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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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compensation is being issued, we have already received 18,000 , of course there are more people, many are returning, at the moment we are working in the private sector, apartment buildings, glazing blood, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is native, we look to explore the world, educational programs and films, watch, watch, in the application or on the website. mid- hour news, briefly. in the southern donetsk direction , the russian military eliminated the accumulation of equipment in the rear of the ukrainian armed forces. an accurate blow was delivered by the combat crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer. summit
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the european union did not approve the decision to seize income from frozen russian assets for military assistance to zelensky. at the same time , the leaders of the eu countries called for new sanctions against our country and said that they would speed up the supply of weapons to the kiev regime. a major fire occurred at night in saratov, a five-story residential building caught fire, the fire engulfed about 800 km of the roof, three people were injured, the residents were evacuated. and... with virtually no preparation they are sent to the inhabitants of the country, they are taken right from the street to the front, inexperienced fighters are transferred to the most difficult area. in total in the so-called
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barrier detachments, one of these mobilized was vasily petrovsky, stanislav bernevalt understood his history. he was going about his business and came for a summons. after a short military training, the mobilized vasily petrovsky was sent to the very hell by the residents of ternopil, into the bakhmud meat grinder, as it turns out , he doesn’t know how he survived, after the ukrainian armed forces retreated from artyomovsk, they threw him into another hell, and then simply abandoned him. i tried to find my people wandering in the forests for days, but in the end i came across positions of the armed forces of the russian federation and voluntarily surrendered, chose life. a large interview with ukrainian captivity is published by the public archangel of special forces. in peaceful life, the ukrainian svasya was engaged in a completely peaceful business, construction, when he returned from work one fine day, he was tied up right at a public transport stop. a familiar picture.
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i don’t know, i don’t speak english, i came for the first time, stayed for about half an hour, then i came again, stayed for an hour, we were in abandoned houses, ruins, and we were doing something like approach to the building, he said that they would work it out, well, it takes about 8 months to work it out, only one approach. well, as you know, there is a shortage of soldiers in the ukrainian army in ostrava, so after 3 weeks the raw soldier vasya was sent not just anywhere, to the very heat, to artyomovsk, and vasya became, in fact, a fighter for the detachment’s city. there were five-story buildings there, we were told to go to the last five-story building and... well, take a position on the second floor, like an observation deck, to watch, well , it was very far from the enemy, well, to watch who to watch then, to watch the cats? no, not for cats, what was the situation there, the infantry
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very often ran away from their points, they didn’t look after them from their places, that they didn’t run away, were you like outside the detachment’s city? well, they looked, well, they don’t, they don’t run away , as petrovsky says, the task was to catch those who were retreating and tell the higher authorities what happened next to those who left their positions, vasily does not know, after a few weeks vasily himself became already a scout, he says that the command did not take care of the personnel, from the word at all, they threw the soldiers into the thick of it, counting on taking by quantity and not by quality, vasily’s unit ended up losing... people a day, the worst thing, as petrovsky admits, was the complete lack of coordination among the units from the so-called friendly or in other words friendly to the fire, when by mistake covers his own, a lot of soldiers died, he himself was wounded by shrapnel and
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sent for treatment, returned to duty again and was wounded on the first day. he was captured while fighting in another direction, performing terrain reconnaissance missions. his group got lost. the command simply forgot about them, and as a result, a group of four people went to russian positions and voluntarily surrendered. the most offensive thing, says vasily, is that when he was captured, he disappeared, no one even rushed to look for him, the unit did not bother to tell his wife, and his colleagues told his wife that he was most likely captured, here is the long-awaited meeting, even if for now not personal, but so important. come, yes, it’s fine, good, as you can see, he’s alive and well , how’s my daughter, everything’s fine, she’s studying, she asked, and why doesn’t dad call, well, i hid it from her,
