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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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the service provides targeted selection, approval of support measures, as well as the provision of services that are required at different stages of business development, without the personal presence of entrepreneurs, that is, they can be issued remotely. i hope that this measure and this, so to speak, structure, it will develop, in the end you and i can, without leaving home, so to speak, or without leaving the office, so to speak, through internet services, receive all the support measures that we have, so how... each user of the platform develops your digital profile, the service is designed for small medium-sized businesses, self-employed people and citizens who are just about to start their own business. next week, senators will consider the construction and reconstruction of medical and obstetric centers. they will discuss the development of methods for managing the common property of owners in complexes of individual residential buildings. the topic of implementation of constitutional guarantees of protection will be touched upon. citizens in
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respect of whom guardianship or trusteeship has been established. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. march 22 - a memorable date in the military history of russia. march 22, 1915 capture of the przemysl fortress by russian troops. russian troops took the largest austro-hungarian fortress of przemysl, now przemysl in poland. the siege lasted almost 6 months and became the largest during the first world war. exhausted austrian and hungarian troops. they donated military supplies, destroyed regimental banners and capitulated. nine generals and 117,000 soldiers of the austro-hungarian army were captured by the russians.
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hello, friday evening, i'm alexander korievsky, time to sum up some results the passing week. the main international event of this week is the results of the presidential elections in our country. the results of the russian vote will be available. have far-reaching consequences for global processes , now all the west’s hopes for changing russia’s course have finally collapsed, although it was not clear what they were actually counting on, we discussed this and other international topics today with the chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs, grigory karasin. grigory borisovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, and of course, the first question.
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that russian society votes for reliability, stability, for a look into the future of generations, in this sense, all this is associated with the personality of vladimir putin, this was proven by the results of the elections, and the way they were organized, and by many international observers who came to us, this was confirmed, and the most important thing is that the mood in society in all subjects of the russian federation...
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this information is what was in the media, and, in my opinion, even either in politics or somewhere else that was prepared resolution on the non-recognition of our elections in the west, such a tough one, and - mr. blinken, the us secretary of state allegedly waved it, that is, he said, there is no need for such sudden movements, so if this story is true, how do you think the west will behave conduct in these conditions, because it is clear that on the one hand they condemn everything, on the other hand they like... they need to do business with us, probably, yes, you are absolutely right, by and large, it doesn’t matter to us whether blinkin favored us or not document, the unanimity of russian society was obvious, therefore were forced to remain silent, at
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least by political figures who were already preparing to be bombarded with a barrage of accusations about how the elections were held and so on, about the politics of our... but somehow it all faded into the background and was drowned out here this unanimity of the russians, who chose the stability and prospect that they understood, this is the most important thing, it muffled all the negative tones and even discussions about how the elections were organized, who voted where, the percentage is more than 87 percent filed for the president.
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and accordingly russia will change the svo and other actions, now they don’t have this hope, so how do you think they will respond? i mean purely politically, militarily , these are the actions of the western community, as shown by the events and various activities of the european union, the ramstein group, which has turned into a club for maintaining tension in europe and in the world as a whole, show that the western community is at a loss , they say one thing, but think something completely different, they talk about, well, in particular. pseudo-politician barel claims that in the european union no one wants to die for ukraine, in this case he is telling the absolute truth, but at the same time the tone has changed, people have somehow begun to take a more ambivalent approach to the role of the west in
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the ukrainian conflict, they are no longer having a restraining influence on the clique that now runs kiev, but they kind of... moderately make it clear that all statements, for example, by macron, who strives to look courageous, no matter what, mean that it is necessary to introduce military contingent there and so on, they are still holding back the most fastidious demagogues from their ranks, i mean, they are not very successful in this yet, but attempts...
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to test the waters under these speeches of his, let's lead the troops, it seems even part of the 2000 supposedly already arrived in bulgaria or romania somewhere.
