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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger, a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to do .
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the central bank today made a decision on the key rate . my colleague taras kucherenko is following the results of the meeting of the board of directors of the regulator; he has now come into direct contact with the studio. taras, hello, what will the central bank rate be? hello, yuri, central bank. amounted to kept the rate at 16%, which was predicted by all analysts, this value was set by the central bank back in december last year, so that in order to reduce inflation, the record for the duration of such a high rate of more than four months was broken, given that the next meeting will be in april, at the last meeting at the central bank they said that they would maintain a tight monetary policy in order to bring inflation to the key indicator of no more than 4% per year,
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so prices for consumer goods in january and february grew by less than 1%, and we can say that the actions of the central bank led to a slowdown in inflation, but still this is not the indicator that the central bank is striving for, because according to rosstat, as the latest data showed in february, annual inflation exceeded 7.5%. what's next? many experts suggest that the key.
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the enemy retreats into the building and returns fire. amon’s fighters often encounter similar situations, so the procedure has been worked out to the point of automaticity. the special forces unit begins the assault. this teaching, but the conditions are as close as possible to real ones. there are only four criminals, but even in such an operation more than 10 drones of different types and purposes are involved. at least two are monitoring.
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external sides of the building, while the operators see through a thermal imager where the enemy is and report to the assault group: guys, when they are working, they don’t see what’s behind them, what’s on top of them, we observe it all, report everything, control it. eliminating a target without risking the health of personnel is a task for drones kamikaze, this is how the criminals’ car was destroyed. these drones carry explosives. while one group is distracting itself from the attention of its opponents, it enters the building from the other side. second. this trio is also accompanied by a copter. a small and maneuverable fpv drone is the eyes of attack aircraft. his task is to detect the enemy who has ambushed the fighters. drones help us preserve the lives and health of our employees. that is, where - before, well, we used other various technical means and more they risked our health and lives.
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employees, here we can use technical means such as fpv drones, observation drones and minimize the risks of using our units and our employees. exercises of the special forces of the main directorate of the russian guard of moscow and the moscow region are carried out regularly, the main emphasis today is on the drone, at the training center for uav operators and technicians , training begins with simulators, and the deputy pilot fighters study for several hours a day on special computers, to they will be allowed to fly for real only after an exam. our people fly at least 5 hours every day. 70 hours is the minimum flight time, the first clearance, so to speak. for the exam, today drones are actively used in many departments and special forces, law enforcement agencies use copters for reconnaissance, pursuit and elimination of enemy targets, the ministry of emergency situations - to search for missing people, and doctors using drones can deliver medicines to hard-to-reach places. uavs, which
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were originally created as a toy for lovers of beautiful photos and videos, capable of saving lives, the scope of their application is expanding every day. stanislav vasilchenko, yaroslav. borisov, ivan usanov, vesti. call sign passenger became the best new product in domestic film distribution at the start. in the first days of viewing, the film collected almost 100 million rubles. the film, based on the novel by alexander prokhanov, tells about the events in donbass that took place 10 years ago. the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev, found out why this honest, poignant story so captivated the audience. capital partygoer writer nikolai is wasting his life. until he receives alarming news , his brother, with whom the relationship has always been not very good, turns out to have volunteered for donbass, exactly where nikolai doesn’t even want to listen to the news, it’s someone else’s war , he left and went missing there, nikolai decides to go after his brother , but at first he perceives the journey as a purely search mission,
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hence the offensive call sign the passenger is awarded by the militia. the film is about how a writer’s interest first awakens in the withered heart of a hardened cynic, then a sense of duty, and behind it love , it seems like a descent into the very hell of a flaring war, in fact - an ascent, in prokhanov’s way, sharp, paradoxical, provocative, the film is based on the book of murder of cities by alexander prokhanov, a writer and publicist who went through almost two ten hot spots on the planet, this film, in addition to the fact that it is a feature film, this is a weapon, it is being created, this is a film about a war that does not end, it still happens, this film, this is a battlefield film, everything is important in weapons. a powerful group saw an opportunity in this project to record in the audience's memory and perception, which so many want to influence, this very author's view of the consequences of the coup in kiev and the beginning of history, the end of which has not yet been set. this film was also made so that people who have not yet decided,
