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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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and the investigative committee also reported that a criminal case had been opened for a terrorist attack based on the shooting at krokusekhol, this was reported by official representatives of the investigative committee in the department , who also said that an investigative operative... group from the central apparatus of the investigative committee went to the scene of the incident. based on the incident today, the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code of the russian federation. this is a terrorist act. to the scene of the incident the investigative team of the main investigation department, as well as criminologists and experts from the investigative committee, have already arrived and begun their work. on the spot. the work
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of the investigative and operational group is coordinated by the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, vastrykin alexander ivanovich. and also an urgent message that security measures have been strengthened at the entrances and exits to moscow, and eyewitnesses report this to the tas news agency, here is a message from the agency’s interlocutor.
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instructions from the ministry of foreign affairs russian federation radion valerievich, hello, how would you comment on the terrorist attack ? will there be condemnation by the un? hello, in any case, what is happening now, or happened in kroku city, is of a political nature, politically motivated, and what we observed from the actions of terrorists, we can say that its main focus was, of course , on... .in order to sow confusion, in order to shock a community of people, primarily russians, and of course, as they like to say in ukraine, to create a crisis security, that is, to create conditions under which it will be, well, let’s say, to sow doubt among russians that the state is capable of ensuring their security, but so far we have not seen anything like that, that is , this task has clearly failed, but nevertheless , now you need to perform basic steps.
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this is, of course, evacuation, saving people , who can be saved, deal with the consequences of the terrorist attack and not allow the militants to escape, after this it will be possible to look for whose ears are sticking out behind these events that happened, because that they are clearly of a political nature, when militants walk through the center they shoot from left to right at whomever they hit, that is, their main task is to fill, excuse me, as many people as possible, just to simply litter the entire area with corpses and... blood, so this one they were carrying out the task when they set out to carry out a terrorist attack, obviously the people were prepared, they had either training or experience in military operations, and some of them, as far as witnesses say, were wearing body armor, and therefore had, of course, explosive incendiary substances , which they were already using in the shopping center. and what is the reaction? the international reaction is unambiguous, in this situation we make a diagnosis, that is, a state that...
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bring a meeting of the security council in order to sort out all the cases and get the world majority from the largest international organization to condemn these actions, then there will be a detailed investigation and which i am sure will show where, where the threads stretch, what origin and what goals were achieved here the customers and perpetrators of this terrorist act that we are now seeing, and radion valevich, indeed, it is probably premature to say. about
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where the ears come from, yes, from your words, we are still building a connection, whose order, on whose orders, what was done, but really. one of the priorities, probably, yes, if i’m wrong, correct me, yes, the task of diplomats on the international platform is to inform the international diplomatic community about what is happening on the territory of our country, so one of the main things that, according to tradition , is done in such cases, of course, is to request some kind of extraordinary meeting of the security council, whether there will be time, again, especially since in the place where the headquarters is located. now it’s still day, relatively speaking, and is there an opportunity, perhaps, or are there any thoughts for convening, for gathering just a member of the security council? well, maria zakharova, as the official speaker of the ministry of foreign affairs, stated that our diplomats will demand this, according to regulations, it is necessary within 48 hours
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, that is, the request must be satisfied, so i hope that this will happen in a much shorter period, well, taking into account the schedule, of course. as well as the time of day, which is now where the headquarters of the security council is located, so our diplomats, believe me, will definitely work according to all regulatory standards and will definitely be ready to convey to the world community all the details of the events that took place, everything doubts or questions that may arise in this case, you know, it’s just when it looks quite strange, for example , the statement of the united states, which says that...
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they began to organize the order for this terrorist act, which has now claimed dozens of dozens of lives of our fellow citizens , so they created such a well a monstrous bloody terrorist attack from which, in fact , a huge number of people were horrified, not only in our countries, because now a lot of condolences are coming, there are calls with the president of the country with the minister of foreign affairs, convey their condolences to countries that are truly shocked by what can be used.
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a message that biden is being informed about events in the moscow region, us authorities are monitoring what is happening, because literally 8 minutes ago it was reported that terrorist attacks were being prepared on the territory of our country, yes, then they said that this is not ukraine, but it feels like the message has been mixed up, but the message that this is not ukraine is certainly not on orders.