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it shook their nerves, so to speak, not only in kiev, but as i understand it, in washington, london, brussels, people began to think that russia will not tolerate endless bullying, these daily shellings border areas, which means mocking statements about crimea, this will not remain unanswered, we understand this well, we are restrained, we know how to plan, we count on the fact that... a special military operation will really lead to the demilitarization and denocification of ukraine, and
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we are working for this, it has become obvious. and grigory borievich, now there is a lot of discussion about the topic that supposedly nato troops, if they enter the territory of ukraine, they will not engage in battle with our troops, the french generals there say, yes, we will shoot let’s not shoot at the russians, even if they don’t shoot at us, it seems to me that they are generally fools. they are trying to imitate how this could be, we are supposed to guard kiev or odessa or some other regions, and from there the ukrainian authorities will remove the troops and send them, as they usually do in europe to the eastern front, how should we do in under these conditions, bombing nato is very, these are very naive arguments designed for simple-minded listeners, they are completely inconsistent. reality, and once it means a declaration of war, war is no longer
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will end up on the territory of ukraine, these will be military units of nato countries on a local and a global scale, and i think that the russian leadership will treat it this way, but there is still time left to warn the boxer macron and others, so to speak, a little. they are well known to the russian public, i am convinced that politicians in europe and in the west have also heard them , and such warnings are coming from our side, washington, so we will count on the fact that, after all, elements of common sense must to come to them, that is, the nato contingent on the territory of ukraine will be destroyed as soon as it appears there, here we are... and not only
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that, it will simply change the nature of everything that is happening, everything will be called differently, and the essence of the ongoing military operations, tragic events will take on completely different proportions, wait, but on the other hand, nato instructors, nato intelligence are already present, we are, we are pretending that it is not nato that is fighting, although we talk about it, but with what? in uniform without uniform, but military nato countries in
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combat operations - this is a completely different quality, i think this is well understood not only at nato headquarters in the white house, this is understood, in my opinion, all over the world, so there is time to come to your senses to stop the boxers and others who exploded, as we have already agreed , which means people who are trying to improve their health through sports, in the west, in order to come to their senses and stop engaging in provocation, this possibility remains, there is another topic, this is a visit by mr. - lloyd austin made a statement, visited various officials, kiev, just go to work, and feel like masters, and another outrageous visit in my opinion is mr. graham, who is on our list of terrorists, because although he is an american senator, he sometimes says things that
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decent people could not stand 5 minutes, as it was said in our famous soviet comedy film, so - he says, why are there any age restrictions for conscription, all ukrainians should fight, what do you think, he convinced the ukrainian leadership to remove everything restrictions on mobilization , and accordingly, senator graham, it seems to me, is not a completely mentally healthy person, he is obsessed with usophobia, hatred of our country, but the statements that he makes regarding, therefore, the expansion of conscription into the army... ukrainians are declining criteria for the age of those who are drafted, this works in two ways, it simultaneously shows ukrainian citizens that they are all in the clutches of not very normal people who freely dispose of them and their temporary
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leaders, which means dictating their will even in such specific things as the age of recruits. it seems to me that such statements by graham even have a refreshing effect on international public opinion, showing what american politicians are like. it is necessary to quote these statements more often, then it will become clear that we need to think for ourselves, make decisions ourselves, and decisions that would correspond, well, let’s say, to the interests of our own families, our own...
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it is already clear that in the main ones, as they believe issue related to militarization further supplies, arms supplies, which means monetization of assistance to kiev, the issues are not all resolved, they are postponed, which means that there, there, there, the issue is not completely clear yet. about the further movement, so to speak, of all, all of their activities, there is a noticeable fussiness , a desire to postpone the decision, ramstein, well , romstein is a club, as it were, for conscripts, where , as i already said, there is a club for maintaining, well , sharp, contradictions in europe for a long time,
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so they go there periodically.
