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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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in the region, today 1,200 children are going on vacation to other regions; they are expected in penzia, tambovya, and kolugi. the board of directors of the central bank will meet today for the next meeting on the key rate, and the decision will be announced in the afternoon. what are the analysts' forecasts? the rescue operation in the omur region does not stop for a minute; two drilling rigs are making the way to the miners stuck in the mine. friendly atmosphere, devastating score. how am i asking? this morning and night a series of powerful explosions occurred in several regions of ukraine at once, one of the attacks hit the dnieper, one of the largest in the country, it is reported that the facility was put out of action, this led to a large-scale blackout, it is also known that critical... structures in other
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regions were hit, this is ladazhenskaya gress in the vinnetsk region, zmeyevskaya gress and tets-3 in the kharkov region. almost all of kharkov was left without electricity, there were interruptions in the water supply, internet access and mobile communications. local authorities say there are at least 15 cases of detonation. reports of strikes come from other cities in the country. khmelnitsky, shepetivka, krasylov and starokonstantinov, where the military is located, are de-energized. another city where the power was partially lost , krapivnitsky in the kirovograd region , strikes were also recorded in kiev , there are no details about the consequences there yet, the fact of the explosions was confirmed by the administration of krivoy rog, a critical infrastructure facility was damaged, and in the dnepropetrovsk region the sounds of detonation were heard in the regional capital , a similar situation in amounts. in the northern direction
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, the russian military liquidated an important facility in the ssu. a precise blow to the technique, which the enemy hid deep in the rear, the combat crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer was noted. the artillerymen were helped by reconnaissance officers; they adjusted the fire from the air from drones. our war correspondent eduard ponegov will tell you how it happened. we walk through the forest belt to the forward positions of the artillerymen of the vostok group. any car can be detected by a reconnaissance drone. the front line is very close. the msta self-propelled howitzer leaves for the next combat mission; the crew has received a new target, a hangar with equipment hidden deep behind enemy lines. first sighting salvo, then quick reload. the drone operator adjusts the coordinates of the target, and after a couple of minutes the shot is fired again. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that the shell hit the target. the mechanic turns the car around. at maximum
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speed he drives back to the shelter, in this mode the artillery works around the clock , we carry out the following fire missions, this is the defeat of enemy manpower, fire weapons, strong points, we also work on technology, the enemy is active, but not as before, he rarely snaps , the car is reliable, indeed, there are moments, of course, but we eliminate everything on the spot and return to battle, howitzers keep the enemy in constant tension, do not allow the transfer of units, and destroy them.
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the car is in service, yes, in service. msta howitzers can fire at a distance of about 30 km. crews usually operate from closed firing positions, but if necessary, they can fire directly. as a rule, high-explosive shells are used, which can hit, including concrete, protective structures. the enemy has a significant asses opportunity the performance of their combat contour batteries has decreased. with this , the artillery began to carry out its tasks more efficiently. directly - motorcycle units. fierce fighting is currently taking place at the front. artillery plays a vital role here. long-range howitzers help infantry to hide powerful fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. over the zaporozhye and kherson regions, russian air defense has created a planned defense. it covers troops as well as civilian industrial objects. thor anti-aircraft missile batteries and the latest m3 beech batteries work together to protect.
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the sky from aviation, ballistic missiles, drones and rocket fire systems of the armed forces of ukraine. at distant approaches, air defense is provided by s-300 systems. they shoot down targets up to 200 km away. pantsir s anti-aircraft systems operate at close range. one of the divisions of these systems helped repel a massive attack of enemy drones on targets in the crimea, and also shot down 12 targets in the zaporozhye region with precise salvos. your duty, here it is discovered air targets, it was massive, that is, a massive accumulation of air targets by all available means and anti-aircraft guided missiles. anti-aircraft guns worked on air targets, which was promptly reported by 12 anti-aircraft missiles, 12 targets were hit, plus more targets were hit by anti-aircraft guns. now the belgorod region, the region, was again shelled by the ukrainian armed forces today. when the debris fell
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, several cars caught fire in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings. governor glotkov said there is killed, injured, three medical institutions and residential buildings damaged. and... today , 1,200 children will go on vacation from the belgorod region border areas with ukraine to other regions. they are expected in penza, tambov and kaluga. our special correspondent igor pikhanov is now in direct contact with the belgorod region. hello, igor, we are waiting for details from you. hello vera, today ukrainian militants shelled belgorod at about half in the morning the strike was carried out using a vampire multiple launch rocket system. czech production all the shells hit the residential sector, the shells hit highways , fell near residential buildings, some parts of the shells even hit apartment buildings, it is reported that there is damage to the roof of the building,
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social institutions were also damaged, as reported in their telegram channel, the head of the region, vyacheslav glatkov, there is one death, also among local residents. there are casualties, all the wounded are receiving the necessary medical care, let's give the floor to the local residents, from 8 am in the morning, this is it as if at the same time, constantly , for about six days now, like this, well, basically, on the kharkov mountain, here’s the damage, well , here’s a fragment, here’s two fragments, and that ’s it, i haven’t looked further yet. the situation is especially difficult in the border territories , especially in the grayvanovsky district. the day before , the head of the region visited this territory; it is reported that local residents continue to leave there,