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who have gone into such quietness, so that they also have the opportunity to at least become interested, touch, and maybe begin to dig further into their own and accept. it’s like a necessity to receive feedback from viewers who decided not to miss the release of the film on movie, who decided to watch it with the audience, my own progressive son died, so i feel it all from the heart, from the soul, what people experienced is terrible, i definitely recommended the masterpiece film to all my friends, part of the proceeds from the rental are the producers of the film call sign the passenger is sent to help the front. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova and... a series of scandals related to the boeing corporation continues in the united states; authorities are now investigating not only the numerous breakdowns of american aircraft, but also the mysterious death of a man who pointed to the causes these breakdowns. about how the aviation giant falls into a dive in the america program with
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valentin bogdanov. right after the commercial. loan with cashback. sber gives you even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% back with sber bonuses. thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. it's more profitable in sberbank with prime. deposit - the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions. this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best interest. with prime more profitable. my friend, hello, as promised , today we are preparing a flow, hey, butter is not the first time, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way , it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, where is
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pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum, how skinny you have become and good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in vtb pension, together everything will work out, with yota you can speed up, with yota you can do everything to the maximum, 50 gigs, for 399 rubles you can yota you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open online a reliable deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum, rosbank is real opportunities, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello, at the dawn of the new millennium,
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booing corporation engineer john hartsmith presented a document that caused a lot of noise in the company. hartsmith warned colleagues from excessive enthusiasm for third-party suppliers and outsourcing, because the quality of the final product is always measured by the component from the worst supplier, but the bosses. i didn’t listen to him. the first aircraft that was developed and assembled by the whole world was the dreamliner, a dream airliner. 23 years later, the wings of boeing's dream have been broken; it itself resembles a plane in a flat tailspin, from which it is not so easy to get out, a chronicle of a diving boeing. messages about certain problems, emergencies, accidents or serious incidents, with passenger airlines, boeing production comes in several times a week, there are
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quite funny cases, like this episode that happened with the same uzbek airline dreamliner at kennedy airport, when passengers noticed how the plane’s wing looked, damn, the plane is completely sealed with tape, holy shit, there are more serious incidents during takeoff from...
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it was like a roller coaster when you fly down, like that. i asked the pilot what happened, and he openly admitted, i completely lost control of the plane, all the instruments went out. well, perhaps the most serious incident occurred with the boeing 737 max of alaska airlines. in january, after taking off from portland, a plug that was installed at the emergency
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exit site was torn out of the plane, it was only by a miracle that none of the passengers were injured, it was only a miracle that no one was pulled into this funnel that formed on the side of the body, the investigation is still ongoing , someone suddenly jumped over me and sat down in the chair next to him, he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt, and i didn’t understand anything at all, but then i turned around and saw that the plane was missing part of the skin, and the guy who was next to me, it turns out, was sitting at the emergency exit, his t-shirt was simply torn off by the air flow, but it seemed that the corporation booing has just recovered from the colossal... boeing 737 max in indonesia and ethiopia. both disasters claimed the lives of more than 300 passengers and crew. it was all due to a computer program, a kind of digital crutch that boeing developed to
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to compete with new airbus models, but it was this system that failed. private crews who simply could not cope with the cars falling like stones. at the very beginning, we remembered the name of engineer john hart smith, who warned about the consequences of an unjustified passion for outsourcing, that is, transferring authority to manufacture certain aircraft components to third-party manufacturers, in general modern business, this is a fairly effective model, but nevertheless, boeing had where more famous... whistleblowers, perhaps the most famous of them was john barnett. john barnett began reporting back in 2014 about the colossal problems that exist in the production of boeing 787 aircraft. in addition to the site in everett, in the vicinity of seattle, boeing has another large production facility at the other end of the united
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states, in south carolina, in the city of charleston . and so barnett became that person. his check, instead of 300 defects, found 50. barnett, in particular, talked about how about 20% of oxygen masks on the new dreamliners may not work at the right
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time. he reported that metal shavings that are formed as a result of drilling holes. he is found dead in his car, shot in the head. news of this naturally shocked the entire aviation world, because barnet had become like that, if you will.