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but then she said, mom, everything will be fine with him, even. “i love you very much, i love you, don’t cry, everything is fine, having gone through a bloody meat grinder, wounds, betrayal of commanders and a terrible awareness of the harsh reality, he still chose life, because there is something to live for, for the sake of his wife and daughter, for the sake of parents, and not die for the one who drowned the country in blood and doomed millions of families to torment.” residents of central russia will need umbrellas this weekend. forecasters warn of worsening weather in the region. vadim zavodchenkov will tell you how heavy the precipitation will be and how the temperature regime will change. the weather will get worse, but it will become even warmer. spring strengthens its position in the european part of russia due to
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atlantic cyclones. in which regions of the country will it rain all weekend, should muscovites get umbrellas? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. hello, the next few days on the russian plain will be the warmest since the beginning of the year. all week region remained in the flow of atlantic air, thermometer readings increased by thursday in almost all of european russia, reaching april levels. in the urals in yekaterinburg it was almost +8, in moscow +9. the temperature even in northern murmansk dropped into a slight plus, in the flourishing south in tuapse it was generally above +16, spring processes are actively developing everywhere, rescuers are preparing for the flood. however, in a number of areas
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of the russian plain, spring suddenly paused on thursday, if not to say, it went back. these shots are from the leningrad region from... st. petersburg, the streets of the northern capital suddenly turned white again, but not for long. during the day the fresh snow melted. march 21st, some have spring, some have a return. ears of winter , i will immediately reassure the residents of north-west russia, snowfall is not a harbinger of cold weather, quite the contrary, as i already said, the weather in the european part of our country is now determined by atlantic cyclones, warm air from the west and even warmer air enter the region from the balkans, as a result, the temperature remains abnormally high, today the thaw limit will rise north, all the way to mur. region and the polar urals. in the urals it will be +2.7, in the middle
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zone +5.10, in the black sea region up to +10-15. however, the current weather situation also has a negative side. we remember snow-covered st. petersburg. the atlantic air is saturated with moisture, so cloudiness will thicken over the russian plain in the next few days. today, for example, precipitation is expected throughout the northern half of the region. in the caucasus, crimea, zaporozhye and kherson regions, on the shores of the white sea, in the urals and ugra, this there will be snow, and in the following days bad weather will break through in the central region of the country. we do not expect snowfalls in st. petersburg yet; light rains are possible here until monday, but this will not significantly affect the temperature regime. in the coming days on the banks of the neva it will be + 4-5°, which is close to normal values. then the thermometer readings will reach +6-7 in april. in moscow only today there is no precipitation and again
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+7–9, and tomorrow the sky will frown and become another degree cooler. the rainy weather will remain until early next week. but the warming trend will continue from sunday in the megalopolis around +9. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo. orbits and today we will go to hospitable abkhazia, which will soon become even more convenient to receive guests. the image shows the sukhumi airport, work is in full swing here. for more than 30 years , the air harbor did not actually function, but in 2023, abkhazia and russia entered into an agreement on the reconstruction of the facility. the runway is currently being renovated. removal of the old coating began this week. on according to plans, the new airliner will be able to land in december; i will add that sukhum will,
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among other things, become a reserve airfield for planes heading to russian sochi. that's all for me, goodbye. now a short advertisement, then we will tell you how gazprom will connect the siberian power and sakhalin-khabarovsk-vladivostok gas pipelines. credit. a sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country. get a credit card everything will be as you want. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream color, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage. strength shine of dyed hair, sjos, hair like after a salon. at avito work it’s easy to find your
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more profitable. now economic news, konstantin, eu countries are all trying to seize income from russian assets. roman, they are trying, but they have not yet been able to agree on specific mechanisms. so, to the eu summit in brussels, where what is happening can be explained in one phrase: there is almost no money of our own, we need to steal russian money and continue pumping the kiev regime with weapons. well , it was not possible to agree on the issue of eurobonds to finance the militarization of the economy. there was only a vague order to find it by june.
