes on, you know what he’s talking about, that russia doesn’t know how to fight at all, and in general it’s necessary to wage a modern maneuver war, i ask. question: why? well, russia, of course , it is not waging a modern war, it is fighting like in
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the middle of the last century, with shells, guns and tanks, but you are a modern army, show, maneuver , what you produce with shells, just maneuver, show how you can do it , and we’ll see how you do it, well, it’s generally amazing, yes, well, for example, the ukrainians they could have taught, further even better, further even better, the russian army does not do everything well; it does great things. “yes, the russian army probably has a lot of problems, let ’s see what problems the ukrainian army has, or whether it doesn’t have any problems there, you came to ukraine to tell and help this country, they lead the wolves, they say: “give us money, weapons, artillery, guns, repairs, logistics, everything else, you don’t give them anything and say, the russian army has big problems, yes, the russian the army probably has a lot of problems, but she herself is with '.
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now, again regarding stoltenberg’s statements, it means that putin is against
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ukraine being in nato, against ukraine being in the eu, you’re for it, well, you’re for it, accept it into nato, accept it into the eu, it’s a bummer, it’s impossible, because that, then the logic turns on, then it works for them, that is, before that they turn it off, and after that everything turns on for them, everything is fine for them. everything is fine with them, you know, that is, well, obviously, these same people, well, of course, they act, i even theirs, vladimirovich, i even theirs i don’t blame you, you know, maybe they’re deliberately pretending to be idiots, but at least they’re doing it in their own interests, they ’re doing it in their own interests, just like the americans manipulate, yes, you know, we democrats want you, yes, these republicans , in fact, they act in the interests of their country, in the interests of their country, if it is bad for america, it will not do it, but why? but klinkin said it well, but is it somehow mean?
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yes, he said this, he said this about loans, just you know, it’s somehow vile to wash money back, vladimirovich, i would respect klimkin if he came to meet with lenzigrem, yes, he would stand up and say, you know, this is vile, but i might respect him, but no one didn’t stand up, didn’t tell him this, you see, no one stood up.
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this phrase, this is a lead-in to what? to the fact that there is a contradiction between what the ukrainian government says and what the american side says, because the ukrainian government says about the cordons of the ninety-first year, and they don’t give a damn about your cordons, we don’t give a damn about your territories, if we need to save face, we will say that that’s it, ukraine has already won, the ternopil region will be left alone, ukraine has won, has survived as a state, there is democracy there, freedom of speech, everything else, although it can be there and not to be, and to get out of this conflict. what will ukraine remain, well , these are the problems of those people who were fighting about these western partners, but for me the most interesting question is, why did rubbau come, because the man, the man is clearly not in topic, that is, they brought him a microphone , said, say something, he spouted that standard nonsense that needs to be uttered about totalitarianism in russia, about democracy in
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ukraine, and so on and so forth, but he came for something completely different, then there is , in principle, he is not a public person, and this is his first time... that is, it turns out that the entire nato strategy , which has so far been implemented in the american, sorry, ukrainian troops, it does not work, this is the first official recognition that this strategy doesn't work, she turned out to be useless from the head of the nato military committee. further interesting, yes, that is , if you look at baur’s statements,
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the only thing you need is our help, training camps, yes, let them be in ukraine. salevan said one interesting thing , he said that in ukraine, ukraine is winning there, including, well, in the sense, it will win, it was preserved because putin wanted to deprive of what we never intended to deprive ukraine of, in fact, then there are strategic goals of the military operation, this is not included, but he said one more thing, that the democratically elected government of ukraine will cease to be such after
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may 20, this is also a clue in order to later legitimize a change of course if it occurs. trump will come, he will say, there was corruption , yes, there was corruption, nolanda, tsalvan is there , now we will put everyone in jail, the american people , why did you support the nazis, he will ask at the trial of the democrats, that he did you support the nazis, that’s it, the american people will say, for sure , at the same time they will also cry for the children of donbass, yes, but why didn’t they immediately say that
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ours, on the other hand, will say that the sheriff doesn’t care about the problem of the indians, naturally, but again, what are the clashes in connection with? that britain is now and news has come from britain that they are considering the possibility of building a buffer zone around kiev, but of course not at the expense of the british, at the expense of the romanians, poles, that is , those whom you don’t feel sorry for, but how will they build them? yes, we watched it, read it, but how can we physically implement it? but it’s not clear, but again this is not a problem for britain, this will be a problem for the romanians and poles, for starters, tactless question, has anyone heard the official statement of ukraine about inviting foreign troops to its land, there is no such thing, but who will ask her? in this, no, there is a big nuance in this, because in the constitution this is directly prohibited, if foreign troops are brought into the territory of ukraine without the invitation of kiev, not mercenaries, but
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what is this, what is it, according to the constitution the presence of foreign troops is prohibited, i want to see, how will they take kiev, kiev into a ring, if it is divided in the dnieper, very interesting, well, a camp, very interesting, not very much, but again, britain’s business will be set tasks, let the others talk about it, but the fact that such stuffing appears, it is clear that the option of plan b is being discussed, yes, that is , when it is necessary to record losses at some stage, try to fix them on some part.
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so that the partisan movement begins , because then the ukrainians will kill them, well , it’s clear that such a soldiery is standing, it’s clear how the poles love the ukrainians, now
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showdowns will begin there with wild speed, if they come, of course, well, they’ll rape a couple of girls, the men will get hot, and these will rape a couple of frenchmen, of course, the french will like it, they will demand to marry, that is, this is a very difficult situation, but the british authorities do not intend to send their troops to ukraine, the correspondent will talk about this. said the representative of the prenistr of the united kingdom, reshunok. there are no plans to send troops to fight alongside the ukrainian armed forces. they better do it differently, they better make a revolution. they need, if we talk about britain, about the united states, then for the anglo-saxons, europe - this is a bit of a gray area, these are no longer white people. the more problems there are, the more, the more. no, well, they, well, of course, europeans are stupid, but not that stupid, that is, they don’t understand, they say now.
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neutral, all troops, which means we are withdrawing lands that are russian, let the people decide so, voted, i am against it, but so be it, we, this will be the hardest option for us, yeah, this is the worst option for us, when a person says, no, no, everything is yours, we are for, no, i’m for sure, that’s all, troops we’re taking them out, we’re ready to disarm, this is the hardest thing, this won’t happen.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he is a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko. you understand that i don’t have a dry ration or a weapon for you, get ready to go to moscow, we’ll list your brother as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope is very looks like him, sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexy shevchenkov, that’s where he is went on reconnaissance, yours was theirs, and then? i don’t
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know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. changing entire locations in pursuit of views is easy to do.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with? incomparably original in its questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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the russian armed forces launched preemptive strikes on enemy drgs near the belgorod region. the ministry of defense on thursday shared footage of the work of aviation and artillery of the western group.


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