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and ukraine is also like our satellite, which again sounds extremely strange, but all these questions will be answered by the investigation, because now you can guess the political background, i said that there is only one political motive here: to sow panic, to sow panic, confusion, to create this security crisis, another answer to these actions, at least now, are not traceable, that is, it would not be visible that people there were conditionally hunting for some specific people, or they had them. any specific goals, no, the goal was simply to shock, to shock everyone those around us with this ruthless, cynical , bloody terrorist act , which should influence public consciousness, but you know, it seems to me that based on the reaction of at least the networks of people and leaders, we can
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say that this will play exactly the opposite, this will play on - this is the creation of a monolithic feeling in society, the desire to understand the cause. it is permissible that a huge number of international documents were adopted, but nevertheless it continues to be used in order to achieve some geopolitical , political goals, but again against the backdrop of some problems, when conventionally traditional military methods fail to achieve their goal, but i will not make such assumptions here for now, first we need to obtain certain data from the relevant special structures, and certainly radion valeevich, i agree with you, indeed, probably now is the hottest time and the time for the work of the investigative committee specialists is very important to get
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all the detailed work done first to share with all the results, thank you very much, the ambassador at large of the ministry of foreign affairs , radion miroshnik, was in touch with us, and the armed attack on the moscow city hall was qualified as a terrorist attack; a criminal case of a terrorist attack has been opened. according to reports , a group
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of five people fired machine guns at people right in the hall before the start of the concert, and the terrorists may still remain in the building. all necessary actions to search for and apprehend criminals are now being taken by special forces units of the federal security services and the national guard. according to preliminary information from the fsb public relations center, we can already talk about victims of this. terrorist attack, these are 40 people, they died, more than 100 people were injured , the evacuation of people is currently ongoing, some have already been taken out of the basement of the complex, now they are helping those who went to the roof to get out, let me remind you that there is a fire there, there are numerous cars on duty at the crocus emergency medical services, 70 to be exact in the videos that you can now also see on our screen, it seems that they infinite number. they just leave one by one with the injured people
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, take them away, new ones arrive, several victims were taken away on medical helicopters, according to the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, at least five wounded are now in serious condition, the majority are in a condition of moderate severity, but certainly with all of them we will have to work with those who... in a mild degree of severity will most likely require psychological help and support, to say nothing of relatives victims and relatives of the victims, also, of course, those seriously injured today will also need help, we know that the federal medical biological agency 's division of surgeons has now also been transferred to an enhanced work schedule and surgeons are ready to provide all the necessary assistance to the victims, and the brain department... has sent 10 buses for the removal of people and is ready to provide more, if necessary,
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it is clear that the cityhall crocus was designed for many more people than those we have already mentioned above, it is important that everyone is provided help, and take her to a safe place, and provide, i repeat, psychological support, with what can be provided to people on the spot and with the possible means that she... at the disposal of rescue psychologists, during the shooting , an explosion occurred in crocus fire, according to the ministry of emergency situations, by this hour at least a third of the building was engulfed in fire, the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity, there is also information about the second explosion that the roof began to collapse in the building, our correspondent evgeniy nipot came on air with this information, he confirmed that a collapse is visible
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. and now let's listen to a comment from the ministry of internal affairs about what is happening on the ground now and what is the plans of the rural department? the minister of internal affairs of the russian federation, vladimir kolokultsik , immediately arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhall. now in real time. vladimir
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kolokoltsev receives reports on the situation at the scene. well, if the clients of the news agency return, then they are right now in place, they continue to do so officials of various departments are staying, since they require truly manual, what is called local management, one of the last who is now on the spot is the head of the russian guard, he also arrived at the scene of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, and the senator of the federation council... bondarev said to our colleagues from ria novosti that it is necessary to strengthen the checks of security officers and service personnel in crowded places on transport, well, in addition, among the statements, azerbaijani president aliyev urgently expressed to putin
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condolences for the terrorist attack, now. let us have the opportunity, we have the opportunity to contact our correspondent on the spot, and literally right now anna voronina is ready to be in touch with us, she is already at the chazov cardiology center, i apologize, not at the place where they are bringing victims in moscow, the first ambulances of the victims have already been delivered there, anna, what is known at this moment? yes, colleagues, hello, i want to say that at the moment we are hearing sounds helicopter, perhaps this is one of the medical helicopters that evacuated victims from the scene of the tragedy, i note that just a few minutes ago another ambulance left the gates of the medical center, the federal center for
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disaster medicine, to certainly go to crocus in order to to provide support for...
