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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko , tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, well then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there’s still hope there is, there is always hope, call sign passenger,
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the country's economy is growing above its potential, the head of the bank of russia, elvira nabiulina, stated this. production capacities and labor resources are almost fully utilized. the business climate indicator has reached its highest level in 12 years. christina kuruma joins our broadcast. christina, hello, what else was discussed at the meeting. central bank. hello
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tatiana. the head of the regulator supported targeted mortgage benefits and spoke about the insurance of electronic wallets. the central bank of russia left the key rate at the same level. the current value was set in mid-december 2023 and will remain at 16% per annum until the next meeting on april 26. the regulator's main goal is to return annual inflation to 4%. according to the head of the bank of russia, inflationary pressure is weakening, but remains high. we continue to believe that it is necessary to maintain tight monetary conditions for a long time. this will allow inflation to return to 4, 4.5% by the end of this year and fix it to the target in the future. the annual inflation rate remains at the level of february - 7.7%. the bank
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predicts that on average for the year it will be at the level of 6.6.5%, around the target value - this is 4%, let me remind you that it will be closer to the end of the year, the regulator will begin to reduce the key rate as soon as it fixes a stable a decrease in inflation, according to the central bank, this could happen as early as the third or fourth quarter. by what criteria can we judge that disinflation has reached the desired pace? first of all, in terms of stability and speed. reduction of current inflation. it is important to monitor inflation expectations. in addition, a more balanced dynamics of consumer activity, lending and imports, as well as a decrease in the rigidity of the labor market, will tell us that the rate of disinflation is sufficient. deposit rates are rising, ahead of the seasonal norm. in january alone there was an influx of money time deposits reached 657 billion rubles. by the way,
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the annual growth rate increased to 37.4% compared to 35% in december last year. lending activity is slowing, but unevenly. in particular , the average market rate on car loans has increased. there is a special situation in car lending, where the market is recovering after its decline, and indeed, in january-february , banks issued almost twice as many car loans. for the same period last year, but there also seemed to be measures to renew state support measures, support for car loans was influenced by the willingness of dealers to sell cars, which forced them to sell off significant stocks that were imported before the increase in the recycling fee. at the end of february , the regulator revoked the license of qiwibank, then the owners of more than 13 million active wallets could be left without... payments,
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the central bank is now discussing this issue. previously, it is possible to insure only those wallets whose owners have been identified, since in this case it is possible to identify the recipient of the insurance. the volume of funds in such personalized wallets is higher than on anonymous ones, but nevertheless they are still small balances, yes, and we believe that the total insurance indemnity limit for banks is 1,400 thousand rubles, it is more than enough to protect client funds. the regulator also supported targeted preferential mortgage programs, according to the head of the central bank. the transition to them from non-addressed ones will lead to balanced development of the market. the growth of the mortgage portfolio is expected to be 7-12%. promote income growth without disturbing the budget balance. this is how anton seluanov described the ministry of finance’s task for the next 3
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year at a meeting with students of the financial university. the sanctions pressure continues and in order to counter it, the department will motivate investors. i am interested in keeping inflation low, so that our incomes do not depreciate, so that the social support measures that the government takes and the president who gives instructions are not depreciated by inflation, so that real
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incomes increase, i am always with as i meet you, i say that the task of any state is to ensure that for the real income of the population grew so that our people grew rich, on the eve of the day of cultural workers, vladimir putin signed decrees on awarding presidential prizes for young cultural workers and prizes in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth. the names of the laureates were announced by the adviser to the head of state , vladimir tolstoy. the selection principle is generally quite simple, these are people who have. talent in some area of ​​culture or art, and who, through their many years of work , deserve special attention, some kind of special encouragement from the president, because these are presidential awards, and they are, as it were
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, offered to the president by the cultural council, which includes leading cultural figures in a variety of fields: music, theater, cinema, and literature. so, the prize for a work for young children was awarded to the president of the white steamship foundation, nikolai didenko, for creating a charity festival of the same name for creative gifted children. the idea of ​​the project was born in 2005 . since then, every year more than 100 children from all over the country become participants in the free summer vocal and choral school. prize also awarded to konstantin kirillov, director of the ryazan regional puppet theater. he was in charge. marina leonova, acting rector of the moscow state academy of choreography, has headed the educational institution since 2002. in
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1919, the academy became one of the ten leading russian universities. of course, for me this is a huge part, a big advance. as for children's music. festivals he turns 20 next year, it really is 20 years of great work, and children from all over the country - one of the summer they fly to moscow for months, engage in creative work, the children are not easy, but united , firstly, by a love of music and united by incredible talent, i treat it as recognition of the merits of the entire team of the ryazan puppet theater, our entire team - which... and does theater as it is now, lively, emotional, a theater that attracts a lot of spectators. the names of laureates in the presidential prize for young cultural figures have been announced. it was awarded
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to the artist alexei kryukov for his contribution to the preservation and development of russian traditions. realistic art school. the young painter regularly visited donbass, created portraits of militias, legends... commanders of ordinary soldiers, reflecting life and everyday life on the front line. among the luuriyats is mengiondar, deputy director of the center of tuvan culture. the researcher devoted several years. studying the peculiarities of the language of tuvan heroic tales. vyalanchelist alexander ram was among the recipients of the presidential prize for his contribution to the development of russian art. it is noted that ram is one of the most popular domestic musicians with a large repertoire. for me, this is a very high award, high recognition, especially the very fact that he nominated me for this award.