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we are in the process of discussions, we must be sure that the funds we agree will not be used for weapons and ammunition. previously, there were discussions that this money should be invested in the restoration of ukraine, and i consider this proposal reasonable. another more or less specific order from brussels following the first day of the summit is to strengthen the fight against circumventing anti-russian
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sanctions and prepare new restrictions against belarus, north korea and iran, but this can also be called... unlike the us, the eu is not eager to put a lot of pressure on china, rich monarchs of the persian gulf and turkey. meanwhile, the united states proposed to its partners in the seven, let’s call them that, to issue bonds worth $50 billion to finance ukraine. it is proposed to use income from frozen assets of russia as collateral for debt securities. the discussion is at an early stage, but opinions are already divided according to the now classic pattern. in particular germany and france. reacted extremely cautiously to washington’s proposal, but the baltic states, which are actually not part of the seven, propose not to stand on ceremony and to confiscate profits along with the russian assets themselves, but simply take it and take it away. the international monetary fund approved a tranche of 880 billion million, million dollars for ukraine. the funds are intended
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to finance the public sector. the kiev regime has long been unable to maintain it without external supply. an agreement on... this amount was reached in february, although the fund then recognized the extremely uncertain prospects for the ukrainian economy for this year. in march last year, the imf approved a new four-year $15.5 billion program. this is part of an international package of 122 billion, which ukraine will have to return before the beginning of 2027. at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 91.94, the euro costs 100 rubles. the attack was carried out by the ukrainian armed forces crew of the self-propelled gaubi tsemstas, the fire was adjusted from the air using drones. in the amur region, rescuers work day and night at the
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mine collapse site. two installations are drilling wells at once to reach people; a third of the way has already been completed. there are 13 people under the rubble, there is no contact with them. the international monetary fund has approved allocation of a new tranche of $880 million to ukraine. at the same time, the imf admitted that the development forecast. eight people were killed after a strike on a residential building in rafahi, three more in khanyunis. call sign passenger became the best new product in domestic film distribution at the start. in the first days of viewing, the film collected almost 100 million rubles. picture based on the novel. alexandra prokhanova talks about the events in donbass that took place 10 years ago. what captivated the audience so much, it’s honestly a poignant story,” the presenter of the film industry program, ivan, found out for the authors.
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kudryavtsev. the capital's party-goer, writer nikolai, is wasting his life until he receives disturbing news. the brother, with whom the relationship was always not very good, it turns out, went as a volunteer to the donbass, exactly where nikolai doesn’t even want to listen to news. it was someone else's war, he left and disappeared there. nikolai decides to go after his brother, but at first he perceives the journey as a purely search mission, hence the offensive call sign passenger, which the militias give him. a film about how, in the withered heart of a hardened cynic, first, a writer's interest awakens, then a sense of duty, and then love. and it seems like a descent into the very hell of a flaring war, but in reality it is an ascent. in prokhanov's way - sharp, paradoxical, provocative. the film is based on... the book of urban murder by alexander prokhanov, a writer and publicist who passed through almost two dozen hot spots on the planet. this film, in addition to the fact that it is a feature film, this is a weapon, it is
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being created, this is a film about a war that does not end, it still happens, this film, this film for any reason, everything is important in a weapon. the film crew saw in this project a chance to capture in the audience’s memory and perception, which so many want to influence, this very author’s view of the consequences.
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the producers of the film call sign passenger direct part of the proceeds from the rental to help the front. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, inna zolatareva, vitaly poretsky and olesya shempel. news. millions of people in the middle east, balkans, caucasus and central asia celebrated nowrus or the persian new year. this oldest. a holiday of the turkic peoples, it is more than 3,000 years old, and it appeared in central asia, how they celebrated the new year there, the head of our bureau in the region, robert frantsov, will tell you. navrus is a new year according to the astrological calendar, the beginning of a new solar cycle, the awakening of nature, a spiritual and mystical event with a multi-thousand-year history, in this sense, of course, the holiday is not persian or turkic, but universal, the beginning of a new life.
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according to good tradition, representatives of all peoples of multinational uzbekistan are on stage. it blooms on navrus and tajikistan, preparing for the celebration, here they started in advance, planting trees to turn cities into gardens. this year navrus fell during the muslim holy month of ramadan, so among the obligatory treats was whipped egg whites with this syrup. fasting people open their meal with dessert. each country has its own holiday feast traditions. in turkmenistan, the central place is given to sprouts of sprouted wheat, the main symbol
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of the holiday. in almaat, a whole festive caravan passed through the city: mobile yurts on wheels, camels loaded with silk, mighty warriors and hunting masters berkutchi, of course the singers of the steppe akyns, what a holiday without music, welcoming the onset of spring, 2 million children throughout kazakhstan simultaneously played the dambra, in the congratulations of president takaev there are important words about the unity of navrus this year marks new things.
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your brother is there in donbass. not aurora, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you no, get ready to blow a moscow, we're registering your brother as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him he doesn't have a brother , killed,
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entire locations are changed in pursuit of views. all fakes.
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in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military eliminated the accumulation of equipment in the rear of the ukrainian armed forces; a combat crew of self-propelled howitzers 100 delivered an accurate strike, with drone operators helping to adjust the fire. the eu summit did not approve the decision to withdraw income.


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