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it was yesterday or the day before yesterday, he said that, unfortunately, the japanese are doing everything so that our relations have passed the point of no return, this is a clear characteristic, what kind of peace treaty is there and work on some kind of bilateral agreements, if you thoughtlessly begin to threaten the power that neighbors you, what do you expect? that’s why i stuck to this characteristic, which means our new one. ambassador of the russian federation, but the point of no return has probably not been passed, but the japanese are close to it. grigory borisovich, thank you very much, we will monitor developments. all the best, thank you, thank you, see you later, all attempts to break through the drg into the kursk belgorod region have been repelled. the
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ukrainian armed forces lost more than 3,000 people and dozens of pieces of equipment, this is according to the ministry of defense. and our military correspondent, evgeniy poddubny, managed to get to spodaryushino, a village on the border of the belgorod and kharkov regions. all these days it was one of the main targets of the militants. the name of this village is not only not known to everyone in russia in the belgorod region, but for the enemy it is now synonymous with defeat and military political, and for our soldiers it is a new place of military glory. it was this sign that the militants in the kievsky formation were eager to capture, at least for a few hours, the smallest village that adjoins the state border and arrange a photo shoot. these are the signs that are best suited for a photo shoot, this attempt to capture the village is costly for the enemy, the already high losses continue
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to grow. our troops first repelled enemy attacks, and after fire defeat they were able to push the formation of the kiev regime in this direction from the border by kilometers 30-40. at the forefront there were only secrets and reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of ukraine, roaming mortars and crews of fpv drones. meets the company commander, who leads his unit in this area. the enemy attacked with superior forces supported by tanks and artillery. moreover, for rota
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this was the first such serious battle, in fact, a baptism of fire. platoon commander denis paramonov accomplished a feat. to prevent the enemy's advance, the junior lieutenant called artillery fire on himself. first there was a mortar attack, somewhere around 7 am, lasted for an hour. well, the enemy was rapidly advancing further to the rear, the guys there knocked out two bradley vehicles, made noise on the passage, thereby preventing the vehicle from passing forward, then during
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the next attack on the passage they knocked out a tank , thereby closing the passage, heavy rolls in general, the first two, yes , the first two were, yes, there was artillery preparation there for about 2 hours before the attack, then the vehicle barricades began. armored vehicles were blown up by minefields , assault troops were destroyed by soldiers of the russian army, almost all enemy losses were confirmed by objective control,
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the russian army conducts aerial reconnaissance virtually around the clock, the regiment commander, the personnel defending this section of the front, described the enemy’s actions like this. now, if we look at the enemy, how he acted, he acted impudently, he acted madly, madly, because all the attacks that... he made, we inflicted fire on him, the fire defeat itself brought him great losses, it turns out that they attacked him in the forehead, yes, they attacked right in head-on, in an open area, this could not be allowed, especially since knowing the enemy’s goal to disrupt the presidential elections in russia, well , the people would not have understood us if we had taken even a step back, so we had to stand until the last. to fulfill our task, i think we have completed our task, the elections have passed, the enemy has not been admitted, well, victory will be ours, the battlefield is still literally littered with the bodies of the militants.
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from the state border with tanks, our artillerymen do not allow the enemy to carry out a rotation, they do not allow ammunition to be delivered, food , they do not allow reconnaissance on the ground , they do not allow the transfer of reserves, now the main task
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is to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to organize new raids, while the group covering the state border continues to destroy the crews and vehicles of the rszzz, which participate in terrorist attacks on residential areas of the cities of the belgorod region, this is how lancet operators burned a rocket system with a crew and full ammunition with loitering ammunition, it is clear from the nature of the explosion that they were hunting for militants of the regime that...
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a secondary school, followed by a kindergarten - this is the courtyard of one of the residential areas - there was no chance of escape. belgorod. it was here that the ukrainian ammunition from the vampire multiple launch rocket system fell. the blast wave hit a nearby building, severely damaging the bodies of cars parked there. our air defense succeeded. ukraine again hit peaceful areas of the regional center, fragments of intercepted ammunition fell onto the roofs of residential buildings, educational institutions, and the territory of a medical institution. the windows of the neighboring houses were broken, balconies damaged. i was at home, sleeping, the bed jumped a little, but i woke up to the sound of the windows rattling. yeah, i looked out the window and looked, cars were burning, there were children in the village,
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if only there were children. there would have been a scream in the village, the asphalt was strewn with glass chips, gasoline puddles, flat tires, since the shelling intensified, the number of cars damaged by shrapnel exceeded 6 hundred. let this be the greatest grief in our lives, we need to hold the city and under no circumstances abandon it and save the children. do they think that we are all let's turn around and leave here? no. the bodies of the burned cars will be transported to a special parking lot by a tow truck. explosive forensics experts still have to examine it. this territory, it is known about two more victims, shrapnel wounds and traumatic brain injuries, this passerby was lucky, he managed to jump into the entrance a couple of seconds before the detonation of a shell in the courtyard of a high-rise building, he was getting dressed for work, then a siren came out into the corridor explosions getting closer, closer, there was a flash closer, it lit up the whole apartment, in the next block there were two more flights, traces of the explosion on the asphalt, opposite the clinic, here it’s like
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once... i changed clothes, then there were bangs. as a result, it turned out that my car was in this condition, another ukrainian ammunition detonated on the territory of city hospital number 2 in belgorod, it fell between the trauma department and the perinatal center, fortunately none of the patients or medical staff . was not injured, now utility services have already begun to eliminate the consequences, wipers are collecting broken glass, workers are covering the thermal circuit with film and phonon brushes. now all officials we are on the ground, we are assessing the damage and we will begin restoration immediately. today, the first group of children from the belgorod region went to health camps in penza, a schoolboy from grevoronsky.


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