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we filled out an application for a grant and sent it, and it turned out that i was among the laureates. the president's prize for young artists and the prize for literature and the arts for works for children and youth have been awarded since 2011 and 2013, respectively. the award ceremony is timed to coincide with the cultural worker’s day, which is celebrated. on march 5, the award can be awarded to either one for the applicant and for a team of up to three people,
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the bonus amount is 5 million rubles. each. in the zone of a special military operation, ambulance drivers will receive additional pay for rescuing the wounded. in the front-line regions they hope that such measures will help attract more specialists to this complex profession. today there is a shortage. tatyana will tell you about how they save lives at the risk of their own. ok. officially gas-2250. work in the front-line zone for each brigade according to a schedule of 10 shifts together.
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because the salary is small, they they just left. at the beginning of february , felsher from donetsk raised the issue of the salaries of ambulance drivers at a meeting with the president; they say they raised the issue with the doctors, but forgot about the rest of the team, although everyone was at the same risk. vladimir putin promised to solve the problem. later, the ministry of health reported that they would make payments with recalculation starting from the beginning of the year. the first funds for ambulance drivers in new regions and the rostov region, where there is also unrest, should arrive by the end of this month. not only to turn the steering wheel, but
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to help doctors, save lives, as an ambulance driver helping is a big responsibility, most ideological people agree to this work. igor leshchinka, for example, 4 years ago saved his neighbor and promptly took her to the hospital. breaking all the rules, i flew to the emergency department of the second hospital, her sugar rose, ended up in the rubovkom, well, everything was brought to life in order, everything, well, simple. and after that that’s it, i really wanted to work for a short time, defibrillators, oxygen, ventilators and even birth kits, the car is equipped with literally everything, but the most important thing is the driver, on whom the speed and patient's life. what kind of trip are you having today? this is the twelfth trip today, but there is still a night ahead, let’s hope that it will at least pass peacefully. the flurry of calls is more often early in the morning and late in the evening, when the body is extremely vulnerable, and it is more difficult to reach during rush hours. there are those who give in, and there are those
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who simply don’t even respond to the special signal. some people don’t know the rules of the road, others follow an incomprehensible principle, but the patient’s life directly depends on the speed at which he receives help, so doctors urge participants traffic regulations, be friendly and treat doctors with understanding. tatiana dubovaya, egor pavlenko, alexander khvastov, conduct lugansk. opened at the kirovsky mine. a new underground horizon at a depth of 380 m, thanks to which next year it will be possible to increase ore production to 25 million tons. the start of the mine's work was given by deputy prime minister yuri. reporting by oleg posubin. the name of the horizon is +10 m, because this is its height above sea level, it is a working, its width is 5-6 m, there are several such floors, and above the untouched mountain range 70 m, and then another horizon. there are four such layers, from the surface to this point, almost 400
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m. this is the lowest horizon in the kirov mine for the extraction of apatetenefilin ore. due to the lack of space during its preparation. it was impossible to use conventional truck cranes, new technology solutions appeared, rails were laid to the horizon for trains with increased load capacity, special attention was paid to the safety of workers at depth, the safety technologies that are used in a number of mines are used here simply no, i think this is very important, because the work of miners always carries some element of risk, but the tasks... the management of enterprises has the task of all of us to do as little as possible, to save every human life. at the grand opening of the horizon, the center of attention was a massive cone, into which coarse ore is poured and crushed, then the apatite and nephiline raw materials are transferred to the surface to be delivered to the processing plant.