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places have been prepared for them in temporary accommodation centers, but there are still those there who refuses evacuation, representatives of the local administration work with people, they are convinced that... food, medicine, members of the self-defense of the belgorod region are delivered there , drinking water, and also, upon request , local residents are taken out of there. let's give the floor to a resident of the krayvoronsky district. the cassette flew into the yard, well, it cut down an apple tree there, broke four windows, but it didn’t seem very scary, it’s good that my wife and children were there in the room, but the glass didn’t fall on them, but then, well, it’s impossible to sleep, because what
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all night there are explosions, explosions and my daughter is afraid, we would not have left, but my daughter is afraid, for the sake of our daughter we left, since yesterday in the belgorod region. began to issue food packages to people who left dangerous territories, people are being provided with all the necessary assistance, and places have been prepared for people in temporary accommodation centers, and in the borisov urban district it is reported that dozens of local residents have begun to provide their own housing to forced migrants, they can live there, stay for free for a difficult time this situation, let's give the floor to a representative of the local administration. volunteers, people, employees all got involved, everyone, everyone, everyone, people felt differently, some of course were very shocked, some were calmer, but they tried to help everyone as much as was needed, many thanks to the volunteers ,
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people who provided their own housing, were allowed into all the houses and apartments that were empty, we also collected food, children... from the border areas, as well as belgorod, began to travel to other places today regions of russia, they will spend their holidays in sanatoriums and recreation centers. vera, igor, thank you for direct communication. our special correspondent igor pikhanov was from the belgorod region. the united states threatened kiev with a refusal of support in the event of negotiations with russia. american journalist cymore hersh reported this on his blog. according to the publicist, the dialogue on resolving the russian-ukrainian conflict could have begun several months ago, but washington gave the zelensky regime an ultimatum. if ukraine sits down at the negotiating table, the american government will stop allocating money for non-military needs. at the same time , writes hersh, western leaders. understands that ukraine has little chance of success in this conflict. the summit of european union leaders did not
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approve the decision to seize income from frozen russian assets. as bloomberg reports, most eu members have expressed skepticism about this proposal, and representatives of western banks are lobbying for a complete abandonment of the idea of ​​confiscating money. alika will tell you what else is known about the results of the first day of the summit komarova. require ammunition and russian billions. the german press is full of such headlines today. journalists note that the head of the kiev regime talks to western politicians as if they were his pawns. however, he still doesn’t get what he wants in response. instead of specifics, there are only vague formulations about membership in the european union. recently, all our negotiations on ukraine have been extremely productive, so i sincerely hope that our first intergovernmental meeting between the eu authorities and ukraine will take place during chairmanship.
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equipment for ukraine, as far as i know, we now expect to collect about 3 billion euros in this way in 2024, and similar amounts in subsequent years. however, in the end , the eu summit did not make the scandalous decision to seize income from russian assets; the document was sent for revision. but kiev will receive a new loan from the international monetary fund of $880 million. the head of the imf noted, despite the huge economic costs of ukraine, a competent policy.
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and all the progress we've made joint efforts will be lost. at the same time, the pentagon is officially talking about a retreat to the ssu. the american department of defense called this a strategic decision to withdraw from certain territories, while the head of the department openly stated: kiev is rapidly losing ground while the russian army has actually made a breakthrough. alika komarova, lead. the world of bcs investments
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today’s meeting of the central bank? vera, hello, but definitely not raising the rate, the experts are not into it. believes, but a downgrade is also unlikely. in the coming hours it will become known under what macroeconomic conditions our country will continue to live and develop. the board of directors of the central bank will meet for the next meeting on the key rate. it depends on what interest rates banks will give loans or accept deposits and what prices will be. so in this case, the stake, although not greater than life, has something to do with it. the most direct relationship, it is worth recalling that last year in just a few months the rate was raised more than twice from 7.5% in june to 16 in december and now it is also 16, that is, it was good that the rate was raised, good for those for whom deposits and not so much for those who are going to take out loans. if we are talking about the
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growth rate of the loan portfolio, it is still worth note that now they are significantly lower than what we observed in e.g. at the end of last year, we see that the pace of corporate lending has finally slowed down, which rather, let’s say, reacted weakly to the increase in the key rate; last year we had a decrease in retail lending, this year we see that corporations are also really began to borrow less, which serves as a positive signal for inflation to begin to decline, well , now we can say that inflation has really begun to slide, in any case case, in the first weeks of march, rosstat sees about... zero price growth, there is some progress in annual inflation, which , however, is now still more than 7.5%, all this is quite far from the central bank’s goal of 4% and from its as for their own forecasts by the end of the year, experts do not rule out that the mega-regulator will have to correct these forecasts, the forecast for 2024, finally 24 years, now coincides
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well, it is close to the inflation target, that is, the forecast. the central bank's inflation rate at the end of 2024 is 4 4%, so it can change, because already the january and february values ​​indicate that the inflation rate is slightly deviating upward from the central bank’s forecast for the end of this year, after all, the course towards a slowdown in price growth is clearly visible in social surveys, inflation expectations among citizens are always above the official article. here they are gradually decreasing, that is, people believe that this is exactly how prices will rise in the near future by 11.5% per year, a similar trend in the observed inflation in...