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the russian federation, mikhail murashka in order to report the data by this hour that is available about the victims, the evacuation, i remind you, continues, the provision of assistance too, all resources of medical organizations in moscow will be available... for those who wish to donate blood for the victims, from 8:30 in the morning it will be possible to be a donor, it will be possible to donate blood, the federal
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medical-biological agency of russia reported this, but we will wait , colleagues, the ambulance arrives. we will contact those injured during the terrorist attack in croku sitikholi, who are being delivered by medical institutions, said anna voronina. now there is another urgent message. confirmed that among the victims in the city hall there were children, in addition, it was reported on the tapes of informagentv , a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine chernyak claims that kiev is not involved in the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow, well, we have already
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talked about this with diplomatic representatives of our country at international platforms that represent the interests of the russian federation, now it is important to give the opportunity to work and perform their work efficiently to the investigative investigative committee of the russian federation in order to establish.
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he is ready to find out all the latest information, he already told us that there is an endless line of emergency vehicles stretching out and
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the uncoupling zone is gradually expanding, evgeniy we are turning to you again, tell us how the situation is now, what is known at this moment? dmitry, greetings , now the uncoupling zone has expanded, the parking lot has been cleared, the fact is that... it was used for air ambulances to land here, we counted at least three air ambulance helicopters that flew with victims on board to medical institutions in moscow and the region. let me remind you that surgeons, resuscitators and nurses from medical institutions in the capital have now been mobilized. now, what can be observed here, it is now clear that they are working here in circles, literally. three helicopters , including heavy ones, these are firefighting helicopters, including the mi-26, they take water from the moscow river in a circle, now they fly up and shed
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the roof of the fire, i will now ask the operator to show this process, it is clear now that the helicopter the next one flies over the fire, dumps water and leaves again. to take water so that the fire extinguishing process does not stop, it is engulfed in fire , i remind you, according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, about 13,000 square meters, this is a huge space , more than 300 people, 300 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and also. without exaggeration, more than a hundred pieces of equipment, for the entire time, this is already several hours, while we have been here, we have observed that ambulances.
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victims, regarding the cordon, while we were here, the cordon continued expand, and this is connected, of course , not only with the process of freeing up parking for the landing of air ambulances, but also , of course, with security measures, as representatives of special services report, and i remind you that both the head of the ministry of internal affairs and a representative work here investigative committee, also
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here... the operational headquarters is on site and the governor of the moscow region is as they say, and also a mobile command post of the russian ministry of emergency situations in the moscow region has just literally arrived, here - returning to the representatives of the special services, it is reported that measures are underway to neutralize the attackers, it is also reported that enhanced security measures in transport. first of all, we are talking about strengthening security measures on the metro at metro facilities ; additional buses have also been organized through the ministry of transport so that if additional vehicles are needed for evacuation, as reported by the russian national guard, a search is underway for the criminals who carried out the shooting, well that's what we know
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also services... taxis make travel from the crocus city hall area free of charge for passengers, which can now be observed from the point where we are located, this is a few hundred meters from the main one from crocus city from the fire, you can already see thick smoke and open flames it’s not visible from this point, but what can be stated is that the upper floors have burned out. completely when - we were closer to the place before the detachment zone expanded in flames, the lower floors were already engulfed, that is, the building is really very serious suffered from a fire, which, let me remind you , was started by these terrorists who attacked people before the start of the concert. aviation work continues here now.
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the work of fire crews continues from the ground, that is, there is an active, active fight against the fire. dmitry, i give you the floor. yes, evgeniy, thank you for what is happening at these moments at the site of the terrorist attack in setikhol, our correspondent evgeniy nipot said. we will definitely return to you, evgeniy, after some time continue to follow the events, and we will wait to contact you. so, one of the messages. after the events in russia , additional security measures have also been taken in belarus. and now let’s return to our country, the families of those killed and wounded in kroku sitikhol will provide all possible assistance. this was stated by the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko. and those who are behind this monstrous crime will suffer a well-deserved and inevitable punishment, she wrote in her telegram channel. also
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marked this event with his message about terrorist attack, he said, i will quote: the degenerates who committed this monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed, vyacheslav volodin also expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in kroku sitikhol a terrible tragedy. declared that retribution would inevitably come. patriarch of moscow.


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