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entrepreneurs spent 36 billion rubles on the development of this horizon alone. a total. the kirov mine has invested 80, and of course, this will affect the growth of production; next year they expect to receive 25 million tons of ore. we have the tenth horizon, which we put into operation today, this is currently our lower mark of the kirov mine, and it is unique in that it will provide our production facilities with ore for many years to come, and of course will allow us to increase the volume of mineral fertilizers that we...
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and for those who come to visit us, and that agreement on social partnership when we we invest additional money, the company invests, it allows us to change cities for the better, look, the city, the renovation of facades, heated bus stops, decorative lighting, new facilities, sports, cultural, all this is done as part of the development of the quality of life of the urban environment, together with our partners. the opening of a new horizon will largely ensure the country's industrial security. russia creates the cleanest ones.
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in russia, ingredients for a cure for parkinson's disease have been patented. this developed by scientists from the kurchatov institute together with colleagues from the first st. petersburg medical university. they took the research of foreign specialists as a basis, and then, through various compounds , found a molecule that could help create a drug for people with this serious disease. and dmitry akimov has all the details. it’s too early to say that scientists have invented a pill for parkinson’s disease, it will appear in pharmacies very soon, but progress in this direction is really... very serious. scientists from st. petersburg have completed tests and have so far patented only one molecule that can completely change the lives of millions of elderly people.
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in russia alone , more than 250 thousand people now suffer from parkinson’s disease. our molecule, it has a targeted effect, it will affect a certain enzyme, the work of which is disrupted in parkinson's disease, associated with certain mutations in this gene.
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in 1963, a nuclear war practically broke out between russia, between the ussr and the usa; if it had happened, i would not have seen the light of day. 8
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years later, then in 1981, in 1991, the cold war ended, the ussr flag was lowered over the kremlin. and the nuclear confrontation between two nuclear countries ended, the reality turned out to be somewhat different, now we are not in a safer world, now we may be facing a new threat of nuclear war. over the past 30 years. the number of states with nuclear weapons has increased, the principles of agreements relating to nuclear weapons have been violated,
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my country has also participated in these violations, even though nuclear arsenals have decreased, but the power of nuclear weapons has increased and their accuracy has increased. we have generals, we have politicians and diplomats who believe such a situation is possible. at the present moment, countries that have nuclear weapons not only do not have the opportunity to resume dialogue, but also do not have the desire to interact with each other, this is evidenced by their lack.
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and we are seeing a serious escalation of the situation. the us and its allies have never considered diplomatic means of resolving this conflict. diplomacy was simply pushed aside side. and this is a very bad practice. as a result, we are sitting today, holding this meeting against the backdrop of what has already been going on for 2 years already. a serious military conflict is taking place in the state. very often, the enemy responds to similar tactics with the same
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we must return to realistic options for resolving this conflict. before this, the united states of america was led by real politicians. those who clearly perceived reality, who could negotiate, had enough courage to do so. i don't support russian russian invasion. one way or another, we must admit that in 2021, in the twenty- second year, in the twenty-third year, russia made attempts to negotiate. these negotiations could end this conflict if properly
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responded to. this war is a monstrous conflict that is impossible to win, it is a moral disaster, hundreds of thousands of dead, millions of refugees, destroyed civilian infrastructure, the east of ukraine is now a completely destroyed territory, across which the catastrophe of the war passed, leaving behind only debris and... and representatives of iraq, cambodia, vietnam, laos. ask, tell everyone else, do you think that wars will ever end? ask them what they think about
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the application. this organization, the organization of nations, must take all measures to prevent this conflict from escalating further. and begin the political process that will lead to a peace agreement. the security council must commit itself to action appropriately in the face of this existential threat. i would like to propose abolishing the right of veto for permanent members.
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in this regard, it should not be possible for permanent members of the council to veto resolutions demanding a ceasefire. thank you very much, mr. ho, for your speech. i now want to give the floor to government representatives who wish to speak.


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