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loved life and his family. lawyers say john was inspired by the case against booing. i was in a good mood and determined to continue the process. the lawyers did not see any suicidal tendencies in him, none of them they can't believe it. according to an employee at the hotel where bornet was found dead. the night before, he ate a quisadilla, drank a coke, was on his phone, and didn't seem upset at all. the next morning , barnett was supposed to testify to the search against the aircraft manufacturer, but never showed up. to court, of course, the investigation continues, the official version speaks of suicide, but the facts that journalists collect also look damning, everyone remembers the report of the al-jazeera television company, its journalists went to that very plant in charston and recorded hidden camera employees,
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boeing employees who produce these planes, who told them how ugly it was. i will never fly on these planes, because i see their qualities, i see everything that happens here. the famous boeing whistleblower said truly shocking things in his latest interview as a quality engineer. often traveled to companies as a contractor and observed how another vicious boeing practice was being implemented, with the tacit
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consent of american aircraft regulators to boeing it was allowed to engage in self-certification, that is, the quality of the work was assessed by the same people who produced it. since 2012, boeing has suspended inspectors. as a result, the mechanics themselves took on their own work, and this applies to absolutely all components of the aircraft. the problems with the 737 and 787 are due to the fact that management considers quality control to be redundant and that the procedure does not add value. the mysteriously deceased boeing veteran also mentioned the 737 model, which was originally associated with it most problems, but in particular. which relate to the assembly of the body itself, they belong to the company spirit aerosystems , this is one of the contractors, once a company from kansas was part of boeing, then it
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was pushed out of the corporation for the sake of also increasing profits and efficiency and in pursuit of this profit, the quality of work there fell incredibly, here are the latest estimates made by the american aviation administration, the new york times writes about this in one of its recent... articles, it reports, for example, that some completely cave techniques, work evaluations were used, inspectors found that mechanics used a plastic hotel key card to test the door's tightness. in the process of fitting parts , ordinary liquid soap was used as a lubricant, which was then wiped with damp gauze. the company promised to take corrective measures. these are long-standing problems, they concerned, of course, the economic sphere, in the background... just money, the pursuit of profits, that very infamous icac system, which became the cause of the boeing 737 crashes in indonesia and
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ethiopia was developed by indian programmers, people sometimes located thousands of kilometers from boeing headquarters in chicago or from boeing production sites in south carolina or washington state, these people worked for $9 an hour, mere pennies in terms of. the support of indian companies, apparently, has brought boeing other dividends in addition to savings. in recent years, the company has won several tenders for the supply of military and civil aircraft to india, including an order for the supply of 100 aircraft. 737 max8 for $22 billion. this contract was the largest for boeing in india. of course, there have been a lot of micro changes at boeing's operations in recent years. climate, the atmosphere itself changed greatly, it so happened that in 2014, during one of the journalistic trips, i ended up at
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the enterprise in everitt, then we had a certain journalistic luck, we were able to communicate with the son of the founder of the boeing company, william boeing, jr. it was not long before his death, one must see with what pride... with what with joy, he then praised the boeing 787 dryamliner that was just starting to operate on regular airlines. i first flew on an airplane 85 years ago, when there were only two passengers on board. since then, everything has changed so much, it’s simply incredible. the new liner, it's so beautiful, it's efficient, it's great. during the pandemic, everything has changed a lot in these workshops. boeing then announced plans that it was going to lay off up to 30,000 employees, the fact is that there was simply no use for them, the boeing 737 max program stalled due to disasters, people ended up
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on the street, and after demand recovered, they began to recruit them again, but the professionals left, they are increasingly being replaced by random personnel, there are a lot of illegal migrants in this liberal state, it’s enough just to voice this detail: the starting salary at boeing is now at this site in everitt, on boeing's main site, is equal to the salary of a courier for food delivery services in washington state in neighboring seattle. this speaks to the level of professionalism of who is now responsible for the quality of aircraft produced by boeing. of course, the romance of the early years of the dawn of aviation has long since sunk into... but still, boeing for many years managed to maintain some balance between the quality, modernity of its machines,
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their safety... hear on board, hello, says the captain of the ship, we have there are some technical problems, but our development team has assured us that our shares are still trading well, so no big deal, let's get this iron thing into the sky, filled with you and your loved ones, after all, boeing is like its the largest, probably the brainchild, the boeing 747 plane, it is too big to
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fall, it is too large. on it , including the entire american economy, boeing will not be allowed to collapse, they will not be allowed to fall, the fact is that this corporation has two wings, in addition to civilian equipment, boeing is a major contractor for the pentagon , it will always be provided with orders, especially since that every american defense budget is always higher than the previous defense budget, there is always a boeing company there, but this does not interfere... in press of various creative ideas , they even propose to nationalize boeing, since it has long been, in fact, a monopoly, or, well, part of a worldwide aviation duapoly, because well, it’s not so easy for airlines in the world today to leave boeing or to leave arbas, there is nowhere to go. it's time to acknowledge the problem and force the government
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to intervene directly and reorganize boeing. as would be the case during war or in the event of bankruptcy, in the past authorities have nationalized railways, telephone and energy companies, various aerospace manufacturers, so this would not be something out of the ordinary for us. true, with nationalization in the case of the united states there are always very serious problems, take at least the only major state railway carrier amtrak, the level of service of this... trains are late, they run slowly, by the way, this is why the country, which has the world’s longest railway network, prefers not to travel by train, but to travel by road or fly by plane, including the same ones boeings. this was america, all
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the best to you. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and export? what is it, our product, several cities were left without electricity, the internet did not work somewhere, problems arose with the water supply, explosions occurred at
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many infrastructure facilities in ukraine. they removed several hundred more cubic meters of soil, how do they assess the chances of salvation? let's start with the economy. the board of directors of the bank of russia maintained the key rate at 16% per annum. as stated in the official commentary, inflationary pressure is gradually weakening, but remains high. domestic demand outstrips the possibilities for expanding the production of goods and services.
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a return to target for inflation this year and further stabilization is in sight.


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