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it has come, and we were told this unanimously all the analysts we interviewed are more likely to lower it directly, and the rate and rhetoric will remain unchanged, because the central bank took a pause to assess the effect of the decisions that were made from summer to december, we expect that... bank and press conferences, let’s not forget that our mega-regulator knows how to surprise. faith? yes, konstantin, thank you. konstantin churikov
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spoke about forecasts regarding the key rate, which will be announced today by the central bank. in omsk, the military is building a new medical center for children. it will be the largest in the region, its area will exceed 33. mm. the institution will be equipped with the latest equipment. the word of technology and, as the builders say, it was delivered turnkey. the progress of the work was checked by deputy minister of defense timur ivanov, he instructed to speed up the pace of construction of a multifunctional children's center and increase the number of specialists on the site to synchronize all work processes. the deputy minister paid special attention to the quality of installation and materials. a new medical facility is being created on behalf of president within the framework of the national health care project. drivers in a special military operation zone. help will receive an additional payment for saving the wounded, in the front-line regions they hope that such measures will help attract more specialists to this complex profession, today there is a shortage of how
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they save lives at the risk of their own, tatyana dobovaya will tell. before leaving , i checked the oil level and antifreeze level. the ambulance team has just returned from the front-line territories and is again going to departure. there is a lot of work, so the car is always needed. terekhovo, 305, third city hospital.
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neighbor, promptly taken to the hospital. breaking all the rules, i flew to the emergency department of the second hospital, his sugar rose, he ended up in a coma, well, everything was brought
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to life in order, everything, well, simple and after that everything, i really wanted to work for speed, defibrillators, oxygen, ventilators and even birth kits, the car is equipped with literally everything, but the most important thing is the driver, on whom the speed and life of the patient depends, what kind of trip you have on today, this is the twelfth trip today, but there’s still... the night ahead, let’s hope that it will at least pass peacefully. the flurry of calls is more often early in the morning and late in the evening, when the body is extremely vulnerable, and it is more difficult to reach during rush hours. there are those who give in, and others who simply don’t even respond to any special signals. some people don’t know the rules of the road, others follow an incomprehensible principle, but the patient’s life directly depends on the speed of receiving help, so doctors call.
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the rescue operation does not stop for a minute, the fourth day of assistance 13 people are waiting underground, the situation is complicated by the influx of groundwater, they are being pumped out with powerful pumps, the possibility of the mine collapsing again remains, experts are preparing to install concrete lintels that will ensure safe work for rescuers. we are planning to start pouring the first lintel in the evening, and then control the flow of water and rock mass from the bowl. underground mining and the rock mass is also cleared to move down to people who. the progress of the rescue operation was discussed at meeting held by governor vasily orlov. the work does not stop; several hundred cubic meters of soil were removed from the mine overnight, and experienced mine rescuers are clearing away the rubble in order to get to the place where the miners are blocked as soon as possible.
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al jazeera tv channel. eight people were killed after an attack on a residential building in rafah, three more during the bombing of a neighborhood in khanyounis. doctors set up a field hospital to provide emergency care to the wounded. meanwhile, the international community is talking about the need for a ceasefire in the enclave. about this was stated by the leaders of the european union. they called on israel not to carry out a ground operation in rafah. washington called the idf's upcoming offensive a mistake.
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us secretary of state antony blinken made a statement at a press conference in egypt. a major military operation in rafah would be a mistake, we do not support it, it will not affect hamas in any way, it is simply not necessary. next week we will have the opportunity to share this view in detail with our israeli colleagues and set out our views on how we can address this differently. problem. meanwhile, the israeli army announced the detention of more than 500 hamas fighters during a military operation at the ashifa hospital in gaza.
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rarnaev, who carried out the boston marathon bombing in 2013, was returned to a lower court. the decision was made by the us court of appeal. this could lead to a review of the terrorist's death sentence. tsarnaev appealed the verdict on four counts, one of which was that two jurors were biased. if the judge comes to the conclusion that this is indeed the case, then it is likely that he will overturn the decision on the death penalty and launch new proceedings. let me remind you, as a result of the terrorist attack carried out by jakhar tsarnaev. and his brother tamerlan , three people were killed, including a child, and more than 200 were injured. let's take a break for a couple of minutes and then continue.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , so no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenka, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready for stupidity to moscow, i need an appointment. no, that won’t do, i came for him, i owe him find, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them.


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